-i (-64-) u 1 III "I . 4. THE fubfcriher begs leave f Inti mate to thofe who ft and indebted to J AMES G AMMELL, Co. former . lyj of Wilmington and Fayettefille, mer chants, that the bonds, notes, and other fpecialties", belonging to that concern, are lodged in his hands for collection. He at the fame time is inftruclei to fay, that all kinds of country produce be received in payment, at the highefl caih price in Wilmington at the time of deli very, and every indulgence granted to thofe who ihew a difpolitton to pay as they are aole. ! NOTICE. , ; THE Publit is hereby informed, that agreeable to law, we the fubferi--berslarc appointed infpeSors cf beef, pork flour and butter, lor the town f Fayettcvilie : All perfeas offering for fole in this town any of faid articles, muft have them put up as follows, viz. Beef or pork in good 33 gallon white oak bairels, hooped with twelre good hoofs, the heads doweled, and 3-4 of an inch thick!, and tljje-'fl arcs half an inch thick, : fufiicienrflMtight to fecare the pickle, aatPto contain 2 20!t. or cica, wc;i cuicu ;Part Djvment will be expecTed in .l.f u 7'm,r.fn nnt in -Grand 1 I - , Lti.t V 1 1 tyt'iJV. jl -uui -v. tw f 1 - - courie ot tuc prient crop, an iuuii Sufficient barrel- , fit tor tn nffrforrn mar eiDect to-have 0 7 1 their obligations placed, in tjiehands of an attorney, on the firjV'day of April next, without any fartlier no'i.'e. 1 r ArfACNAUGHTON. Wilmington, Sept. 16, 1790. 54. 51. TN purfaaace of an act of Afleaibly, X pafled at tayettevillc, JJecember 1789 : Will fee fold, on the firfi; Monday f November next at the court-houfe in Xljfabeth Town. A. houfe and lot in faid town, being No.. 1 13 ; -wish all the anprtenances thereunto belosginji: Alfo five hundred acres oflastd, fituated oniBlack River, and a tract of land on Black-R iver known by the name of Shaw's Id Field ; the whol in Blarfea county, and being of the e'?ate of the late James White efquire, decerned. Six months credit will be given the pwrcha fer ivingbor with reproved fecuriry. WILLIAM H. BEATY, Adxiinirator. ters.; 1 Bladen A;:gu3 10, 1790. 49- SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE taken in at th:v oilire for a work new printing by Fibre's X tvier Marfin, at Ne .bc-r-, entitled, The Vjfcs a 'id Authority a Jt'fke of fbi Peace, ai,d aljo c-t S':er:jTs, CcuKtrs, Csn'sl iii.s Ifc. according' t the laws of th-CiTOm, c- llrTrd from diiTrrcnt mnchritts ; but chicfl from a work of this kind, pubUfheW in 1771, by J;inic; ?JaTi", e.uit. It wnl cor ain i'rorn 4 to $00 p:es neatly hr.n.' and )e tred ; price ?fMop.idon iu'iiVribi ali.i of fubferihtrs will be lt:uni in the bock. A ''pecan f-irci' tiie v.v k ir.iy be feen. exportation, with eiht rood ho.-ips, and to contain 1961b. of ood mjchantablc flour; the length of the fraves ought to be twenty feven inches, and the iJiamcter of the head; ferenteew inches, r Butter to 'e put in good, tight firkins, that, will hold pickle. . : ' . john WILSON, rIpfpca D. C W FO R 1 , Anlpea ravettevjne, ept. 10, 179c . t" ' M T idli. fubienber informs the public, that he has removed "to Fayette-; villc and opened a koufe of entertain-i mcntiand ioardinj in tke houfes lately! occupied by Lenvh Barg; ; is now ready 1 to accommodate thofe that .favour him with their cultom, and his beft es-j deavours will not be wanting to give!' fatisf'acticvn, having been happy in that refpeil while living in the public way at j. Warrenton ; flatter mylelf I . fh ill now have it in my power to pleafe inl jencial. ' r 1 JOHN WILLIS. Auuft 50. " Cj A Sorrel Marejlcltn, r N' or sbcut-tae iSrh of Septerribef,". ywTi (ln-fim the fub'cribef, a Yj ' I C liV SO R R EL M A U E, having a Aral' white fpot in her. forehead, forns'r '!!'.e .p"ts on her hjick, fh; is abut r eer. h j nJ s and a n half high, five ycats Id, ha a very hih rump, 'and had no l ive pounds rer;ird hir f brnd v.'lv-r lo:L iv e oiircu t aiiy one who lejures 1 n 1 Tame Crow, Tyrrel'i 'creeV, Chatham co. iepr. 30 7 9c- : 57. (bopper Still r AliTK fubferiber informs tKcnublic, J that he has eitablifhed a COFPElt andTIN VARE MANUFACTpRV, in this town ; where may hi had STILLS of all fizes. Alfo-Al Jtxnds -of COPPER and TINWARE lhick he Will difpofe of oa 'neafanaMe teinqs for balk or produce. Old Stills repaired on th ktrtiil nr- tice Cafk give for old Copper, and! Pewter JOHN NAYL 1 ' ' JlayetteTiilejMay 31 Brais 1. 1. I F O R S A L E V BE fiibfi t ibei s plantation id I! dfa couaty called SummertjI tht W;t tide of the Wa'ccamawfesu contantingj about fie hundred wirereon "is a ffood two-ftory dwlllirg- houjc, kitchen, and other eut-ljoufo. Ci.tli, negroes, or anerchantable prices dclifered at Wilmiagton, 'will be rcpei ved in payment.. f If the faid olantation is 110 f fold fifft of December next, it will be. rcitci jetft yearly. - teres, fcf tr.e Ftr .printing, fry fubsripiio. Bafon Steuben's ''Rcffwli for th Ornlcr and DifcipHne Troops tf the United States. '.V CONDITIONS. . I." The book fliall be printed neati typ;, on good in blue covers, and 120 pages.-, I II.- The PTjce to fubfciibers wi'l 1 FlViE SHILLINGS, the 'pre!eJp currency in money t beuepc the iime of fubfefibing ith the who receives the fuicrijUion; - lL Thoi'e -h lliblcrib for copip. fcall have a thirtetpth pra Iv. I 'he wot & to be cut to pi as 600 copies iar.c-fubfciibc 1 e-. . a, 1 1 paper, Jiua !Utea w tcontain about ilvc fnbnj and finifhed with; all pcffible di FAYRTrVF IE PfMKTin H(VVARD&ROU17i(NE,for JO HJ S LB LEX d Co. atT R A NK L.I N Tt !vA'D; Gts-Ssr, where E fit s A rt icies,of Intelligence AdrmiiVmekts, 6kc. are: tiunki-iUy receive l.-: J3.iCtli?f lONii for &h pvaer are fa ken in at Tfikii HAd Dollars P?r aj!atn, or1 iiuy tT7a pa:rj Iix.i to be fabkubm-, or.c rtiartcr ia fix raaths, aad ths jcjthsr quarter at the eaa 0f the year. , : ' ; . ! ' , f ' - j' !, J ; !.;.!. j - :: - ' 'f ;