m JOHN JOHNSTON & CO. Have Imported in the late arrived vcf- fcls from London and New-York, a e eat and general affortment of DRY GOODS, fuitable to the approaching feaicn among which are SUPERFINE andfecad cloths, coatings, flannels, baizes, and up vartis of four hundred pieces of Negro cloths, &c. different c!urs Compre hending a raricty of Manchefter, linen ,and woolen drapery amd filk mercery iropds. I ALSO, Jawaica Spirits. Ve-India aad New -York Rum by the hogfhead. Brandy aai Molaffes by ditto. Madeira, Sherry, Lifbon, Teneriffe ntl, Malaga Wines. Loaf and Mufcovado Sugars. Hyfon, Swuchong, Congo, and Bohea Teas. S by 10 Window Glafsi Grrman Steel. Rr lined Iron, and nails 'cf different Czes, &c. CT The major part of thefe goods be ing laid in low for cafh, (and of fup? rior frefi qualitiei) ihfe Jifpofed to pui chafe whlefale t retail, by applying to ihe ab;u'e firm will undoubtedly L-d it 10 their adraataje. Cafh and country produce take in pavment. 2 'rlli. lublcriber kegs leare to inf orm J. the public, that he has removed his fhrp next dcor below Mr. Willis's tarein, and oppofite Mr. Ritchie' (lore, where he carries on the bufinefs of -HAIR-DRESSING and SHAVING.. He has ft r file, . Hir-PowHcr Pomatum ?.wder vaRs and Puff Waft Balls Shariaj-Soap Tocth-Powder in boxes. alio Ladies' Crape Cufhicns of the neweft fufhion Hi'r-Sliders Artificial plowers, and Perfumes all kinds. blAIERT, October 30, i79 (-72 ) For PRIVATE SALE, Purfuant Mbelaft V? Fran cis Clayton, Efq. deceafed, TriAT veil known valuable planta tion and parcel of tand, called Rteky Peint, on the North-Eafl river, in 'New-Hantver county, containing, by the original grants, 1920 acres, with a large brick houfe and other buildings One hxndred and ninety acies of this has been under crop-this year, and is en clofed with new fence ; and there are fe veral hmndreds of acres clear, and fit for immediate cultiration Thefe lands are v fome of the beft in the ftate, both for til lage and pafture. A LSO, the plantation and lands on the SwnJ, where Mr. Clayton ufually refi'deeS- ( formerly Mr. Harnett's ) con taining abt Soo acres, with a commo dious dwelling houfe, and other ncceffa ry buildings A confiderable part of this is cleif and under good fences, - having' been planted this prefent year, and ; is excellent for ccrn ad indigo : with this, , or fepaT ate, will be fold, an extenfive . range of barks, between the Sound and the Sea, efteemed valuable for fcock and the tirhber, and on which is fome good .? plantable land. Credit will be given, and the payments received by inftallnients ; but in addition to perfoaal fecurity, mortgages ;On the prcmifes will be required . Propofals- will be received in Wil mington, by Archibald Maclaine, Henry Urquhart, or Henry Toomer, the: acling ; executors, to whom the lands are deviled., for fale. . N. B. On the fir ft of January next, ; the negroes, confiding of above forty workers, will be hired in families for one Pro pofal Fr printing, bj fuhfiripifjt Baron Steuben's Regulations! !.'. for h Order and Difcipliae cf Tioops of the UnitecJ States. ' ; S ;j V ; CONDITIONS.. - f L I. The book flsall be printed with & neat ty pe, on good paper, ani niched in blue covers, .and-will contain about izo pages.- : II. The price to fubferibers will be FIVE SHILLINGS, the pejen paper currency the money to be dc.pofited at the time cf iubferibing, with! tWptriu; who receives the fubfeription. j III. Thofc who'fubfcribeir twelve ;ccpies, (hall have a thirteenth gjratis. ' IV. The work to be put td prdV as fobn as ' 600 copies arc fubic jibed for, and finifhed with afl poflible dLpateh. Copper)' St lis THE fubfetiber informs tfce public, that he ha.s eitablifhed a COPPER and TIN WARE MANUFAjCTORY, m this town ; where 1 raa be had STILLS of all fizes. ' Alfo-JAll kinds of COPPER and T I N W A R f v, hick he will difpofe; of; oh rcaibnalc terms for caf or produce. , Old Stills repaired on the ffirteft sc-ticei- J Cafii given for eld Copper, Brab arin Pewter. . JOHN NAYLOR. year. IVi'fin'rrrtvi 07. 14, 1790 59 Fayetteville, May 31. BOOK BINDING Done in the neateft manner,, and on the fhortefl: notice,, at the printing-office. ffi Orders-from the country, duly attended to, and punc tually executed. c A And the highfi: p t.f. H, ice, Given for all kin is cf PUBLIC SECURITIES. ; Enquire at the PriaLing-OiHce. FAVETrrVIf .LE Printed by HOWARD 5c ROULSTO'NE, for JOHN SiB'LFy & Co at Fl A N K L I N's H E A D. in Gexm-Strset, Where EiTays Articlci of IntelHgenee-Adrerufirmewts, &c. ars tlw-i'c'ullv rceircJ. SUBSCRIPTIONS for this paper are taten in at Thkii Hard Dollars per ar.aurL or rwo oao:r li iif io be plioa fiifcfcribing,' oa: quarter ia lu raojttts, and ths other quirter at the end of the yea