THE " - i - North -Carolina Chronicle ; or, Fay e mm Hi Gazette . lo- J 2, of Vol. II. M O N D A Y, M K E R 15, 1790. .Total NQ- ;62.j " umjwi a iiiwh t mu iiaimn n 11 mm mm iHiiMMVsrmBni'reawaB ' ! " " '7' "T . i ' ' 1 i HISTORT CARVER'S TRAVELS. (CjKi-.iiuJ.J T T AVING concluded my bufineiVat n La Prairie le Chien, I pioceedcd o:cc mere up the MiiTifippi, ;ls iar as iii; r where thi Chipeway river enter- it a little below Lake Pepin. Here, ir . .!ir engaged .w Indian pilot, I direct -i him to' iieer tovvaids the Ottowaw 1,,:, which -ie near the head of tliis ri ver. Thi he didjand I airived at thcM :i.r beginning of July. Tne Chipeway liver, at its junflion v.-iiSihc-Miilifippijis about eighty yards .id?, b; 't it is m" wider as yen ad vance into it. NeaV thirty miles up it ic pjr.Ucs into two branches, and took iny ecu dethrouglY that which lies to the tadwaid. i Th: country adjoining to the river, W about lixry miles, is very level, and ,;i its banks lie fiue meadows, where la-er droves of buffaloes and elk", were ice'iin", than I had obferved i any other part of my travels, 1 lie track between two branches pf this riveV, is termed n-ad of war between the Chipeway and Na-iJoweific Indians. 'i i:-country to !the Falls marked in the -.lan at the extent cf the tra 'crs tra vels, is alrnoft without .ny tin ber, and 2'v-v: that very uneven .u.u rugged, and c!of:ly wcoded with pines, beach, maple, ai d birch. Here a rfcoft remarkable and Z'V i ithing fkht preiented it fell to my vi.-w. In a wood, on theeaft of the river, v hi h was about three quarters of a mile in lerg-h, and in depth farther than my eve could reach, I obferved that every tier, many of which were more than fix f :rt in chcun fcrcijce, wa- lyirg fiat on th .ground torn Up by the to-:?. 'Ibis '..r.rared to ha' r bcti. d ;ic by icrr.t ex tia,.". dir.aiy hurricane :.Kif came horn flu? wdt H me years a 1 ut. how many I c -i:ld not lcar.,5- I :.ur.d vojr.habi !.us nca. i of whom 1 con Id g?:n ir.for-ir.f;- n. The cciintiy or. the-vctl fide t he river, f:om tcing" Iels woody, had . cd in a grear r:c.:Aire this ha-ock, 2 idy n few tree v it !)lrvn opwp. KcJ the he .Us U this river is a LQwa of the Chipeway f; from whence it takes iinsaterl on eacn nae or :s name. J .J i Ok ' ti rivr. vl-.irh tliis nlace is of no iiV 1 ' VI y cor.nderable breadth)- and lies adjacent to the banks cf a frnall lake. This town ,' contains about forty houfes, and can jend out upwards of one hundred warriors, many cf whom were fine flout young men. The houfes cf it are built after the Indian manner, and have' neat plantati ons behind them ; but tfce inhabitants in general fcemed to be the nadiert peo ple I had ever been among. I obferved that the womeia and children indulged ihemfelves in a cuilom, which though, cemmon, in feme degree through every Indian nation, appears to be, according to our ideas, of the mod naufeous and inUlicate nature that of fearching each ether's head, and eating the prey caught therein. , In July I left this town, and having croiied a number of fmall lakes and car ding places that intervened, came to a head branch of the River St. Croix. This branch I defcended to a fork, and then afcended another to its fource. On both thefe rivers I difcovered feveral mines of virgin copper, which was as pure as that found in any other country. Here I came to a fmall brook, whicK my guide thought might be joined at fome diftancs by ft reams that would at length render it navigable. The water at tiril was fo fcanty that my canoe would by no means fvrim in it, but having flop ped up feveral old beaver dms which had been broken down by the hunters, I was enabled to proceed fcr fome miles, till by the-conjunction cf a few brock, thefe aids became no longer nccefiary. In a fnoit time the water increafed to a moft rapid river, which wc cefcended till ir en'ered 'into Lake Supeucr. This ri ver I named alter a gentleman that dc fired to accompany me from the town of the Ottngaumies to the Carrying Place cn Lake Srpenpr, Goddard's tivtr. To the x eit of this is anothe fmad ti ver, which alfo empties itfeb into the Lake. This I termed Strawberry River, from ihe great number of ftr vtbeanrs of a rood fize and fine fia our hat grew cn its banks. A Thr country frcm the Ottowaw Takes toLiike Suptricr is in general very un even and thickly cohered ith woodr The lojl in fome places tolerably good, in others but indifferent. In the head of the St. Croix and tRe Chipeway Rivers are xceeding fine ilurgeon. . ;j All thn ; wildernefsi between the Miilifippi and Lake Superior is' called by the Indian? the Mofchetto country, and 1 thought H moft juftiy named .-r for, it being then, their feafdn, I never faw or felt fo man of thbfe infedls in my lite. Th latter end of July I arrived, afer having cqaRed through Weft Bay, at lb J. Grand Portage, which lies on the north -we a: borders of Lake Supei ior. Here thpfe who go on the north-vrt ft trade: to the Lakes be Pluye,, Dubois, &t'. -carry OTCI t UCU; V. oliuis ttliKX ua--fj- .j ir-.iks, till! they conac to" a number of frjpail L'.ke.', the; waters of fome of which de fend into Lake Supei ior, and Others into the iliver liouibcu. Lake Superior from We a bay to this place is bounded by rocks except tewards the fbuthfweil part cf the Bay where I fir ft- entered it, there. At the Giand Portage is a. fmil bayyjl before the entrance of whicjh lies anj :n,i t"L' !ruvr?nfc ihf Htparv z.nd un- interrupted view over the Lake .whicii otherwife urould have nrefented itfelf and, rriakes the bay ferene,artd plenfant. Here t met a large party of KihiPimoe pd Afilnipoil Indians, with.thcir rcipec tive kings and their families. Tiicy wei come to this place in order to,: meet th trader tVomMEchiilimackbaci vrho mak ' this theirj road to the north-we ft. . From them I received the following accotm of the Lakes that lie to the north-welt of Lake Superior. r Lake Bouibon, the mofl t northern ci thole yet difcovered, receded ; its name f:om l.ine French tradeis who accompa nied a party of Indians to Hudfon's j fome vear.s ago, liind was thus denomi nated by them in!houour-cf the roytal Is jnily of ! France.' ' It is compoled of the waters of the Bourbon River, which, as I have before obferved, rifes a great way to the -fojuthward, rot far from the north ern heac;s cf the Miffifi'ppi. '" 7 his Lake is about eighty rnijes ia IcriJth, north and loutli, atd is h?ar!y ci'i cu - ar j It has no veiv large ifiands rr ft. The hsA cn 'the titcrn -.iidc k.

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