(75-) i tbey var;tbtC:tif taken in a bar which hzongi cxcluftvely to the Spziilh nati on. The amialfador, ncvertheltfs,con fe:e.l the repratin required by M. ilontm orin, bur propoied, at th fame time, in the name of the king of Spain, toaJd fome explana'.irns that probably would not be fatfafacloiy t Great Bri tain. ! The examination of this very impor tant affair was iclcirei to the diplomatic committee, as was a letter from M. Vauuyon, on the fame fubject. AFRICAN 'A 7ELL1GLNCE. NtW-YPlK, OCTOBIR 13. By a gentleman fiom Poit St. Vin cennes, we are if.formed, that an army f j 500 irilitia y.ith all the continental troops on the frontiers in that neighbour hood, under the command of General Jlarmar, were cofct mS the firfl oi Sep tember, ca an cipedttion into the Indian ccurrry. . . Accounts froxi Canada fay, that Lrd Durchclter is preparing to embark for Eucpe, hating an inclination to pafs the remainder of his days in Europe. It is fair! General CIak, late lieutenant goTfinor cf Jamaica, is to fucceed him in i.'ie government ef the province cf Oucbec. j PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER 1Q. " Notwith (landing the preliminary declaration fighed at the 24th of Jnly, great doubts are ftill entertained cr the continuance of peace as both the Spinilh Ute: aid ours are a: tea, and the French la-re received to arm 45 Ihips cf the lire, anr a proportionate number of frigates, with ! the avowed intention of shilling Sfin, if attacked ; bat on the :her har.J, as they profefs to mairtain oitly thedefcnfie and cnnamercial arti eles of ;he family compaft, it is hoped that their refolution to arm will mot in terrupt the prog: efs of the r.egcciaticn for peace alrrady commenced. " An idea pscv-ih, that the free im portation of tobacco -will be allowed in Trance j but on the other hand the cul ture of tkat plant will be encouraged throughout lhat kingdom." RICHMOND, CCTOHFR A privates account by the latl packet vcm "Fnglancj isys, "Yon lrey'tcly cn it a a certainty, that the IMfd': fleet ar'.v at Cra, htvr orders lo-fighr the Spa aiardr, iLould they happen to fall in ' tvHi'thcro." The fame accbuxt1 menti ons, that " Great-Britain had fct a nc gociation on foot with Spsici, proffering an rvrhavfjr of Gibraltar, for the illand f Porto Rico in the Weft-Indies. It is thcughr that mould ice Spanifti fleet re ceive a fouad drubbing, the Dens will fee mre ready to make this facriSce, as our poiTefllon ef Gibraltar galls them exceed inly, and hurts their national pride more than" any other circumftance what ever. . Eitratlofa letter fnm gentlemen cn th Ohio, dated Auguji 4. " Since my lad, ihe gentlemen I men tioned to you, are bow forming them i elves into a company for the purpofe of building three vcifels of feice, mounting from 34 to 40 twenty'-four pound.-rs, completely wanned and equipped ; they prpefe to loaa the fame with tcb.acco, flwiir, aad proceed to fea by the Gelrh of Mexico, with the fail dctermi natian to panilh feverely every infult whieh in violation cf treaties may be of fered t the American ib failing down the Midif ppi It is generally fuppofed they will embark between 12 or 15CO men, in or,der to afTert America's un doubred right to the navigation of the Miflifippi."' Extract ef letter from Pittjburgh, Sep tember 4. " Durig the coaife of the week paft, Meffrs Elliot and Williams, centraflors, have forwarded a number of Kentucky boats to Wheeling, to cenvey the miiitia draughted to ge on feme fpeciaf fervicc, to their general place of rendezvous-" FAYETTEVILLE. On the niht cf the 4th inrtant, the gaol at Hill (borough was broken open and a nwrrberof notorious villains made their efcape, among which were Hickf n, Abbot, and Colter, who hare fmce been ftal4rg horfes and robbing waggons on the road from that place to Fayetteville. They have with them two negices ; and hae' armed themfelves, and keep in a gmajr, and boldly attack -nd rob travel lcrs'on the road. They entto a hcufe near Hawe river, in th- day time, and notwith(tar:d:ag the family bein? prefent, ihe.y roVocd the houfe of every thing in it i hey wanted and took away the man's hor.'e. j The follr.Trr.g jentleirien are re-elected rrprefsr.tativf s in Conjrrcfs from their re fpcSivc ciilricls in the ftatc of Virginia, -Olz. fames faffon, 1ic!3ard facd Lee, 1 Absa&der White, John Pp:e, Jofiah f -trter, and Samuet Grifiin. Venabfc Isl clecled jtn the rom of liaac Colcs tsfio declined i.crin. Th followtff&isiiferted hy the particular iefreof k maxbet-Cftbe general ajjembly . it is to bt lamented, hat aming the fe deral matters of a public nature, recom mended; ly his excellency tb the cbjp'fjder ation of the general afHrmbly , " lie had ;cn tireryjforgot, ori. neglecledj - the ordi nance of convention for the feat of go vernment ! . On Wednefday laft was flarted for ato the racecourfe, a purfe of one hundred and thirty pounds, by General Eaton's mare Eclipfe and Mr. Paul JefTers's horfe Nor pari el. :Firft and fecend heats taken by Eclipfe. Thuifday. Apwrfe of leventy pounds. Major Afhe's horfe Mercurf jj (ftarted by Col. Liitterloh) and Mr. Gerard's .1 mare. Firft and Second heats taken by Mercu ry. r Friday. The.fwp-fcakes was Harmed fer by Mr. Watters's famous horfe Roe Buck and Mr. Branton's horfe Negro Roe-Buck tok the ftakes. PR.OC t SDINGS of the GEMERAL ASSEMBLY. HOUSE of COMMONS, j Thurfiiaf, November 4. X R. A.'Mebne preferited the per 1 1 5;nn nf fnndrT of the inhabi- tants cif Orange county, letting for da; that they did befoie die revolution pnr-ur- tr-Ar-B tiAm nf. lomA of Henrv (.JJAlb JliJtJVii J t.im.'J . f Euttace M'tullbcK, late of NoithCaro lina, and that for part of the purchafc mtney, they gave their obligations pa y able'tothe iaid MCulloch, fmce which the faid M'Culloch removed himfellfrciji. tkis ftate. by vhieh. means they have not had it in their power to difcharge and take up their obligations, an praying th4t tlie general afjembly ycuid ; direct th payments to be made to fome peifsn whomUhey may thiiKproper toajpoinl: for that purpofaj '':;! Ordered, lhat this petition be referred to Meffrs. Polk'Mebare, Joiiei tOif?e, and Franklin on the part of this oie, and ieht to the enate. -y - MrJ Polk preented the pctluri -;of fun.dry inhabftants of Mfckljairh county, which being read, .was: referred to the committee apcinle cn-tl c peti tion ct the inhabitatus of Oiarc ccun ty, and fent to the fenate. . ,

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