( Co) JOHM JOHN5TOV C? CO. H.ive Imported in the late arrived vcf fdifidm London and New-York, a r.eat and general affortment of DRY GOODS, faitable lb the approaching feafon-i among which are SU P E R F I H E and fecond cloths, coatings, flannels, baizes, and up wards of four, hundred pieces of Negro cloths, cel. different colours Compre hending Yancey of Manchefler, linen and Aroolea drapery, and hik mercery s. A LSO, Jamaica Spirits. Wed-India aad New -York Rum by t:i: hot-thead. Mblaffes by ditto. Madeira, Sherry, Lhbon, Tenerxffe and Malaga Wines. tLoaf and Mufcovado Sugars. . Hyfon, Souchong, Congo, and Bcnea Teas. i by io Window Glafs German Steel. Refined Iron, and nails of different fixes, See. The major part of thefe goods be ing laid in low for caih, (and of fuperior freih qualities) thofe difpofed to purchaie uholefalei or retail, by applying to the above firm will undoubtedly tiad a to their a J vantage. Cadi aid country produce taken in payment. r-ft Hi: jhrjicnber begs leave to inform JL ihcjpubi'c, that he has removed his Ihep iiext dorr below Mr. Willis's tavern, aqd oppcfite Mr. Ritchie's ftoie, where he' carries on the bufinefi cf 1 1 A I R-DR E 6 S 1 NG and SHAVING. i H: ha; fir fa!c, Hii r- Pc wde r Pp m ztv rn - Powder Bags and Puffs Walk Bali? Sharing-Spap Tocth-Powdtr in boxes, i ALSO ? Ladies' Crape Cirfhions of the ntwei failiion Ha-r-Sliders Artificial Fiowers, arid Pci fumes of all kinds. I b. SllihKlY October 30, 1790. For PRIVATE SALE, Turfuant to thelafl will of Fran cis Clayton, Efq. deceafed, THAT well known valnaWW planta tion, and parcel of land,' called Rocky Paint, on the North-Eart river, in New-Hanover county, containing by the original grants, 15:0 acres with a large brick houfe mid. other buildings- One hundred and ninety acies ot this has been under crop ihU year, and is en deled with new fence , snd-there re fe veral hundreds cf acres'-ckar, and-fct ior immediate cultivation ihefelanch are fume ci the belt in die frate, both for til lage and pail. ire. ALSO, the plantation and lands on the SdxJ, where Mr. Clayton uiually refided (formerly Mr. Harnett's) con taining ab-JUt Sco acres, with a'commo-. dious dwelling hcuie, and otker-necefik-rr buildings A .'considerable fart of this is clear and undei good fences, having been planted this prcfent year, and L excellent for com and indigo : with thus or feparate, will be fold, an extenfive range of banks, between the Sound and the Sea, efteemed valuable for ilock and the timber, and ca which is fome good plant able land. Credit will be given, and the payments received bv installments ; but in addition . to perfonal fecurity, mortgages on the premifes will be required. Propbfali will be received in Wil mington, by Archibald Madame , Henry Urqnhart, or Henry Tbomer, the a cling erccutors, to whom the lands are devifed for fale. A". B. On the fir ft of j.muary next, the negroes ' cenfiiiing of above forty workcr-5, will be hired in families for one year. JVd?i'::t?tcr., Orf. a.t. 59- S 1 I RAYED or STOLEN fioni the fubferiber on Thnrfdav the 28th October, adaik bay horfe, fall fourteen hands and an half high, ten or twelve r yearsold, remarkably lkbrt for his height, a fnip on his.noie, and a lit le whhe cn one of his hind fees, a hanging mans and fwhch tai1, tret?, paces, and gallops, had a cut on his near buttock, cecafioned bv the cut ofj an x the day before he went away. Whoever takes up faid horfe and return: him to me, fhali have a o-encrous regard, and ail expences paid. JAMES BURN3IDE. Fayetteville, Nov. 15,. ' 6. ' Prop dials: I ' 1 . " i For printing) ky fiilfsripticn ; Barron. Steuben's.; Regrlatjions for rhe Order and jDifcinline xjjf the Troops o-f 'the United States. -CONDITIONS, T ' I. The book mall be printed with s. neat tpe, on :good paper, and inched in blue covers, and will contain tbout 120 pages, : . . j II. The price to fubferibers vrijl be FIVE SHILLINGS,5 the preir't faper currency the money to be depohfed at the timeo fubfcrlbing,! with the pjexfba who receives, the 'fubicriptioni j ! III. Thofe. who fabferibe for twelve copies, ihallhave a thirteenth lgratisj. ; i v . llic wo;:k: tooe put to prqis ac fben as 6co copies are fubfcribcil and finilhed with all pofiible dilpiatch 'Copper Stills THE fubferiber Informs the p-jblic, that he has eitaoliftied aCOP-l5E andTIN WARE MANtlFACTCfRV, in -this town ; where may bejhd STILLS Qfall-fizes. Alio Ail llirxls of COPPER and TINWA RE whick he will difpofe of oh rafonable ti: mi for calk; or produce Old Stilis repaired on the &r;c f tice. j ' J Cam-given for old Copper, Brais and Pewter.- , ! JOHN NAYLOE. Fayettevi'lle, May 31 t. f. And the higheft price, Given for alL kinds o " : PUBLIC SECURITIES, i . i ' ' ' ' " . Enquire at the Piintirig-On:cp, FAVEtrFVILLE Pkin-tid tv HOWARD & ROULSTONE, for JOHN STBLFY & Co. a'FR VN'KLI N's H E A D, in Gafsk-Striet, where iiffiys Articles of 1 Intelligence Advcrtiiements, &cj are th mkUiliv received. SubSUKti' I'iUNi lor tnu parser are ti:r-n in at ihp.ee - niiD doll.us per .ar.nuui, ci twjpa.ra axS u bepaidoi iajf;rijing, 04c q-iir p:ner quarter at Uie t ? K fnH of th e eaa 01 Uie year.

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