q'uh'ty of each witaef to be written a-:iinit his r jme. w'l'hc acknowledgement may he 'a'tea be'are ar.yjudge cf a court cf the United States, or of afuperior cccrt of law or equity in any Kate, cr cf a ccunty court, cr before the mayor or other chief magiilrate cf ajiy place; cr before u notary public. in the acknowledgments, if the feal of a court, ar corporation is to be afhxed, the words "caufed to be" may pre cede the word " arrixed," the bUnk im-m.-dia:e!y following to be filled witka cefignaticn of the feal ; as, that it is leal of c. certain court, naming it ; or the feal of a certain corporation, iminj it ; or the feal of office of the Prtvbefcre whom the acknowledgement is taken, if!he has one ; or if he has aor.e, with the word " my feal." If there be no public or official feal to the acknowledgment, proof of the exe cution of the power muft; be made by cath or affirmation of one of the wit neifes, to be taken before ibme peifcn du ly ii'.thctifed at the place where the transfer is to fee made. (B.) For vi of a fw:r .of attorney, ts receive ir.:errj, bv thefe prefents, That do make, constitute and true ar.d lawful attorney, frr and in name 10 ret nvC the irtcreft the flock, luteins in name in the books ot vnn rower alio an attorney or attornies, nr.. j.- for thai: purpoie, to make inl fv.bftirute ; to do all law ful acts rc o :: j - tor effeir.prhepremifes ; hereby r:irifin and conflxsning all that f.v.! attorney, ot' fubflitutc or Tub - feif.ues frail do therein by virtue -hereof. Ik -vitxefs whereof have hereun to fet hand and feal , the djy of in the year of our Lord, onethonfand hundred fWle.'. and Mjve:eet in the preface of 5. it ks-otn, that on the day cf cneihoufand hundred before i - i . j rv.e c:une wnnin nuir.cu, '.:-ov.-iccH th a;ovt letter of attorney ;o - ! deed. IN tePdr:c-. whereof I have her.eurto and the day . and year my 1-.:! UIRZCTIO , (-83-) doe upen' are to be inferted afT the. vyord " miereft." 5 If net general, the time for, cr to which the inicirft is to be icccivcd,to be fpeci'aiiy expreHed after the word 44 ir.tcreV If no power of fubftitution is dcfired to be given, tha whole ihat relates to it "to be omitted. The place of abode, and ; quality of each witnefs to be written j ' agstnft his name. f I The acknowledgement mry be taken j before any judge of a court of the United ! States, cr cf mpeiior court cf law or ; equity in any Mate, or of a county court, ; cr befors the mayor, cr other chief magi- ; ft rate of -any place, or before a notary public. In the acknowledgement, if the fealcf a court or corporation is to be aixed, the words, ' canfea robe"," may precede the words "affixed." The blank immedi ately tVjlovririg to be filled ith a defo liation of the feal ; as that it is the fr a! cf a certain court;, namiag ir ; cr the feal of a ccrfair. corporation, naming it ; or the feal f office cf the party before v hem the acknowledgement is taker, if he has one, 01 if he has none, wijh the words, "my ' fcah" If there he no public or official feal to-' the acknowledgement, proof of the exe cution of the poorer muft he made by oath or affirmation of one of the wimefs, to be taker hsore fome perfrn duly au. thorifed, at the place where the transfer is to be mace. - " 37 AY ETTE V ILL E. ON Wednefday laft the honorable the ger-tal affewbly of this ftate proceeded to ihe balloting for a governor, public ticafurer, &c. tor the euing year, when his excellency ALEXANDER MAR TIN, efquire, vas unanimoufly re elect ed governor, and the honorable JOI3N HAYWOOD, efquire, public treafurer. On Friday the -balloting for holdirg the nest geF.erpl arcbly v-as taken, w hen the votes were declared equal . For Fayettcvjlle, 75 F01 Ncv'oe.rn, APPOINTMENTS. Samuel Bentoa, colonel of the caral rv for Killer ough diftrii. ' Robert fcmith, colonel cf the cavalry for Safiibury dittrit- ' Thcrr.a s H?r cy, major of the cavalry far Edcr.trn diitridt. .; Iq the ccuaiy cf Chatham j in thU ftate, there is a.kid, beicnglrg to llcrry l.ci is LuttcrJch, efqnirc, cf ritsiTy th follewinc: clcfciiniirn : It has hut ci'c evei which is . in the middle of its fire- head, which appears to have ihe hurrr.urs and coats cf two eyes adhering trgether, having two pupils, arid; the "hole beir; cfah oval Torrabftetitiiwci lxs,laTe a 4 ere eye ougii,t'; t&p'$'. 1 1 jlna a' large eye Urow, a highffffHeadi prcjeclirg ccni; derablv oiVcr iire eve : it has I no tiofe" cr i- . '--I. . J .... noflrils .ppearirig externally; breathing only through its mcuth about two inches bread, kuate about half, way between the eye and the chis, which prrjccTs for ward, th!e mouth appealing like that cf a perfgn (with a long chin, without any teeth ; tjie bodv properly formed, cf the common! fize, rltfhy and firdng ; it did not at firtfuch its dam, but would diink milk from a fpocn. The fcl leaving is a ccpy c f an adtrtft ttenf mittsd to the FrcfUent cf the In.lel Statej frttn the Cover mr find Ciut.al h ftate, at ttetr iajt uucfing.- Tol 'th: PRESIDENT':? the UNITED j i STATES, : s i r, THE governor and council of the date ' cf Not lb-Gar clfna embrace the earlieft oppoitunity afForded them fiuceth(?acccfiion of this (rate to the c(k friliition, and the completion of ihe urJcn by all the Rates, cf congratulating ycti oh this moft aifpicious event, by which all caufes of fuiture diffehticn ameng the iiates will be obviated- tne impOit, l-at great brah ofrevcrue and fupport cil public credit, ollcaed with irncre facili- ty, and four finances more ; properly ar-j raaeed. ' ' ' We congratulate qnrfelves whh eqal Mnceritf on beholdinr yoti, fir in the higheRjdepartnient which jycur !irtes merited, ard to which ycur country uri nimemly ' giatefully appointed - The importance of .? 03 rj Trustier. I'ef reives ad 01. ionaidinhy ihrvin: raf tion your rr u:try peLieiie xacler,and frm a confident wi4l be! exerted for'-th.e rr'-'. pTofperity ci your country, -V. ph. i efficacy to h ch a h ft cm 4s v'tl ' the general welfare, dnd fr.rr:Vy 1 public mine a -confine, ff'-f 5 'v "" by. nori rr ot power; 1'. y Kens cf tl.ii flate.- Wejhavc hi d rcr-vr-1 7 I I V) fi B in m ft i urn 1 1 V.'. r. KM 1 1 ml 1 - 41 The hororabie Lr.STlcs.J-Tr.ee, ..rn Tdimaiicr. ot roar r -' -rrc: I he j;cr.c?ah the wcrds p 7- . ' - T . ; T T 1 is, e:q-.v..-c2, aie cii'Mcn 1 -I - -.-- 'H ' i 1" . . .; ' ' -t, ' f I '" - k - ' - " ; I aaasA-- " ---g K ,LJ(Jj

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