North-Carolina Chronicle 1 ' or, pay ertevue Kjazeite N 12, cf Vol. II. j M O N D A Y, N 0 V'E-M B E R 29, 11790. M I t1 - .Tetal No- 64. IIISTORr. CARVER's TRAVELS. Continued.) A Little to vhe north-weft of the x headsof thcMsfroricandSt.Pieir-, ihe Indians further told me, that there was a natiwft rather fmaller and whiter than the neighbouring tribes, who culti vate the ground, and (as far as I could rather from their cxpreffions) in iorac rneafure, the arts. To this account they aJded, that feme of the natUns, whom: habit thofe parts that he to the weft of the Shining Mountains, have gold fo plenty among them ;Hat they make their raoft common utenfi t of it. Thefe mountains (which I frail defcribe more particula:ly hereafter) divide th : wate 1 that fall into the South Sea from thofe that run into the Atlantic. The people dwelling near them are fuppofed to be fome of the different tribes that were tributary to the Mexican kigs, and wh fled from their native countiy to feck an afylum in thefe parts, about the time of the conqueft of Mexico by the Spaniards, more than two centuries ,ii"T. As fome confirmation cf this fuppofi lion it is remarked, that they have chofen the moi interior paits fr their retreat, being fiiliprcpoficired with a notion that ihe.fta coafts l ave been infefted ever f.ncc v ith menitefs vomiting fire, and hurling about thunder and lightning 5 from vhofc bowels hTued men, who, with un fren inftruments, or by the power of ma ric, killed the harmiefs Indians at an riton:liiingdi;;;;ncc. Fiom fuch as thefe, their foic-fathers, (according to a tradi- ion among them that Hill remain un impaired) fled to the retired abodes'hey now inhabit. For as thevfound that the floating mosflers which had thus tenir ficd them, could net approach the 'land, ardthat ihcfe who had defcended fiom their ft Jes did r.or care o make cxcurficns 10 any ccr.fiderablc difiauce frrrn them, ih-viormrd a lefhuion to betake them fe'ves to ff'me country that lay tzr from t!i fea coafts, vhere only they could be fc:re f m fu-h - diabolical enemies. 'lacy .Kcoid'nigly iei cut with their fa milies, and after a long pererinatian, fettled themfelves near thefe mountains, Vhere they concluded they had found a place of perfect iecunty. 'i The Winnebagees, dwelling on the ; Fox river (hom I have already treated ! of) are 1'ikcwife fuppofed to ht fome ; ftrolling band from the Mexican coun tries. .But they are able to give only; an .imperfect account of their oiiginal rtfi-dcrice.-They fay they formerly came a great way-fro an the weftward, and were driven by wars to take refuge among the , Naudoweflies ; but as .they ate entirely ignorant of the aits, or ot the Value, of gold, it is rather to be fupofed, that they were driven fiom their ancient fettle men' s by the above mentioned emigrants, as they panned on towards their prefent habitation. Thefe fuppofitions, however, may want confirmation ; for the fmaller tribes of Indians are fubjecl: to fuch various alter ations in their places of abode, from the wars they are continually engaged in, that it is almbR impeflible to afcertain, after half a century, tkc original fixati on of any of them. That range of mountains, cf which the Shining Mountains arc a part, begin at Mexico, and continuing northward on the back, or to the ealt of California, feparate the waters cf thofe numerous ti vers that fall either into the Gulph cf Mexico, or the Gulph' of California.- From thence continuing their courfe flill northward, between the fources of: the jMiflifippi and -the rivers that run into the South Sea,1 they appear to end in about forty feven or ferty eight degrees c f nor:h latitude, where a number of ri vers arile, axd empty themfelves either into the South Sea,, into Kudfon's Bay, or into the waters that .communicate be tween thefe two feas. Among ihefe mountains,. thofe that lie, to the weft cf the river St. Fierre, are called the Shining Mountains,' from an infinite number of chryftal flones, ot: an amazing fize, with which they' are cover ed, ad which, when the fun fhines full up n thea, fparkle 10 as to be fcen at a very great ciilance. rfhis extraordinary range cf mcitn ' tair s is calculated to be! njore tkan three thoul'ani miles in length, without any very conflderable Intervals, which I he lieVe furpaffesany thing of .the . kind in ihk other quarters cf the 1 globp. N ; Pro bably in future ages they may be ftiund ta contain more riches in their bowels, than thofe of; Iridoitan and Malabar, or thatare produced on the. Gioldcn Coali ofi "Guinea'; nor will I' except even the Peruvian mines. To flie cft of theie mountains, when explored by future Co- . lufnbdTes or Raleighs, may ; ble fcuiid oiher (lakes, rive's. - anc countries, f ull fraught - with- al t the neceffai ies or lcuries of; life ; and where Ifuture gene--raitions may isHfl an aiylum,Jwhether dri-! vej from thtir country by tiie ravages of', laWlelsfantsr by rejtgibusj perfecu , tipns, reludantlykavirigt to rernedy the inqonveniencics arifingj txcrra4pex abundant iacreaft of inhabitants;; whe ther, I fay, impelled by tbfe, cr alltire4 by hopes of eommcrtialaHtaniages, there is little doubt but their Expectati ons will bs fully grauSed in thsie rich ' arid unexhaufeed climes, i ;j ; But to return to the AjSmiails and Kiliiftiuoes, whom 1 left at the Grand. Portage, and-from whom I received the foregoing account of the iakesj that lie lb the north-weft of this place. ; . : ; ir h J - The traderi we, expetled bejng later this feafon than ufbal, and 'our numbers Very conflderable, for there were more than three hundred of us, the; flock of I provifions we had brought us was I nearly fexhaulted, and we i waited wiih ; impatience for their arrival. i : j One day, whilft we wcfeal! eiprefUng our wiihes for this defirablef eient and l0okir from an eminence: in. hepej cf , feeing ithem come over thf lakefrke ch;ef piisft iclonging to the band cf the inoeskold us, tht he wcupd eneieaVcur ! ; to obtain a conference with the Great Slpirit, anB know from him when the traders would arrive. I paid little -at-tcnticn tq this declaration, iuppcfrg that h wonld beprodufiivej cf fome jug glirg trick, juft fufi-ciently covered to dtceive the incr2nt Indians. : But - the . -ling cf that tribe tellirg rr e that it Jwas j cjuefiy undertaker by tkeprieftltC allevi ate my anxiety, ard af'the ame firr.-to: ! cbnvinee Kre -jhew much iivticft'lie l ad vfith the Great Spirit, J tlicjuglh itnecci-

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