r i j t! ft .til .? 1 v 1 ftryjto re (bain my omrn.iJveruons cthis design. . - , T?he following evening was fixed up on for this f?iritual conference. When every- thing had been properly, prepared, ta: fking came to ms and led mc to a ca various tent, Recovering of which was drawn up, fo as to render what was -trifrfaAiag within viuble to thofe who Void without. Wc found the tent fur- ro Jaded by a great number of the Indi ' zni, bat we readily gaiaed admiffion, and catcd ourfeives on ikins laid on tne )n ihc ccntri loblerved that there eras arilaceof an . oblong ihape, which was cottpofed offtakes lkia-the ground with intervals between, fo as to form a Ida J oi cheilorccfiia, lar2c enougn to contain the body of a man. l-hcfc ;e oft ii middle fize, and placed at luca a . dilUr.cefrom each ether, that whatever lay within them was readily to b ii c4ned. The tent was peift&iy niurra nired by a great number oi torches madfi of-fplbtcrs cut from the p.ae or birch tree, which the Indians held inlhtwr. bands. i In a fc'w minutes the pnefr entered, when an amazing large elk's (km oemg. fpreadonthe ground, jail at ;n f teet, he-laid himfelf d.wn npon it, after bavin- ftripped himicif cf every garment except that whkh he vrcie dale about his middle. Iking no.v prolate on $ bad:, he firil hud hold cf one in ,c of the ikin and foldsd it over him, and men Jxhs other, leaving only his head uncover ed. . This was no fooacr aone, .nan ,'twocf the voun- men who Hood t, to::ab,ut forty x ards cf iUoap cord, - x ! - ilfo of aa cl hide,, and rolled it i round hh body, lb .hat he vvas com I jr-'v r.whcduithin the fcin. Bern ; Luis bcu.uluplike an Eppuan : nn-,cu-kLim by the heeis, and ! t-L urtv the head, and lifted him ! thcpilisbioth, fcdofure: I could now ! .U: , Wrve him as plain as I had luther i to dene, and I took care not to tur. ray. i ,vcs a n:ox:nt from the object oeiore i c, that I might die more rcadny ueic. ! the urdike, for fuch I doubted no. ! would turnout to be. Tr e prica had not lata in this- fit nation or- than a lew feconds, when he began "to matter. This he continued to do lor I bme time, id then by degrees g:evir ' louder and leader, till at length he .pee tkuilatelr ; however, what he uttered v-,. I-i fcch amaed jargon ef the tlupe ! way,0;:owaw,and Kniiuiaoc languages, thac I. could underhand but very bttle of It. H.v,mg continued .a h- ton far a coaf: i arable while, he at lad e- ertra r;:s vfi:ci" t-- i (00) he had worked lumielf intojfueh an kgi--.1. 1,-tm-i At his mouth- ! tation, mil - ; . t, - and .'V") -"- r . , a i ,aoincr remained quarteof an hmir in the fy H. - j ,;c trrt;frntich with ur.aot. a coniniucu Ami 1 j. 1 vigour, he feeroed to be qu?te exhauhec, and remained ipeechleis ; but in aa ia itant he fprung upon his feel, notnn "ttanding at the time he was, put m, it ap peared impoffible for him to nl tidier hisles-s or a;ms, and fhakmg c,t n; vcrinK, as qaict ai n t- he king esquired. -af tHtm rrrhcr the'' hadieeii'any thing of tfw. traders ? Ths rren replied, 'thac. they had. paud linn them vi few days n ioic, ard tkt t!t ripe fed beirg hereihe feccud day l:( :a" the ri eMrt. They : acccxdirg:y;:a:i h ,d at that tixse rc catly to c.nr tui itfuf'iLi but more pardcuiaily fo t . t.hit ct ti;o Indians, who found hy thK event the.; ;rr t-!nsf horh of. thtir critk and cr :iiityv , 1 iheir -rat 100 great iy aumcmeu ui w iu jrnrdf vvhof "hfot a ttrarecr, ciccto its utmorc p.-.., ,W;a' bd been bbur:d v;er i. - 7,,.. Io-an to addreis tnie flood around him in a Srra and auclibj voice. riy Dromes, k , : Great Spirit has deigned to hcic with. his fervant at. nay requcu . He n.s nut, indeed, told me -when the perkf s .w: expert will be here, but to-morrow in akerthe fun has reached hxs higneitpcmt; in the heavens, a-canoe will arrive, and the people in that will inform us when .1,. mot5 will comz." : HaviOff laid this he ftepped out of the manure, and afier he had put on his robes, cdriuiJ ih" altmbly. l ewa I was grt ally -ado-ni'hed at what I had leen, but as I oU ferved that every eye in the company was fixed en me witli a view to diicover my fentimea.ts, I carefully concealed;. every emotion. j . , The r.ext day the fun -fh-csns. bnghi, andTon befoie nocn all the Indians were rathcred tegcther cn the crainenoe that overlooked the lake. The old kitg fanictome, -and afked mc if I had fo much confidence in what the prieft had fretcld,its to join his people en the hill and wait fcr the ccmplciion cf it ?jl to.d h'i I that was at a lo.fs what opinion to form of ihepredie1:on,but that I jlvrould. xeacUlittcnd him.- On rids we walked tosc'hlrto the plac.s where thepthcis wers aifcmbled.' Evtry eye was agaim fixed by-turns cn mt: and on ihe i.e ; when -i-ufias the fun had. reached is-e-. nilh, agrccabls to what the pritf foretold; a canoe came round a dnt of lard about a league dif;ant. 'iTrp Indi ans no fecaer beheld it, than thjy fent up an univcrfal ihcur, and by thefr iCiks furmed" to tiiun:t h in the intereft teir pri-a thus evidently had 'with the 'Gref " ""'in lefs than ar, hoar the canoe reached the ihor?: rhen I attended the king asd c hiefs tb receive thofe who were cn, btoard. As fuon as the men were landed, we walked all together to the kingfs tent, v.-here, according to their mvaiable cuf. tern, we began to fmoke ; ar.d this we did. 'notwithftanding cur impatienceao know the tilings tney orougm, pumut afking any quelticns ; fr the lacjiaas are . themc.il dsiioerate peopis 111 uic im. TWr Itnrv I acknowledrearpears to'! carry mth it marks cf great cieauiity in j theTelator' But r.-o one is leis th-.nux! i vi'h that weakneis' than rnyfelf. Thi ciicun-diances cf 'it I own are of a".tr? j estfaorcmary. nature ; bevevier, :s Ij can vouch for their being ti te from crhtr exaggeration o r. m ifreprefen tat i c p , ltir:; myfiif a coel. and .-: difpaificcatc obili vcr of tham all, I thought it neccfai v ; :or 1 .1' 11:.. T - give tnc.m to tne puunt , u;a ..withe ut wiihlr.g! to rr-ifled the jUcJ -rr.er.tj; of my readers,, or to make ariy H:per Kidcus'irriprtflifims- on their nn're'?, t:t: leaTin theri: to draw fiom,. it what ul "elutious tney pleaie. AMLRIGAtJ INTELLIGENCE. in tl 2i;er f-:x:e uiYiai-cotverfaticr, BOSTON, OCTOBER lO. . 1 ' Ex run ' f a lakrfremBhiUdeihlay C-f Qntcr .jl, . !' iTAPTAIi Ktzpatriek arrived dam, and had Ton board 84,cco dol'3 u Tfk Tirfnro Bfion if, ' that t.4' whole is.fb-.be iriTcflcd ni the dcot ci United Sia-c-sV ,i, -' Every icoidoHarS" continental dM ith three yars" intereR due ther, will prcdace'an intereft cf five and fn half per ctnt. .-. Is iVnot ailoniihmg il prudent and intellij;ect people wnj iuch debt at 125 in the lund, wi.? the. e ls a inrraltertaintyiof the mtercit bei paid regularly every quarter ycr The debt of England, bearing fuc.i & interca, ii worth at leaft'.iBs. m t.U The dieht cf Eflgland is at ut 5co.coo,ooo mounds fter!i.ng-T no c-j-if the United .Slates, including i-f-cebts, not 20oco5cco pounds iteiuri. r ; LRILACEtPHlA, CCT.fl.CXR 3.! Vvtrirt n f Uiter from Fort-au-x to a pcrfoii in this dry, dated tcpUif ""if!?) in liit'-r f t fn. TheT are divided sgairdi " sp He-..- time: r2 vi . -. i