If crSir, 2ri hnreb::T. at logcrhcads.-T-The lay-l p-i'ty ha-re the advantage, aid are daily' imprifoning feme of the cifi te i;. Ifeirih?f;re is only fjrothcrid tol rcik out with freih fvry. Fetters de Cachet and files of mafque leers ars. daily parading the (Ircets Bufincfs is jtlcioft at a tland The harbour is croud rd with American vc.Tels, which have Irren waiting-here, tome two months ciJiers longer, and cannot procure load- in . FAYETTEVILLE. PJLOCELDINCS Ci tilt GENERAL ASSEMBLY HOUSE or COMMONS, Tuefday, November 16. MR. M'Howell prcfenred a bill tn ' continue in force, an aft palled. Fayetteville, in 178, entitled, an yft .for giving longer time for the registering, proving, and recording grants, deeds, or mefr.e: conveyances, end other inftru mentsof writing, which was read the rlt time and paifed. Mr. Macon prcfenred a bill to carry into effect the ordinance bill, wh'ch tvas read the firft time and paficd. The bill to amend theafr, entitled, an adt to nroint commilTioners tofuperin tcr.d the building a piifon ard Ptocks for the diilrifr. of Fayetteville, and to lew a tax in the counties within the fame, for the defraying the expence thereof", paifed in 178?, was reari the third time, amend ed and pafTcd. The bill to repeal part cf the fecor.d ard fifth feS ion of an a cf t.e general aiTe rr.bh.paffed in ijM, enihled, an aft for railing a public revenue for the fup prt of government. Sec. was read the third t-me and palled. The bill to Alter the mode of fwearing petit jrors, was read the third time and puffed. ' Mr. Janes prefsnted a bill to cftablifii the town of Naih, at the mouth of Cape Feariiver. The bill to facilitate the navigation of Cape Fear tiver was referred to a joint committee of both boufes, to be reported upon. - The bill to amend and alter the ac! for the benefit cf infolvent debtors, was read the third time and negatived yeas 25, sxy$ 48. , Wcdnefday, November 17. Mr. Caldwell prefentcd a bHl to alter tie time cf holding the courts of picas . . and quarter fetEons fn Iredell county read the rftttrc and palled.. ! Refolved, '. that r.o private bill:" be introduced into this houfe after Satur " day ntxt r ;:" Rece-i-ed from the fena a bill to, al t cr 1 1 1 e 1 i me of hold ing the gen eral af- fembly of this ftate- read the third time ard palled. I :-, , The bill for catting a navigable canal from the waters of Pafquotank river in. this ftate to the waters of Elizabeth river in the (late of Virgin 13, was read the third init and paffrd yeas 54, nays 41. Thurfday, November :i8. Mr. T ay lor from the joint balloting for a governor, treafurcr, public printer, and place for the next fctting of trie-general alfembly, repor fed, that his excellency Alexander Martin, efquire, was elected governor John Haywood, efqurre, trea furcr, and MefTri. Hodge & Wills, print er? 'and that no place had a majority . of wites for the felting of the next af fcmMy. Mr.jjonesi preferred a b:ll for levying a tar. snd appointing ccmiruflloners for the purpos e! building a diftri-ft j ccurt houfe for the difuift of Wilmington. The bill for cre6ing a ccurt-heufe in the town cf Hi.'lfborough was read the third time, amended; and paffed Mr. Smith from the committee t whom was referred the bill for making . Crofs-Crcek navigable, together with the memorial of Mark Rufiel, reported, that f it i the opinion of your cemmittee tha na igation propofed, when, completed, will be cf public utility, and 'having con fideied the petitioner's objections, aie of opjp.in the fame sre net well founded. But the committee recommend, ; that a provifion fhonld be added to the bill, that unlefi the; faid navigation 1; rendered ' ufeful within three years from the paiTmg of the bill tnto a law, the privilege grant ed therein1 (ball be void which was concurred with. ,-- Friday, November 19. The bill to cftablrfh the warehcufes now building in Fayetteville by James Ritchie and John Winflow, and to em power tbej county court to appcir.t in spectors td the fame, was read the third time and !p:;ned. The bill to carry into efiec! a resoluti on of Cocrefs, palled the 2vth of Sep- . tember, 1789, was read tlie tliird time 1 and ordered to be eagrclTcd. Thr bi)l to repeal all atfs, clanie, ::nd , parts of acls of the general afiembly of this llatt, as relate? to. the clsiTir.g of to bacco, was read the third time, amerced ; and pailed. Mr. Saturday, November 26. Hill frm the joint committee ef balloting for councillors, colonels of ca valry i for - Salifbury and ffillborct?nh diftrijs, major of the cavalry for the diF- trjr. oi"Edentbn,.and place for the next getting of the general alfembly, delivered in the following report, viz ; i j ; That Charles Brtice Jandi Phiiemoa Hawkins, efquires, were eleclcd cbmn ci.llorsl rAl-' ' ,- i Samuel iBenton, colonel of cavalry for Hiilbprcugh diftricT:. j ; ; ; . f " i 'i Robert Smith, colonel of , cavalry for Salilbury ditlricl. ? 1 Thtmas Harvey, major of cayalry" for Edentoa difrrict. f , T - Anid that no one place in nomination for the fitting of the general aScmbly, had a majority of votes j ; Thekoufe refelved, that they do con cur with this report. ! -. i 1 Adjourned till Monday. J Monday, November zi. Mr. Mathews prefentcd tbe petition of fiiudry inhabitants of). the counties cf Burke, and Wilkes which being read, Mr. Mathetrs then moved for leave and prefentcd a bill to annex part of Burke and Wilkes counties to Iredell county which was read the Brfl time, jpafied and feiit to the fenate. j. Reteived from the fenate a till for al tering the place of Itclding the ccui ts in the county cf Randolph, and for erect ing public buildings therein, endifed, . .read the ferit.time, and paf'ed. 1 Mr. Folk moved for leavp and prefent ed a bill to repeal an aft paiTed at Fay etteville, in 17S6, and to alter the mode of Dunifliinei' hcrfe fiealine which wa: read the fli il time, pailed-aafiTent the ienate. Adjcurned. . - - " ; . . s : Tuefday, Ncvember 23. . The bill to incorporate the phyficians and furgeons of this ftate, L the came of the Ncrth-Carolir.a Meiical Society, vhich was read the fecend time, paCed, and fent to the fenate. f - Mr. Jcnes pi efeuted the petition1 cf fundry inhabitants of the .tcv.jj ci Wil mingtcn, which beisg read, Mr. Jones moved for leave and preferjted a; bill agreeably, te the .p,rayer therccf, enticed, a bill to rAablifh a towr. at Fcit john. ficn, n Cape-Fear river, v hic was lead the fiifi time, palled, and fect to the fenate. t. Mr. franklin prefeme a j petition from divers IrihabitftMs ci Wilkes cfun lyi '.prajirjg to lc added to the ccurty cf ' MS V. I ii 4 It v-x! ; k V i . 5 1 I S I. :