' T H B j I - North-Carolina Chronicle ; Or, Fa N i $ of Vol. II. j M O N D A Y, . ; . ..... ' . t ; ' ';'-"'(: 1 ''!-' ;: : i' DECEMBER 6, 190. Total ; BISTORT. CARVERS TRAVELS. ( Cr.tinued. ) IHAVE already obferved that the .Auinipoils, with a party of whom I Tic here, arc a revolted band of th Nau cionefliis ; who on account of fome re al -r imagined grievances, for the Indi an in general arc very tenacious o. their liberty, had feparated themtclves from their countrymen, and fotfght for (ree do.u at; the ex pence of, their eaie. For tn- country they -mow inhabit about the bo-deri of Laic Winncpeek, being much fa; herjnorth, is rot near' io fertile or agreetble as that they hve relinquished. They flill retain the language and man ners of their former aflbciates. The KiliilVmocs, now the neighbours and allies of the xiflinipoils, for they alio dwell near the fame lak and on the. war ters of the river Dourbon, appar to have ibcen originally a tribe o? the Chip? ways, j as therfpeak their language, though in j a diffeient dialed. Their nation cbn JUis of about thtee or four hundred war ! 1 iors, and they fecm to be a hardy brave people. I have already given an ac- eounti of their country when I treated of j Lake Winrjepeek. As they refidc with ' in thelimiuof Hudfon's Bay, they gene '. rally trade at the faaorics which belong ; to that company, but, for the reafons be : fore mentioned they frequently rome to i the place where I happened to join th m, in order to meet the traders from Mich ills mackinac The anxiety I had felt on account of the tiaders delay, was not muck allevi ated by their arriyal. I again found xny expeaations difappoimed, for T wa no able to procure the goods 1 wanted from any of them I was therefore obliged 1 to fiveovti my defigns, and to return to the plac frrim vrhencc 1 firtt began r.n extenfive" circuit. I accordingly ! tcck leave of thdold king of the Kilhfti l r.ces, with th? cjiicfh f both 'bands, and ' dfprrted. This prince was upwards of 1 fis v years of ae, tail and (lightly made, U He carried "himiclf yrry ere. 'I. NHe 1 y : ofa courteous, affable difpcfition, ! akc treated me, as did all the chiefs, with great civility. ' 1 . ': t 4L I ouferved in at tl.is people flill conti nued a cullora, that appeared to hare been univerfal before any of them be came; acq :.iain:ed with the manners oi the European, that of complimenting than--' t"Ters with the company of their wives amd this is not only pia51ifed by the low er ranks, hut by the chieff themfeifes,: who elteera it the greateft jproof of coar teir they can give a (banger. ; The feeginnfe-'of Oaober, after hav ing coafied rouad the north and caGj bor der i f Lkc Superior I arrived aV Ca dot's Fore, which adjoins to the falls j cf St. Marie, and is fituated hear the fouth- weit corner ot if. j r 1 ' - Lake Superior, formerly tenr.ed the uppe? lake from its northern fit nation, -is lb caiied on account of its being fuperi or in magnitude to any of the Likes on that vait continent. ; It J might juitly be termed the Cafpian of Ameiica, and is fupocied to be the largeft body oil frclh water on the globe Its circumference, according to the French charts, is about fifteen hundred miles; but I believe, thai if it was c aJled round, and tlie ut- moll. extent of every bay taken, it would exceed fix teen hundred. " ! After I drfl entered it from Goddar J's River on the Weabay, I coaftednear twelve hundred miles of the north and eaft ihores of it, aadi obfcrved that the great ell prt of that txteniive track was bounded by rocks and uneven ground. The?ater in general appeared to he on 3 oed oi rock. When it vyas calm, and the fun (hone bright, I cul4 fit in my ca noe, where the depth- was upwards of fix fathoms, an-' plainly, fee huge piles of (Uneat the bottom, of different lhapes, fome of which appeared as if they were hewn. The water at this time was as pure and tranfparent as air ; and my ca noe feemed as if it hung tefpeaded in chat clement. It "was impouTele to look at temivtly through this limpid medium at the rocks below, without finding, btfore many minutes were clapfed, ycur head fwjm, ad your eyes noonger able to be hold the dazzling fcene I di:covcred alfo by accident another extraordinary property in the waters of this lake. Though i: was in the month of July that I naued,OYer it, and tne fur- face of the water frq the fuper-ambient air, impregnated with ho fmall de gree jof warmth, yet o letting down a cup t;o the depth of about ft lathoadi the water drawn from thence was fo eiceT:Te coidj that it had the fame5 effect when re ceived into tfae mouth as. icer 1 1 pIP4",', I Tte fitilationbf this : lake is varifjuflf laid tiown ;. b-ut ircmhe Wioftl exak ob iervaWns I could make, It lie? r between fbrt-fix and fi degreei rbt north j lati ludel and between eihty-fb'ur and nine- ty-three degrees ot weit longitude irom the tnendian 01 London. Tiere - are many iOands land of them is proper i'oi cultivation, there appears to oe lurncient 10 1 eacli a conAderable provincje ; cfpecially on 1 lie ivoyai wmcu cauui wc itxa tw. in this lake, ; and if the an (hundred mile lonr, and ia many iplace forty broad. 15ui tnre is no way latpfrefentof alccitaining the exact length (or breadth of either. Even tie French, iwht always kept ,a fmall fchnei n this llake whiitt they were in pofeffion pCCa ' lnada,by which they could; have mads i!thi difcoviry, have-enlf acquired a ! flight knowjedge of the exteriarparts bf ithejfe iflaads ; at lcaft thej have never publifhed any account of the internal j pans of them, that I coud get inteht- I geiice -of . . '. ; ' . i-hi I 1 I Nor was !I able t difcoter.; frdxi any i of !the cohverlatiohs whicr I! hed with ! -'thi neighouring Indians that they had I ertr made any fettlemeHti op them or evtn landed there iruhfKnticg excur- ndns. From what I cp&iaj gather, by ifrrtmfe. thev fuTsoole thtm to have I beer, from their fir fx inforhrriatiqri, the r- I: fidence of tlie Great bp:nt ; a : tniitiY re dicnlous (tones or enc add'magical tricks that had Nen expe riericed bvrfuch as were oblige through ! ftjfeft of weather to take (Beltfr One of the Chipeway chiefs f their oeopleibeine ; vn on the ifland of Maurepas, which I lifS on the north-eaft part of the -lake, ! flA nn it larce ouantities oft a heavy I fhlinfng yellow 'fand, that from! their dc i fciiption mua have been pf ld uft; B,e i irj ftruck! with th? beautiful pp-arance i ofit, in the morning, wcn ;tK; re-en-I tcred theif car.oe, they attempted to nd relate baiu ment on'" them. told me, once Bri- i 1; t