I. - 4 t : . - i Monday, November Ji9 I Refolved, That the honorable Judge Wi liams, be' requeued' to ' attend the .general-afleinbly a fey days, that his ad vice maybe received, Yefpe&ingrthe pro pofed alteration ia the judicial fyftem. j Received from the fenate,' the bill for ereSyig part of Wilkes and Wafhipgton j 'counties, jmto a- fcparate. an4 diftinft 1 county,' by "the ' name of- I J. Mtj MacDowcll prefented a.bill to al- 1 ter the molde of punidiiag horfe ftealing. ; !. The fpeaker laid before the; houfe,. a ; letter froaa Abiftia Thomas,, efquire, c agent fronj this (late to tlie United'States, was read and. referred to the committee appointed to confer with Doctor Willi- 'amfon,! and fent - to the fena'.e. ! wr, ' " 1 r , r ; r : ! I ; . Tucfday, November: 30. Heceived from; the fenate. the bill for altering the mode of punilhrnent for hoite flealing The' bill to cftabiifn a town in Surry county, endorfed;. read the thirjd time and palled. Th? bill to alter the mode of ptmifb inr hor:ex- ftealine.lwaV read the third jtime, failed and fent ta trie fenatc. !. ( . Rejeivedrbiii tKe fenate, the bill -'to. enable cAlor.el rlij'tf . liutterloh to rails the vatpois ct erecting public buildings, &e. eilfioricd,.Tead' the ,ieccnd tima and palled. ' ;J . . . j . , couri-nouie m was read the j; Th;-illJoT:;cneing a -the t&iva 01 .Wiliihgtrck, neandpaited. . " ? -r "1 V- 1 -n ' ; The hill to amend an a entitled an.at money by loiteiy, &c. -A bill empow. . -. . t 1 r J I a-in fv.r-il oT'nUr'S tn lav 3 fsvi' t.vr for eilablilAing courts 01 ia.v aim iwj gulating proceeding clierein, and another aQ, entitled anaftr giving an equity jurifdiaion to the 0 :penor coarts, veje read the fecond time, amended, pall4i si Dfrrtmtl,Pren,te th , till .for i, JeconiXi.. Ptt4 Wfia.At;i.o .Uftnate. eftabliann an infpeaion of; tobaccc, kt ! w rei pirt of. an aa, end "the ferry of Thomas Eaton, on Ro.mcak ; river, Received aifo, the petition jof the ; i'lnhabttantf of the 'counties of! Wake, .Granville and Orange praying to bee reft- j .'cd into a new county, eadorled, readand j referred as by the houie of commons. ? ; , Received from the fenate, a bill to Icedc to the United " States f "-America, rrti m inns Herein iucuuuiitui iui iu. 'f purpofe cf bnilding light'houtes. A bill to eitablilh. a town at the place fixed up j .a . for erefting' Ja coart-lioufe "in the i coanty of Surry, read a fecond time and ! pTed-UAlfo, a bill for. granting a loan i to the Truftces of heiUmtcrfity,vrcad ' the fifft lime and paflcd, ' ' ' ; i . :. . f Wedncfdayi December , 1 ifobbs county. 'The bill for dividin t d, p fr ra read! the firft timeDafied and fenr to the fenkte. " '; -. The bill-gtanting lcaye . to the people living mthe'toritsot ht - Yadkin Kivcr, the priviledge of holding. Separate gene ral ra afters, was read the fecond imz, pafiedi and lent to the fenate. f The bill for alceriag:the: time, of hold ing the county courts of Frahklin and palTed ancl ordered to be eHgolTed, Thurfday, December k- Tfr. Lock moved for leave and pre fented a bill, providing for the exchang ing and rcifruinn- the naDer currencv. of o r .r r r . ' this (late, and prefcribing the manner m which the fame fhall be done, which was read the firlt time, paiTed and fent to the fenate. ' , . Mr. Perfcn prefented a dIII to reftrain all married pcrfoas from marrying agiin, until their former wires and hufoands be ead, which was read the firft time, palf cd and fent to the fenate Received from th? feaate the follow ing msfTage We will concur with the ,: 2foiutiDn of your houfe, inftfuaing the ! fenators from this Hate to the congrefs 6f the United States, as therein mentioned, provided you, will pafs them . as . now 'arassded. . .w 4-.v - " 1 -;Thf bill authoring H. El Lutterloh, i "to raife mvmy by.a lottery, Sec. was read j -f; the fecond time; paued and ient j to the j fenate. . -: .?. - f ; " The bill to . prevent married perlbiis frommarrym again, &c alfo the bill; for dividing Dobbs county, were read the firtt time and pafled. : " A bill for granting Hbetty to the pco. pie living in the forks of the Yadkin, to hold feparate general mufters -and ths i bill to eflablifh a ton in Stokes county, Avrre endorfed, .read the third time aud ; .paCed. ; ' ; . Friday, December 3, : :. j 'i. Mr. Hay prefentci a hill for hc rqhrk ; eafy recovery' of rents, ; which vas rend the fjril time, gaffed and fent to the-a- Mr. J.lebane prefented a hiU to amenjj an acl for regulating ordinaries', heuies qf cntcrtainmeut, ferries, &c. read the 1 4ril time, paiied and lent to the lenatc. 1 f JThc following gentlemen are cijofen rnerabers cf thegorernor's council," yici. Caleb Fhifer, I Griffith Roth ERyoRD, William L.ittl. ! Pkjle:on Hawkins, CiiA&Lts BauC, John Faul'con, and ! William Gouav, efquires. j Mr. Hay prefented a bill to amendlthe Jaw relative to attachments, which' Was read the firft, time, paifbd and fentto jtlic fenate. Re&lvetl, That no private bill fhall be received in either houfe of the gcae ral afTembly, after toimorr.oiv. i j Ordered that the following meffajre bs fent to the fenate ': j; .Mr.. Speaker 'a ?G?3tIsf7Zn9 I J We piopofe! that, the committee to Thom U committed the bill for enualiJinz tee land tar,.be direaed 19 rcpo.it uii cu, cn;Moaday next. ; tied an 3 ct to res uj ate utid afcertain tiu feverai officers fees therein, mentioned, an if r aicenng tip xiiiiC iioiuin ins courtp of law and ituuy for'the diil ri5s cf Hlifait,.dentiii,vieberii, and W ii mington, paiied a Nwbern, 1734, was r.rad Lee inira um.e aua itjcqcu- Received totn .tne lenate ttie rcioiuti- on. o tljtho;afe4.rdittmg,no pjuvate J bills after to-iriorrow, cpneurred wiin. , The bill t o cede and reft in the Uniti e3 States of America, the land? therein mentioned, for the purpofe . of ibuildinij lightiheufe?, was ead the third time, pafleji aad ordered to be engroflcd. Tie bill for grafting a loan to th truftees of the Univerfity, was laid oyer until; next aflembly. . , Received from the fenate the bill to -eRaKltfn two places for holding general xnullrs in CaiVcll county: The bill for reulaHng ordinaries, &c.- The bill for the more cafy recovery cf rentj. The bill tp amend the a .empowering ihz county courts, &c. to lay out public roads endqrUd, :ead m il : time andpafled. The bill to retrain married perfons, &c. tne hill authorifioa: colonel Lutter loh to raife money by lottery, &c v c.re ' read the third tiaie, paffed and fent to the fenate.' ' ;f ' Ii The bill to eSabiifh an infpeclion cf tobacco at Eaton's 1 Ferryl was read the third time, palled, and fent to the lenatc The committee from the join! ballot ing for a place for the fitting of the ncu general afTembly. reported, that Ncwbeia had a majority of viotci.f.; . , The 'b;il fcrj . caiifta.a town iu Stokes ccunty wat lead the third time, paifed, and brdefeditohc engroiFcd. Recdved from the fenate a bill to im pofe a certain fine on any perfbn tak.bg a feat in. the general aifembly who is dil qualified by the conftitutton of the Uric ed States to be ar.embcr thereof, endor fed, iead the nrfl time, and pafl'cd. Ibis biil was talcen p and read for the firft reading in this hocfc, pafled and returii cdho tlie ienatejviV': J u ;' iu ... 1f4; r P f