c, iM .:ts;: : Mi & Mi .1 : 1 l'i '( i , (-?,. 1.1 i! 1 .i;.1! r 'i n Frr th FhiUitlpkia Gtneral Aivtrtiftr M. PftlMTEft, EVERY day affords us an addition al proof of theaeiviry of man's mental facilities in his learch after new bjeftsand tdcis 'to gratify his refllefs curiofity. He is conftantly fceklng after aad contriving (methisg new. Look at the European prints efpecially, and you willmect with many ftrikinginfranccs cf this active fpir it ; y ou will find them filled with advertisements of. mechanics, Ice. upon new conftrutlions ;. there axe carriages upon, a new conftruelicn, racers upon a new conftruftion, knee-buckles, locks, knives, aad pomatum upon a new eonJlruclion ;,tho if: I rcceUec"t right, this lail article is the produce of Ame lican manufacture. You will fee new invented patent elaftic ftockiags, patent claAic hax-baads, tloths, razor itrops and garters. Take the trouble of looking at the papers, for a' few years hack, and jcro will find patents upon patent. Firft, Amply patent fnuffers,. then new patent buffers, afterwards a third patent, and fcAly a ionrth for fnufler. Turn your eyes to France and you are taught to fly,, lp burn lamps free from fmoak to walk on water, to build ft upend ous domes without fcaffolding. One will teach y boil potatoes in Oeam& and our inge nious American will, Vy means of fleam, propel a boalv Among other curious, intentions ike following deferves to be mentioned the art o vitrifying bones A fuperficial obfefver would think but little of this diicovery; and would be content with. going en in the old track, and continue making k with fand Why not he would fay, " Jet the tones red in peace fure thre.cast be no fcarcity of fand fit for the manafaAure of glalY in ths wide world.1 True hut what fatisfadioa would it not give to be ablc'to preferve in fo neat a fV.rm, i a part of cur deceafeJ friend ? Wifcx jt'ief.tb a difconfol ate-lover fiill to be "abl; ta con-li!: hU departed miftrefs about a fafhronaMe fuit of clothes, by poiTctTir.;.; a looking glafs made of her breaft bone,, or to make ufe of a frnclii?i bottle, once her lktle finger ,What de fight to a hin vhtut to drink to BaccVus ut cf a jolly fellow's fcnll J How glo rious to pwffcfs a fet of ine glaffes made cf the hack bone of afocUble compani on"! What an invaluable pair of fpeta les might h.irc bren made of the. knee pans of a Newton; i hat- an admirable microfcopic !eir of his nofe ; :what a co;r.p!ete itlefcope of his frontal and pa xictjj bones T Vh3 would , refufc vi'j money for a thermometer made ox Fa rnheit'i finger ? A decanter of Epi curus' thigh-hone would fetch any price After this difcovery nothing can "fur prifeme: Should thefe ingenious folks make a drum-head of afoldier's lkin,.oit iron net-work of cur nervous fyftem : fhouldthey find the art of changing inu rubies every drop of blood fked in our country' defence, or into diamonds eve ry tear cfeapingat the fight of fujfering Jiumanity thefe would be jewels of in efiimable value ; one of the firft kind' might prove a ufeful memento to princes; and ftatefmen, to whofe care the lives of the people are entruflcd, and ight bev. confidered as a lively emblem of the: value cf the Aibics' blood.. The dia mond, I think, would well grace the fin- ger of thofe friends of humanity vho are endeavouring to reRore the- oppreifed Africans to their natural rights., W. FAYETTEVILltE. GENERAL Martin, arrived 1 in Air town a few days ago, by whom Yfc are favoured with the following account i That on the third of Novtn.ber 'laft, an 'advanced party of the federal troops and militia, under the command of general Harmer, confining of about ioo men, were attacked by apartyof the Shawanoe " tribe of: Indians, en theiiver St. Jofeph, and entirely defeated with the lofs of fifty killed ; after which the Indians attacked the main army, confining of about 500, who were likeife defeated, wiiK the lofs of 130 killed and 260 wounded. Amor g' the killed are Col. Fountain, General Scott's fon, and Major Willis.. The abve account is confirmed by a number of other gentlemen -w ho have arrived in town both from the northward and fouthward. We hourly exp'ecVictrcurn ftatiiial account of the whole tranfa5on. The bill for regulating the judiciary 7 of this ftate, pafled the aTent of both f hoafes of the lepifiature,. on Thurfday Mart ; which provides for an additional j judge cf the fuperior court and a foli I eitor-gcncral, which ofneers werf ballot ed icr on Friday latt, and were, Forjudge. Spruce Moy, efo;.- 97 John Hay, rAfutre, 3 Adlai O&orn, tfqryirc, 7 Waitfdell Avery, tfq. 7 John Setgreavcs, efqtiire, 1. For Solicitor. John Haywood, efq. 85 John Lewis Ta)lor, elq. 37 Col. laVic, 4 -Mr. M'Coy, 1 a Mr. Ave ry, 6. The brig Mally, Capt, Maxwellj ar ivcd a; few days ago at Wilmington from Grtcaoci, with ioopaiTengers. The legislature of Verfneat tate tii fojved to pay to the ftate of Ncw-York thirty thouiamd s dollars-New-Yerk is to relinquifh all claims ttr thai country, and agree that that territory be eretWd into a new liat?. The leg Ulature ef Ver mont have likewise refolvejdte call a con vention to take into coiiOdeiation the CQii&itutton cf the Unit edf States. The convention ts to meet in (January ; the afiembly hae adjourned, t meet agiii the fir 11 Thurfday in January, for the pixrpof (itis fuppi)fcd) of choofing fc nators to reprefent them in Congrefs, And "' fixing the time and manner of electing reprefcntativ.es; I N On the 2 ift of SeptemBer, the Britifa fleet under Lord How, were flill cruifinsj at lea, and not returned to the EnjluV channel, as mentioned rn foxne late accounts.- . r A letter received the 26th Kovenibcr, from Cape-Fraecuis. mentions the prota liility of flour being in a (hort time t four dollars per barrel fcarce a day pafTes but there arc large arrivals frervi the United States 760 barrels arrived from Kentucky, by way of New-Orleans. i SieUb of Eurcptan t&Vttlct. j ACCOUNTS from CohftantiftopV mention that the plague is increafmg very faft. No peace is yet concluded with RuflGa. Letters from Tangier mention with horror, the cruelties txer cifed by the rcw emperor of Morocco upon his fubjecls. Accounts from Leiv con give us iirong reaftn to believe, that a civil infurrecliorf at Paris it at ro grear diltance ; that a riot had began, and thb national guards had hfeen' repulfed : th(? cry of the mob is to cat off-the heads ci ihe mrBifters 'tn general ; it is eipecled they will all red gar. The prefs on the river Thames ftill continues. ?-Thc king of Spain has ifiued a proclamation, dated September 14, forbidding the expoi tatioa of any kind f floimor grain. The go vernment of Madras has taken the coun try of the-1 Carnatte agahi iata their jown hands ; by this they have reiumed the immediate collection: o. iUt retenui of that country,, which for fbme years Ipafi have been invefted istthe hapds of the Icabob of Arcot.. The torch of difcord sac:ain threatens the ibuth of iFrancc ; the iariftocratie party endeavouring to aravl jthemfclvcs cf the fanaticitm cfthe peo "pie ; the catholics and proteilants are j cutting each others throats. Lieutenant 5 San del, vth.9 commanded the fire-fkip-I which occaltoned the lofs in the PwediLV. j fleen in the aclion of the third of July,. has been tried by a couAfil of war ana condemned to die. A Fly mouth paper X September tfays v On Monday cverirglad arrived