st- Plymouth' found, L'Ejpenrnce, French King's brig, of 12 gun?, Captain' Vaneau, frcm Cherbourg, on a cruife of 1 1 days, having on board a very large . party of French noblemen, on a nautical' four, who were not permitted to anchor but ordered to fea again. 1 &oced;wcs cf the genekal assembly. HOUSE OF COMMONS, Saturday, Decenber. THE bill to amend an act, entitled, an aft to empower the county courts of pleas and quarter-fefiions in the iereral counties in this ftate, to order the ikying cut of public roads, and to efta l1ifh and fettle ferriei, and to appoint where bridges (hall be built, and to clar ialand rirers aad cretls, was read tlje fsa nd tim, pafied and fent to the te state. The bill to amend an afl for regulat ing ordinaries, taverns, femes, &c. was read the fecund time, palfed, and fetit to the fenatc. The hill to amend the law relative to a'.taclrments, was read the fecond time, .paired, and fent to the. fenate. The bill to prevent mariied perfect from marrying again until their ioraier lufrands or uives be dead, was read the third time, pa lie J and fntt to the fenatc. Received from the fenate, the bill for building a coim-houfe ia the town of Wilmington, endoricd, read the fecoad time and pafed. ; The bill for dividing Dobbs county, v as read the fecond time, and rejected the yens and nays were called for by Mr. rerfon, fecended by Mr. Macon, and j ere, yeas 26, nays 42. ' The bill for the more cafy recovery rS rents, was read the fecond time, p ifTed iand fent to the fenatc. '1,'hc bill for renewing an aft pafTed at Tarborough in December i 787, entitled, an 26 for fishig the nal letilcment of Unliquidated claims againft this flare, was read the fecond time and r.egatived. The yeas and nays bcir.g called for, wtie Veaj Meflrs. Wood, Lanier, Gau tier, Stewart, Bell, Yancey, Hannah, H. Dry an, Caliwell, Mathews, Moore, Macbin, Cherry, Butler, Carrington, A. Mcbane, Reading, Gaither, Bailey, ftrown, Robcfon, Houfer, Sanders, Nafh. M'Kay, Grove, SprutH, Dowd, Hali.s. 29 i Nays. MclTrs. Dar-Crr.Stor.Varre, r.awyer, Dickins, 1 jiji. J. HilPcrfon, Al'Vn, Monty mery. Jffc-, Irvh ivaJe, Vilory, Sicer, Tt : ry,; .vin, i-.-ck, :LJcv.;t; JKjftkk, F;tjiL!xn, M..ccn, Pender, Guion, Fulford, Simpfori, Turner, Chambers, M'Keonie. -34. Mr. Grove moved for have to bring in a bill for adding part cf Robinfon . county to Cumberland ocnnt y. Ordered, that he hare leave. The bill for building a ccurt-hoxifc in Wilmington, vras read the third time and paiTed. Mr. Handy "prefented the resignation of Arthur Bryan, as colonel of johniloa cjunty, which was accepted. Monday, December 6. 'Met according to adjournment. The bill for fubferibing to the loan, kc. cf the United States, was read the fecond time, paifed and fent to the fenate. Received from the fenate the .follow ing hills, viz. The bill to amend an aft. entitled, in directing the manner cf choofmj repref-ntatives to reprefent this (late in . Congrcfs. A bill to amead an ae entitled, an for eftablifliinga militia in this ftate. A bill to revive an aft, paiTed in the year 1715, enti:ltd,an aft for prevetuing difputes concerning lands already fur veyed, arid to repeal the 6fth fection of rthe faid aa,.eadorfcd, read firH time and pa3"ed. A bill to impe-fc acertaia fine oi arty pnon or perlons talcing a ieat in tho ge neral alTemWy, who are difqualified by the cenftitution, 5cc. A bill to amend an act, entitled an ad f preterit the exportation cf unmer chantable commodities, pafled at Hillf borougb, in 1 734, was read the third time, amtaded, pafled and jfent to the fixate. ' . ' ' The bill to repeal an t, entitied, an act to cft.ibtfiTi a department for adjufting and liquidating the public accounts cf this ftate, ard for appointing a comptrol ler, and other purposes, was read the fe cond time, aad rejected. The bill for incorporating the phy fici- ans and furgeons of this ftate, by the name cf the Nerth Carolina medical fociety, was read the third time, and cn r.otion by Mr. JLeigh, was laid ever till the next general aiTexnbly. The bill t amend the acl for eftabliili ing a militia, was read the firft time, parted and fent to the fenate. The bill to amend the aet for regulat ing ordinaries, houfes ot entcrtainmcBt, ferrici, cc. was read the third time and ejected. TuefJay, December y. Received from the ferate, the bill di Teeing in what .manrer the acls cf'the giaeral afi"embiy xf this ftaic fcall be fnnita, enarlcd, read i the fiift t-rrle s?na paifed. The bill to amend the aft for eftablifhing a militia; endorfed, read the fecond time and paffed. Thebill to ereft that part of Wilkes county, lying wefl of the Appalachian mountains, and part of- WafMngtcn county into a feparate county, was leas for.thefeond reading aod -rcjeaed-the yeas and nays being taken, were, yeas 4 noes 51.; -.M ..4 ; Mr. Carrington moved ifor leave artd prefented a bill to regulatji the practice ofjphyftc ia this Hate, which was read the firlt time, pa(Ted, and fent to the fe nate. ' , j . Received frcm the fenate the bill to amend an a A -for cftablifhing courts cf law nd iot regulating the proceedings therein, and another giving an crjuit j urifdiction to the fuperidt courts, read the , third time, amended atd paiTed. fveceived from the fenate a bill for db taining an accurate map! of this Hate, read the firft time and piTed alfo the bill for fukfcribing dn loaa in the office of the comroiffioner of the United States. cmjoraea, reaa tnc lecond time and pafled. j . Ordered, that the bill to legulate the admini ft ration of juftice i be laid cVer still the -next feflkm f aiTembly. Ordered, that the bill to regulate the; adminiftration of juftice be printed for Jnfpeclion, and .annejced to the lawspsuT- jed I this fefilon. Wedtiefday, Decembers. "Received from his excellency a mef fagC, accompanied with a letter from th governor cf Virginia ; alfo another letter w Mh a copy cf an aft cf the legilaturc fi Virginia, to amend an act for cutting a if anal frcm the waters of Elizabeth river to the waters of PafquatauJc I hc foregoing meflage, Sot. being readmit was moved and ftcondeH, that they be refer red o a oojr-mittee confiding of ine mem ler:frcm cacli fiAricl in this ftate This being objeaed to, the que ft in being put, will the houfe agree to this motion, which was negatived. The yeas and nays were called for by Mr. Jones, and vere, yeat 25, nays 62. Mr. Polk mored for leave arc! prefent ed a bill to increafe the jurifdiction i cf the county courts ia .this ftate, which wat read the fecond time. Dafftd and fcmt tn the ienate. h Kecemd from the fenate the bill to eftablift two places for licld'itg general rnufters in Cifcil couaty, read the ihiid ' time and parted. ' ' r' The bill to amend an zt for- the fup port of ficfc, vas read the firft tirric. paiTed atd fcr.t to the fer st-

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