TO BE SOLD i 1 BY .PUBLIC i AUCTION, on the fomhday of Jmuary nextt before Mr. Toomer's VendueStoic, m Wil-xumg-on, the following Valuable Lands," 125T ncres by three patents ,atc in Bladen county, on both fides vt the nor.h-veft brunch ot Cape tear river, coniati.infc a very bandfome fettle neut on the i:.iuh fide of the river, and 0:1 ihe north fide a large body ot va luable well timbered fwamp, behdes a coodMILL-SJEAT boiiHdcd on both fi.L-s of the rive, by lands belonging to A thu H..', eq;re, beow, and by thole i f the etU e of G vdwin Elietlon, eivj ire, deceaiidaove. iooc acres bemc in two patcn'sof 500 each, in Brunfaidc coun ty, on Ah- , or b-anch, b wren the nuinroaJ t.MrMi, Mill ( n, Wood's creek) and '.he ri'er, cmtatning Ume po.;l liamp. Tnc reu well timbered hig'j land. 156S acres, rrpinning rn Wood's creek, and liming down the fam-: and h- norl-vel' iivc to the plantation foim tl ofWiMiam Waters, tiq. but now belonging to the eftare ct Th mas Neale, jur. and back for com pliment. Upon this traft i . a very hand f. u'e and. convenient fituatior. for a iet-tlc-mcnt on the rii'er, and a great quan tity of valuable timber. '350 acres' on the north fide rr Liaci: river, beginning at the mouth tnci'coi and running up tor compliment. It ts- computed that one third ot this Irakis-of valuable tide fwamp, or cane inarlh and meadow. The highland well tir oered and in an excellent range lor caitic. TERMS. Ore vear' credit Pnnd, with fuch fccuiity as mav be required, ro r ear irtereft, or receipts upon ary. allow ed .claim agHinft tbceOate of Jrhn Row ?n, enquire, dereafed. The parent, &cmaybe fecn at any time, by tv ft irc!irr( 'o purchafe. and good titles v i 1 be n ade for Ibch of the lands as w ill be frld, by Mary Rowan. ra;e:tcville, 91I1 December. C $T Tp bo Let, HE LOT and HOUSES lately poffeffed by Mr. Dekeyfer, on Green-Street, immediately above Mrs,. Em met's. Apply to I! James Hogg Fa ttteville, Dec. 17 66 STO LEN or ftrayed from the iubicri jer, fame time in Srp.ember latl, a BAY HORSE, near i 1 2 hands high, aKout ei;:h:.years old, v eil made before bur rather flender behind, no brand that is remembered ; had a ftar in his fore head, with a Irriall ilreak down his face, one of his hind hoof-iplit neaily up to thehai-, was mod bef re, a natuial trot ter, canters remarkably light in a curb bri 4le. Any perfon that will return fai4 hor 'e, or give Information fo that he may be had, fhall be generoufly rewarded. WILLIAM COCHRAN. Favet :11 , Pr. 4. T790. '"T",HE membeis of the Fay ettevillc Canal Company ,are rt queued to meet at Mr. Deke ft r's, at fix o'clock in the evening of Wednesday the 29th of this month, And all perfons who arc defirous of ' undei taking all or ahv vrt of the intended vvoiks, are defircd. to give hi their propoiais. December 13, 1790. PETER STRONG Fays CASH for OLDand CUT SIL VER. WANTED, Two apprentices te the Warch-Makirg and Jewellery bufmeis, between twelve and fouiteti years of age. TQ B E L, B A $ S B, i . . ... . . For trie term; of four years, from the fit It day of January rrxt cniuir.g, i i- -: A PLANTATION on the north-weft Iriver, about fx miles from.W1 mingtim, late the residence of RobfeTt Schavf, efqnire,1 deceafed, dp. whih ihfre is a dellirig-houfe, kitchen and other buildings. Upwards of one hundred acres of the high land cleared and uncVr fence j alfo about fifty acres rice land, twenty of which have been ditrhel, d may vfith a fmall expence be put in cic'er for planting! the en uing year.-: ' For fetrnsj apply to the fubferiber in "W il mirtrtbn. i 1 l mh.v-wa' jrm V STTfFl TnUMAo WKiUrtl. ' 1 December, 6, i7o. STOLEN from the fubferiber, on the jth initamvadark BAY MARE," about icui feet ten inches high, trots na turally, has a piece crept off each ear, branded on the neck, thus, A. D aiid j D J), neither of which are very plain, alfo . , " D D en he mounting moulder thus, K like wife A D on her buttock; ihe lias a thick main and tail, which curls ; is about ten yeals old. Any peTfon who v. ill bring me laid mare, fball have FIVE POUNDS reward, and ior the thief ind mare, TEN POUNDS. T ARCHIBALD M'DUFIE. CfH-erlav4 county, 4 miles 1 24. J 4iUve Fayettevilk, Nov. 5- I K Li A. DORSEY . Efpeclfully informs His friends and the public, that he has removed from the houfe he occupied, belonging to Mr. Toomer, to that con venient houfe belonging to Mr, Hill, in Market Street, oppclfite ,tle Naval-Office, whee his ufual exertions fhall be continued to accommodate thole who may favour him with! their commands. Wilmington, Dec. i, 1790. 65 m FayrtievUk, Dec, 6, 1790. 65