iJOPDAN & BURKE, I , At their ftore in Hay-Street, corner cf xh- State Houfe Square, and oppefue Colonel Thackllon's, offer for fale. for Cain or Country produce, an rt raent of FALL. GOODS, now open ing, and coniiUing of ! ROSE BLANK ITS, Dutch Blanketing, i.aftic coatings, 4-4 and 15 4 cloihs, 7-4 fuperrine !itto. Caiajuere, Durants, Callimancoes, Men and Women's worded itockings, Tailinets, Falhionable waiftcoat fiiapes, Green baize, FI innelsp Plaint, Wildboars, Kipdal cottons,, Cloak, Thickfetts, Cordnrovi, fancy cords, velverets, Shawls, fcallrcoesj chintz pattern?, Men and Women's cotton ilockings, Irifla linens, CJjcck ajid linen handkerchiefs, . Sheeting linen, Dowlafs, I Silk handkerchiefs, i Barcelona ditto. Black mcde, Sewing filkand twift, Black fattin florentine, Hiir ribbands, tatte, white kid gloves, Tailors thrrads Nuns ditto. Hellandj tapes, quality and (hoe bind ing, J Almanacs, primmers and fpelling books,. Writing paper, and ink-powder, Playing cards, flates and pencils, Pewter unions, guns, hand-faws. Weeding hoes, augres, hand-faw files, Mill ditto. Pad and (lock locks, Spectacles, Eift metal coat an i waul coat buttons, Common ditto. Sleeve buttens, thimbles, SfiUfF boxes, obacco ditto. ; J'vs harps, gimblets, ; Table and tea fpoons, SciiKirs, pen-knires, and cutteau ditto. Tabic knives and forks, Hor 1 anid ivory combs, i riih hooks 1 Pins and white chappcl needles, ! Razors, i jShe, knee and flock buckels, ! Cotton cards, j German fteel, bar-iron, ! Iron pots, Dutch ovens, frying pans, F liii axes, coffee mills, 'Shot and bar lead, Grind Tones, Nails, fad -irons, to' acco pines, Queens v are -difhes and plates rnugs bowls, &c. , Snaffle, pclham, curb,,and plited biidle bits, -; ! Sicel heads and throats, ftaples and pl.nes, , j f;.Jdlers lacks,, Allum, ' Gvn ponder, C( tfee, tea, fnufr, copperas, AUfpice, pepper, ginger, j Wine, mm, fugar and molaffe?, S ilt, and fundry other articles too nume-j rous for an adverttfement. Fayetrcville, Dec: 6, 17 90. 65 57 F or me: FIVE PuL N Db RiiVr xiKD. RAN AWAY from the fubfcrlber, living in liedeil county, NorliH Carolina, on the rirli day of July latf, a negro fellow named FRANK : he is of a 1 cilow complexion, i;.cws :ome marks of thefmail pox, is abcul 5 feet 8 inches high ; has by running away beioae, and getting froft bitten, 10H tvo of the little toes of his left foot, ar-d p.irt of the third one; I expect he will charge his cloaths and name, and pais ;oi a free man as hi has oone before, and e deavour 10 make his way to b'ayetteviil or Wilmington, and get on board fome veflel, as he has often threatened' fo to do. Captains of Veffels and other are cautioned on their peril not to harbour faid fellow. Any perfon who will take up faid fellow and brine him to me, or fecure him fo that get him again, fhall receive the above reward, and all refonable charges. j JOHN WuRK. October :8 1790.- i (fj The above, mentioned fellow was t2km and confined in Robinfon county gaol, from which he made his ejeape ori or about the ipth inftant. Should he be taken again, it is particularly requrftecf he may be fo ironed as to prevent him again getting away. JUST PUBLISHFD, jfhJ forale at the prirJing-offi.ct ' i The NOKTH-CAROLINA ALMANAC! Foi the year or ourLoid 17911 l izttoi t me 11 Cum bei land ri er, rJ du?: (r units frpni chvii!-,. "ccih taming 307,2 acres. For particulars enquire fat the printin-c.rjice. i' V - ' I5- 62. For tlxl VAJh feAl K, lurfuant tQ thelaizvhlof Frnrj , as Clayton, h)a, T HAT well known valuable 'plan tJ tion. and pa: eel oi lain1, caileu Rocy Ptint on the Norrh-EaiL river, "in-New-Hanover county, containing by tiie original grants, 1920 'acre?-,- wih'a large biickhuuie and other building. One hundred and ninety ucro cif iiis has been under crop this year, ar.d is cl clofed with 'new fence, anj-ijjere 2:c it reral hundred? cf acres cle-, zixdti icr. immediate cultivation. 11 tit land; art fomc of -he beft in the flate, bothici til lage and pafiure. ALSO, the plantation and lands cv the SpuMd, where Mr. Cla ton uu illj refided (formerly Mr. Harnett) ccn taming .-about Fco acres, vith a c n no-. dious dwelling houfe, and other nctc.'V ry buildines-A confiderable part A this is clear and under good fences, hrnr g been planted this prefer.t year, ai d is Citellent for corn and indigo : with tl or fepaiate, will be fold, an citivSwt range of banks, betweer the Srurd 2rd the ea, efteemed valuable for firck ard the timber, and on which is feme good planrable land.- Credit will be given', antT the payments received by inftallmehts ; but in additi'. n to perfonal fecurity, mortgages on the premifes will be.requiied. .-. Propofalf ill be received in "Wil mington, by Archibald Maclame,: Herry U.rquh.T , or Hnry Troirer, h? a;6ir g execmors, t whom the lands are deviled for fale. N B' On the firft of January reyt, the negroes, confining rf above if riy workeis, will be hired in finrilies for cne year. Wilmington t Oft. 14. 59" IAYfiTTEVTLLE Prtntfb by HOWARD & P OULSTQNE, for JO FN SIBlf Y o. i at FRANKLnrs HEAD, in Greek Street, where Eilays Articles of Intelligence AdvtTirxny &c rse itharkrtillv received - SUBSCRIPTIONS for this tpcrare laken' in at ThrfH Hafd .Dollars fe? aununi, - tl M -Vo I prpcrs hall to be paidotiubicribiiig,cai tarter in fix XLonihs, aac the ihti umer -ai the end cf the year.