H E North -Carolina Chronicle ; or? Fay etfevilk Gazette rNo- 15, cf Vol. II. J MONDAY, D E C E M B E R 20, 1790. Total He 67.. ms tort. CARVER'S TRAVELS. ( CcJiiviued.) HE ftraights of St. Mane are ahaut J forty miles long, bearing South l.a i, bin varying much in thir breadth. The current between the falls and L-ke Huron is not fo rapid as might be e.;clcd, nor do they prevent the navi- :iin-o"nips of bu den as for up as the iL vJ of St. Jofeph. Ik has been obfetved by traTcllers th.vc the entrance into Like Superior frc.Ti ihs e ftraihts, affords one of the rn d pletfing profjccU in the world: Thr plac ' in which this might be viewed to th. greateft advantage, is jufl at the opening on the like, from whence may hr'eenonthe left, many beutliul littlo i'.lanis that extend a considerable way be fore yoa ; and oa the right, an agreea b fuccciTion of frnall points of land, that r-eit a little way into the water, and c ntribire, with the iflands, to render t'iis delightful bafon (as it might be trrmei) calm and feourc from the rava ges of thofe tempeftuous winds b.y which lite adjoining like is frequently trou bled. L ike Huron, into which you now en ter from the ftraights of St. Marie, is the text in magnitude to Lake Superior. It lies between forty-two and forty fix d grees of North latitude, and feventy-nir.j and eighty-live degrees of Weft longi tude. Its lhape is nearly triangular, and! i;s oircumferncc about one thoufand rcile. On the North fide of it lies an ifland that ;s remarkable for being near an hun tired miles in length, and n more than e:e;ht niiles broxd. This iiiand is known lr'tht name of Mana'uh'n, which figni fi$ a place of fpirits, and is conlidered by the Indiani a facred as thofe already mentioned in L:ike Superior. About the mid lie of the Suth-Weft fide of this lake i Saaum B it. The npes tha. fcpar it- this jay fir m rhe lake r-e abvit eighteen mi'es dHant from e.ii'i othi'r ; near the midL;l of 'lie inter rr.:'vz fcaee rtand two ithmds which .m.1.t tc.i ic fucili-.ati lh- pillVc cf anocs and fmall veTtls, by affording : them fhrlter, as "without this fecurity it would not be prudent to venture acrofsfo wide a fea j and the coaHing icund the bay would make the voyage long and te dious. This bay is about eighty miles in length, and in general, about eighteen or twenty miles broad. Nearly half way between Saganauiri Bay, and the North-Well corner of thc: lake lies another, which is termed Thun der Bay. The Indians, who have fre quented thefe pxrts from time immemo rial, and every European traveller that has palled thrcigh it, have tmanimoufly agreed to call it by this name, on account of the continual thunder they hare always obferved here. The hay is about nine miles broad, and the fame in length, and whilft I was palling over it, which took me up near twenty-four hours, it thun dered and lightened during the greatcit part of the tim-e to an exceflive degree. There appeared to be no viiible reafon for this that I could difcQver, nor is the country in general fubjeift to thunder ; the hill that Hood around were not of a remarkable heigt, neither did the exter nal parts of them feem to be covered with any fulphureeus fubftance. But as this phxr.omenon muft' originate frcrii fome natural caufe, I conjecture that the fhores of the bay, or the adjacent moun tains, are either impregnated with an urt" common qaantity of fulphureous matter, cr contain foifle mental or mineral apt to attract in a great degree the electrical ar ticles that are hourly borne over them by the palTant clouds. But the folution cf thisi and thofe other philofqphical re marks which cafually occur throughout thele pages, I leave to the diicuffion of abler heads. The hlh in lake Huron are much the fane as thofe in lake Superior Sotneof the land on its backs is very fertile, and proper for cultivation, but in other parts it is fandyand barren. The promonto ry that A;parate this lake from lake Mi chegan, i ccmpolcd of a raft plain, up wards of one hundred miles long, but va rying in its breadth, being from ten to fif.ecn miles broad. This track, as I have belore obferved, is divided into al molt an equal .portion between th: Otto waw and Cnipcway Indians. At the Korth-Eaft corner, this lake bits 9. com. luunication 'with Lake Michegan, by the fcraights of MichUliinackinae already def cribed. . ; '' ;- I had like to have omitted a very ex traordinary circumfiance relative to thefe ft mights. According" to obfervatians made by the French, whilft they vere in poiTcflion of the fort, although there is no diurnal flood or ebb to be perceived; in theft waters, yet, from an exact attention to their Irate, a periodical alteration in them !has been difcovered. It was ob ferved that they rofe by gradual, butal moft imperceptible degrees, till they had reached the height of about three feet. This was acccmplifhed in feven 3 ears and an half, and in the fame fpace they as gently decreafed, till they had reached their former fkuation lb that in fifteen years (they had completed this inexplica ble revolution. At the time I waa there the truth of thefe obfervarions could not be confirmed by the Englilh, as they lUd been only a few years in polfeflion of the fort ; but they all agreed that ibme alte ration in the limits of the firaights was apparent; All thefe lakes are fo adVcled by th winds as fotsetimes to have the appearance of a tide, according as they happen to blow, kut thh is onljK tempo rary and partial. . A ;great ruaiber of the .Chipeway In dians livcfcattered aromnd this lake, par ticulkrly near Saganaum bay. On its banks are found aa amazing quantity of the fand cherrirs, and in the adjacet country marly the 'fame fruits as thofe that grow about the ether lakes, From the fa3h cf St. Marie, I leifurely proceeded back to Michillimackinack and arrived there the begif nisg cf November I767,havingbeen fourteen mon h; on this extenhve tour travelled.near four thou fand miles, and tinted twelve naticts cf Indians lying to the weft and north of this place. The irter feting in foon afef my arrial, I wa obliged to tarry there till the June following, the naviga cn over Lake Hurrn for large veflels not being open, on account of tl e ice, till that time. Meeting here v illi frcial o company, I pniTed thele s:.ors rei y ?gre?ably, and without filial r.g iht hou: lediiu?. ;