FAYETTEVLLLE. ONWednefday lafl both hoafes of the General Afl-rrbly of this Hate ad ju:rcc fine die Vutn l 'be ieOicn the following afis were paJfcd, viz A.Nift foraltetingthe time cf hold iag the annlial meeting of the general af 'fembly. Firft Monday in l)ecember. to carry into effeft a refolution of Con "grefs, pafied tht 29th of September, 1789. to amend an aft pafled in Hihfbo rough, in April, 1784, entitled, an act to encourage Enoch Sawyer to make a road ihicegh Pat qua tank river fwamp, oppofite to his plantation. to repeal an act providing means for the payment of die domefiic debt, fcr ap propriating certain monies therein men tioned, and to amend an aft, pafled the la ' feffion of the general aflembly, eati tied, an act for levyinga tax for the fup port of government, and for the redemp tion of old paper currency, continental money, fpecie 2nd other cerrifi ates ; and alio part of an other act, entitled, an act for opening the land-office for the re demption offpecic and other certificates, and difcharging the arrears due to the army. ; or building a court-houfe in Hillfho rugh, for the diftrict of HilJfborough. to confirm unto Thomas Pool Willi ams, cf Ci:rrituck an indefcalible title to two acres cf land at Bcllfville, in faid ctunty. to ahcrthe mode of fwearing petit ju rors in the couits ct law ia this (late. to auhorifc the conftables tofcrve war rants and othci prccefs, as .h-rrin direct ed, rn j ivers, bay s, or creeks within this frate. to repeal all acts, claufes, and parti of afisoi .h general affemblycf this-ftate, as resale to dafEng of tobacco. to prevent any pcrfon who now does, w-o rr.ay hereafter held any office, ap p ir.trricr.t or ai.;h;Tity under the fedei.d go - euiKiat fr n. being eligible to a ft at in the gtneial affen b.r cf this fiats, and to prerer.t my pcrfor froir holding cr excuifir.g any efnee or appointment un do he authority ot the faid ftate,fo long a.1 : c i t:r 1 s to held or cxercife any c f: .c or ?ppoin mem under the aut.'n rity cf t c Ui.i ed Sat(?s r repeal p.M 1 f ibr 2d and 5h fe.Si crs r.fai net of ih general a ffemhly pa li eu a N.wbm in the v rat 17 5? a rr an ac. i( r r. if.sg u . utlie re- vfi c hef' rp 1 ot ovcn mm, and V i: :m. 'tr t i' ppref? r ccthv- f att.. iiv ; aiio one ether act, palled at FnTetteville, in November, ij$6, enti tled, an act to impofe duty on all Caves brought into this ftate by land or water. for cutting a navigable canal frcra the waters of Pafque'ank river, in this date, to :he waters of. Elizabeth river in the fiate ol Viigini a. to make O of -Creek navigable. to alieT the o'ue; of holding the coun ty courts of Hyce county, from Wcod ftck to Ball's bay, on Jafper's crek in faid county, and to erect a new cvit houfe, priicn and Pocks. to alter and amend the atts for regulat ing the pilotage, and facilitating the na vigation of Cape-Fear iiver. to empower iitheldred R-.ffir., Tho mas Br an ton, Willi by Wiliams, ; ar)id Hymcric Hooker, the fecuritics ol Ecn jamia Cafwell, late lhenfT of the county cf Dobbs, to collect an account for the taxes due from the inhabitants cf the faid county, for the year 1 789 for altering the time for holding the ccun y courts cf plea and quai'ci -ie Ax ons for the counties of Franklin and Iredell. to keep open R'ck-Fiihcreck in Cum berland county, from its mouth to the forks thereof. to empower James Craie, guardian of the orphans of David C;i. ;ge, of Rowan county , deceafed, to fell fciid difpofe cf part of the real ehate of the faid Da'vid Craig?, for the paymentof a debt due by him to the public. td eablilh a town at the. place fixed upon for the court-hou'e in the county of Sf, and for adding two .ino.e c irr mifiioners to thoi'e heretofore app i- tfd for filing the I public buildings in faid county. 10 eftablifh an infpclior! of ro accofat the ferry of Thomas Eaton, on RAno"ke river.. to amend an act, pafT'-d a? HPfborough in 1784 entitled, an act for extending the navigation cf Roacoke river for vefiing the property of certain ne gn es in the hr-irs of Mark Nevrby- tolve(l th property of certain lots; of land, ft tu a ted in the tows of TarbOroujgh in Edmund Hall and hij. heirs. to cede and vefl in the lri'ed Sa'tes ' of America. thelanc!s therein mentirred, for rhe purpefe of building lignt hru'es. t" re ivr and continue In force an .jr., eni 1 d, an act to empovei the f crai cou tycourn therein m.ntion?d, to lay a tax annua ly, no exceeding three year.', fo) the pnrpofe t.f erecting (r repair-rg the cou' -b-ufes, Sec. dec. pafled a: Fay tevKe, 17F6. i t n en ' an act enticed an a o em p t r the conn y r ; -. c pi a iir.i quaitcr-iifhons ol iheKvsiai cc-uiiucl in this il2te, to order the !?y:pr ut pufh'c roaaandto edablifli and Settle fe'ri-?" to appoint where biidgcs fnall be buil:' and to clear inland navip-arion ' to au'iiorife William M'Chilan, cfthc county or Rockiagham, to. eAicnd a mill dam acicfs Mav o river. to enable ht v;uirrf ef the peer for the ccsmies of P.fquotank and Carteret, to bull hoUiCb ic4p.ctiveh, fcr the re ception of the poor of the laid counties, and for levying a ta. iv dciray the t pence thereof. . " to repeal the fifth and fixth fections cf an a5t paffed at Hili (borough, u-: the y'.-ar 17S4, entitled, an aft fvr he iegn:Lica ci the town of Viimtngton. directing the time and places of hn)d-, ing the annual elections in the county of Hyde- to authorise the comminioners of the town of EsJentoh to grant fo D or Dickenfon, a cerlian water lot U th; faid town. to alter the names of certain perfens therein mentioned for granting to the inhabitants ff Rowan county, living bttvvebn tbe no, h andfeuth forks of the W Lin river, ih privilege of holding feparate gsncfiJ rentiers. to eliablitn a covn at tlie place fi.fd upon fdr the court-houfe in the cotintv fcf St6kes. I''-. ' ' to empower the county- court of Rock ingham to lay a further tax to rcinjbi'Mj the comn-iifiioners the money bj them ependeci in ereiing the 'Court-hculr, prifnn, and flocki. in faid ccmntY sorater the mode of piimfhment for hojfc itealins;. ! to reftrain all married per ons from marrying again whilit their former, wi-- cs or hufbardb are living to appoint ccmmiflioneT to direct and efliblilh a ga'tpr flope on, the mill diirn of Samu?l High, at tire falls cf Nui'e river, in Wake county, and to repeal 'fo much fan act, puffed ar Tarborouvrb ia L787, a comes withinthe pervtew of this act " : for building a court-houfe in the wwa o Wiii in Vi for the difiriet cf Vvil K.ingtrn. v to empower the juf nets of New-Hanover county toincieaie tbe County tax. - to amend an act, entitled, an set foi enaL.it) ing crairts of law, ard for rrula ting the proceedings herein ; and ar.o t e a, "-nt i !, as s a 'for '.giving an equity jurifbii5tion to iheft'pefior -couits. t effwbiifh tvfo places in the 'county of -Calweil, for the parpofe.of hclJtr.g Iwor.ei) muP.crs i;e;rtirt en powe- in; the county courts of pls and qujirtex-itfiicn& to direct ihcfecietarj

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