( 133 ) credits the cortctufions of thofe who have fuppofid it to be by iea,;beoauic no anci ent author has made mention of the com? pifs :. and conclude, that it muft be cither by the north of Afia and Europe, which adjoin to each other, or by tho e regions that lie to the fouthward of the ftreijhts of Magellan. He alio rejects the aifcrtions of inch as have advanced that it was peopled by the Hebrews. JohnDe Laet, a Flemiih writer, has controverted the opinions of thefe Spa nish fathers, and of many others who have written on the fame fubje&. The hypothetic he endeavours to eftablilli, is, that America was certainly peopled by tha Scythians or Tartars ; and that the tranfmigration of thefe people happened feon after the difperfion of Noah's grand fons. He undertakes to (hew, that the xxioft northern Ame ricans have a greater rcfemblance, not only in the. features of - their countenances, but alfo in their com plexion and manner of living, to the Scy thyans, Tartars, and Samoidcs, than to any other nations. In anfvrcr to Grottus, who- had auerted thatfonse of the Norwegians paffed . into America by way of Greenland, and over a vail continent, he fays, that, it is well known, that GreenlandjWasnot difcover ed till the .year 964, arid both Gomera and Herrcra inform us that the Chichi--rocques were fettled orUhelake of Mexi co in 72 r. He adds, that thefe favages, according tr the uniform tradition of the. Mexicans, who difpolTeireI them, came from the country fince called New Mexi co, and from the neighbourhood of -California j confequentlyj North-America, 111 aft have been inhabited many age be- -fore it could receive aayjirihabiants from , Norway by way .of Greenland. It is nolefs certain, he obferves, that the real Mexicans founded their empire in 902, after having fubtlSed the Chichi meques, the Ot;mia.c, and other barba rous nations, wh had taken poffeffion of the country round the lake of Mexico, and each of whom fpoke a language pe culiar to thercOlves. The real Mexi cans arelikewife fuppofed to come from fame of the countries that lie near Cali-ioni-a, and that they performed their -journey. for the rnoft part by land; ot? courie they could net come from Nor way. 1 De Laet fu ther add;, that though fune of the inhabitants of North Ameri ca may have rntered it from the north---weft, yet, as it is reined by Pliny and fone other writers, that on many of the ifl--inds near the r?? fterrt Icoaft of Africa, particularly on the Canaries, feme anci- r ent edifices were fcen, it is highly; Jr; , bable from their being now defertell, that the inhabitants may have palled over to America, the paiTage being neither long nor difficult. This migration, according . to the calculation of thofe authors, muft have happened more than two thoufand years ago, at a time when the Spaniards were much troubled by. the Carthagini ans, from whom having .obtained a know ledge of navigation, and the conftructron of i hips, they might hive retiree to the Antilles, by the way of tne wefterrifles, . whieh were exactly half-way on their voyage. He thinks alio that Great Britain, Ireland, and the Orcades were extremely proper to admit of ar fimilar conjecture. As a proof, he inferts the-followmg paf- fage from the hiftory of Wales, written by Dr David EoweJr in the year 1 1 yd; 1 his hiftorian fays, that Madoc, one of the fons of-Prince Owen Gwynnith, being- difgufted at the civit wars which broke out between hi brothers after ths- death of their father, fitted outj feveral rebels, and having provided them with every thing: neceflary for along voyage, , went-ia queft- of new lands' to the weft ward of Ireland ; there he difcovcred ve ry fertile countries, but- deftitute of in habitants" ; when landing part of jiis'peo-'-pie he returned to Britain, wherejhe raif- ed new lev ies,and afterwards transported them to hit colony. j this Hate, on havmgthe fames condemn ce uali have the liheity to remove ; and dff- pofe of it wheiefoever he. p cafes. Jin aft to prevent any pgr fin who nenv dcetr or who may beretfttr hol4 any tffitc ap pointment 1 or. authority unhet the fJcra1 government J ram bctngeli$bk- !r Je'at prevent fry. per fin from ttUing o't exer cijikg any cjjice or appointment, lunger the author. ty of the faijfiatefi ing. tiyy contviue to mtQ or exerctje x?iy cfiict pointjment unfer the austerity 0 tfa e4 o fates - ' w or (,-p Lr.U. Paifed Nov. 1 8, 1 790. 1HER EAS in confequener bf tKe aaopt.ion 01 ine ccnhitnticn dr form of government of the United States by this Ktstte, found' policy dictates the meafure of keeping feparate Ian ci did ii;dt the officers afling under the author ity pf the United States frfcjn airg im! any le giflative executive, judiciary, pr other iituatioa under the authority J of this ftare : - i " i Be it therefore enacted by the! gereral aflembly of the flate of North Carrlina, nd it is hereby enacted by the aurfUpty of the - fame, thxt from and after the pafRug of this a no perfon whatbever Laws, of N or t h -Carolin a. Am act to- repeal all I aVs: M. ! claules, and parts of aft s of the general aflembly of this ltate as relate to clafii tobacco;- ns: of .PalTed Nov.' 2d; 1 7a 3 V r T 7 T? n -T" a O ; 1 r- t - a cianmg oi tobacco is V Vv found by. expeiicnec to be inju rious : - v Be if enafteid by the general ajfembty of the ' fate of North Cmrotinx , and it is hereby en acted by the authority oj the fame That all alts, claufes, orp;irt: of ac,' s lb far as tl e fame relate to claffing of tebac, be, . and theiame are hereby repealed Au4 be it further enaftei that- fhall ro have clT-A or be in force until. thefirftday of July rext, any law to the con'rar n ''twirhflardng. . jin4 be ir further enaftefy that the per- foa carrying tobacco to any warehWe in his SL$ Ihall be eligiblfff to a feat in the a (Trrr Hv of tmYftate, who at the time bf eleclicri to fuch feat, or at the time of taking th!e fame, (hall have or hold any Office of truft, profit, emolument under, or by the appomtmenf of the United States, dr any officer thereof. And whereas it is neceflary to iret p ft pirate and diflinft the offices of the fede ral government from thole of the ft ate government : : Be it further enale4 by the authority efors' faU; that no citizen of this ftate ihali hoMat one and the lame time, any of fice f truft, profit or ernolument under the authority of the United States,; and any ofBce or anvhority eithir civil, mili tary, judiciary or otherwile under the au thor it y of ihis fiateand any perfon ac eep' ing ant fuch appcirifmeiit under the authoriry of the United State, and hold ing any ofiice" or' appointment under; the authoiity of this ftate' the faid fta?e ap pointment is hereby declared to be va- cant- - -. ; Ar:4be it.furtherenafte4by the aut hority afirtr fai4,- that the fena ors of this ftate to; the United Statec, and the reprefenf atives of this ftat to the United S'ates, ;flalf bp confldered a? coming within the mean ing and perv:ew of this law, and fha.II- be excluded from all ftate ofhees as aferef faid.

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