ih; plan, nal profening liis countenance to the for v.ut ding of my intended work, the Bie.i I h tve had alfo letters from many eminent mcnon the fame fubjsct, and.no exertion on my part fhall be fpa red to render it deferving the notice of. thofe who Hull be fo kind as to counte nznee it." &c. (J aft the fame at if an American ivere t talk of letters ft om Georg Cue!jhj Kir.g of Great-Britain, isfc. PHILADELPHIA., DECEMBER. 4. The lonf iugar made from the maple fugar, and now expofed for fale by Mellrs. Edward and If.tac Pennington, ha been pronounced by impartial judges to be equal to aay loaf fugar of the fame quality that ever was made from the Weft India fugarcane. We liear that a large BOILING HOUSE for the purpofe of refining the maple fugar, j will be erc&ed during the prefent winter on the Suqtie liannah, near Comer's tpvrn, under the direction of -William Cooper, efquire, the father of the la:e nobis and fuccefsful en trrprize for fupplying the United States with American Sug;ar. ! We C2.n gctr.o further information of the TefTel which lately arrived, by ropert, from England, in 22 days from Rappa hannock. No uropean news of fo re cent a date having appeared in the fouth crn papers, we prefumc the whole is a fa brication, to anfwer, perhaps fome com mercial fpecula;in ; whether in paper or grain we will not pretend to fay -or whether we have any bulls and bears in the United Statet, time will djlcloie. FAYETTEVILLE. The following rcfsluticn has palled the honfc of repre fentatives of the ftate of Vir ginia, at their latfeilion : " Rcfolved, that fo much of the aft, entitled an act, making provifion for the debt of the United States, as limits the right of the Orated States in their redemption of the public debt, is dangerous to the. rights, and fubverfive of Jheintcreft of the! people, and demand the marked difappro bation of the General Aflem- bly." :! . . Samuel Sterett, William re ef his C.) ex- Pmckney, Jolhua Scney, v ii ham Vans MUirayv t Key, and Uptohi Sheredirie, clotures, are elected federal pirefentatives of the fUte Maryland . Ext raft of a letter from a gen tleman in Antigua, to friend in Charleiton, (S. ; " WE arc minutely m negation of hearing that hof- tilities hve commenced in thefe feas. Admiral Sir John Lafory received orders laft night to acl on the effen fi ve; and to proceed to Barbadoes with five fail of the Hue, to meet admiral Cornifh. If France mould join Spain, their iflands in this neighbourhood rriufl fall to the Britifli arms, as the confufion they are in will not admit of their mak ing much refinance. it, is a general w.Ifh that America he neuter, and that our ports be open to them. DIED On Friday j lafty after a flaort illnefs, Mrs. A.nn Hero, of this town. Lately, in Orange county, Jesse BNTon efq. artorney at law. In Bofton. the honor- able Tames Bowdoin, jefq. late governor of the common- wealth of Maffachufctts. UDGESt 1 wenerai A state of tUe conduct the J referred to in a reiblve of the G Afiembly, published in the Fajyette: grille Gazette, or December 27. Edektok, Nov. 19, 17 o N Saturday evening laft the nor court or law and court equity for the diltrict of Eden ton clofed ; vnreii man cauics atj both! civil and criminal, as v.' til dry Ifuhs and matters in equity V,eurd cind determiued. ' fit i9.o- 4S fupe- of , was law, iun- ve.rc . V . : . I ,; In the comfe; of tiieterra a vrit r certiorari, induing out of the circuit coutt" for the diriS of North-Carolina, id tlve Southern circuit at the United jSutd, commanding '.he judges of , the ;cdurt (itV equity for the diftricl of Edenton,to ciU tit'j an original bill of complaint, cxfii . hired zr.d new depending before ;tjhe"fiil! judges in the laid court of equity lagatn' Nathaniel Allen Alexander Black, VViU Jiam .'Scott, Will tarn Boyd, Williaii! Ben nett, .Archibald .Ball, Thomas Crx, Chriftcpker Clarke, Charles Jojifbn, Jor (iah Collins, and Ja'snes irdell, jat ihe fuit of Roberjt Morris, John Alexander Nebi', and iDayid Hay.field Cunnirgr ham in his own right, and as execu' er of tBe teftament and laft will of RH m. nd Cunningham, deccafed,j With things touching and concerning! tHs iatn &C. having been produced in the; ifcili cpurt of cqaity, by the mztOxi df tSf ;faid diftiiit of North-Carolina, anii&cviii i to. the judges of the Taid court ofieqnu the faid judges being all three prelen jii :oart, gave their opinion feriatfm, "but jananiiriGufly, to the folio -,vin; purpor That though they were anxioufL firb-us. that no difa;rreemcnt br ""rhiiuiJcir landing might take r.ace between judicial authority Gf thisjate, an 1 tribunals eltabliihed by th United StaNs!, concerning their refpedive tight, j diclions, and prerogatives vet they :'ceiveLit tli'eir i at' it pe tth blir iiuyt wriia. tney owea tne ciazens t the Ka:c, purt luant to their oa'.h of ofHee, not.to-rrriev, or comply with, the manJJi'feMl air rneniioned writ, for the follow ing ion . ; ' , .Fir ft Becaufe thst betBfifiai court cf original, general, fuprcme, and un'in-.'t-ed jurifdicion, they were not as f icIi 1 court a-n enable to the authority o- ?vj '.other judici?-rry, snd cofeqiienty tf'M'f they did not conceive that the fu its :. :i proceedings depending before -then; ii theirjujiicial capacity, werefabjc' tot.te. called or taken from the faid court v.f equity by the 'piandatsry nvrit of r.nj court trrjunldicheji whatever rtmcii Mel ujnlv 4Jlr by that of a, court of inferior and limited jurildi flion. ' 1 " 1 ' ' i Secondly Becaufe they conceived, that they as judges of the tcwtrvJlupti or courts 01 law and courts ci eqr -i:hin the uiid (tate, were noi fubj c the maatc of any ' v'ric, for cfcldr.g 'records land nrcecdin'frs in - ahr ca - fu.it, or matter depending before thflif4 or the tranfenpts thereo-:, to any or M e couits or tribunals of the United bin virtue of tkc,co;.ni;u.ioa 01 uit. ral xoverp.jQikrJl, 4-r by force of duv ciuuU vziiicic tnerci-i, t r oy -any 01. gvc-fi or ny ' U v ' oL ilic d. . !