(143)' An all dlrsdlng ih: xt.utftsrsft tasht.'h t hi TV al Sodree tr ksnejl Claimant amng thbfe wi i had military accounts fettled at iYar rentonl in the year i"86,JbaJl obtain cer tificates and makinz ptovifton for fuch xJiaimantr tuhofe accounts are yt unjet tlcdy and direclinj the manner in which certain certificates therein mentioned flyall be received at ihs ; treafurer s awd comp troller's office. (Paused Dec. 15, 1790.) BE it ena&ed by the general afiembly of the ftate of North-Carolina,, and it is hereby enatted by the authority cf the fame, That the agent or agents on the part of this ftate fot fettling the ac counts of North Carolina with the Unit ed States) be, and they are hereby called n and required to tranfmit to the pub lic treafurer of this ftate, on or before the firft day of May next,1 an accurate and correft lift of the names of all and every of the real military claimants, vdiofe accounts were fettled by thecom mifHoncrs appointed fir that purpoie at Warrenton in the yerr 1786, either by thimfelves or through others, together "with a true copy of the mailer rolls of te continental line of this ftate, which were returned during the war or at any time fmce, and a cmpctc lift or return of all the fettlement made by the feveral boards of cemmifliqner appointed to li quidate the claims of thcfcoatincntal liae of this ftate for their fervjees during the war, including the whole f that bufinefi don? either at Halifax or Warrenton': 7hi5ih lifts and returns fhall be made by the agent or agents as aforefaid in al phabetical order, the faid agent or agents Hating the particular fums due to each claimant agreeably to the! public record-; and as at congrefs on that fhjefl ;?.td alfo. inferting the fums due each in'di"t dual under the authority i of the fever 1 afts of this ftate, and ori the principles on which the accounts of the officers and foldiers were fetttled at Halifax ia the years 1783, 1784 and 1785. And be it further enacted by the au thority aforefaid, That the public trea furer on being Co furnilhed as aforefaid, (hall, on application of any perfon hold . ing a certificate iTued by the board of commiuloaers at Warrenton in the year l7S6,tafceup fuch certincatc or certifi cates and re iTue in' licit thereof to the holder or holders, other certificates of the li'ce tenor and for tho fame fums ; v provided the agent or agents do report fa much as being due to the claimant on th t principle lafl mentioned in tha firft clvafe of this act ; but mould their report b: otherwife, hz A ill then iffae an indent- more, to bs (Ily de- jrrant others bf the of the fum fa reported, and for no Provided nevetthdefs, that it is! hereby underftpqd, and it is expre clared, that the treafurer ftjall not certificate to any perfon in lieu of tlievm'iv holdi-unlefs the name holder in favour cf whom the ciiginai certificate was granted, (hall be contain ed inihe lift to be furnimed him ljy the agent or agents of this ftate as aforefaid j nor fhall he grant certificates or due. bills to others applying, unlefs the name bf the perfon applying, or for whom applicati on's made, lh ill be contained in the lift ormultcr rolls fen t him, nor even then until he is convinced the perfon fo apjly. ing or for whom application is jmade, was in facl a foldier, and ferved, ai fuch in the continental line of this ftate.. An J whereas in many inftances t hath happened, that real foldiers or their re prefentativs,'refidmg at a diftance from thofe places in which the oflica ef the commillioneiY of army accounts I were kept, never did apply for a fettleznent of their juft claims : Be it therefore cnadied by the authori ty aforefaid, That all war foldiers and r others ferving lefY time but moref than twelve months all' twelve months and nine months men, or their rcprefenta Uves (being ptrfons of the above delerip tion, that is to fay, fuch who neei did either by themfelves or through others fettle their accounts) on making it ap pear by undoubted teftimodv. and to th latisxaction or the public treafcrer, they are really and juftly entitled to as aforefaid, fhall receive from the fiuei a certificate and due bill, for aJ fums due them previous to tjie firft day of January J 782, in the fame manner and on the like principles as .fuch were grant- ei by the bord of commifiioneri af Ha. lifat as aforefaid; provided the name of tHe foldier applying, or who is faid to have done the fervice, is aclually con tained in the muftex rolls "fo forwarded as aforefaid ; ad provided alfo, thjat it does not appear any fettlement hitji al ready: been had in his name and the due hills to bcgranted (hall be takei up and paid offiy the treafiirer. , And be it further enacled by the au thority aforefaid, That the public trea fu rer for his ferviccs herein, ihall receive a compenfaiicn to be made hikn by the nejet general alTcmbly, and like wife an allowance for fuch fums is he may neceflarily expend in emj loyhi af fiitant?, paying the priarer of ccrtificStcs, or otherwiie , ' . And be it further enacted by thi nu thority aforefad, Thatrall certifies 4 if-' foci by the commlilioners cf arm, a?-' .counts at Warrcnton -in t&e jszt ijZfy and wHich fhall not be prefented; t treafurer, agreeably to. the intent land meaning of this acr, on or before theiri of the next fefllon of the general daernbtt inaii oe conuaered talie. and e'xnrfl barred from liquidation or exchai d and that trjis ftate will not confider iiielf" bound to pay fuch, nor liabje for their redemption in any' manner wheteijer,any x law to the contrary notwithlianding.l i j And be it further eniaed, Tbatl aljt certificates reiflued by the treaiuref toiany perfon or perfons reading ia the jwellcM territory, fhall be received in the payl ment of taxes due from .the jnhabitintl of the faid territory, an4 for,; no oilier debt Whatever. ;"'t ':' 'i "f 1 ! ! Ami b it further enaftea7iTfcat ithit aft antl every part thereof, fhall be pubi limed in the State Cazctte, inirnediatcly on the rife of the prefent the publication: continued ot three months. itflembfy, kdif tor the lilac e FOREIGN NEWS. 11 that trc?7- FRANKFORT, Oa. 3. N Thurfday fait carne (the election for a of thsf Romans,, in the Toonij of theUate emperor. JiAll the ufbal Ceremonies were boleryJ m -t "... ; ; j I'-J ed with great ipkndbrj ipti magnificence ; the three eccfen in fiaftical eleftors aflifted fon, and his apoftolic injeft was unanim cully made choice of for that dignity. The new ciecieu Kim win maice nis rqw inal entry into this town tfcfj morroW, and take the oaths to obferve the capitulaticln. I LONDON, OBobcr rt, - Mr. Shaw, the kind's hief-i ienger was uiddenly difpatch4 jed by the Englifh amhaflMM at Paris, on jTucfday digM at twelve o'clock, and he reached London about he fame hour on Thurfday night j after having teen detained (omc time at Boulogne. On his arrival there,: in prder to

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