t - - .rrrr--- v-a. ... - ---.v--- .:;7?-: '(V; 1 LIN A CENT INEL Q Ji & Of if & . THE N O R T H-C A RO : A N D & J y 8 if if 89 J 8. i t -V .7. . SATURDAY, jllly 2g 1 755. 2 Dols- & an half per Ann. Number IX. i 4 i It 1. 1 P ho r FAYETTEVILLE ; Printed on The lubferiber begs leave to inform the public that he intends in a tew weeks to leave this ftate, and rcquefh all thofe that have demands againft him to bring in their accounts, properly authen ticated and they (hall be difcharged, and all thofe that are indebted to him by Book, Bond, Note, or otiier ac count, are earneftly defired to make immediate payment, as there will be an Attorney authorized to tranf aft and fettle the accounts indifcrimi nately. The fubferiber has for fale a valuable and well improv ed Siaiife and Jct, oppofite the Mafons-Hall Likewife a very convenient dwelling houfe be at prefent lives in nearly oppo fite the Mill belonging to Robert Cofhran, efquire, and oppofite Mr. Perry's brick building he has, alfo a very good Waggon and Team, and Houfe-hold Furniture will be difpofed of. All of the aforefaid property will . be fold at an under value for Cafh or Negroes. For further particu lars, enquire of MICHAEL BUTLER. Fayetteville, July 18, 1 795- Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, be tween His Britannic Majefly, and the United States of America. CONCLUDED from our LAST. ANBwhereas it frequently hap pens that veflels fail for a portor place belongingto an enmy, without knowing that the fame is either befieged, blockaded or inverted ; it is agreed, that every veflel fo cir cumftanced may be turned away from fuchportor place, but flie (liall not be detained nor her cargo, if not contraband, be confifcated, unlefs after notice (he hall again attempt to enter ; but (he (hall be premittcd to go to any other port or place flic mfty think proper nor fliall any teQel or goods of cither party, that may have entered into fuch port or place ; before the fame was befeiged, blockaed or invelled byhed other, and be found therein after the reduction or fnrrender of fuch place, be liable to confutation, but (ball be reflored to the owners or proprie ' tors thereof. art. ,Aml that more abun--dant care te taken for the lecurity of the refpettivc fubjeds and citizens of the contracting partiei, and to prevent their fjllcring injuries by the men of war, or privateers of cither party, all commanders of fhips of war and privateers and all others tliT (aid fubjecls and citizens fliall firbear doing any damage to thofe ot the other party, or commit ting any outrage agaiim them, and if liiey at to the contrary, they (ball SATURDAY, by THOMAS CONNOLY, & CO. in the Statb-house, where Advertlfements, Effa'ys, arti " des of intelligence, &c. will be thankfuUy refyed and careful!; inferted. " . ' ' be puniflicd, and (hall alfo be bound 1 . .r A t(itri tn make ill tneir perious auu - fatisfaaion and reparation for all damages, and the intereft thereof, of whatever nature the faid damages may be. For this caufe all mafters pf privateers before they receive their commiflions (hall hereafter be oblidged to give before a competent Judge, fufficient fecurity by at leat two refponcible fureties, who have, no intereft in the faid privateer, each of whom, together with the faid com mander, fliall be jointly and federal ly bound in the ium of fifteen hundred pounds llerling, or if fuch (hips be orovided with above one hundred and fifty feamen or foldicrs, in the fum of three tliuuland" pounas uer lihg, to fatisfy V11 damages and injuries, which the faid privateer or her officers or men, or any of them may do or commit during their cruife, contrary to the tenor of this treaty, or to the laws and inftructi ons for regulating their conduct ; and further that in all cafes of aggreflions the (aid commiflions fliall be revoked and annulled. It is agreed that whenever judge of a court of admiralty of either of the parties, (hall pronounce fentence , agaiafl any vefTel -or -goods or pro perry belonging to the (uSjcdts or ciiiens of the other party, a formal and duly authenticated copy ol all the proceedings in die caule, and of the f.tid I'-nience, (hall if required be delivered to the commander of the faid veiled, without the (milled drlcn, he paying all legal fees and dnnHiuls for the fame. am. XX. It is further agreed that both the laid contracting par ties, Hi all not only refufe to receive any pirates into any of their ports, havens, or towns, or permit any of their inhabitants to receive, protect, harbour, conceal or affift.lliejn.-in-any manner7VuTwili bring to con- . dign punifhment all fuch inhabi tants as fcall be gnilty of fuch acts or offences. And all their (hips with the goods or merchandizes taken by them and brought into the port of either of the (aid partiefhall be feized as far as they can be difcovcrcd and fliall be reftored to the owners or their factors or agents duly deput ed and authoriled in writing by them (proper evidence being firit given in the court of admiralty for proving the property,) even in cafe fuch effects (hould have pa fled into o'ther hands by fale, if it be proved that the buyers knew or had good reafon to believe, or fufpect that they had been piratically taken. Art. XXI. It is likewife agreed, that the fubjects and citizens of the two nations, (lull not do any acts of hollility or violence againfl each other, or accept commiluons or in (Iructions lb to act from any foreign prince or (late, enemies to the other party ; nor (lull the enemies of one of the parties be permitted to invite, or endeavour to cnlill in their mili tary fervice any of the fubjects or citizens of the other party ; and the laws agiinfl all fuch offences and aggrelHonj (hall be punctually ex ecuted, And tf any fubjeft or citi zen o:" the f.iid parties rclpcctively (hall a:;cpt any foreign cointniffion, or letters of marque, for arming any velTel to ct as a privateer 7 againft the other party, and be tak en by the other party, it is hereby declared to be lawful for the faid party to treat and punilh the faid fubject orjeitizen, having fuch com midion oiletters of marque as a pi rate. .- I , ArtXII. It is exprefsly ftipa lated thft neither of thefaid con tracting parties will order or autho rize any acts of reprizal againft the other, m complaints of injuries or damages, until the faid party fliall firft havt prefented to the other a flatemett thereof, verified by com petent proof and evidence, and de mandingjuiice and fatisfaction, and the fame flwll either have been re fufed or unrtefonably delayed. Art. 23. The (hips ofwarf each of the contrtcting parties lhall, at all times, b hofpitably received in the ports of the other, their officers and crews paying due refpect to the laws and government of the country. The officers fhall be treated with that refpeit which is due to the commZfliops which they bear and if any inl'ult' fliould be offered to -them by any .ot the inhabitants all offenders in this refpect fhall be -punihed as diiturbers of the peace and emit v tie twee n the two coun- rr1js-ud his majelly confents that l A ' CI' rm 11 m caie an American veuei, mould by il rets of weather, danger front minics or misfortunes be reduced to the ncccflity of feeking (helter in any of his jnajefly's ports, into hith fuch vcflirls could not in ordi taj"y .cafes claim to be admited, he ball on manifefting that neceffity io the fatisfaction ot the government )f the place, be hofpitably received . md permitted to refit and to pur :hafe at the market price fuch necef ariesr as (lie may (land in need of, onformably to orders and regula tions as the - government 01 the " jlace, having refpect to the circum lances of each cafe (han prefcribe. Jhe (hall not be allowed to break lulk or unload he cargo unlefs the fime fhall be bona fide nectfTary to fcr being refitted. Nor (hall be per mitted to fell any part ofher cargo, unlefs fo much only as may be necef fary to defray her expenecs and then nt without the exprefs permiffion ol the government of the place, Nr (liall flie be obliged to pay an ditics whatever only on fuch artt cls as (he may be permitted to fell (or the purpofe aforefaid. Art. XIV. It fliall not be lawful for any foreign privateers (not being fubjects or citizens of either of the fa d parties ) who have commiflions fnmany other Princeor State in en mity with either nation, to arm their fliips in the porta of either of the faid parties, Dor to fell what tliey take, nor in any other manner to exchange the fame ; nor fliall they be allowed to purchafe more provifions than fliall be ncceflary for their going to the neareft port ol that Prince or State from whom they obtained their commiflions. Art. XXV. It (hall be lawful for fliips of war and privateers belong ing to the faid parties refpectively, to carry whitl etloever they pleafc the fliips and goods taken from their enemies without being oblidged to pay any fee to the officers of the admiralty, or to any judges what ever ; nor fliall the faid prizes when they arriyeat, and enter the ports' of the.faid parties be detained ot feized; neither lhall the fearchers or other officers of thofe places J-vifit fuch prizes, (except for the purpofe of preventing the carrying of any part of the cargo thereof on Ihore in any manner contrary to the efta blifhed laws of Revenue, navigation, or Commerce) nor fliall fuch officers takecognizance of the validity of fuch prizes ; but they fhall be at liberty to hoift fail and depart fpeedily as may be, and carry their faid prizes to the place mentioned in their com mflions or patents, which the com manders ofthe faid Huds of war tr privateers fhall beobliged to Ihew. No fhelter or refuge Ifhall be given in their ports to fuch as have made a prize upon the fubjects or citizens of either of the faid parties ; but if forced by ftrefs of weather, or the danger of the fea, to enter therein, particular care fhall be taken to haft en their departure, &t6 caufe them to retire as foon as poflible. Nothing in this Treaty contained fhall how ever be conftrued or operate contra ry to former and exiding public t retieswhh other fovereigns or dates. But thetwo parties agree that while they coniinue m amity niether of them will in future make any treaty that fliall be inconfiftent with this or the preceding article. Neither ofthe faid parties fhall per mit the fliips or goods belonging fo the fubjects r citizens ofthe other to be taken within a cannon fliot of tie coall nor in any of the bays, ports or rivers of their territories by fliips of war, or others, having commif fion from any prince, republic, or Hate whatever. But in'cafe it fliould fo happen, the party whofe tento rial rights flialljthus have been vio lated, fhallufe his utmoft endeavours to obtain from the offending party, full and ample fatisfaction for the vtffel or veffels fo taken, whether the fame be vefTels of war or mer chant veflels. Art. XXVI. If at any time a run ture fliould take place (which God forbidj between his Majefty and the United States, the Merchants and others of each of the two nations refiding in the dominions of the other fliall have the privilege of re maining and continuing thicr Trade, fo long as they behave peaceably and commit no offence agaift the laws ; and in cafe their conduct fliould render them fnfpected and the refpective governments fliould think proper to order them to remove, the term of twelve monthi from the publication of the order fliall be allowed them for that purpofe, to remove with their families, effects and property, but this favour fliall not be extended to tjiofe who fhall act contrary to the eftabliflied laws, and for greater certainty, it is de clared tha t fuch rupture fliall not be deemed to exift while negociations for accommodating differences fliall be dependingjior until the refpective AmbafTadors or Miniflers, if fuch there fliall be, fliall be recalled, or fent home on account of fuch differ ences, and not on account ol perfon al mifconduct; according to the na- See laft page for remainder. is 111' r it .7

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