I 1 , v. - THE J$ Q H,T H-C A R Or UNA CENTINEL 2 rXols , & an half per Ann. .-V- -vr Agreeable to an Or der of the county court of Cum. , berland. ; GN the ioth day of Auguft next, , will be expofed to public fale, at the plantation of W I J Li A M Kl RKPTR 1 C K, deceafed, at the mouth" of Rockfifti creek all the perifhable property of faid dec. Confifting of among which are three, yoke' of 0 X iV Alfo Vroufchold furniture, a WAGGON and CJRt, a four' oared BOAT, a riding CHAIR; and an., excellent SEINE, with a' .variety of other articles. Six months credit will' be allowed the purcbafers. At the fame time & place will be rented, a valuable ' on Rockfifli, with the timber be longing to the fame, which is ex tremely plentiful, and convenient.; The " mlir is now in good order for fawing, aud trerc js navigation for rafts, from the fame into Cape-fear river, which is not more than a mile from the faid Saw mill. Likewife, to be hired at the fame time and place, a number of valuable and likely NegroeSj fome of them well acquainted with plan tation bufinefs, and others excel lent fawyers. .--JOSEPH- THAMES, AdmV. ELIZABETH KIRKPATRICK, i Admx. JULY 16, 1795. TO B E S 0 L D. SEVERAL valuable Trafts of Land with improvements on them, alfo, fome - o - zr cf - improved in Fayetteviik, one, two, three, or more years credit will be given as maybe agreed on. For particulars enquire of 7. SP1LLER. Fajttteiile June ) 7i 179 J- J engages to teach Ladies and Gen tlemcn to play on the Ijis terms for teaching in Fayette ville, is Half a Guinea entrance, and five (hillings per attendance? If he attends In the .country, it is nore,proport!onably to the dittance. Letters directed to the Printing Of fice, will Be duly attended to. j-'ayettcfillejuly 4 i7of. SATURDAY, SATURDAY, by THOMAS CONKOpT, & CO. in the STATE-Hfruifc, jcfclncgce, &c. 111 brWly recall and carefully Snferted. Tuft received and for fale by the fubferiber in Wilming ton, the following GOO D S, Which he will difpofe of on mode rate' terftlB : for Calh or country Produce : - :'1 ! Two boxes Irifh Linens, Two ditto Plattilles or Dutch-V ; Linens, V- .' ;. One bale Raven's Duck, One cafe Fowling pieces, Twenty cafes of Holland Gin, ' Thirteen barrels apple Brandy, An Invoice of Queens Ware wifh two boxes of Glafs. I am to con-; trat for produce in payment, to be delivered m'Wilih'mgton by the 1 5 th of Auguft next. . JEREMIAH DONOVAN. , Wilmington, June ") 23', 1795. : , VVNJ The, fubferiber hav ml ingobferved in fome of the penodi cal publications of the Northern ftates BLACK LEAD rccommeded for painting the roofs of houfes on account of its repcjljng influence againft Fire l akes this method of informing the public, that he will fupply them at Wil- minten - In this- ftate, with - any quantity of it, at twenty five per cent lefs, than it can be imported at from England or any other country, purcbafing-ten Tons or upwards, will be allowed a liberal difcount. .BlackLead exclufive of its valuable quality as above Rated, makes a mod beautiful mining paint, is madeufe of by Cabinet makers and others in fmoothing all kinds of wooden work and on board of (hips in making Blocks work eafy : Alfo in cleaning. Gtates and Stoves, in making Black lead pencils Cru cibles and a variety of other pur poles. Specimens of the Article may be feen and terms of Sale made known by applying to Meffrf. EBENEZER STOTT, & Co. of Ptttrjburg Virginia, ROBERT DONALDSON, & Co. of Fayette ville, JOHN MACAUSLAN, of Wilmington, or the Subfcriber at " Pittsforougfr, Chatham county, N. Carolina. JOHN HENDERSON. June 20, 179c. ' FOR SALE. TWO valuable Tracli of Land in Orange County, two or three miles from the Univcrfity, one of three hundred acres the other of about feven hundred acres, for terms of fale, apply to SAMUEL PARKE 5 79& To be Rented, Vfof 3, 6, 9, ' or' twelve' months, or' longer term if ' required in the town of Lumberton. That well known commodious HOUSE caeca Powell Tavern Ther pattieulars of the premifes , may be known by all that have frequented the houfe. The dwelling h6ufe 32 by 22, three ftory high, with an excellent kitchen, under "natli the hall there is a ball room 22 by 24 feet, 7(windows, calculated to receive- genteel focieties: Two lodging rooms on the middle floor a ipiazza, halt and two Chambers, alfo one ftore and ware houfe, 24 by 32, a cbmpting room and lare loft luflicient to hold any quantity of grain that can be colle&ed,, at any one feafon. I One other rtfftf tV-btJL. devided into iwo; v rooms for the reception of a family, wai rtnnnca, a uaoic 3a oy with a large loft ; one other frame rwdy to raife 32 by 16 feet calcu lated for a Billiard room, or any other purpbfe, and neceffary fmali btildings and with as good a kitchen and garden perhaps as any in the t ountv alfo. the orefent ule of four .Jots well improved and under good tencei)one ot which is tor tale, ana within two hundred yards of one Woods pafture lot about 30 acres under a very good hew fence, a plan tation two miles and a quarter from town of 1 81 acres, on which is a field of about 40 acres,cleared, well fene'd and necclTary buildings thereon, and a rolcrable good orchard, which v'rclded the laft year 55 gallons of brandy, and fix parrels of keeping cyder, befides the confumption on the premifes ; the whole may be leafed together or in part as may beft fuit, thqft who may wifh to leak. For patlculars apply to Richard Powell on the premifes. Lumberton, Auguft 7, 1 79 jT- offie fu6dcrier catt tions all perfons againfl receiving an alignment of a note he onve to JOHN STROUD, 16th Odlobcr, 1704 For the fum of one hundred gnmeai. The above note was de- )ofited in the h.tnds of John Copt and, and was to. become due on the event of a Race; but was prema torely delivered up, as the race has not been rdn. . The fubferiber will only pay it, in cafe the law fo decides. JOSHUA BARFJELD. Little Pedee, South Carolinar AugUft Number XII. J where AyerttmrnM Fffi,VB nrti. '"7 THIRTY1 DOLLARS REWARD. ' iX' rLLbepaidtoany fttt - Perfon who will UTwBfc, deliver to the fubfmber mOprgetown, a muftie SERVANT WOMAN N A M E ' D'- file is a HQut wenpbj of a ligbt com plxion,van4 . appeaf s to be aboujt ;o years, of age it is uncertain What kind of clothes flie may ware ai flie took a number wth Jier .-; It is fuppofed fte, has been entic'd away by her brother and fifter, who were here in ..February laflflie! probably $ With one of them : the; latter lives inxFayettcville, the former in a diftant part of the; (late. Theabove reWard, will be paid, for her and at the rate of ten dollars for every hundred miles (he may be, beyond Fayet;tevillef. ' , 7 JAMES DUFFEL. Gorgetown South-Ca- " rolina, June 4, 1 795 , ' - , FIVE 'POUNDS RSWAAD; AVJ RUN - AWAY front . the Subscriber oh the 27th of Juno laft, a final 1 negro man, named CUFF ! feet hirrli tin 4 nn a nuui Jiat, Hurt and trowfers, he is remarkably dark, has a large "fear on his jaw, fpeaks broken language," he drinks no fpirits,. both of his feet very rpuch bitten with frofl, and lofl two or three of bis toej. Any perfoti fecunng laid fellow in jail as in formation can be given, mall receive the reward of four7 dollars, and the above reward will be given to any perfon that will bring the runaway to hismaaer. . JOSHUA CARTER. N. B He has a wife liear tho mouth of Cape.Fear, and it is ex- Montgomery, Aug, D The fubferiber be lc.vc to , inform his friends and ' hc public, that hc intends carry, ingonthe and affiires the Gentlemen and La dies, that he willmake MATTRESSES ' ic CUSHIONS of all kinds, and fliall apply himfelf attentively tobufinefs, fo as to meet with encouragement from the public ' 4 C.B. MLLER. FavetteviUe, ? , ' ' Jty 4, 1795. J nve

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