'1 ' ' ...... : ,.. , .. I ; " -v. ' T U E SPA Y, ' A Uf G UST 7, -1792. " ": " ; ' : r. . .. .. : , . V '- - ft r 1 ,?8: t 1 t , ( VOL. I. ) PINTEP; b ALEXANDER MARTIN,, for JOHN SIBLEY; . . Excife A&. t-miCQXCMCiS ftkt V XlTf-P STATU. Ait AC F ccticef ri1n tft dutitj iieLUjiacsk ..V counlerfigned by the officer sit whofe of fice appJioittrrnforT the fitme fbsft have been mad. And inthe Cafe of an election t pay the fakl mont My rate wf ten cents, it fji all not hsJLifd u.L forJan 7. perfbn.. Jy wl.onj tliclarue fliall hate been madfto woi k bit or ker Kill or ftills at any time within die year from the date of hi or h-r entry thereof, other than that BC it .Miti h W tfiat and, Jtttifi -U :ii::m;U4.-.tj.a!--.-.'r.ex.t,.;tr;e n iht Utitel S.jaiad on flilli, Ciail eafrt rd tkit in lle ikereef, vp r31 f, i i mhkh afwr the flid 2ay ' .fiiall te .i Hle.i mhl ia the United Statu, helf f r ii prt from malaCei, fjar, or fltlicr i jnin raxttt'uli, ter Mil be pali the i:i foHewit; Mhat U to fay : Foe: turf pilka it Tthofe fpixiti f the trJl 4l4fi cf pT3cf, ten centi : fpr trtrjr Ralla fef tfefifpuia f thftconJ Ufii of tof euevstv centi t for erjr l; u3,n t tlxfe f,-.ui;l nf the Uurd chu of piff tthe ceati t for erery gillcn cf ihtfc fyiriu ef ths fotrtfc daft r ..' proof, urtcea cen r for tvery g' of Ccf; fji. ill tf 0j JJh daft f roof, etLteen tert 1 ir crry gatlcnct tlicfe fpirlti ftlie Cith Ufi proof, twenty-Jlt f et.t. AoJ cpeii all fr iiiu which after t f..ij djy fiuI be diailled within tire VJe-J State, froai trattrials cf the pTouthcr prociace tf iKe Uo;tei State, ia asy tuy, town cr village, at any ditlll- fall U".ch t.iuiaily r te.qethcr Inatl U r.f lh eajracuy ffanr hunirei jal hm tr upwards, there fkil be paidilic tiMr folloninj,that it to fay 1 . . For e? err l'a cf thefj firit cfrtie ft daf ci procf, feren ceits t for every . .1 f srtld of thof! ff hit cf iUt fccenJclafa pr9- f, eiht cenu, fcr ever f dlcn of fhoit fpiittt rihe thirl dai cf proof, nine cert t for my jallcn cf thefc", (full rf ihe fourth cUfi of prof deyen, c'-ntt t for crery gallon of -thofi fpiiita cf the fifth cW'w proof, th'ffleericfitfi : f r eytry galbn pfthofe fjmiti of Uie fithcWi. of proof, eighteen ccn.' And -" bpon ftuls, which afcer thefaicl .Jay Iball be cmployei in dirtiUing fpirit from materials of the grewtlt or produce of 1 the United States, at any other place than a city, town or riilags cr at any fi.liflery ia a city, wro cr Tillage, at hieh there i all be one or more llil's frhicH fingly if only one, r together it more than ne, Oiall be of left capacity than four hundred alloni, there (hall be paid the yearly doty of 6fty-four cents for every gallofl, Ensli! wine meafnre of the capacity tr cuntent of each and every foch fliU inclnding the head then f j mam mau u? at i.ic of contents, it fliail beilawful for ths and fweet eordtiils jiall, nf;er the lafl -maib thereupon to be effaced by or ia day'cf Aptil nest, be bi oahc iiifo ihj vhe rrcfence of an efficer1 of -infpt&ion, Uaited States in calks or vtifels cf Is Is ajpt' the-'cstflc or veflel ffiaH--afterwards-'capacity-thant-trii-ety-gallon?, 'all l'Delr ei eaiatpuug JJiereanouxei.,4piuU..lpirua JJimme roay be xtArked anew... i ir the' lame, CialL be fubj sit to feixu're JnJ ht itfurtkir tnRe4 1'hat inftcad at d fotfiitnre, n'd eyery fuch;peaUy cr of a notice of twenty-fbar hours hereto- 'forfeiture (hall be oije half to the ufc cf fi required to be clven of the intent to the United State.- and the r,ihfr l.:iif 'wtritiryiraTittltatt wha (hall iirlt unlefs hecr Ike (hall have Drevicuflv eb taiced another licence for fuch fur- iherjiffie, which, upon lik? application,' 11511 and may f-e granted in like maaner j an J, if any' fuch psrfon hall wort his or UiMl cr ftillv cohttary to the direfli oa or proyifion afortfaid, he o fke (hall ft tffit aad psy for every fach cfience tT3.1iiihlra dollars. And in every cafe in which any proprietor or poffeflbr of a 1 till or l;iUs lubject to the payment of du nefitof tke draft-back of the duties theie- upon fix liours fliall be fufficiect. AnLkt it further tnatlii, That there b an abatement for leakage at the rate of twe per cent, in every cafe in which the duty (kail be payakk ly the gxllcn of the fptrits difttlled, to be allowed at tlie diftil 1? where fuch fpiiiis (hall be made. : AW ht itfurtbtr rftv,That the of ficer of inipefting viihin vhofe furvey any Rill Ihali be, thi duty vrhereupon is ty according to thecapacicy of fuch ftill paykble according to the capacity of the or uius,iaau not make eJeSion to Pny .iU, l!wU Jdcntily, by proareGive jiunib according to one or the other of the alter rauves rfort fiid, or Jrudl r.ot -duly com ply therewith, ke or (lie (1,11 ba liable ta pay, aul lh.ill pay the faid yearly rate f hfty fyur Jtents 'Tor every gallon of the capacity or capacuici of his' cr her fliU or llilb. . And h it further tnaflcJ. That there be ersand other prtper marks, every ft ch Kill within his furvey, and the duty there upon fliall operate as a fpiac lien upe-n the faid (liil. , And he it fur tier eittfcj, -That every difiiller of, and dtaler in fpiiits, who. may have in his or her pofleffion, didilled fpi- nts not marked CTCertiaed, purfuant- to difcover and nwke known themattTrof thing wkeieby the fame Hull have beea incurred. , '.. ' ' . ; - - - - ' -v And hi tt further Wffled, and itc fared, That the duties hereby hvid fill-ctintiuiie in force for the fame time, and are here by pledged and appropriated to ancl for the fame pvrpofes, as t!;efe, in liea of -which they are laid, and purfuant to the til entitled, "An aft repealing after jhsi laft day cf Jane next, the duties "hereto-, fere laid upon diPJllcd Jpiiits irrprrtrcl : f r orn abread," and laying otheis willi";!.: ftead, and alfa upon fpirits diilii'e.l withm the United Stater, and for ap propriating the fame," " " AW it further enured, 1'hat to rraks good any "deficiency which mayJwj pui in confequence of tHe'rediiclfiou htieby made in.tk: rates of the duties on ipi- nts diftilleJ wr.Jun"lh'' UHtert Stii V in TiH ..LntA.. iiriif.-r. .t,.- -n. -.t.l. jt r a, i- - r. . nis ClltlilCu TMlliin ln- IJjutPft vik,u vuui.i; i.-jiJijiciiciiuca wiipiii me tu cmiLjtii . m an repealing, aner , ... r r , diftri-a.at leaft one oLice of infpection, -the Jail day of June next, the duties here d'' s,Jyd2jf the productet which everi pcrfon having or keep- tufere laid upon diftilled fpirits imported dulies.1:d PY c enuiWd, " An ing a ftill or Hills within fudi county, ihall fara abtoad,aiul laying cthers-ia tkeir 5" 1f.nS jL('L rf B?':T betireen the latt day ofllay and the firft 4 fleaJ, and alfo upan fpirits dittiUed with... ir th? Protcd,a of the .frontiers ar J davcf Trivia each year. mat. Vnirv cf la the tlnit.! Stnte.. anA for 9nnni.!: lor other1 purpfes' therein meniif ncc?' ftill I ! fach Rill or entry and. at which every j. . . . . . 4 perlsnj who brinaAHvY&fzi11 -4tf,'tnaII'picnrFa fliU or lltlls, or who removing within a county, fiiall bring therein a fliU or fliils, liU within thirty days after fuch procuring or re moval, and before he or flie Ikall begin to ufefiich ftill or Rilli.make entry there of. Aod every entry, bellies defcribing e;tch ftill and the capacity thereof, fiiall i v.ify the p'ce where, and the pcrfon in whnfe poifeffifllon it is, and purpofe for which it is intended, Is whether for . fa'.c or uf: in diAilling ; and in cafe of removal, (kail fpecify tke ; place front r.kick eiery fech (liil fiiall have kern . brought. - ' tiii'e it further tnatltit , That every proprietor and poflctlbr ef a ftill lhall be jitntly and feverally liable' for Ihe duty the'reupon : and that every owner of lanJ, upon which any dill (hall be work ed, (kail be liable for the duty thereupon, iinlefi the fame fliall be worked by .a law ful and bona fide tenant o( the l.inJof an eflate, not left than for the term of one year, or unlefs fuch owner can make it appear that the pcflcflor of, or petfon by whom fuch ftill lhall have been worked, was diiriag the time of wot king ths fame, a trefpafler or inuuber on hi l-ind. And he it futit.tr tn(le4 Ihat erery .Vrn:73.Z: &ru v Wt of ceneva orfectcordiab, cordiakfkall be bruf;ht into ,"LIU ,V . ::,:;:7,::r.;r;r,;;; t f.biea to the paTment of duty by the States, from any foreign eury, eunrr j - - .... ni1 .r,i1(. f,,iri,. di(lilled therein may except m calks or veCcls of gallon 01 iptnu oy mm or .u., ; ' . , A - - - -of BfBetT eill0ns and upw or to nay at tue rate ot ten csnti per Be,.,,....,.,.... .....v. - jj y r...,h ...m.j j;alloaof the capacity for each and every month of the employment cf any fuch ftill t and in cafe the faid. proprietor ar foffeflor (ball tleft to pay either the iAi rates of feven cents per gallon of the fpirits by him or her diUilled, or th? laid monthly raw rf ten ccntr, according to the capacity ofhisor her ftill or dills, he or (he at the timj of makin j entry of hiicr"her (Ull or (IDli.inmaoner herein af ter diretle J, (hall,by writing under his or her hand, left at the cflice cf infpecYion, whers fu:h entery fliall he made, notify the faid eleaion, and if the lame (kali ke to pay the faid monthly rate of ten cents, fhall demand a licence for the term of time, fpccifylng the day of commerce. hi and the day ef endiej;, e!miag which he or fiie Oiall intend t work Mi or her ftill or ' fiffiiTwhlcli licer.re (hail i ho&t. delay cr'fipenft ta the? faii prcprictrr or pofft tot be granted, .4 Hall l: f-gn ei by C:t fn-:ttt,t t i ll.? rc v. r u., an J .1 1 . fnace nt exceedinz day, fuch part of the fa't-J diftillery as he may be tequ'ued by the prcprictor, pof feflbr cr manager of fuch diQillcry to for bear to vifit aad tnfpe, Icr whicn pur pprepr ting the fame," (hall prior to the laft day oflice of infpection, to the end that fuch . fpHts may be ' marked and certified as old flock. And that from and after the faid lad day of September next, caflcs and vel!ls of the capacity of tweaty gallons and upwards, containing diflilled fpirits, which (hall be found in th pofleffion cf any diftillcr or dealer in fpirits, except at a diilillery where the fame were made, . cr in going from enc place te another, without being marked according to law, or ithont having a certiacate from fome proper officer, mall be liable to fcizurc . and forfeiture and tliat it fliall be the duty f the fcvcral officers of infpeAion, uptn rtqiiedcf any dealer or diftillcr, to take mcafures fcr the marking of calks, ' vefTels and packages ctctaining diflilled fpirits, and to furniih fuch dealer or diflil-. ler, free from erpence, with certificates to accempany the fame. Provided, That it fliall r.t be incumbent on any fuch of. fleer to mark cr certify any ccflc, vef. fclor package which ought to have been before maikcd or certified according to any law of the United States. Audit it further enafied, That from and after the Kit day of A pi tl, t ne thouf. and feven hundred and i.incty-threc, ro diflilled fpii its except arrack and fweet the United port er place, the capacity ards. : That re drawback or djty oa t'iflillei fpirits, hch fkall be expotted aftsttke lafl day of June next, fliall he allowed upon any Quantity left than one hundred calk as. ikat atter .r. !. u. .,-.T-- iV Ca u urn. Jlf.J t$ tl luritr iVlllfl, pietor.porTeflcr or manner, to give ao. rta ) 47 fJ ". ro d.ft.l eJ licein writing tothefaU rfficer; defctib- fp.r.ts Mch (hail be krca:ht mte the ;. .t. .:,..i J.t. tl. r,-,r t,f fnch VaiteJ States from any foreign cert or no therein nan diftillerv which it lhall he hit defira Uiat th faid cfT.cer may forbeai to vifit anH infpet.aBdfptcifyingtke time h each day lot wlach fuch Iwtbearance fliall be defirtd. , ' t Aniht itftrlhr tni'M'-Tail (hall be in the dificrction or the fret curs' ci the treafury to rer;uhe t well the tnatk ! be fet upen the cadet, vcfleli end pai ka fps containing drilled ft-isit, as the forms of the ctt'JScatet vhidi ateto ac c-trpany the fame, and that when any tTeUa whirh dt!liiledifirittiie rlace iaaay ca(k or vefcli hich lhall havebim marked porfuanttoany law t f the Uriied Staus concerning cliflilled fpirits,' on pain 0 the forfeiture .rf the fpirits fo brovghf, nd of the (hip or vef. felln which they fliall be brought. ' And he it firmer envied, Ikat If the owner or prlTrflVir rf ary Hall or fliils (hall r.eg1A to make t nuy thereof, ith lathi time and In itie meaner ptefcribti by tli e fcecrd fceion f tkit a5, fuch iier rr im-ITi ffi t fl nil forfeit" and pi y " tV Inm r-.f f liurV.rrH anJ fifty ttollnrn .rftle rTyilietiawiiirnoiiu.ieaij.i.'utiiTw ; . .7" ' . ' Iv.r. tarttailld, fl.Jl have btr.n er.picd, J C..u;u pitus, cxccj.iart. vasmay bcacceflary thereto, fiiall be aul liiihes hereby reduced, were, pledged and appropriated. " Andh: it further tnafitd, That the Pre. fident of the United States be amhorifed to make fuch allowances for their ref-. peclive fervitcs to the fepervifors, in fpeclors and other officers of infpec'tion, a-he fliall deem rcafonable and proper, fo as the faid allowance', together with the incidental expences of collecting '.he duties on fpirits diflilled within the Unit, ed States, (hall not exceed feven and an half per centum rf the total p-cduA cf the duties on diflilled fpirits, for the pe riod to which the faid allowance? (hall relate, computing from the timctheart entitled, An" aft repealing after the la(l day of June next, the deties heretofore laid upen diflilled fpirits imported frcm abroad, and,laying othefs in their flead, and alfo upon fpirits diflilled within the United States, and for appropriating the fame, to efTed: And fvvoidtd lfo, 'iKat fuch allowance fliall not exceed the an nual.amcunt rf feventy thoafand dollar, until the fame (hall be further afcertain ed by law. . Ar.d te it further enatled, That ths aft entitled-" An ail repealing, after the lafl ray of June next, the duties heretofo re laid upon diflilled fpirits imported .from abroad, and laying ethers in their (lead, and alfo upon fpirits difltlleil within the United States and for appropi taring the fame' (hall extend to and be in fidl force for the cofleclion of the feverat ''duties herein before mentioaed, end for. the re covery amndiflrikiitioa rf the penahict and forfcitares herein contaiced, and generally for the execution ef this aft, as fully, and effectually as if eyery regula tion.rtftrlclion, penalty.proyifion, ciaufe, matter and thing therein contaiaed, were inferted ia anikte-enacled by thil pre- fent bcV fuljecl orJy to tke alterations hereby madj. , JOMATIIAU TRUMBULL, Speaker tftht JUnfi tf Rtfrffcntathet. . ' RICHARD HKNRY LF.E, Prtjidentprt. tern, tfth Senate. 'Approved," Way Sth, 1791. v GEORGE WAS11IKGT01T, PrtfiJmt tfth UuittiQe: t... 4 i i It K