.E t I;., b v - m m .amw am. . v. - m. am wlt mm - - , m m. m mm - mm a mmr m mw mm. bt m.m mw . m i ft f 'oj S feme of the Citizens of Upper and ; Lower FAYETTE VILLE continue to cut and carry, away TIMBER, off the fubfexiber's Land, a bout , one mile below Town,He now pvea twticeiT-Af 5Dl!Lh ft reiblvedto profecute to the extremity of the Law all luck intruders as (ball in fu ture commit depredations on his Lands. 1 : if&frrfmtemmng Mills, Waggons $ Carts, r reqetett tn tt particular- manner H attend tt this notification J a,:,-;.!,, iiA:S. i Wrrui 3ARRT GROVE. , fayetteviUf, September $i ' . - . frv""' -wn of-A 4''a-i?i'irf.j- !...,vi, ' LITERATURE. J m fk Society of literary charafter efta X; 1 Mifted at Philadelphia, intend fblifhin, (if fufficient encturagement it iven) a fjcleftion of roifcellaneous pieces, taken from ahevworks ei(,the moft eiter taiaing and tn&rucVive wrjters, that hare appeared in theprdeat centiury, whether,: in Europe or America ; which publicati on, as it U defigned cbie0y ff thi anaft." joint ms well as inftrufiion ( the fair fex, theyr'meai ttdefignaterby the;7nani of ' 7 hi ILaiUl Magazine, and refojibrj f' mtert aining knowledge t ' in which (hall bp exhibited,, a greater rariety f pleafing CuojeAs, than has hitherto formed a book f its propofed extent hi this pr any tther ""country. :, A general review of polite lite' Tfature,: is .oceafionally to cmpfe a part M this workUEflay recalculated t iegn- late tne taite, torm tne juagment, ana hr tne mina, wiu iuu . ... 1 !ii 11;. t.i jrnameht, and it if hoped recommend itv to thenpUce of ajudicioui-oubllc. Seni w!r and honour fliall po hand in kand to male . thia pubUcatioa accept- ,. able to its readers. The grave as well as the gay (kail be fuited in their tarns. The Divine, the phUofoper.and the naw ralift (hall each have a treat, adapted to -their different fancies and purfuits. . The plan of conduct, in the eaecution -of this undertaking, having been fubmit tedto the view of a few ladies in this ci ty, well known for their literary know ledge, has met with their higheft appro bation, and the fex in general may rely en the editors utmoft endeavours, to. ren der it one of the moft lively and inftruft- . ive publications now indrculatioh Tlieir, 'eorrefpondence U refpeafully requefted in either poetry or profe. The elegant pro ductions of their pens, have hitherto a doraed the moft valuable Libraries, and it is expeded,the Females of the United fitttes are by nd means deficient in thofe talenu which have -immortalixed the names of a Montague, a Craven, a Mooije, and a Seward, la their inimiuble writ ings. .' - .It, has been obferved, that monthly Magatines are fo contraaed, or tontaifl fo little on any one fubjea, that they leave the reader in fofpence from one month to another, as the fequel or winding up f nintere(llnz oiece, which is a general complaint againft them. It is propofed In ordef to avoid this inconvenience, have the Ladies Magazine publiflied every fix months, in a handfome, large octavo . volume, of at leaft three hundred pages, jraamentedwith W degint frontifpiecei and marble cover. . It Is prefamed.the above mode of pub lulling a work of this nature will be pre ferable to a monthly one, for thereafons beforemeutioned, as it fhall never be ft ex fed with that eiifguftirTg and wornout tif predion, '" to be continued." . Perfons of erndition and learning have faygtlled to us, that a book of this kind will be approved of, and unlverfally re commended in all boarding-fchools thro the continent-as It Is to contain every thing requifite' to diUemlnate the know ledge of real life portray virtue in the moft amiable point of view 4nfpire the female mind with a love of religion, of patience,"" prudence and 'fortitude, " "la Ciort, whatever tends to form the r.m T U E'S D A Y, & ilp.T ( Numb. 8 ) Woman, the complete tionomik, and .that greatcft of all treafures, a good ivife. r One word more to our fair readers, ami wehayedo'ne: As this is the firft attempt of the kind made in this country, we hops for . their kind patronage,, and the aiCftr anceoftheirtt ence fhall be paid to their literary; com municauons, and unwearied exertions to Plc4fe f be beft explained by the motto we have chofen, which is, , " Tht tnind fAmprneiandjet antufe. PropofaU by a Litcra tj Socie- ty, eftahhihedi at Philadelphia, for rr.5rrrprtating-t)r fublcripUonThe " (; L A D I E S; M A Q I N E ; AND REPOSITORY Of j Entertaining nowlefge- I. It is to he m inted with new T04 on fine paper, ajd ornamented wih ane- r pg,tD.c fum to which as fuch he It annual legant frontifpiece, to contain at leaft jooiX' If entitled. r ' v -t.i'.t-'-;-page in : jargedaatOf and tdt poblilh d. An affidavit, agreeable tot fol ca regutary eyery nx monins. -.. r 1VW?US ' v "--J:-"':--II.lt fhall contain Mifcellaneous pier V A, B. came before me, one of the ces from the .moft-eleeant:authoTs,-and extracts from the lateft, publications, both of Europe and Amet ica-Original Eflayi: thlme A'UMfft fhom the t?tiginal e'er df correfpondents -a rR'eview of new .tiSeatin ftpffeffion wast given, of Books- and Poetrr Oriental Tale.-Remarka"-; ble evenu, Ioterefling anecdotes,: domef- tic aews. Marriages, &c. . . ; -IIL The fubfcribeirs to pay on ielive-r rv of each .volume, bound and lettered- one Dollar, to thofe who jjo not fubferibe, . the price will be ten jhillingt. .. ' t. . ; -7 ''IV,-'' As fodn as there are $06 fubferib- : a. worj, be nut tu nreft. m4. tb. - fft , -m , f kt the firH' day of december next. . . , . Sabfcriptions receivedby Robert Cam KelV Philadelphia, and by The "principal bookfellers in the United States. Philadelphia, AUO, I. ., HENRY; E. LUTTERLOH B1 PrtClMM !fAM - Ums tUd leave tO jniOrm tne Public, that Ms firft LOTTERY ' commenced Drawing the 16 -h of July, nit. and was compleated the 28th inlt. at the Court-Houfe in this town. The Prites of the fortunate Ticketi will be paid on the original being deliver cd at the Lottery Office. ' , HE alfo propofes the fol lowing SCHEME or a The DRAWING of which willcommence the 10th of NOVEMBER next, in NEWBERN. t jooTickeU at TWO dollars eachis 7000 Dollars, which will be paid in Uu follow ing PRIZES, viz. Prizes. . Dollars, l'at " 500 1 100 I to Dollars. . 500 ' - 190 - 80 120 - r eoo " JOO t8o 200 fob 9&T 1380 aato IS 1 1 - 2 60 J0, 40 SO to 10 8 6 i are 5 6 130 770- fo.Q 30 Pirft drawn Laft drawa . . ... t 7o,. Subje to .the tame rules and rcgula tions a. tii. former Urj. TICKETS at TWO Specie TnT.T.ARSacb. to be had at the Lot tery Office. . . ' ; , rV ClJrt frnmtht different arttfthConrji Poft JhaUoTiarT ffijatZuu? ' XoiirnSAag.xl. Second Lottery M B E RT 2 c, 1792. -Tf u Tl ' f 1x)t reniioners. . . ' -" , : DEPARTMENT, WAR V August 6, 1791. ' ftrongerfpirits of native materials are t. INFORMATION is rrtrebyvenrendvvCTera X all the Military Invalids of the United accommodate thofe who have had the States, that the fums to which they are right to pay according f the capacity of am'- . ..'-' a yu- Hon, from tne 4U1 day or Marcn, 1791, and which will become due on the 5th day of September, 1 792, will be paid on ihe faid day, by the Commifiioners of the Loans within, the States refpeclively, na sUr the nfuat reeuktions, 3ri Every application y The certificate givenf by the'ftate, , peJfying that the perlon polfeffinr the iuc u mx iaci an invalid, ana aicenaia- iqfticeclst the, county of : 4ttTtIie - Hate ot w ana maoe oatn that he is tWejrfvenby 0e ftate to; be rtiltedl That he ferved , (regiment, corpsor yefleljatthe time lie was difabled, and tbajt hi now rcfides in the Tawl eoon-J tt off: .; and has ttfided-for the laft years, previous to which he redded In cafe an invalid fhould apply for pay rcVntky an attorney, the faid ( attorney, -be fides the certificate and oath before re cited, mud produce a fpecial letter of at torney agreeable to the following torm IrAT Bret "T-rrtr county : ftate of do herebr conftitute and appoint C. D. of my lawful atto r tie j, to receive tn my bchalt ot v my penfion for fix months, as an invalid of in wrawouiiwir.Hiu uic luunu u.jw arch.one thoufandfeven hundred and ninety twd; and ending the fifth" day of September, oae thoufand fevea hundred and .ninety-two, v., -. Siened and fealed in tne preience ot Witneues,' - Acknowledged before me, i . Applications of executors aad admin- nrators malt oe accompanied witn legal evidence of their refpective .offices, and . , b figned by the Super vifor, and counter al fo of the 'time the Invalids idiedy whofs . t figned by the Colleclor. Jf.:he diftiUer penfion they claim. . , - - . elects to pay the monthly rate often centst ( By command of the i ' he muft not diftil before, nor aAer the Prefident of the United. Statei, limited time for which the licenfe is, with. IL KNOX, Secretary at War out getting a new licenfe, under the pe - 1 6r The Prbters in the refpeflive ftates are reqftefted to publiih the above in their, newfpapers, for he fpace of two months. THE SUBSCRIMRS JjAVE entered into Co partnership in order tofarnifhand fupply &t MARKET o( FajettevUUtnr(i Beef, Mutton Ice. of the bed quality that can be procured who will continue, as long as they , meet with encouragement from the inhabitants of faid tow n, . JOHN WILLIS, WILLIAM VANN, JESSE PEACOCK. - 1 TtyttteviUeZettmher 10, 179a. AM ABSTRACT Qfth prJncipal alterations in regard to th Rtvennt from diflnied fpiriu, made h , tht MofCongr,ftoftie!ghtAda,of, MtJt eoB8lhf DSS Spirits diftiUed wlhia the UniteJ States.-, ' ' SECT. I'TNECLAUES, Thlt . ---f the mrnt Antic m fnJw 'T, ttuatiw r jofHtj;t raaterials fUM be Ww.nd ,f:er th fifft day of July next. -The daties on the '(irft clafs d common prooi wnuxy ) are to oe towerecx ,ir .two cents, from the former duty of hint cents per gallon, to' fcveh cents. The jug mil I iui is mc counuy unuut j uiu diftUieiies of the cuttomary extent in the inland toms, &c. the following arrange ment and reductions have been made bjf -Congrefs, to take place after entering as direAed in the, fecond feflion. piftille ries in citiestowns and villages ( the whole capacity.ofthe (tills in which do not a - mount to four hundred gallons ) may pay fifty four cents', inftead of tth former du ty of fixty cents for each gallon, that the flill will hold or meafare, for a whole - year's Miftilling Uierein. - All diailleries -in the country may pay the fame reduced duty of fifty four cents, That is, a Hill of . one hundred gallons in the country, or ia' - g - - fuch tpwtt-diflillery dills ahegether equal a ciry, town or village in mere oe nntm 'v .io fouihundred gallons) wilj pay 5400 ; . . cents or (A douars tor mwboi year or the didiller mar. if he thufes. take out a 'M liccnfeto be applied for at the Coliectdr's '''' fiSoce,for one month,at ten cents on every : gallon the ftill will meafure or hold, or . for more than one month at the fame rate . i often ; cents per month for fvfygallont the, dill will hold t or the dift iller may , pay for the fpirits he fhall actually dift.il through the year, at the rase cf fivea eeats for each gallon of common Whif J key proofj)rfirft Droof liquor diiiled t and fo in proportion tor whatiCball be V ftronger than common. The law gives thefe eleclions or choifes to the-diftiller. ana requires 01 mm 10 masc Known( ins choice in one or the other war in writine. a form for which the Coileftor will furniflu The diftiller will then receive a licenfe. figned by the Supervifor, if he intends to pay oj tne capacity 01 me am, ana not tk irallrtn rfiflilled. If1 h Ham nrt "make his choice, or acls contrary to it after cbufing, then he is to pay fifty four cents per annum on every gallon the ftill will meafure or hold. No fee' is to be charged for the licenfe, nor for any other papers which may be furnifhed to the dif tillers or others, or which (hall be required of them. The licenfe will mention the day when he is to begin, and the day when he is to end his diflilline. It is to nalty ot two hundred dollars. sict. J. Directs at leaft one office of InfpefUon in every county in each difliUt or ftate. Every poflcflbr of a ftill, of what ever fixe, whether it be employed in dif tilling er not, is to enter his ftill in the courie' of the month of June la each year. Stills bought or in any way procured by arefideut in any county, or brought into " a county by a perfon moving into fuch county, are to be entered at the fame of fice, within thirty days of their procuring or removing them, and before diftilling with them. The entry is to defcrlbe the " dill, and tamcntipnits capacity, theplace where it lies, and in whofe pcfleOion it is, and whether it is intended tor diliUwg or fotate, and if it fhall have peen lemoved into the county, from whence it was fo re- , moved. The penalty for omitting to en-, te'r a ftill at above re quirred, it (Sell. 1 $) two hundred and fifty dollars on theown , eror rionefTor. ssct. J. The owncrs'and 'pofrefTors of flills are jointly and fepiyately liable for the duty, as is the ftill itfelf, and the own. er of the land upon which a dill (hall bt wnt led. unlef tlie nerfonkea tenant on linfe for 1 vear or more, or nnlels Ifce owner, of the land can prove the difUllfr to Lave bun atrefHUroraninirudtroa tl 1 1 " 1 J i 1 4 I r 'i 1 .-j