it : TUESDAY, OCTOBBER 2 1792. - s t' (Vol. I. ) PRINTED by ALBXVNDER MARTIN, for JOHN SIBLEY. ' ( Numb 9. v.. . it V if- t 1 Two Negroes APP R E II E N D D. V orthy ofpublick notice, unlefs the au tnoi (hall inhere ife'direci. B i, the names oty.he au hor .fhali not be pubnlhed wi.h . outi heir confent, excepting his name to , - " 1 . wnqm tne pme lhad. be awarded. (? AME to my Plantation, 8 Sach trerit may. be received flnXapeJear rirr one- mHfrom- f djiot Hrt'"1"1 Tthls town, on the night. of the 5th" of of ,he un- MarchJaft. ana nowlntny poiTlon, a S t V' Negro MAN and a Negro WOMAN, Y be returned, or other wife wlm fay they have n(Mnalter-thathfT -- authors retpecnvdr " i-iffl?" V?f finCC f ' 9- -I-' none - f the differta'rns offered Bntilhleft Cha:leaon,eptfour or five,. ft bcf omtil thc ttriunHf the years.wh-n they were iftne fer.ce .fa .fofcrr r,f re.hepner of upholding Mr. James Cratgg, on Lmche s Creek, m tnd aevminX ic to forne other important South Carolina, irm .whom they ran purpofes ' '" awayfometime laa fummer or fall, for IO The prtr fl,all ennfift'of three ' ZY , Hund.ed Do.lL, or the value th.reol in The fellow appears to be between the, Wate. nt :h, nh, ,,n f .K,. a,i,. HC 01, inn i.y "live auu tuuj uuui u feetfeven inches bigh-7-thick let of a bla:k complexion hjs ears bored, and bv his language fuppofe he was born in Africa. -The wench Is fmall appear to be be- Peter Strong, To Penfijners. paid to him, orhis order, wihin 'fix m;n h after the a! judication. The magnitude Vi importance rfthi qneftion mult appean thr'mrft cuifory obferya ion. -Lreeh inioiisnf the earth, tO DC pO- and efbcct.'llv tK.i r.iintric u kl'kn.r. 'twecen twenty and twentrfive yeat.s old erj y .he richeU bWinss or nature," lays (he was brought from Africa vcrf are, from this caufe, annually fu ieel to Informs the public, that he continues to carry on the . CLOCK,., WATCH--JEWELLERY BUSINESS, At his Oto Stand ' In IF A Y E T T E V I L L E, . He wants two aftivq L ADS between 13 and 15 years of age, as A PPREN T1CES to the above bfi nefs. .. ... -',-- , tfj He v ill .givtxone h-rd DwlUr an ounce for old or cut SILVER. siugufi 17, 1792 HENRY E. LUTTERLOH, "R G8 leave to inform the XJ p WAR DEA JLJT.M EN T, uews r 170 1- F t FORMATION is hereby givrn ili dii Silica, y Invali Ubi ; hc IJui-d ; Sm es thaf thefu tii to -vhih ,tl.ey are intUkJfor fix roonth.of .their 4oauili:n-'-fioii, from tht 4th day' of Mjrch, 1 792, : -and which wili oecome due oii the- 5 h dy of Septtraber, 1792, will be pali on ths faid dav, by the Uminvflnneis of the Loans vithia the States relpiiiively, un der the ufual regulations, viz. Every application foi payment muft be , accompanied by the following vouchers. i:l The certificate given bv the (late, specifying that the perlon-puffing the fame is in fact an invalid and alceitaia m the lum to which as fuch he U annual ly entiiled,. ; ji An aftidjTit, agreeable to the fol- Public, that his firft LOTTERY commenced Drawing the 1 6'h ol July, -0.n iy m t A. B. came before Trie, one of the. ycung. ,, JAMES MORE. rayeteville, September 11,1792.-... To the Public" nit. and was compleated the 281b, imt. at the Court-Houfe in this town. The Priies of the fortunate Tickets will be paid on the original being deliver ed at the Lottery Office. Hb aHo propofes the fol lowing SCHEME ova nTHE Prefident and Fellows of the Medical Society of the ftate of Delaware, in conformity to one of the Original purpofes of their inftiwion, , announce the following queftion, as-a-iuo? j -& of priAe differtation, and beg leave to invite the ingenious and learned of all ratnns ta the competition. ' O ! e ft ion What is the or hit nd r,ature ethe noxhui power whish prevails tefpecil. lj in fot an J tnoijl climntts, during fumtner and autumn, and produces interwittmit and r:mitlt ievcrs- and certain other difeitfcs t J5y what mean tnayjbis iuftlubrity of dim 4tt bt erleJ, and the dijtcfet thence 0-' rijt'i n'Juccejulljt prrMii-and lieaL-d? The competitors for this prize are tc quelled to obf :rve, that the means of cor- reeling this fpecies of noxious climate will be confidered as thc principal ftrefs of the' piopofrdquedion. C0NDJT10NS. 1. The premium fhall be awarded to the aaihor of the belt diClrtation upon the quifiion propofed. 2. The candidate fhall tranfmit his diflcrtation, addrclHrd to the prefident of the fociety, free of pottage or other char ges, cn or before the fecond Tucf Jay of May, 1795 ; and (hall dHlinguilh his per formance by frme motto, devife or other fi;nantTe,at his pleafnre. Together wj'h his diircitation, he fhall alfo feud a fcaled letter, containing the fame motto, devce rr fignature, and fubferibed with the real nap'.e and place of reftJence of the au thor. m j. Perfons of any nation or profcflion whatever, (hall be admitted as candidates for this pteminm. 4. No !flfertation, which ha?h been al reaJy pu'jlifhcd, or for which the author hath brx'n pulickly rewarded elfcwhcre, Ihall be entitled to this premium. 5 The dii&r.UUon mufl be written et-th'-r in iln tlrlilh, French, German or Liin Unu.r- . 6 A dilintfi tiled committceofthefccie ty (1:aU be appointed to examine the mer its of the fevctal that truy be orecl. nnl taJju.lrji he picnjini to thrmofi defcrvim;. 7 Thr fociety will eicr-iic t);!r d'f ere ior, 'y piillilliin, thc fiicct! ful elif fe ta ion i.-. ant natir-r ivh they n . f approve Ar l in ordtr to avtil th? p;i'... 1 c of all pcfTihlc irf riri.tii m - t thi ( h :Q, ard. at :hc fa-i . ti,. : f ciirro "the ijrr".r:i ility of th-ir 1 fc i. n, l;lt w. I.! Vlo C( r f.'Jr 1 1.: r. . !ri J' ;i 1. thif'io '-,'iffi rty H -T rf - i'. C (UUlicit ilwuu, wlacli ihsy i:.,.li j . 'w; Second Lottery Ml -1- 1 v k iicicne s anil aepopunnoi. And u may be fafety alfiimed, that of all the forces of difefts incident io mankltivl, this is one of the moit "xtcnfive,.mali!nant and fa al. P ' A fu-cefsful inveftigationof the origin and na'.ar, of hi- mnrbid principle v. oiild gteatly enl irge he boundaries rfXfiuence, and advancr he comiorc aiid f appinel's of human iotiety Wh rvcr fhall i co ver a ce'tain and eat) me-hod of carredt- inac t virulent effort wljile he tenders a fplendid ' fcrvice tf medical uhilnfonhT. will have a juil claim to t'h; apolaufe of ing PRIZES, viz -hiseotempDrarles, and" to thTe eraihude Pnxes. Dollars. cf polteiif y. The i ciet acknowlfdge and lament he ohfcuruy which involves this quedion. They trull, however, that thii o -ecl'ion though fntm:dableat firft vie, vih de ter no p?Hon frm an enquiiy, Co preg nant l;h importance, Mtility and rtpu L?ll!lirixoMci4HV 'hj g '' :at tncvcr The DRAWING of which will C'lmmehce the 20th of NOVEMBER cexti NEWBERN. . jjOoTickets at TWO dollars eacliis 7660 Dollars, which will be paid in thw iollow- at 1 I 1 a 4 5 6 '19" 80 129 239 770 Firft draw may ht ain"tt lTlmpi;e; not any ab foluir in r a ili'y A d at. the fame ti-. ethi' the ocie . dep ef 4te ihecrn ure of th" lei'ne 1 won i he indulgence f expedition-, which ev. ntually mav prove to have been O 'er Jang ice, they flill fi l ter ihmfelv;s, -hat ihe difcoveiy they now cvmtemp' tte U w iihm the reich oflXaft draw the human mind, affi led hv the en'ijiht ened vie ot :. ode n (cience, and anima te 1 by the 'enrr,itie and ardour which diflinguifhes the ptcfehi jnquifitie ai.d philolophif age "."l".'" Pub!iflied by-order of the fo. icty, 1 DWARD MILLER, -Sec, OCT" The fiwal printer in me ica, and I wept arc rejn,Jit. topubl J tht abtU- AO 1 Mi t 1 C r 7. 'I f Upper and Loer F WETTE VILLL con inue to ut and carry aay TIMliEk .-ff he f-ih c-ilvr' Lnnd, a bout one rtiile ltl w Ton. He nivx gives notice, F$r the hj time That he is refolved to proitcutc o ilie extremity of the Lw, all fuch intruder' as fhall in fu ture commit depf rations on his Lands. flTj l'erftins onnir Mills, Waggons and Car l. are rcqurfle'i in ti particular stunner to attthd to this nniifieition. , Win B A R RY GROVE. .Jt-r.Ct FMV7l tt'lLLt. 'Y'.iE sjo'ihs-m "aim .Sf.uihern MlLR airive at this oflice every MONDAY, about 5 V M ?d are do- I'd prrt!.l ill 9 ' k. The crdfs Pod b' uf;n .-(' ; .' ar. H iti;itijfiin, ar-rivr- xh'u: ' I'tli every MONDAY, y.'.d leaves if '-'r Vi!niii'v,u r a' the fame , nr ..n 'I IT.' DAV ; fhoulJ any :.!';r-ri'P wp; .r to be rnc re coiiver.ii.t 500 109 89 60 5 ., 40 20 ! t 6 6 u are Dollars. 500 190 80 120 ato aoo 1 So 200 8co 960 22 10 6930 20 30 7000 Subject to the fame rules and regula tions as the former Lottery.! TICKETS at TWO Specie DOLLARS each, to be had at the Lot teiy Office. f Orders frzm the different parti f tht Country Poll paid, Jhall be cart fully attended t. Nfwbtrn, Au 2 if t V it p-ir v I 1.,) t (VI us ;fFavetf till; and Wil nccmni'.il.i'ion it was Ran-away From thc fubfciibcr, a Negro Man, Named LnHJGLAS purchafed from Mr. William Cook , of Favetteville, and may likely return to that neighoonr hood he is a low, well made fellow, fpeaks broken Ehglifh. -Had on when he went away nothing mote than an old woolen trowleri and jacket, having left liis. clothes behind. Any perfon who will apprehrnd and deliver, or confine him, 10 that he may be had, lhall be generoufly rewarded by J. WiLLIS. Lvnhtftn, Sept 15, 1792. X X XX 1 wK v fuch alteiuioninay 13 L A N K Of every kind s. JOHN wlBLtY, p. n. TOR s-m.i: a! :h? POST OFFICE. Jufices of the county, of.. in the fta-e'-f and mad oa h. that he is the fame A. B. to whom the oriainaTcer tiieate in hi poll ffnn wis given, ot which the following is a copy ( the certi ficate given by the Hate, to be reciiedj . That he l'erved (regimen, corpsor- , vefTel) at the time he was- dilabl d, and that he now reiides in the , and coun ty ot and has relided for die laft years, previous io which he redded in In cafe an invalid flonldapply for pay fhen- bv an attorney ( fhe f'.id attomey, belide the cerinratc and a h befurer?- - cited, mu4 prjiduce a fptcial letter of at torney agreeabfe to the following form I, A. B. ot county of j ftate of do hereby connittite and appoint C D. cf - - my lawful, a'tor- ' ney, to rective in my bfhalf of ' . my penfion for fn months, as an invalid, of . the tTnitcd States, from the four h day of MarchneJoufiijJIivcnhwWetl-and; ninety two, and ending the lif h e!ay of September, one thouiand l'evcn hnuJicJ and rine y-two.-Signed and fealed ia the piefenceof j Witness. Acknowledged bef re me, A pplii aiioiis if execirors and admin-ftrato-s mull be acc nip mied wHi lecal evidence of thcit refpectivf oQires, and alio of the time the Invalids died, whofe penfion they claim. By command of the Prefidem of rheUni'ed States, H KNOX, Secn-uryat War. C The Printers in the re fpeftive Rates are leqelted to puhlifh the above in their newfpapcr,for vie fpace of two months. ! THsLUUUt or tut EAYIil rtVlLLl CaZCiiE ti, WhEM vreer cr hw pinch the rcputtion . H'l'.lu.m ntuitbmi In . been wu di-i by, 1 n ltitt r.jr Wiliinn Co k Utily tx iuu p ifjj.t i lve f l i H.n. C-u 1 ta l) fcich lite m rli n lioiefty of vt w , ritdire v ly fuf pti. 1,1 be Hj .4 ih rcly h.igej v'ttli livif I i g Ml,f ' .lT;ry t ftlin norle bcl i g.r g Mi. M,o,t, 0vi I i uhi , think 11. 11 liu n im y nrt tin ,)Yt 01 in-ict. et c ntly urt, lobr. g li ii tht trut io prut, ft mnoc nee, t . crrl vice -pulfn' t nk'th I kope ynii wil. (i nny to ih. pu I c, it vs . , lc aQ Ihs ni mi-( hri r lc ti x cu-cri. i!elii f. Krnny ibat, L k,if tbt I ri ve of(,r b ti. Hull ci wrf.tu l.t td Ijinliily tb If 1.1 a?4 H Mr. thw 1 Alt.'r U-n "ccUrr4 Mi M itmrw, iiu,CHt,t ot .e fiO h. ai,de( m I e carl tli. ol lft-nctly iiH limMl vh c , ho,vr, liitl, k ..k vi 1 O f pul l e i cirg to, ,r,c I . Vi :(, th. J, . y-itf tt Intmrt. A l w ,ch f uiitr, a. W, l 4 ta c'' fid rM iCj-rcif intit b'i g iie, ly .. t.'l ,lout i. t J.iiji, with Bud !(ii.lii(c 01 tin -1 JAMES KED'IE. J ML6 LLCANAKLV lit f v(K; HltjHt f, J. "MCtiR.. T r ' V'-' A T 1 a 4 s t-