,(-f- ' ' v ..- f T U E S D A Y, . OCTOBER 9, 1792. ( Vol; I. ) PRINTED by ALEXANDER MARTIN, for JOHN SIBLEY. ( Numb. jo. s V Ill V i 1 j An ABSTRACT Cyfe principal alteration in regard U the ' Revenue from diftilled fpirits, nude by -ttbt AS of Congreft the eighth day f . : May, 179? " concerning the Duties on i Spirits 'diftilled within the United .States, moved. The penalty Tor omitting to en ter a ftill as above requirred, is (Seil. $) two hundred and fifty dollars on theowo er or poffeffor. ' sect, j; The owners and pofleffors of ftills are jointly and feparately liable for the-duty, as is the ftill itfelfj and the own er of the land upon which aillihalL-be-utarked, unlefs the perfon be a tenant on leafe for a year or" more, or unlefs the owner of the land can prove the difliller Lands for Sale, Two A? PRE SECT, m ECL ARES, That r ' XJ the prefent duties on fpi rits of native r domtliie materials iha.ll ke reduced on and after the rftv day of July tp have been a trefpafler or an intruder oft next. The duties on the firft clafs of the land during the whole time of work proof (that is on fpirits of the ftrcngthof JngthefUlh 1: - " - . r : i commoii proof Whiflcy) are to be lowered sect. Provides that calls v&c. twO cents, from"the7ormer duty of nine which have been legally marked, and af-. cents per gallon, to feveri cents. The tcr wards emptied, may have the marks ftrongerf-mts of native materials are taken oft by an officer, and may be again be lowered in due proportion. But to " for fpirits, and again legally marked accommodate thofe who have had the by an ofbeer." . ! sn"?J?y ;cc?rain& -vi j: Grri ym.c, with Two mill xne ttiii tnat is tne counjtry omhuw; .very uuuarcugauuiu w v on laid trait diftUletiesot the cultomary extent in uk be entered tor tne payment 01 umj cording to law, (hall be allowed tor teas age at the diftillery. -I wt 8;-Provides that -all ftills, on which the duty is to be paid n their ca pacity ( that U on the number of gallons, which they can hldl fhall be identified. , TO BE SOLD at -j , Public Vendue, CtS,L4 Negroes HE N DI D. inland towns,' &c. the following arrange ' inent and reductions have been made by Congrefsjto take place after "entering as v direfted in the fecond feftion. Diftille ries in cities.townsand yillages(the whole capacity of the ftills in which do not a mount to four hundred gallons) may pay fifty four, cents, inftead of the former du ty of iixty. cents for each gallon, that the ftill will hold' or meafare, for a whole, yeara diftilling therein. All diftilleries in the.' country may pay the fame reduced fTo which end they, will be marked and Ctuntj, joining Virginia iftambered, which will be doqe with im- ; THRbE HtP rejuagp PUN VlFTY ACRES on T, Uic uauui vi ' o o Plantation, one mile fro A r-i-ilvU -twh-n- the-niffht-of the-Tth-nf- , IN THE TOWN OF - ' March, lall, and how in my poiTefTon, a WIL M.I N G T O N, ' Negro AN and a Negro WOMAN; -Ftr SIX MONTHS CREDIT f who fay they have no maJter that they Uthe First Wiek of MARCH, next have been ftrolling about ever fince the THE FOLLOWING S-- . - - years, when they were m the fervice of a VVV.V-- OF l A N D, :-Mr, -irCriroirLinchcVCreekvitt- Belonging to the Eftate of, Parker Qtfince, South Carolina, from whom they ran . Efq. deceafed, - away fome time laft (ummer or fall, for (Utilejsdijpojed if before at Pnvate Sale.) fear of being fent to the Weft-Indies. The fellow appears to be between the age of thirty-five and forty about five feetfevea inches high thick let of a black complexion his ears bored," and by his language fuppofe he was bora in Africa. The wench is fmall appears to be twecen twenty and twenty -five years4hf fays (he was brought from AfricVverjr young. - ; JAMES MOREi FayetteviteJ September 1 1, 191. RuUk t'EhiI HUNDRED SEATS : SIX HUNDRED and F1F TY ACRES in IfrtthfwickCountj, between LockwoodV Fcair and Cah FBaa. FOUR HUNDRED and fCffcrY ACRES on the North Weft Branch of Cafe Fear River, in Bladen trginia Pertert Neck. HUNDRED ahd tlFTY ACRES on Town Cieex form- sect. Q. AUipmts m diflillert or dealtru are to be entered at A TRACT with a MILL roftly. Efq. on Hollyshelter. con- taining SIX HUNDRED and FORTY ACRES. dm nf fiftv four centsThat is, a ftill of the 0fflce 0f InfDeftion Tor ' the divifion, SEAT, formerly the DronertT of WillUm , -..t -- - - ... . . v . j. .re. r.r i 1? - ' pne hundred gallons in the country, or i on or DCtore tne.twenty mmn aay 01 ocp- k city, town of village (if there be not in tember next, and. they will then be certifi- fuch town-diftillery ftills altogether equal ed M eld fick. On and after the thir- to fourhundredallons) will pay 54 tiejh.dav of September, fpiii.s (in calks cents or 3xJ(ir the whoU year.- ur ana Veflels unmarMa ana .nncerunea 01 twenty gallons OT-more; m poucuiuu oi Afr frVnt at the diftille. flioccfor one montht ten cents on every rr where they wer made) will be liable ifOKli ACRES on .the Hiwrutpi, aU6n the anl will meifdrrofhotcr, or veneIs- cawiyMf, HENRY E. LUTTERLOH, BEGS leave to inform the Public, thathis firft LOTTERY commenced Drawing the 16th of July, ult. and was compleated the a 8th inft. at ' the Cqurt-Houfe in this town. The Prizes of the fortunate Ticketa WO VACANT T rtfc r,( viUW paW on the original being TMvi4i,riWX?:.-M atthe Lottery Office.- v - the diftiller may, if he chufes, take out a licenfe, to be applied for at the Colleftor'! 1 T . LAND in the Town of BiVaswiciii ELEVEN HUNDREDand deliver for more than one month at the fam rate (0f twenty gallons .6r more unmarked or often cents per month tor. every gauon uncertified, going rom one piace 10 ano- the Hill will hold Lor the diftiller may ' .ther, will alfo be liable tofeizure on ,and pay for the fpirits he (ball aftuallv diftil . after the faid thirtieth day of September, through the year, at the rate of feve . .Theofficersof Infpedionare to takeniea . centf for each gallon Qf.comraon Wbif- furclfoc marking all hcafks,. which key proof, or firft proof liquor diftilled; were not required by law to. be marked andfo in proportion-for what fliall be before, and arc to give certificates for. the ftronger than common. The law givei fame, at the .requeft of any diftiller or tfc.fe leAioni or choifes to the diftiller, jMi-r. in order to oroteft the cafks and and requires of him to make known his thc;r contena from the abovementioned choice in one or the other way in writing, , a form for which the Colleftorwill farnifti. The diftiller will then receive a licenfe, Cgted by the Supervifor, if he intends to pay by the capacity of the Aill, and not ,by the gallon diftilled. If he does not make his choice, or ails contrary to It after chufing, then he is to pay fifty four cents per annum on every gallon the ftill will meafure or hold. No fee is to be confeauences. WILLIAM POLK, " fiapenrifor of the Rmnue, ' RftriQ of North CurtliiH, fUUR HUNDRED A x CREScaJled Cattish on the North Weft Branch of Cape Fear River, about 8 miles from .Wilmington. : X)NE TRACT oq the Head - of Elizabeth Rivrt containing SIX HUN DRED and FORTY ACRES. Jt7 th SAMK. TIME an d PLACE, WILL BE SOLD, FOR READT M0NEYt THIRTEEN Prime Slaves, tin -ir r.i no aiio propoics inc roi lowing . " SCHEME e ,1 ' v Second Lottery Belonging to the fame Eftate, Among, which are feveral valuable TRADESMEN. Any perfon defirous of pur- chafing any of the before mentioned C3- NOTE. The following encourage ments are alfo given by Congrefs to the diftillers from native or domeJHc materials, TIiimnortationof Gin in cafes, 1021, 10 tee IS tO De L .'.jLji ..ft.. nnA. and I.ANnSflrNF.fiRnPSm,. .1,- charged fo,4eUc,n.rfo,T other --J ''uli ZZSZZZ Daoers wmcn may De lurnuneo 10 me uu- amm-a : Thomaq ox t t i?mim: 01 uicra. iut jiui t . M- frnm ten Cents to twenty-five Cents, according to their proof or ftrengih j Imported fpirits ' made from train, are to pay from twenty-eight to fifty Cents ; and all other im 'ported fpirits from twenty-five to forty-fix 'Cents. The DRAWING of which- willcommence the 20th of NOVEMBER, next, in NEWBERN. 3 506 Tickets at TWOdollars eachisyooo Dollars, which will be paid in the follow ine PRIZES, vw. Prizes. Dollars. 1 at 500 109 Co 5 4 3 19 day when he is to begin, and the day when he is to end his diftilling. It is to be ftgned by the Supervifor, and counter figned by the Collector. . If the diftiller efeU to pay themonthly rate of tencentsi he muft not diflil before, nor after the limited time for which the licenfe is, with out getting a new licenfe, under the pe nalty of two hundred dollars. . sct. a. Direfls at leaft one ofllce ct Infpeaion.in every county in each di(hia or ftate. EverypolTefTor of a ftill, of what, ever fixe, whether it be employed in dif tilling or not, is to enter his ftill in the courle of the month cf June in each year. Stills bought or in any way procured by THOMAS CALLENpER, Execnttr. I SUSANNAH QUINCE, Executrix Or RICHARD QUINCE, jun. Wilmington, Augujl 17, l79. - I I 2 4 5 6 19 Bo 110 770 Firft draws Laft drawa t 6 6 Dollars, is 500 190 80 are n a 00 180 200 800 960 1380 2219 20 30 Ran-away From the fubferiber, a Negro Man, Named DOUGLAS purchafed from Mr. WiUlan Cot f Fayetteville, tin. uougiuur - "7 -j ,Bd msiT likelT retorn tothat neichbour. areiident.nanyccumy.oro.ao.. , , madefelloWi a county oy a reran raoTinr ibio imn , . . . - .:n. u.i ' ' - - . k jm m inraii iirnirii r.nviunMi ian nn wurn lit? away notning more than an old woolen trowferl and jacket, having ' left county, are" to be entered at The fame of- broken J W i ? "V.i .1 -.J.t r .1.-! :- went away nothing tn nee, wuiiin uiinj ujiui uicn piumim or removing I hem, and before diftilling with them. The entry is to defcribe the ftill, and tomentioniu capacity, theplace where it liei, and in whofe pcdcfHon it if, and whether it is intended for drilling or' forfait, and if it fliall have peen xemored into tLe county, from whence it watfo re- hit clothes behind. Any perfon who will apprehend and deliver, or confine him, io that he may be had, (hall be gtneroufly rewarded by J. WILLIS. Lumlattn, $pt 15, 17pi. Peter Strong, Informs the public, that he continues to carry on the' CLOCK, WATCH, JEWELLERY BUSINESS, At his Old Stand -In FAYETTEVILLE, He wants two active LADS between 12 and 15 years of age, as APPRENTICES to the above baft, nefi.. PiHc will give one hard Dollar an ounce for old or cut SILVER. Augujl 17, 1792. BLANKS. Of every kind TOR SALE at the POST-OFFICE. 7000 Subject to the fame rules and regula tions as tie former Lottery. TICKETS ac TWO Specie DOLLARS each, to be bad at the Lot teiy Office. ! - ffi Orders from the Afferent partt cf the Country, Poft p3d,Jhalllecart fully attended tt- Nenuhtrn, Aug.it. ALL perjom indebted to the ejiate of JOSEPH MOTT, deceafed, are requefled to make immediate payment to the fubferiber and all who have any demands againfl the aid ef tate are required to bring them forward within two years, agree able to an ail of djett.blyintbat cafe provided. . DUNCAN M'AUSLAN. Adirun'ijirattr. .'4 w 4 1

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