'V-:V . -'p- "t.u;e's d a y, ;o ct o b e r :i6,- .1792. ' . . -'l;" ; ( Vol. I. ) .', ' PRINTED by ALEXANDER MARTIN, for JOHN SIBLEY. 'i ( Numb. n. u t "J pAME to my plantation, V-' on CapeTear river, one mile from blhU town, on the night of the f fth of rMarch,iat, andnowmmy ppiis.ujn. a , legro-MAami-Neero-WOtvlANr - jmy ff vc occu nHmiS uuui sv5. jw " ; Bntvih lejtrhSete except four or. five r- tears.when thev were rn trie lervice ot r'" If 4 .iwavlometima hstV lumraer or fatti for101".? t&i-'V'.i: - ... ....... .. The fellow appears to he between tfc f eet lentncnes hteh tmcK tet QJ a ' . .1 . 1 A' L . a - A li Black complexion---his ears bored, 4nd by his language fuppofe he was bora Uti Africa. . ' Theweftcb is fmall appears to be he twecen twenty and twenty five years jld fays the was brought from Africa vary young. , - : J A MES' MO RB. ;t- f 1 6m the' fubfener, a : kl J M I - t I I IV'l M INI JCa'k-r j rrTtrr a c Some time firice purchafed from Mr.;V4W 'Csrf, of Fayertc'illei and raa? likely' return to that neighbour lood-he is a low, well made fellow fpeaks broken Englilh. Had on when he Went' away nothing . more than an old, Voolen trdwfeu and jacket, having left his clothes behind. Any perfon who will ' apprehend and deliver, or confine him, tc that he may be had, lhall be gencfoufl j -'ttwardedby'' 1. WILLIS. .apprehend and deliver, or confine him, id j Peter Strong, 1 ; j lafonos the public, that he continues to " ; rr np?mmT CLOCK, WATCH, JEWELLERY BUSINESS, " - A his Old $takd tn F'AYETTEVILLE. He wants two aclWe LADS' between u and 15 years of age, as APPRENTICES to the above buff - nciV ' 1 -: ' -J ' ' He will -pve one hird Dollar an ounce (or oU ot cut SI ER'; For SALE, or to LE T, For 3 tern oyeart. t : T TOWS r ftriSDOROUCH Chatham Ctunty. , ANEW, TWO STORY HO US E COMPLEATLY finiihed, and well fitted for a TAVERN, with eonrenift Out Hovfes, among which ire a neat BILLIARD ROOM, with a TABLE, much' frequented, alfo, a oo4 GARDEN, the whole of the im- trovement en two adiicent LOTS, con taining one acre, an excellent STABLE with (tails for twenty Horfes, a COACH HOUSE and GRANARY, alining a handfome peice of MEADOW, contain fog about ten acre The fit nation is agreeable sitid healthy, and the fammer fociety is . one of the bell in the ftate within one mile of the Mineral Strips, which, tho' hut lately difcovered, are much frequent t cd in the feilon. 1- or trms apply to tne . fubfetiber en the premifes. P. St LAWRENCE. Tlthhreuih, ft, to. 9791. . ' cy J cut, aOivt 'LAD, wanted ai 0 apprentice U tie frinliv hufiiwfit tit ' Printer itrrf. HENRY E. LUTTERLOIf, 'TI'EGS leive tO inform the JD Public, that his fir ft LOTTERY com!ne,lceil . u.-awini the iGih of July, w The izcs ot the fortunate Ttcl5ts wJU b P4ii on thcoiieinal bcioi: delir- '.j ...l. i n,i;. I pies the, iol- S C HE M E or a QrH f Ytm,t'ft'XT The DKAWINGof which willcommence the 2oh of NOVEMBER next, in NEVViiERM. '. V", .. , 3;oTickets at T WOdolIars eachisoco' 1) ill.ifs, whtch will b; paid in ih ioliow- . ins PRIZES, viz Fuzes. Dollars. I at ,500' tl I -; ' 86 4 .'. .50 s . ..40' 10 . . .: 20 80 . It 129 . '8 230" 770 I - - FIrft drawn Laft drawn . . : : - 7,; Subjeft to the fame rules an! reuia-. lons ai the fjrmerXotteryT"" ;: TlCKEIa:i'WO :. Specie DOLtjARS aehy to behaJ at the Lot. teiy Office. (fc Orders from the different fflt of thi Country, Pjit p?lJhatlbecare- y;F Neybern,jtug 16. To be bOLl) on CiiEUlIT - A. VALUABLE F A R M, : Si PU ATE three miles hom Pittjbirmgh in Ch ttham Counry.con taining upwards of 300 acres, 2 0 of which i. Tobacco Land of the fidt j ia li.y ; about 100 cleared and under good f?nces, with a new D W L L I NO -HOUSE thereon 24 by .28 f;et, com pletely hVilhed, all necell'try out honks, and a Garden of one acre, alio a Grana ry lately bnilt, 36 feet fquaie. I his tradt is well watered, and affords about ten a cres of excellent Meadow Ground The (lock of Horfes, Cattle and rl , belong ng to tlie Farm, may be had with it. , One TRACf, (;tua e cn LanJram'j Creek, in faid County of Chat idw, containing 500 acres, a 'ci nlle pari of which U luiuble lor Tobaccorand the whole excellent Corn land 1 n this trafl there is a good MILL SEAT, and convenient to the bell range in the conn- try, but wiJiout improvements of any kind. The term mayltlr.run ly ttthht to Mr. Wl 1 1 1 A M G u T H 1 Y , about I ur miL t from Vitkursh, or to Ihe phfenber at New- bern. BT'NL. WlLI ,f,TAM. ' Vj lumciiiKi ocgi u.tve A to In to inform the public and his fiiends in:particukr, that he has opened a T) J r j r. j3UdlUi) llUUlC . And. TAVERN, in thai commodious Houfe, belonging to Jamei llg,YS. in GrutN-STttiT, whrre the Prmting-Ofiice was lately kept. His bed endeavours will be exerted to pleaft Uiofc who favour him wiih (heir cuftom. , ' DAVID DUDLEY. BY virtue ot the power in me . veile J, I have appoiated DLTVCAN -MAC KtiA, Eso. CoUtflir of the Revennein the Coun lj ' of Cu rnBetlaii J, hT hfits tha la at In lis rtf-llsfliofl liervfurmation i-all-. capcerheJ. The duties will be collcfted tton all ltills which have been, employed finii-'ti ling from the IUftay 'df JUNK, l iwi hutt the ft Jifieta 4. ay i of - tUt 4.' A RV. next. The appointment ot Col leftors f"t the Coun' ies of Sampfin, Ahtre, ' Jikhmoni and sinfin aie yet unma ie, r.'tfons well recommended, will on .ap--v licai inXo CoLs JUJJK QjQjkh be cornmiQione J. . - . WILLIAM POfK, o N tac i h dny of ,ebtcml er,) id 1 man cams to thi- iown,la;ev i'i the eveni:f j h a large black waggon -Jifrfewhn, l? I: remTmhcrviiht, called himaif GEOKGE SMITH, an Maui JjhwliMillt iJdLdt-hsi- Jjad a .brother in this town of the name of John $mitht who drove a waggon, belonging to him,; all of which upon theenquiry of a Magtihate of ihts C mrity, was tuund to be falfe j and from his giving l'uch unfotiififlory anfwers to number of q iellions that were jalkeJ him, it was the opinion of the faid Mafi;i.trace ththe Hoif: Ihotild be de.' tiincd in pofn.flnh .until the next morn ing, when he diftpoeared, and hu not ince been heard Of The HORSE iiitill in my pofTefllon, io that th-; owner, on proving the propT'y. may hav hitn a- .r-ftaio,'0Q paying Uie expiOCe.of tl adver tifemeau r. noALnsnv. S" ( mik ot tue-L i z I, f Upper and Lower F AYE TTE- VHiL con'iaue to cue and carry away TI 4BEK off the fublctibcr's Lind, a bni one mile below Town, He n w giyM nice, For the lajl W That he kr-f ilvei w.prnf cuj.e to ihe extremity ot the Lw, a'lfuch intra Jer a Hull in fu ture, commit depredationb rn his Lan.is. (J fe fine owning Mills, Vsg'ms and Carls, are rtqurfled in d pirthtiUr - Manner tt attend to this notific iion. VVm. 11 aRRY GROVE. ' JXT-i j T I CE ii Lt 1 l b v- t u -1-7 to all thofe who have had deal ings with WILLIAM BACHOP, or Y ACHOP and PATTERSON, lite of this place That the B oks and Papns of both arein the hnnd of the ftibtciib-e-st All th-fe who have any claim a g ii-:l ei' her, are defi ed to render in a M uement of their accounts jqualihed to, a f;on as polfible, thaf thi nrcHfary 1 (f m t be tak u to have ihrm fpeedily !i(rbrc Tb fe wh" Hand indebted to ei her .ire lor thelait time, informed, ilia t whaevcr bon J, noes, oropen ac counts fmiin unpaid, arr the firlt day o'" h'e'ein'ier n:x ,wi 1, with ut di linclion, be pu. into he hanJs of an Attorney, with? m de r to take the proper lleps for recovery wihtu: dcf.y.' SUNDRY D R Y GOOD S, Vn hand in FaycJteville, ' Wttteerpuied to PUBILIC SALE, 1 he S .' i. i-. to commence on Friliy, the 26. h irtdant, and t continue from day to day, urn il all are fold. A CRKUir ot fix months, upon giving bond, wi'.h approved fecuti ty, will be ailowed for all funis of Jive found and upwards 1 but any left funis mull be ready aionry. ROB. DONALDSONU, A. FRRGUSuN, . J Ftjetievile, VA. I, 1731. tf" WAR DEPARTMENT. AUGUST 6, 17Q2. INFORMATION is hereby given to a;l theMilicaiv Invalids of the IW1 o;a:es, that the funis to wbiVK i.iti Jed-lWfu monthsof their annual pen fin n7t'romihe"4th .and which Jvill become due on the cth day of 'September, 1 792, will be paid oa Lfuns wtthia the States refpcclively, un der thsufjalregnlations, viz, . 1? v r.very appuca'hm tor payment jrtull be a:corhp.ir.k'd'by the;'follo:ing vouchers. 1 Thj cehiticite given b rhefta'e, f.tm; ia in fad an invalfd and afcmainV rg thi lum to which as fuch he in annual ly eruHed. 1 . il jn .V1 .t r aiccauic 10 me lot lowing fo: m ; ' . A. B. came hefore me, one of the Juflices of the county pf in th lla'erf and mads oath that he is the fame A B. to whom the original cer tiicite in hi poifefiion was given, of v-liich the following is a copy thecertt. That he (erved . (regiment, corpsbr ,.veifel)at the time he vas difablcd, and that he now refidesinthe , and coun ty ot and Ins -refidedfor the laft years, previous to which he refided in .... .. . In cafe an invalid irrotilJ apply for pay-." meat by an a..orneyiahe faid attorneys belidet thz ceriin.-atj and oa.h Befjie rc cireJ, mui produce a fpeci d letter of at torney agreeable to ths following form . 1, A ii t . .county of lateot . d hereby coniiitute and f xi r i i-i ny to receive in mvb. half of my peiiiion for Yu monrhsi as an invalid of the United S:a:e,fromthe four h dav of Mrch,one xljaufand feven hundred and nia-ty cwo, and ending the fii;h day of September, one thouiand feven hundred and ninety. two, Signed andfealed in the prei'ente of J Witneftesj ' ' Acknowledged before me, f ppltcaUons ol executors and admtn flfators mull be accompanied with legal evidence of .their refpective offices, nd alto of the time the Invalids died, whof penOon they claim. i3y cpjnmand cf thr Vieiidenr of t'te Uni'ecl Stares. j H. KNOX. Wftf War. Bladen Kaces HO be run netr Elizabeth- Town, will be Thwpay on the jth OcT.bert for any I Life, Mare, or Griding, jvach h ?ie, marr, or gilding running lor the two firft days, will car iy the follow weights, viz. Art. Wt'ght. Aged 140 lbv Hx years old 133 Five years oil ...... .126 Four yean old - ttx Three years old ' 93 Tie bjl two three Mile Ueati. The SWEEPSTAKES villbe comp .fed ef . the Entrance Money, of the two firli dajs, each Nagg carrying a catch rider twice round the ground to a heat. , ii.bn well recommended for his fobriety and induflryj who onderlrands making and burning of BRICKS, and will engage to ovetloclc a number of hands in that bufinefs next frn-ing and fummer may hear of good en. couragement by enquitiug ef the printer. Fajtimiile, OMer $. B L A N K S.. Of every kind FOR. SALE at the .rOST-OFFIC.