Jr ay tie vi e '- - -V TUESDAY, D C T O B E II' 30,- 1792. . X Vol. I. ) PRINTED, by ALEXANDER ARTI, forJOHN SIBLEY. (Numb. 13. V 0 I An ABSTRACT '.. Gftk principal alteration! in regard to the . Revenue from diftilled fpirlts, made ly the Ail Of Congrefs t oftbtJih dj of Mi 1 70 i V" Concerning the DUTI ES on SPIRITS diiiilled within the Uni- ted States " L- SeclUn iDect urei T""1 HAT the prefent duties 5n fpirits of : A native or domtjite materials Ui all be rejucedonuid after the firfi-day-'f July next. The duties on ths firft clals of proof (that is on fpirits of the ftrength of common proof Whifkey) aietobelowered. two cents, from the former duty of nine cents per gallon, to feven cents. Ihe fttonget fpirits of native materials are. Jto. nefoTfionTBuRd accommodate jthofe who have had the right to pay according to the capacity of the ftill (that is the country, diflillers) and , idillilleries of the cuftomary extent in the inland towps, ice. the following arrange r mentsand reductions have been made bf Congrefs, to take place after entering as . eliteclid in the fecond feSion: Dlflille- ties in cities.tbwns and villages (the whole ' capacity of the fiills in which do aot a mount to four hundred gallons) may pay fifty four centsj, inflead of the former du-. ty of Gxty cents for each gallon, that the ftill will hold ot Tneafiire. for A whole year's diaillinff therein. All diailleriea,; in" tht country maypay the fame recced duty ot fifty four cets That ijs a Itul t onennnarpagauons m uiccgur.try, or,i in a rifv. tnwn nr vill Jtrc f IFthcre be not in fuch town difUllery ftills altogether equal totournundredgailons;wiilpay540ocenis or 54 dollars for the ntilnle year. ; Or rjie diiuller may, if be chutes, take out a Ii cenfe,tobeappUedfofat the CollectorY, office, for one month, at ten cents tron every J;allon the ftill will meafure or held, or qt more than oni month at the fame rate throueh the year, v cents tor each gallon of common Whit ley, proof, or hrft proof liquor diRilled.'; and fo in proportion for what flwll j'W flrdngefihan common. The law1 gives tiefe elcfliom or. choifeMQ the.difliller, nti reqirres of him to make kno wn his thotctin one or the other way in writing, Btormfor which theCollector wiil furnifh. The diftiller will then receive a licerrfe, Cgned by the Supervifor, if he intends ' to pay by the capacity ofthe Hill, and not by the gallon diiiilled. If he does not -xnaketu chcicelor aits- contrary to it after chufine, then he is to pay fifty four cents per annum on every gallon the ftill will meafure or held. No fee. is to be charged for the licenfe, not for any other papers which may be f umifhed to the dif tillers or others, or which (hall be required of thern. The licenfe will mention the day when he is to begin, and the day when he is to end his diftilling. Jt is to, be fignedby the Supervifor, and counter- figned by the Collector. If the dilUUer cf ten cents per month for every gallon . the am. iU hold. t , DrhediOilleEmay: 4-uawe.-W , ' havfor the fo rushefhaU aauaUr-diftil ; or vellelsot 1 tb'romrh the vear.v at the rate of feveni unmarked or l oy me louecror. ir we oiiuucr ? om- n d a to pay the monthly rate df ten cents, , V uft not dinil before:nor,aftr,tU.'K;tl. 5d time for which the licenfe tit with d ;P,nU 1 elects be nauft limited at getting a new licenfe, under the penal ty of two hundred dollars. pettien Jrr-Tiirettt At-lead one office of InfpeAlbri inete ry county in each diflrict or (late. Every pofTefTor of a ftill, of whatever fixe, whe ther it be employed in diftQling or not, is to enter his dill in the courfe of the month of June ineachyear j Stills bought (rv)TTTTHEREAS certain violent or in any way procured by a refidenl . in ' :y y and unwarrantable pro- any county, or brought into a county by eeedings have lately taken place tending a perfon moving into fuch county, are to to obflruct the operation of the laws of be entered at the fame office, within, thif the United States for ralfing a revenue 2" days f their picturing or rerooviog . upon fpuiu diiiilled within the fame, en em and. before diftilling wi'h them, adtd putfoant to exptefs an'thority dele The entir i to defcribe the dill, and to gated in the conflitution of the United mention us capacity, the place where ft States which proceedings are fubverfive ... lies, and in whofe DoffcQion it is. and of crood order, eantrarv tath rlmv that Whether it is intended for dllllUing or for r I I ,11 L t ; . i , - Tale, aadif it.fhall have Ilea remoyid in- to the county, from whence it was fo re-' moved. The penalty for omitting to en ter a flill as above required, ht(Se3. 13 two hundred and fifty dollars on the own- or pofleflbr. . .section . "The ownersTahd poneflbrs" ot mils are jointly and feparately liable for the d asris the fUUitfeliVand the owner -of- th - land upon which a ftill fhall be worked, uuici vne penon ue a tenant on jcaie ice jif a yearor morp, wr unlcf Ucwner of the land can prove the didUIer to have been afrefpafferof an intruder on the land ta ring the whole time of " working the Setthn c Previdej , That ca(ks, &c. which h'e Jbeen legal nfimrEa7irrirtrATa-rTrr have the marks taken off, by an olicer, and may be again ufed for, fpirits, and a gain legally marked by an officer. . Seflieri 7 iDeeltttef, -, -That two eallonsin everv hundred gal. 1 ons of fpitits which ftall be entered foi f ;hc payment of duty according to lawj the flfall be allowed for leakage at the dif tillery Sef$on,Prtvidetf , That all ltillsj, on which the duty is if I be paid on their rapacity (that ii 011 th number of gallons, which they can holcf (hall be identified : To which end lhf J wiu b cd and numbered, which wil ) J do, with impreffive punchts.providd' ; r purpoic, oy me mnccrs. . f . - t ... .t'. 4 .""" yi ii : X 3t of diflillers br i at ine office of i rAll IplTltS in trie hand ' scalers, are iu dc coicrca Infpeclion for the divifinh, on or before the twentv ninth dav of Sentember nut. and ther will then be certified as old A(tk. On and after the thirtieth day -ofj Septem- r p in cams an yeuw unmarkea aridnacertified of twenty gallpns or inoir, 4 in pcnicuion vi a aeaier or aiumer (except . atthe diftillery where thefame weremaie) leizurje j jndfpin is - lnrr twenty gallons or mere uncertified, going from or" place to another, will alfo be liabl to feizure on and after the (aid thiru'eth day of September. The officers ol infpef! ion . are to take meafrres for marking all fuch caflts, which were r.ot ri quired by law to - be marked before, and are to give certifi cares for the fame, at the tequeit of any diftiKci;' haler, in order to prottft 'he talks anktjftlcontents from the above mentioned c6nlequences. WILLIAM POLK, Sufervifr Dirtrift 1 N.rtb-UrJ UJ. ff N 0 T E. - 1The following encouragements are alfo given by Congrefs, to the diflillers from NATIVE or DOMESTIC materials,; tiz. ' The importaiicn of G!n in caT-s, . jugs, bottles, and frr.all cafkf,andDtanJy and other fpirits in the fame, is piohibitcd after April, I79J- Spirits difWUediuthe United Mates from mo! affes and other fo reign' materials, are to pay from ten cents to twenty-five cents, according to their firoof or Urength : Imported (pints made rom GRAIN, are to pay from twenty- it cents t and all other import-' from twenty-five to forty-fit Cents. iu MISCEL LAN Y. Br ths PRESIDENT .Or rut UNITED STATES. a Proclamation every cltiten owes to his country and to . r ' . ths laws, and of a nature dangerous to the verylema of government : And whereas fuch proceedings are the ' more Unwarrantable, by reafon of the moderation which Jias been heretofore Ihewn on the oart hi the erovernment. and " LJCMKfpofitiQfl wiuck-has -been- maai ieuea oy mc legmaiure 1 wno suonc nave . inn kt luiuiucnuiucuuciiiuuuui iva i trthviir rnV nf nMftinn. and a "fen- derthe laws as acceptable -as pofllMe t . wad whereas it is tHm r "" " bit , m -iQ iace care tnat itit lawt. be tauMully cxecutea"' and notonly that duty, but the Dctmanent intereft and ' happinefs of the people require, that ev- ry ieg4 and neceffary fiep flipuld be per- luea, as well to orevent t .. . - 4 MhjaoMtdieian proceedings, as to bring to jutlicc the infractors of the laws and fecure obedience thereto. - Now therefore -1, GEO RGE WASH INGTON, Prefident ofthe United States, D6 by diefe prefents mod earneftlvadmo- olfliand exhort all perfonsjwhom it may concern, to refrain and defift from all un- lawful combinations and proceedings wnauoever navmg lor obj; or tending f obftruftthe operation "of the laws afore- faid ; inafmuch as all lawful ways and means will be ftfidrly put in execution for bringing tojaltice the infractors thereof and fecuring obedience thereto. , "'And I do moreover charge and require alt courts, magiflrates and. officets whom it may concern, according to the duties of .1- !. . ,h'r frvera nffices t0 exe" the powers ' in them refpeftively veRed by law for the purpofes aforefaid, hereby alfo enjoining and reqwiring all perfbns whomfoever, as they tender the welfare of their country the juft and due authority of government and the prgfrryatintCvf tlU.yublio , fn. in teuimony whereof, I have eaufed tl.e Seal of the United Sutes to be affixed to thefe prefents, and" a figned the fame with my' hand. bJftne ibis fiffecnth-day of SeptenKr Jbcr, in the year of our Lord one j thoyfan l, feven hundred and aine f ty two, and. of the Independence of the United 'Sutes the feven teenth. - ' Go. WASHINGTON. By the f refideat. Th t JEFFERSON. H$i - Fo ths FAVtl TtVlLLE GAZETTE. Wr. PR"N ER, ARUiiNT fpirits of all kinds are' deemsd .luiuries of life, but from their common ufe they are eileemed a ne- 5eJa!I.-man-f Je uf f .. them to a moderate drgrre, In our climate, may have-good effeclsitOcn, Mr Printer, fir.te we find it ufeful br pleafant to take a certain quantity of the liquid ftimulus, how mull it pleafe every citizen of Ame rica who ftudies the true interest cf his couniryi to find our farmers offeringlarge quantities of that article in the maikets, of their own make, and the product of their own farms, felling it at a price, ful ly to their own fatisfaftion, even to the. tery merchants from whom they former ljr purctuf:d large quantities of imported rum, brandy, ice. The advantages relulting to the conn, try from the ufe of American, in prefer ence to imported fpirits, mud be obvious to rhe mull foperficial obferver for feveral reafons- in the fird cafe we drink a li quor equal in ftrength and flavor to the latter, at a much fmaller price- thus the confumer faves confiderably add to this the importance of paying our own fann ers and diflillers in the pi ice of the fpirits, by thisthe individual is enriched, and the community benefitted 1 whereas the price of every gallon of mm that has, ormaybe confumed inthis ceuntry.goes to therum- diftiller and eane-plantcr 10 the Weft-In- dies, and tends to augment their wealth, To give American made fpirits the ad- vantage m oor markets.and to brlngthcm into mote general ufe, tht General Gov on imported fpirits, though net fo bights ii atfy otheir commercial country. ThS fnall duty laid on dome (lie fpirits fkould Urely be mentioned when we confider the? al advantage onr brandy and whiiey lave of foreign fpiritJj Owing to the oper- ; ions. of the laws of Congrefs en that ujty. . that aarona the D.iacioal ODDonants to .mi.-i,-tuj ihe laws arelanded men-nwhsn ponr iairs xaiuinauon , uicj reauy increaie the valae of the lands and the produce of theii farm?, and is a fiving to the great body of the pebple ; it is liirely then for waat of "a coo. and deliberate in veiligatt on by thqfe wdl meaning men into the efv creates their dfapprobation. I appre- hendBiacy objeftions are offered againll -the execution of the law commonly called th4xcife Law, By perfons who have riot reiwAed on the jtoltcy, and good effects .that law is likely to produce. Let fuch however, who havereafons tooffer againfl the law aft witl propriety and decency s let them ftate ieir objeftions in memori- als, orrembnlranes addrelTed teuhe le giflature bf thir country.compofed of the reprcfentativ ofjhepeopleatJoh true and rational mode for Americ,aris to obtain, a rerefs of grievances. Let not the laws of bur country, , which among freemen isthe facred majeftyTofthepebplej be violated,or oppofe'd. . it any remarks I have made Ihall tend to accomplfli that end, it will fulfil one: of. my principal motives lAr making theftf ' obferrations. ,, A FRIEND to COODLAWS. ' ' BUdm Courfy OS it. i oooocckcsoooc -;-:;A D V X KTLSJLM EHTS ... TttbtOflittrihf tht tdt Ctirtnu Lin tftUttk - " ' -r i-.tl Sid:i Noith Carolint, V.--, . ClKTLIMlNi ' CONCEIVE it my duty, through the chattel of this Oazette, 10 advife ybti I that thire U in xny pofTeffion a circular letter from a committee of thelate Con-v tinentatline of thejlate of MafTachufettSf and ether papers, of an important nature, . to the interefls of the old continental ar- . my 1 one of the principal objects of which is to folicit our concurrence with theh?ea-7 fures tkey, as well as the officers bf the' other flates, have thought advifable to purfue, toobtain adifcharge of a jud debt . yet due the Continental army, and unpro vided for by government, to which nor other perfons can have any 'pretence, founded in reafon and juftice, but the late" foldiery of the fame In purfuit of this ' ' object, I can imagine no other method fa likely to anfwertbis end, as the calling a convention of the, officers, to whofe con fideration the papers aforefaid may be fully fubmitted. You are therefore re q tefted to convene alWake Court Houfr, on the 8th day of November next, when I proprfe the homur of laying before yoit -thofe interefling communications. ' Give me leave to obferve, that thofe . papers came fo me on a fuppofition that , J wal the next fenior cfficei of the' line to Gen: Clatk, to whom tliey were firft prtfented, and who direfled that they fhculd be tranfmitted to me, as the mis fortune of Bisblindnefs deterred him from ufir.g tliofe exertions that his difpofitioa prompted -Hearing that Generol Arm flrong is dead, I concluded the urgency , of the occafion required difpatch, and therefore have adopted this method. em, Gmimtn, xiVb ItmmnU tf 4J!nm 1m H.. MURFRIR. HERE AS 1 am Jaw- fully and rightfully Mcffed ftf certain necrroti. viz. Rnfr. Emilia: Smim lhnnal, KtJ inA RfoJy, bequeathed to BECKY, the daughter of LEVI GLASS late tS Bladen County, deceafed,by virtue of ray intermarriage with the faid Becky, Now theft are to forewarn all perfons, not to have any dealings, or other elfe to do with the faid negroc, or any of them. Gives tinier int btnd.iUt tii OCTOBER, 179. JOHN EACAN. .A. 'J

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