' i layettevIUa 4- A 7 OWN akd CO UNTR 7FsfT E RJ7Tii-rtt eierj T UESD A f, it ALEXANDER MARTIN, ros. JOHN SIBL E Yl (VOL. en r a i.t e ,3 T UESD A r, D E CEHBER it, W jOSTlTliM SPECBLAMpt.j (NO. 10.) V ft-"; K 1 r jvsr publisved, Amd FOR SALE, attbi PRINTING-OFFICE ' NE W B E R N. a -CoLLEerioN SxOTirTr . OF THE " Parliamento Grett.Britain.- Which are now in force, in the State of NORTH-CAROLINA. IThefubfchbers in the VICin- I age of town, will, on application at this office be furnifhed wjth theiLQPLes.By the verv firft ortDsrtunitv. the copies of Mant fubferibers will be forwarded to the towns near e it tooheir reTidence. .. At tie fame place may be fad. the OFF4CEand Authority : ; " OF A Justice of the Peace, AN! Alio Of " "" -Sheriffs, Coroners; Conftables," '' &c. According ti tblI&ttft9fffiZSfatfof Copies of which may be had n.ff . W11- I? -m , i. HUK 1 n-V-VK.UL,lN A. f Meflrs. William Farris- Wafoinrttn Hodge'and Wills, Edenton : Jofeph Rofs, Tarborougb : Stephen Camberhne, Green- pille t B. Stith, ' Halifax ; John Hogg, iitUJbtronzb t Kobert JJonncll. Wayne, Perry and Tarbe, Fayettevillt : Montfort Stokes, Salijbury J. Dr.' J.. Kingfbury, -Mattamufkeet ; . Mr, William, Ferrand, - Brown's Chancery Cafes; Dallas's Reports.Strahges Reports, Peere William's Reports, Lord, Raymond's K.e ports, Sir Thomas Raymond's Reports, . Gilbert's Law of Evidence, loffis', do. Burrows reports, Lily's Entrier, Croke's . Reports, Blackftone's do. Lorelafs on . Wills, Powell on Powers, Powelloni Mort fages.T Hart Xaatt 'Chancety Pfailicfr, tnpey1 K. Br and-C. Pr Praflice; Malte .ry's Entries," Morgan's Euay, . Cafet ad- jwdged in K. B. Talbot Cafes. . rr1 HE fubicriber hereby in forms the public, that the HOUSE lie lately occupied being burned,, he has again opened a HOUSE of Entertainment; . zt . And BOARDING.in the large hbufe , where he formerly lived, on the other fide f the Bridge, belonging to Mr. HOGG, which by fome late additions and repairs, is rendered very convenient. He will be happy to fee his old friends and acquaint ance, and afluies them, his late misfor tunes will not leuen his efforts to make them happy at his new Hahitatitn He tlfes the fame STABLES he formerly lid, where the belt attendance and accom. xnoditions for Horfes are dill continued. - -;LEE DEKEYSER. ayitttvtlle, Nov. 19, 179. - e.p.t, r -. TO THE PUBLIC. 'HE large Lottery propofed, is by ; defire put Inter a dlvifion of ado tic-" lets, at One Dollar and a half, filvef each ticket 1 and the following plan is fixed upon. THE SCHEME. frizes. I I t 10 5 Dollars. 10 'Dollari.' of is 50 20 20 50 til 4 " s The lail drawn ticket f o Prizes, 1 30 blanks, Dollars 156 Commiflion 44 joo iicu asaoovc,' ajois. 300 Therefore every Ticket will be paid the full amount of the prize it 1 may araw. without any deduction, , on producing the fortunate number to the treafurer, the day after drawintr, hich it is to be hoped will produce a ready fale of the tickets, to carry the oljea of this lottery, granted to me into e fleet. T. H. LVTTERL0H,7,,W.r,k W,. (dr Tickets may he bad atthe Treafur er 1 Itorc 10 Ntwbern. Oct. 1 J. jTTHEREAS I am law- V fully and rightfully poflefTed of certain negroes, viz. RofetEmiliaTSm. Hannah, Ned and oeq ueathed to BECKY, the daughteroTLEVTGLASS late of BlaJen County, deceafed, by virtue of my intermarriace with ihe faid Becky. -Now thefe are to forewarn all perfons, not to have any dealings, or other elfe to do'with the faid negtoes, or any of them Given under my hod,thi ttd OCTOBl.R, 1792 JOHN EAGAN.'- RtVbNUE. . inASBTHACf Gf the principal alterations in regard H the Revenue frtm dilluled fpiuts, made vy the Ail of Congrefs, -of the ith day ot May, 1 79 Concerning the DUTIES on SPIRITS diftilled within the Uni ted States." " . THAT the prefent duties on fpirits of j. native vr Goririic maiciiais uia.11 uc reduced on and after the firft day of July next. The duties oil the firft clafs of pf(thatis-onfpiu of the ftrength of common proof Whifkey) a! e to be lowered proof Whifkey) wo cents, frcm the former duty of nine cents per "gallon t to feven cents. The (Uorigei fpirits cf native materials are to be lowered m due proportion. But to lecommodate thefe who have.had the riffhr to' pav accordiniK to the capacity 0 me iiih 1 mat is tne country auiincrsi anu diftilleries of the cuftomary extent jo th 1 J J- ... .t.r: - 1 iiiiana towns, c. tne ipuo wing arrange ments and reductions have been made h' Congrefs, 10 take placefter entering as dhefted in the fecond ftftion. Diftilled ries in cities,towns and villages (the wholes capacity of the ft ills in which do ot a- mnunt to four hundred gaUons) may pay fifty lour cents, lnllead of the former cu ty of fixty cents for each gallon, that the ftill wilLJwld.r roeafure, fe .wW year's diftilling, therein. j?VU .dift'llerie? in the country may pay the fame reduced duty of fifty four ceats, That is, a itiH pf one hundred gallons in the country or In a city, townorvillage(if there be not in fuch town dilttllery flills altogether equal tofouT hundred gallonslwillpayfioocentj or 54 dollars faile iuhtle yearw - Or the didiller may, if he chules, take out a li. cenfe, to be applied for- at- tli- Collector's officei for one month.at ten ccrit on every gallon the ftill -will meaftire'or hold, or for more than one month at the fame rate of ten cents per month fof every gallon the 11 ill will hold 1 or the didiller may pay for the fpirits he Ihall actually diftil through the year, at the rate of feven cents lor each gallon of common -Whiff key proof, or firft proof liquor dilluled ; and fo in proportion for what ft all be (tronger than common. The law gives thefe elections or choifes to the diftiller, and requires of him lo make known bis choice in one or the other way in writing, aformfor which theCollcctorwillTurnilh. The diftiller will then receive a licenfe. figneJ by the Supervifor, if he intends to pay &j tne capacity.pl; tuc lull, ana not by the gallon diftilled. If he does not maice flis cnoice, or acis contrary to ic after chufing, then he is to pay fifty, four cents per annum on every gallon the ftill will meziurc or hold. No fee is to be charged for the licenfe, nor for any other p.iperf which may be turniihcd to thcuu- tillers or others, or which Ihall be required of them. The licenfe will mention the day when he is to begin, and the day when he is to end his dillilling. It is to be fiened by the Supervifor, and counter Ggncd by the Colkdor, ' If the diftiller elects to pay the monthly rate of ten cents, he mud not diftil before, nor after the limited time for which the lieenfV it. with. out getting a new licenfe, under the penal- ty ot two hand ed collars. Seflien t,Diretii At leaft one office of InfpeAlon in eve ry county in each diftrict or Iate. Every pofTcfTor of a full, of whatever fise, whe ther it be employed in diftilling or not, is to enter his ftill in the courie of the month of June in each year Stills bought or in any way procured by n rcfident in any county, or brought into a county by a perfon moving into fuch county, are to be entered at the fanii office, within thir ty days of their ptocuring or removing them and before diftilling - with them. The entry is to deicrube the Tun, ana to mention its capacity, the place where it i lerrafid'tn whole polTciiibn it is, and whether it is intended for diftilling or for fale, uad if it lnall have been removed in to the county, from whence it was fo re moved. The penalty for omitting to en ter a ftill as above required, st(Sel. 13J two hundred and fifty dollars on the pwn er or pollcllor. Seclion X. ; "' Tta iDwners andTJOffeflors ot ItiUs are roinuy and deparately liable tor ihe duty Tts-hnhrftill iifelf, ahdcwneTrtie land upon which a ftill Ihall be worked, unleft the perfon be a tenant On Jcafe for a year or more, or unlets the owner ot the land can prove the didiller to hate been a trelpafler or an intruder on the land du ring the whole time of working the ftill J i.:,- Xrmdett' That cafks, &c. which have been legal ly marked, and afterwards emptied, may have the marks laken off, by an officer, and may be again ufed for fpirits, and a- gam legally mai ked by an officer, ; r SettUH jDeclaett "." That Wo gallonsin evcrv hundred gal- Ions of fpbiis which ihall be entered for the payment of duty according to law Ihall be allowed for leakage at the dif-, tnlery. " . Sefikn tPratdet$. That all flills, on which the.dnty Is to be paid on their capacity (that is on the number of gallons, which they can hold j Ihall be identified : To which end they will be marked and numbered, which will he done with impreflive punches,provided tor ihe purpole, by the oilicers. Sefltcn 9. All fn frits In the hands of diftilleri or "dealers, are to be entered at the office of nfpection for the divifion, on or. before th tvrcntT ntalh Jar of -OrptvanUsr ; nct, and they will then be certified as olditock On and after the thirtieth day of Septem ber, fpirits, in calks and velfels unmatked and uacertified of twenty gallons or more,. in peffeffion tf a dealer or diftiller (except atthe diflillery where thefame were made) wilt oe liaoie to leizure t and fpirits in cafks or veffelsof twenty gallons or more unmarked or uncertified, going from one place to another- v U alfo bearable to eizure on and after the faid thirtieth day of September. '"The officers of infpeflion are to take meaf .ires for marking all fuch I of lands, the unit fhall be a fquare, where cafks, which were not required by law to I whereof every fide fhall be too feet, to be be maiked before, and are to give certifi cates for the fame, at the requeft of any diftiller or dealer, in order to protect the cafks and their contents from the above mentioned confequences. WILLIAM POLK. Supervir, Diftrift ( Nerlb-Ctrtlina, & NO T E. The following encouragements are alfo given by Congrefs, to the diftillers from NATIVE or DOMESTIC materials, viz. The importation of Gin in cafes, jugs, bottles, and fmall cafks, and Brandy ana oiner irnius in tne ume, is proniouea after April, 1703. Spirits diftilled in the United States from molaflcs and other fo reign materials, are to pay from ten cents to twenty-five cents, according to their proof or ilrength 'Imported fpirits made from GRAIN, are to pay fronxtwentv. eTght toffty cents 1 and all other import ed fpirits from twenty-five to forty-fix cents. 134W TO BE SOLD at Public Vendue, . In the town of WILMINGTON. At theufericr CeiH,theJSrJlvetliiiMtrco nexttunlei iifcfti fheftrt l fmat't fale -runrf? t " h i v vamaoic LOIS in tne faid town, with their iwprotetnenjs, ntuated on the north fide of rWk.A from the corner to the river, with a good Wharf, two commodious three ftory wwcum jiouies wtui uorei and cellars a large Ware Houfc, BlackAnith's fhop, lUble.and every necefUry out building faid Lots will be fold frperately or toee- ther, the concUions ill be made known I on the day of fale. E.DEWEY, CONGRESS Hbufe of Rffkese nt at i vis. Of the UNITED STATES. FRIDAY- Novemler 6. members have arrived CI iXlT-two O fincethe opening of the prefent fef fion. Fifty-two attended this day. " A bill for regulating of foreign coins and other purpofes was read the firft and fecond tim!, and referred to a committee of thi'wnole for Monday next; onehun- red-copies-Ao-beprinted for the ufe of ; the members. This bill s founded prin cipally on the following report of a com mittee of the : "Senate : ' r Unitcd Statesin Senate, April I. i hair The committee, to whom, the fubjecl; , of weights and meafures was referred. - reon.atitislhcfc-OFw 1. ihe itandard tor the meafures and jghts of the United States be an uni form cylindrical rod of iron, of fuch length as inlatr4f, in the level of the ocean, and in a -cellar ot uniform natu ral temperature, (hall perform its vibra tions in fmall and equal arcs, in one fe cond of mean time. . 2. That the Prefident of Jthe United States be requfted te have fuch a ftand- ard rod provided ; that it be prepared with all the accuracy which the import ance of the object merits, arid circumftan- ces admit ; that this be done either by ac I tual experiments, or rectified under the parellelof 45 of latitude complete, or by actual experiments, rectified by due allow- . ance, under any other parellel, where a fuprriority of means for accurate experi ment may promife, on the wholes great' er truth in the rod. d. That the expenfes of toe mtafurei fie Ihall adopt for this purpofe, not ex ceeding - dollars be defrayed 4.The itandard rod fo to be provided. (hall be divided into five equal parts, one I of which, to be called a foot, fhall be the unit of meafures of length for the United States t; That the tool fhall be divided into 10 incKes $ the inch into , 10 lines ; the line into is points ; and that 10 feet maaeaeecace; 10 decades a rood io . t - - -t . roods a furlong-; and 10 furlons a mile. I f . 1 hat meafures of furface, in the u- I mted States, be made by- fquarel of the I meafures of length j and that in the cafe called a nod t that each rood be divid ed into tenths and hundreths that tea roods make a double acre ; .and that tea double acres a fquare furlong. 6. 1 hat the unit ot meafures of capa city in the United States be a cubit foot . to be called abufhel s That each bufhel ' be divided into 10 pottles 1 each pottle info 10 demi pints ; each demi pint into 10 metres ; that 10 bulhels be a quarter; and 10 quarters a laft, er double ton. 7. That the unit of weights of the Unu ted States be a cubic inch of rain water. " to be called an ounce, and to be rneafur ed and weighed in a cellar of unifoim and natural temperature. 8. That the ounce be divided intodou- blefcruples, the double fcru pies into so caratr, the carat into 10 mitimi or demi grain, the minim into 10 mites"; That . 10 ounces make a pound, 10 poundsa (tone, 10 ftones aken'al, io kertals a hogshead. A letter to the fpeaker. from the Sec retary ef Hate, at rtad, written on be half cf the truftees appointed - to redeem the public debt, viz. the Vice rrelidcnt. Chief Juftice, Secretary of 5tae Secte-" ' taryor.heTreafry,anctheAtto.nt)G2 neral, Vi .hthe approbatioT, of the Prefi dent of the United States 1 from this com murication it appears, that through the I agency of , Samuel Meredith, Treafurer I ot tlie tnited flates, in Iliiladelphia, and I Wd'um Seaton in Ne w-Yorlcthe amoui.t Ufpubiicftca.itiupurchafedi. i,495.7 dnll.irs and 89 rents, for which y67,8a 1 I burfed, and for which credit is pafTed to the treafurv One hundred copies of this) I tenott were ordered to be printed, I ; n ! f tTHE trnfivttirtuUrl vf tl,;, p,Mr n the ptrti er the St, it, front which ib greiuit 3oi'.ty of I'AODUCt U fcrowpht to mrkn, rcn trtM a r ompUn vtltlcli fot IN r(t.n of t'i . amuhuuimi efnaaciii tsailJ v . t - -J.

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