ettCTil. 5 i A TOWN anp CQUKTRT PAfRi Taihted r, ? , y A LEXANDEH MARTIN, for JOHN SIBL EY.P .3 f(VDL.I.) mok ACTl fARTrPT T X 5 D A r, JANUARY" 179 3 DusTimM specuiamua. (No. .is.) T - ML ' . V :. j" I 1r A ' t vr I; !. 9 . 1 1 ' V I -.- A p THE fubfcriber having is; . ceived iull power and anthotityci accouatof the Heijiof the late. Autafr tMAciiAuoaT(jt,andof Mtffis.CotQUt' - and Ritchie,, of dafgow, Merchamj, -rhtnire lhe principals of the late Houe f Aulay Macnaughton, and Co. oCis flat; and the only furviving Pjrx .nerAhereof which Powers have Jpm duly authenticated and proven beforethe .Honorable Samuel Ashe, Efq.. ontj of , Judges of the Superior Court, and, by hii order admitted to record, as may?- 1 : ...!e .V r t ' PTTRT TP NHTinfi. 5a harehV ttetoAM k&M,ihve aclel- w'J aMtritrA -rro-an werirtft aiTfiTT-Ki-H fft' ihc l concern of Aulay Maenauffhtonjand Co. I ar the faid Aulay ' Macnaaghtonj perfon ally, that the fubfcriber ii alone authori .zed to receive the faid debts, faad .tQ fet- itl-aad adjuft ffif Tamer tt " ' " i And WHtRHAsin the management cf thefaidcompahy concerns, fince thb death . f Mr. Macnaughton, DUNCAN ; Mic ASL AN, formerly a" clerk to . ihs . faid company, . hath aflumed to hirafelf a , power to intsrfct-e in the! fiid buGne s wthoutanyauthdrity for the fame.? Trie fubfcriber therefore deems it ; expeditrec : to notify "to thbf whom It nay' coffcei n, that the afts of the faid P uncan MacAuI- Ian fofar as the intercds of the- faid com-' pany are conncfled, arc utterly null and void, he having left the companies' fcf 'Tice previous toMr.Macnaughton'i death ft5 ALL perfons indebted I bthefaidAulaV Macriauehton and' Co- I or to A. MacnaughtOh individually, ei ther by Bond, Note, look account or o therwife are rcquefted to fettlerthe fame, .with the fubfcriber, who will ocherwife be under the difartccabU nec.JIity of commen- xing mic tor the recovery tnereot. . j , J ; JAMES RITCHIE I Payettevtllfi November 16, 1793. ' vt" " X' let forth by Mr. lames Ritdit 6i Tayetteville, I am-contlrained to TepreJ fentmy conduft rcfpecling my tnteifer- -ance in uie Duunns 01 macntugwm , ' ,-. w " ' I twas e"P,1yeihI Mr J?acl5a,S?' firm pi i A. Macnaughton and Co. in Fay, tteyiie,jnwnicn capacity 1 nave irans- afted byimeis for thtm thelexjrr pair, .an4 continued m their employment until the timelr.Macnaila;htondiedinteaate, wiwoui ujiving iciiicincui 01 mr, w counts or beine difcharsrsd. ! . . I have no doubt l)Uttr. Ritchie, rrt f be vefted with the full power and gu.ho' rityhe fets foith : However, I am fury he has fo willfully and glaringly -misre prefented fails, as to fay, that I hid "kit the companies' fervice, previour to Mr. Macnauehton'i death,"the contrary hav ing been made fully apparent, before the Counter Court of-Cumberland, at the time Letters of Adminiilratien were granted to myfelf, in conjuncTion with lit, Janet Ritchie and Jtf-ph Atilne, oh the-ftate of the deceafed Mr. Macnaugh . ton 1 Neither is it a truth In tell, when he fays, that" D. Macarflan formerly a clerk to the faid company, hath afTumeJ io nimieu a power m nucucrc iu mc au. bufinefs without authority for tb fame." After adminiflralion was craSited as above dated, the aforefrid Mr Jofepli Milne, with Mr. Ut'iirj Vrquhdtt both of Wilmington applied to the County Court of New-Hanover, for a fecond ad- rntmitrauon, irom wnicn lucre wi um appeal to the-Suptrior Court ot Law tor Wilmington in Diftricl, and upon folemn , the application of MiTiS. arguments Miioe and Uinaahart, was fct a We, and the former adminiilration permitted to continue. In fliort, when Mcflu. Milnt, Ritchie and myfelf, could not agxee the mode of conducing the Company's bufinefs, we mutually agreed to refer the fame to the arbitration of two gentle men cf refpeHability, with power for them to call in a third pcrfon incafe of a difagreement, binding ourfelves, at 'the fame time, to (land by' their award. After due confidnatl n, they gave it as their opinion, that I fliould manage the bufinefs at the F.iyettevillc and Camp blcton depaitmcnt, with the bencSt of. an. nffiilint, an J that Mr.Ms'.ne ihould tranaAthe bufinefs at VVilrhinzxon,' w ith t!ie help of another and that the dfb.s (houll be ce-Ucded as fpdily ai poflible, to make remit tmces,- whic!) Ar. Ritchie has hitherto eifiJtaiUy-ori vented. Thus fan .ioaed by the County Court of Cumberland, Confirmed by the Sapi- rior Court 01 Wilmington diihift, in con ' jun&ion with the award or the abbye ar bitrators, furelv Jar. Ritchie cannot m jatlice fay, 1 have " afTumed to myfelf a power Ua the cctrtraTf,lxom what 1$ above (Fated, I have it to candid to . But" even after " all VLr. RitehfrT' h I hereby declare that I am wl ling 'upou hri fettliiV; my accounts.) to. can be b?ally d m'e; tin J mi ficuntJ'fiTC- Teafctf f iaSeeJ. I amauxijus todoif. as I am wcU 'awar, from thj manner in 'which Mr.7-,-RtccUe. has already. a3eJ, llu' lni future rnanagernent of thii bufi nefs muft.belflj iihjus, not only to the c'itate.of tlie dcceafetl, Anlat M:nangh ion, but to the creditors of Ctlquheun anl Ituchte at lat ge .r-t AV-INao'fcrvfc!. n aUvertiferent A lirtt. ficrm-A X 11 lbs EJ Ljia the 5awerillc Gazette, figw)d- Jjhr; v EaeaPi in hichwaeiU a nht : to certain finsgrott.', w hich he there Kuunes, and fixes his ciaitt bv a nlea of hu ' rieht- fol and lawful " pcfleffion. Thefubfcrl- conceives hadotyiacumbent cm him, to prevent any unlawful purchafes,by ac qaainting public with the circum ftancel cf the rightful nolfeflibn, ind will fubmrt it to their judgment to decide on its legality. The negroes which Mr. Eaffarifays were-" bequeathed to his wife by her father," were by myfelf parchafed at SheiilFs fales m Robefon County, as belbrtging td Glafs's eftate.'- .That they were bequeathed br Mr. O to his datitrh -4 raak lUl UlUli UUr,-rt TrrX.k. blervcd, mat previous ro -tne oeam or 1 Levi Glafs, a judgment was obtained a- gaind him, for a note of hand, for an a- mount which I cannot recot!ecTr and ttjter his death thofe aegroei were fold to fitis- fy faid jadgrmnt, and I myfdf became Sd faf being lawful, the pof f ffi(jn wh;ch Mr E mvr hold l ote 0 b4' nie 1; 6T they wfcre ta, len afl(1 are n!w held mj C9n ttsnu have frequently reqiietted him t to give u the property, bur, by his evafive condu.'tj I aminJute 1 to believehe intends o difp-'fe of it therefore forewarn any p?inn fronl p-jrehafing fau negroes vit Rof, Emilia, 6am," Hannah, Ned anj I fliVl, ailefi furrealcr e J by MrVEagan, ad'ert my cl dm, and recover my property by legal roeafarcs. Thomas White. , TO TH PUBLIC. T H order further to embelifh the jnflice X .of the "rir Itiili an J liwfuU piffefuii ' which Mr Earan adverul'esto "certain fix negroes," ffliall take' the liberty to Drefant to thenuhlie the follnwintr circURI- I (lances, which were omitted, thro' mi i ihkc in my inrmcr auTCTinciBcn', w u I being vetbally delireted to the Printer i - I About eighteen months fince, I ex- I changed two of the nesrses mentioned by Eagan, v'u. Emelia and Hannah, with a Mr. Ctdtr Hathhtm, of Rebefon Couaty, and tookin tetum for them a fellow nam- i ca jicx. vi uie mrans wnicn cagan Tnairnu ofio pofleu Inmfelf Of the re j groc from Hathhorn, I cannot pofuively j fay butiuppof: they were delivered up- on Lagans barely claiming them t and the afoiclaid Haihhorn, with the aditl ancc of his fa. her, in my alfence, Hole the fellow from my yard. Eur thK thtft I have entered a cimplrint to the Attor ney Gsneral U the Uwi of jullice and my coun'ty had deprivedme of my pro perty,! (houl I wiiii ily have furrenlered it : Cut, when fuch bare faced villaniet are pri'tiud, ic claimi the attention of e very chicn.- T. WHITE. SIlEfcllTk, Jullicts' " Attomeyl Merchants, and every other defcttp- t'nn of TLANKS, may be bad at the Pjtl-OIUce. PaorosAis, " ' ror.publiOiing a periodical PAPER in the French Language, eniitlid LE COURIER POLlTiQUE s INCE the -!tab!iflTment cf the mo dern eovernments of Eurone." not. hint nas ever occurred that could be com pared with the Revolution, which, com menced in. France iri the year 1789, " arrival of the Europeaai in the Ncir.World, was marked with the moft U.Kxampled cruelties ; by the violation f tf moH facred Tights of homanit,; v4i.oncracea in various wavs oei the immsnle extent of counti-v a-Tiich America comyrtjtr. fubftiruted in its ftead. as tie means of 'working the mines. , -Theperior indnSfy of other nation, fyun Jed o- her colonies, where a foil, fruit. M in articles of luxury,, was diftined by nlture fa a nrtWuil frvr.Jrrr. nature to a perpetual foreign d f'ior thofe of immediate neceflitv i thofe cf- uiummnciuii mginatea in tne progretlive increal cf ""nationahopulence ; but hu manity Jlill wept over the means adopted by the Europeans, for the cultivation of Uiefe Souihetn American Colonies, , ' The Englilli colonies, ia North Ameri ca, founded'originally with tlie viewof aggraaoizt-ig ttc rrotHerc?unfry,become m me nanas ot troyi(Jence, ac atylam for Liberty, expirine in everv oiher Dart ef the world; from thii fancluary were to afcend thofe intflleclttal fparks which by enlightning the fgngrance .of the - Eu ropeans, were to ptcfent to them nro rnsa of the hanmnfc fnr rt.,i, U .V ffhi'.hlhtv WfXj. and at length to frcurs to' ever nation me poiieuicn or uie lum of Jibcrty, adat- cu iu us cnaMtisr, us mannei $,' us cxtr nt of tefitory, its population, add its poli tical .relations with its furrsunding neigh bors. The French peoplewere the firft of the Luropcan nati ms, which endeavor- ui ii.m.1 ..i!., which enaeavor- ing to put in praQice the poliucal doftrine adopted by trie r new all es, to whom it wa. endea?edby fuccefsful experience " , "T.n...., ' n...,!- L n a. f v n.-i:- r .C J :ZZyli:? ?::rU9 worthr thV worthy the attention of philofophers, whofe combiaed wifdom and experience tich the leflbn of indruftion to fucceed Sefwha? ei Wen' h ViBg lteiB5fesa" .. X -T" "rrw.; natural duty to be attentive to that of their poucrity. . I Hitherto the cfTea of this ereat and long continued convnlfion of the moft m- crefHng part of European population, m beep to prefent that Continent, fuf. pended in dtbious equilittrium. bctweea Anarchy and Pefootifra. and liable to be impelled by the temped in which it is in velved, to the one or the other of thefe extremities. The laflt .which the EDITOR has on- dertakeri, Is, to follow the movements of this toermous maft,- and of die powers by whom it is attacked j to relate with the utmolt accuracy, and unalterable T1 t,S T.n. -lis.. --T- - tru T 11 1. II ilKI itlli IU ..s fiA ,u v uie icicnt uic vi France, and fuppie the proper ground for political fpecnlation relative to the oroba ble Jefliny of that nation, and of thofe upon whole affairs their fortune mud have a weighty infloence i to give the reader a connected fummary of the French Re vo)utfbn, by a fuccinft account of all the -event which have there occurred fince the year 178! to furnifli, raith alt pof. fible regularity, from the Sugar Colonics, a detail ot ail luch occurrences, as may be connected with the events that take place In France, or may ba Interefting, by their trillion to the commerce between the United Spates and thofe Colonies 1 nor does he luteod to indulge himfclf in TnrDafrarmuavaric4pf the Spaniards; rf 'vl?r lZ7ir; u-m -drenched with the blood of the hof?i alilJ HU;. ft' (! naliopaby whomih2y were reeeil, the re bf pablied in French andLng- eani that covered & picidusat, -i correfpondmg to each n the objeclof their purfui And thisfan ' f ?r:rt.? eJ.tor wh h" n2af?cV? gtiinary fyflem was continued, untU that fulh ASnS of fliyerf fuggilteibyUjefvme avarice, 4?.f!fi omeUij..?. was fubftiruted in its ft,t. .i: ?it, withoot a3d.DS any thmg lo tU the eipttflion of any obfervations, or the expnfuioa of any piinciples, but fuch as (hall be witliin the boutrd&cfthe moft de cided impartiality. The p iper will be publilhed on the uont day oi every week, and confifl of four pges qv art. The firft number was puWHUiedcn the imhinft. and may be ex peeled by every pod, The price to fubferihers diflant from Bofta, will be three dollar t "or fix wiontlis. Subfcriptions are iaccived by ruoft the Printers in the United Static, and by lfUMUnm FatM - ., - -l .1 i c .1.. r . .. . -.."5. -A- '..V",r. vv American aftitece, in which he-bas been. piice of fttbfcrintion. . In this form the Courier de -l'Unhrers, by fupplylng an Englilh tranflation wilUe ferviceable to ; thofe who are imperfectly acquainted with the French language STRAYED or STOLENT FROM the fubfcriber, In Atigua laft, a forrell HORSE, a Wout fourteen and an half, hands high, long main and tail.a liar in his fot'ehcad, . had a fi ft aloe laft furomcr, between tht aj;e f nine and twelve-years under fad die he is very lively-one of his fore feet, white, he had fome brands, but I do rioft recoiled what thef. were.- -Whoever will bring faid Horfe to the fubfcriber or give information wberi he may be had, (Hail receit-e a reward of Jht pounds aad ( fiolen, he ihif t detefted and brought laju'lie, fhU teceivi 4 reward of frnnij povtJt; v -. W. LESLIE. 4'Wria-rnv- ..i.-n-j Col. Brcnan, five miles Jrom Sali&nry7 7w- 1 ir till r.. " '. C 1 in ' L' lUDicriwcrsaaving ocen appoia . ted a comaiittee of the Board of he Truftces of the Unirtrfity of North Carolina, fr the porpefe of receivings propoiau trora luca gentlemen as may in tend to undertake the inftruflion of youth .1 . ln; .? -.1 . a in:. ........ ..t. ZX v" fTXSTLX X -"5r i X i j r -r I " f? g!nTj tlt iclmation to the fubfenbers. . . The obiefls tawhich It U contemplated by the hoard to turn the attention of th firft eflablifliment, are, ... n, T ..,,,. . ' ;;.rl6 ' Englifk Hiftory, antieat and modern l. l... . r a i m: 3TZ andNaural Philofophyg-Agricoltarea,i Botany,withtheprinciPle.orarchiteaure. Gentlemencdnverfant i thefe branches of fcience and literature, and who can be well recommended, will receive tery handfome encouragement by the board. The exercuet of the inltitutioo will com mence as early as poflible after the com pletion cf the buil dings cf the Univerfity, which arc to be contracted tor immedi ately. . UAVID STONr SAMUEL-AlHI, - SAM. M'COKKLE, A MOURE, JO iM Hay, "Lawrell-IIill iJvt! 'T'HE public are hereby informed, that I rwbcrn,in DMmibcf, U tn ol AlTemMy, pffcd it Mrmkcf. 1701. ? AKt viil ha I " ua!" s ll-hiii, ib kichmch !, TV.Ct YEAR, tecBlni t.r5eurTCIS. " I . . w , ... . , . four Dayi t At which place turn it a urt pinare, I tcuri y very fccae fn, irtt for tt rap- lien f the horfet , cattle, &: of thf who wtf tltndfiU Fir. Ti'fe thed in Fare! 'fault, I? OR twelve months from the nihxjf . Januarynext, Two Mulatto l'elIow3, IloafeCitpenterf. For terms apply to Thomas bcwcll. FEF.LS, luttfully, s ftofr ol iht fodf Inj tncca. mt drill) kllaMid lh OtllTTt Ly 1 1 hurt j.iirtxi H tint emit fill k kntwlrt'umenit 10 I'm f wftn, th dJi:inA of . thir Kimn, tnaLI kiin t Min f rtfftfi' "i'i iffctyrAw. Hi int'ifi WW's t w arpend oo Um Oi'tfUA uuaua. i a- l! i 1 '..' ' . '! ' ": - v- I , rr I . .s1 .'.-.'." y-- ' f - . i : . t 1 J I