4.' If. i r :-';viiATMf:y'-V' "'; I hate felt It toy rndifp'craible' "duty to You will Be fenfibie how tench de. v ': EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE. " have recourfe to thofa means of pre- pends on ihe refult of your dfliberati- V '1: ': enuon ana internal delence wuhwlncn oni, ana your'unirorm conduct is the -- ''." LONDON. loiutMiniiau uj ww j irj i Have ucn .jjicugc, uiai coining wui oc want ' y tae iieps lor making mgon your part which can contribute ion of rny naval and- to the prefentfecurity and the tperrmw 'being' purfuaded that cent advantage of the country. arc nec fl'arv in the pre" I retain a deep and unalterable fenfe lirs.aridateocftcalculat'.of the repeated proofs which..! have re ' I , '.ic-A ugw-n'ngntto twejieps tor making t icgoA yom part hich ,aii contribute'. :"' ' ,1 ,. ' ' ..; -' ' military torces,,. I)vcKlcrii Ycaeriav being the 'htfc"ert fir I dav of the mit not Parliament. lla'c i V- edcthtxTmantaiOlriterealtrauquillitv, ccived of your cordial and affecltionate and btejaNhl joja'the thnae clivtr- ani to tepdef 'a. '.firmnd temperate' attachment to me aiuul p kc ta ' cdthe ;' folio wing ir6ft graooittcc con ffeflual frfrefenrlog , the tire reliance on the continuance of thofe '.; ; .5 'bltfiing'ofperfce. - ;' fentimentsi .as wellas on yodr firm de - r V, 37"r. vt'' vNaUiingv twll be .meraleQed .W;:-inTvtmioatiott to defend -and maintain and; promoted clafsof mj'jtiib IT 1 Xl embody a part of the. miti a bf oojecr.conmtcnuy witn u iecanty ot protected tne liberties, thU kingdom, i have, in parfuimce' of kingdoms, and withthe faithful per? th happinefs, of every the lrovtilohbf the Taattedoii fofance of engagementt v.hich we are jefls.- 7- .K-.M,:..k- t:.:.4 bound equally by mterelV and honor to Inendeavonne to preferve andtranf- thafpiirpofe, and'it is, on every ac- " : uto poftemy thftineiUmable Welling! count; a -great fatisfaclion to me to . Gemhrnntm Hwfey. Cmnnni..-.- which, under the favor of providence, meet you in Patllameat at this coniunc . ?v 01 derc? ! unites tor the you have, yourielves experienced, you ture, v t enfumg year to be laid Before you, and may be aiTured of my zealous co-opera- .j 1 1 ihoujd be hsjjpv if I could have an- , j iw ic. u j.uv hu m wm, j uwuos S nounced to. you the ftcni e and undif- dJ L mal" a drov,(lonfor thefcV- pot, be rendered completely effeaual, turbed con-inuence of all the blcUngs 'al branches of the pubhc fervice, by the decided fupport of a free and hbh my fubjefts have derived from- You wiil certainly joiawuh me jnta- loyal people, v., i ' aftate of tranquillity ; tut wfrntlt- occurred which rprmlre mini, expenfes, which may for auime prevent 1 December it A not, attended with- i ' ' nUed vigilance- and exertion, in order thc appte. addiaonal fums, be- fme circumftances of cruelty and per. to preferv'e the advantages .which we "'n already annually fccution, has anfen at Mancheftcr, and . : .... - ' . ' . . . n.tkli VlAkf- A. V-nt-wA . l.ll.r ... t. ! .1. rnnnfc no.nv T1 1. . . . . . 1 . 1 'it: lhe feditious praftices, which had r-.""--vrfc'- . . "T 7 i . '.WM,U rT" . . wH'Mct.w in a crcat mcafure checked my tupjects mignt navejrned rom a, nave em&ibcd. it 4eemi, the wretched ... :!t.t.4.rr,Jtw lam erlror, uaf au tboie urfons, however :; f . .. c i I a been - f-i"-;uf.ft f-n'Au- --ik-..'-'. confident you will feel that 'thofe ereat-refpciftaDle? by propertr" and private currence of my people in te fame fen. ndf nl"mately be ; bett promoted character, who now dilcover a wfl for ;, ; timenti. have late been, more openly bT fuch . are neeflaryjor Parliamentary reform, are enemies to , ,. il' renewed, and ith Jncreaftd .aiUvitf, dtt:w 7.! ofe gantry. T"7 A fpcritof tumult and diforder (thena- J1; great con folation to The maillrom Banders arrived yet , .- f v tori confeqence.-of fuch: practice. ? t0 ih"Z1 td: &Lrd'Jr 'J? account of prov,. - i . ha? fcen- ttfelf in acls of riot and in- iwur;? cucujr .ecrrayi.g ; me WWu.j ,cp.iuve 10 u- - i " ..l.Ai."wi.v ii,- .pcnic or vigorous preparations, irom towns or rianuers, ana w decreet f " .... - . h rrr ft rhm Qlnal rvanna kttnnj nalln rrlatlfftl milniin ll nJ onm. fition of a military torce to lupport the lr v v r. r 7 . "y."r . civil rniate-Theindaarr emplor., ord.nary expenditure. , mcrcial regulates. The inhabitants ed to excite . difcontent oh various pre- My Loris and Gentlemn? . o pruueu ruve oeen invuea oy taeir texts and In different parts of the kim?. I have great pleafure in acquainting .eP"fcnu;,ve dom has appeared to proceed from'a you, that the brilliant fuccefles of , the beddi.forUiepwpofe of lodging the -dcfiga' to attempt the dcilruftion of our Britilh arms in Jndianrader-the-kWe-f rech ttb,Md-Krtr " happTi conflitutionr and fubverfion of conduct of the Marquis Cornwallis,haT )J!5 . ex. . .. all order and government ; . and this de. led to the termination ot the war, by an Threeeompaniet of NaUonal Guards ki. .1,- w an Hundred men each, and one, of wawrTSa cbacat 'wlthVrTo'nsTnropTcrmTor are peculiarly Waa-Cf thi 1 fame number are 16 be. eien countries. 17 to me, from their tendency to fecure ""u irom men pcnons,as - I have carefully obferved a ttridt neu. the future tranquillity of the Britift do- e obtJun recommendation from ' trality in the prefeht war 6rt the contl- mlnldns In that part of the world. " - SocietT f"ends t0 Liberty and nent, and have uniformly abllained' Your attention will now naturally be Equality 1 each perfoa is to find his . from any. interference, with refpefl to directed to lucnmeaiures, tor tn future "3. . the internal affairs of France : but it is government of thofe valuable poffeffions Portfmtutb; Dtctmbtr it. Private Impoflible forme to fee, wurout the a lhall appear, irora etperience and oriicrn.vecanieaown nere, to bt out molt ferious uneafinefsthe Krong and full confiicration.moft likely to provide Victory, Royal-William, Ganges, increadng indications which hare ap- for their internal profperity, and 'to fe- Prwcefs-Royal, and Queen and men peared there of an intention to excite cure the important advantages 'which re now buhly employed on therru , dillurbances in other countriei, todif- may bederived from thence to the com. Orders are alfocome down for dlfem. ' regard the rights of neutud nations, merce and revenue of tl is conntry. barkirg the marine officers on guardfhip " and to purfue views of cor.queft -and I amperfuaded it will be the object duty.aiid embarking thofe on the rof aggrandiiement, as well as to adopt of your immediate confideration, to a- ter,for'foreignfervice, which ukei place towards my alii' 1, theSta es General dopt fuch meafures as may be necelTary, to-roonow, wiJi the full war compli.' who have obferved the fame netriallity under tha prefent circuraftances, forwent. This in orders. "; plth mvfelf. meafures which are neither enforcine obedience to the laws, and Tlie French have taWn nAfTnTs "'conformable to thc law of nations, nor for reprelTtng every attempt to dillurb the capital fait mines at N4uheira, be j ) j to the pofuive Aipulations of exiAing the peace and tranquility of thefc Ling- longing to fhe Landgrave of HeflVCaf -A- ft , .. ..... -' '' " 1 ' . . .1