i i. i-v t JOWXlx COUNTR-rtJPER Vitt herj TupAY vt ALEXANDER MARTIN, rot JOHN SIBLEY, yVOLvt) MOK ACTI lAtTI, r T U E $ D A r MXCli tat . 1793 jUSTITIAM 8HCUI.AMOt. J- (N6. $$ ') . - "f ! . . . . ' , --- y e MISCELLANY K I,N G S. VI. u Ai From a late Allan; f aper. 'rlFT HEpeopI? bf Frasiceihaye abd ' - X llaecf roy any and ther are n '' wanting perfons who afcribc &is coi ; " iind to irlidoh i as if die bible eft . it bliflied ni&narchv br I)i?ine alhori xi', yet the very contrary is the Jt Jt 4 ; Tttey1 were Wrned W'dxtririeinfplraripp : that a kinjt would be a enrfe to theiri i and accordingly we find tHat the bole ; . Tace ot tbeJfraeliullyris, though te- letfed by theCngcr of infpiralion, as be- mg uie clioilcit and belt arnwg ' choien people, before they vere made. Icings, became Icourges to t peoplert 5 Saul the fon of Kifh, was Pointed out ; v : by the prophet of theLor!dand' jnau : rr gtiTated wiiK miracles"; ye fiwhen Sail u , became king, J he rtbellcd Pgainft; his ; Maker, became troubled tsih an evil ipirir; as moft kings are, tampered with V' the witch ot Endor,' perifliek 'with his ,- , auuy vu iiiuuuv vjuuvit, ant uii wuuic r:':v;famny':wVre rejected smd 1JR. . ; - - . - David, before he waslin was a min r: " a- v after God's own heart yft, after he v -was rrjade king, and being jnvefted with V ; power, he becamemonftrupully wicked. :;v ! " Soloman was the.wife'ft tnan that e - ; rv'T livedjt he took, tos-euief with the idfughter of Pharoah, w6men; cf :iht ' Moabhes, AmmonitesjEdomites, Zido- r . mars ano xiiuites,ievcnnnnarca wives, ;pid three hundred concubines j arid i? 'hough'le built a temple to the true God, yet he'turned idolater, arid 4 went t; after Afctoreth.the Goddef of the Zi- i ' , yoiiians; and after Malcom, the abomj- iiX;f ration ot tre Ammonites t and cid e -,Z jehS, the fori ofJJimlhi, was Vailed op by Uie fpecial appomirnen: of God, and anointed king of Ifracl. . He flsw Ahaziah and Jehoraro King cf Ifrael, and extirpated the whole hcul'e of Ahab. Even Jehu, as fopn'as he was king, for got his maker; and walked in the ways cf Jeroboam the, fon of Nebat. J ' , i J Athalisf, . the imother of Ahaziah, King of Jadah, findinc him dead. fler all the feed royal of Judah, except an in- iani cauea joalh i and A tnaua reigned JBr years, till the was put jto deatht V -J oath reigned tor cy years, anoi good king. his fervant flew him. i ; Jeboafe Aicceeded him, and did evil. ? Jeroboam fucceeded himand walked in the ways of Jeroboam the ; fon cf . Amaziah fucceeded his father Joalh in the throne 'of - Jdah, and did that, he lapfe of time or the. lefs liberal and v enlightened policy of former days may " have produced. - And vt proteis cur, deep abhorrence of any attempt tliat may be jriade by its enemies, either foreign pr domeftic, to injure Or overthrow it, or r tceSablifli any ether fbnn Or fyftem of .government. in its flead.. '&,:. fi-Sfr In your majefty's iflbing yur late ,Royat proclamation for the early auera--bling font l-wfiad-'iMl;uldt-. tional inftance of your gracious attenti on ; t6 ,, the J public weSare, and yeur watchful folicitodej for, the tranquility of tncfe realms, i And we" truH :tO 'the USEFUL. tEMEDT FOt B1UISES.- - A - Coachman, in a ftreet m London, SxJLwas byafuddenjolt,thrownoirhis box,,and in his fall bis foot fell into a hcllow in the Davementi : which occau. oned a fprairi, attendedwitri violent f4in, and a confiderable mflamation, A brother promifed him afpeedy cor 'He ordered a gallon of porter t be fimrhered in ' an earthen veffcl, when cooled, it became of the con- Hitance of a plailer. He fpr'cad this -ptauer on a mm oiagiove, anaappnea i viguance aua gooaoeioi your, maj"jtiy ounted his box, being relieved of the I liament, for the adoptloa of fuch mea -twclline arid pain,- ; - .... i -: ' 1 fures as may moflvefleaually tend to. 4 Anothef perfon, being furrounded by I unite and preferve your majefty's.f aith- iui iudjccis in one urm ana unaiteraote :- ignUment,of aftecti&a and attachment to - is f ickpockets in endeavouring to fa which ; was right, except that he per- i aftieli Z5 : 154. JHfflSSSaSSaSfiJSi roitted idolatrv; , . - 1 W lotnifupdh a'ftonc more prominent Azariaiucceeded his father A ma 1 bereft of the pavemenU aconfi ia. ; He was pumfhed with leprofy, on erabla Vn fwelliagww thecqn account of oermittinrr idnlatr. nA (cqnenca ) i and next idac i his back, dwelt in a feoarate houftan biB (X i M the, thigh oit that fide,' became Totbam ffovrm.! Indab. . i meatly dilcploured. Havinrfeen the Zachariah fBCceedediJeroboaminthe riucce,f'0the Porwr Plafter inthe ffra txnnm nf ta-iaI -nA A't.i mer inftance. I defired that the oorter .i Shullam murdered Zachariah, 'and ! Plattcr m,?ni e aPPnca 10 Pa ff f " reigned in his fted verv uirtJv M. i P and trugn, while Uie other parts ot com. - your majefty's royal txffou and govern ment, and may fecure the continuance of that peace, both at home'and abroad with which the profperity and happineft -of thefe kingdoms are fo intimately con neeled." rt y . " Die. io. "; The London Gazette, of December 8rcontams his Majeily's Pro- ; clamatJon, prohibiting the exportation ' i if pahim murdered Shullum, and reigned wickedly. t 1 ' . , - - Pelaiah.his fon, fucceeded,' reientaff- wicKeaiy,ana was put to deatn byae .aii, a capiaia oi ms. rctan reiguea wickedly . ';vf:rtr ; Hofhea flew him, and reigned but lit tle better.'"; Ja his reign, the- AlTyrians carried Iiraelaway captive. None was Iett but the tribe of Judab. cre treated according to art, that fo a comparative experiment might . be made of the efTeftsof each. 4 The fwell-1 ihg fubdfied nearly equally in bstht but the pain and the blacknels cf Ik. in went offv much : foorier in the parts cover ed with the ptaifter than in the other, parts. Accidents have fince affbrded me feveral tndances of fimilar fuccefs Andrewardsof iool for th- nnre- r- hending of John Terence ,Froft, of ; Wcftrainfter, and Sampfon Perry, of r Vettmtefter t the firft for fcandalous, . wicked, malicious, and feditious word :': of, and iponcerning his prefent Majefty, and , the Cqnaitution cf the ; realm f , and the latter for having printed and . publifhed a falfe, fcandalous, wicked, ' . malicious, and feditious, libeL - Both.' - ; r.xl. - r.K. V-.r-. t ....1 nUf bf Tu2rxi id.W .wn if-t: 'Tu S r fc'; T'r; Aha, fucceeded, and:walked in tie i , Kthoboam, iho fon of Salomon, when I 'zi, ' r V.-v:. -7 rr i . i : , it,, u-r,mnA ,W4vt,,rk way pfdtekmgsof Iirael , and he could r ? , r;';y"r---v---: - hardly .have taken a worfe way. , -: ' Gh Vk? t.rUe , Hezekiah fucceeded n I y rant, that he would add to their yoke j VhcreupCn the Lord rent the kingdom Saway from the hoafe of David, and ex alted Jeroboam to be King pver tht ten lnbe4,r: Jeroboam was no fooner king than j lie fet about eRablifliing idolatry t and becoming a mafterof iaiquity die taught Ilraclto tin. attending the application of this plafter Jotham fucceeded Azariah in the Mgnt we notaxpecl thatfucceft might rewards to be paid by the folicitor cf throne of JudahVand did right; except f "d we application of this plailer .in his Majefty's trealury. v.VV : ' i n;n mr rt-wmrt njivia in viriAtia mm t wimm a in i i ' n i t . . l- neflcs. the Prince of Wales ana nU f . : : . uiwc Hcviucnw nappeiiea in juon- j xoTK, were in the Tower all the mom- r don, where porter is the malt liquor I mg ; and, in company with feveral ge Hezekiah fucceeded an excellent ; ' Manaflah reigned next in Judea a horrid prince, v Like ' fome modern kings,!) (hed innocent blood very much. Amon fucceeded, and was as bad as ha father. . neral officers, .and made of it f, yet I doubt iot but that o-1 with the Govetnor of the Tower, officer iu iciwcmcu iuuiii4uoii, uico in i me euaras and artUlcrT on dutr 1 1 .t r. - f . . s Jofuh, his fon,' was a good prince.' Tehoahaz, his fon, was a bad prince. Eliakim, orJehoiakimwa alfo - a bad prince. ? : ' ; . . -Jehoiachinj ; his fon, was a wicked prince. He was carried capuve to Ba bylon. - ' ' , r- Zedekiah was another wicked prince. In him ended the independence of the Kingdom of Judah, it being totally fab- fame maaner, might have fimilar elf eels. Where fuch hurts are frequent, this plafter may be long kept in Rood condi- - I tion, if it is covered with a little oiltopre vent tne evaporauon ot the uuia par ticles. - , ,, S. Atl LONDON. TMMWi !HM ' Address io the king. "Abilarh, the fon of Rehoboaro, rein- - u at Jcrulalem aJurJuslalher's death; and he walked in the fins of his father. V- Nadab, the forfof Jeroboam,1 reigned ; in Ifrael, and he did evil in the fight of ' the Lord. ' . " , . Baafha.the fon of Abijah,ofthehoufe cf IlTachar, confpired againft Nadab 1 and he fmote the houfe" of Jeroboam, and left rot one that breathed. And TtaafK-j Hid rvW In lbeficbt nftheLord. r";.;"ov. : .,. r( r,m Pr or one another, or both independent parts of this country, love M:r : r" Tr TIV; J; -tb?rland.frequenUy; ravaged, and for the conftftution is manifefted by the S ?: 0r namely.thedefireof corred- - - --- ciincu awn imo uduiiit. The following addrefs to his Majefty was voted at the general meeting of the dued by the Babylonians. ' da. Dec tmKcr i &t h iAvn Hall, br I neU" treated the foldicrs with beer. Ice. ; Duringthegreaterpirt of thefe reigns 1 public fummoas from the Mayor. It I P.e.e' l Pc Pric f bemp ii rifen the thildren of Ifrael were in wars with I will fhewthatinthemoft refoedubleand I w,tm ln dayi from asl. to tol TL" T 1 . 1 . . there, infpefled the ftati of defence which the Tower has been put, at which their Royal Highnefles expreffed their fatisfaaion. " The Princes breakfafled with the officers,' during which the ma fic played, and the foldiers fang God favetheKing. , After breakfatt their Roy al Highnefies viewed the armories, or. dinance,xegaliar and mintand conclu."" ded by vifiung the lions. The Pxincei at quitting, the Tower, exprefled their"' fatisfaflion at the attention (kewn them and fecmed much pleafed at their morn ing's amuiement. Their Royal Hich- him whilfl he was drunk, and deflroyed allthehoiife of Baafha. .. ' Zimri reigned fevea days, did evil, and perifhed by the rebellion ot .Omri. . Then ere the people cf Ifracl divi ded into two parts j half the people fol lowcdTibni, the fon of Canith, to make him king, and half followed Omri. Omri prevailed, and. or courie tmea TTibni and. Omri did evil, and walked a the way's of Jeroboam. '' t Ahab,the fon of Omri, fucceeded to the throne. His wife was JezeUl. Their wickednefs is' profwibial i and bad as his predeceflbrs were. Ahab, we are told, did evil more than all the lines of Ifrael before. The florfof Now here is a picture of kingly go vernment j that which hardly any worfe can be exhibited from profane hillory The Aflyrian, Babylonian, Perfun.Gre cian or Roman Kings or Emperors were hardly worfe and yet the Bible .it referred to as an authority in favor in? abufes. r tht KING'S mojl excellent Majtfj Tit butnhlt aJJrefi 0 tie entemen,clernt - merchant it tradmen, Jret burgejfei and, '. tther inhabitant! of tbi town and neigh' ! hurhttJifLiverimf. - ' . : V ' "Most otAciovs Sovitiiow, " We your majefty' mod dutiful and of monarchy ! .-The truth is.thatkings I ojl fubjeflt, humbly approach your . u-uhicii, wiui cr7 icw eiccpuons, 1 rnaieltT, anxious to teRil v the deen fenfe aud always have been, in all ages and countries and even good men. when they become kings, generally .become bad men 1 and their foni. who are brought up to be kings are generally worle than they t fo that the latter end of a line of Kings is g-nerally worfe man uie ocginingi wncntne pro ve entertain of that paternal care and goodnels which has fo aniforrrdy dutin N iboth's vineyard belongs to this tlcf-1 pliet told Haxeal what a monller cf fed reiffn.' Jolhphat,the Cm of Afa, reigned 0 vcr Judali, after the death cf his father nd was a rood prince. Ahamh fucceeJed Ahabin thethroae of Ifrat d didevil, and walktd in the ways of his father !Ahab,andhis mother Jezebel, and in the way of Jeroboam the fon of Nebat. - ' Jehoram, fucceeded Aluziah, and or told liiat he was veiv wicked. 99 w cruelty and wickedneft he would be come, when he fhould be promoted to the throne of by ha, Haxeal was aflon ' Tebiram. the fm of pood, old Kin Teholhaphat.fucccsdcd to the throne M Amsricsss! hen y(m are tccift-. rradual eiercifecfin Jnherert powers, 1 afylom, a Jnc-ah. He was sld a lUKintf dtof.tbmittafiyalgv-rcmcat real afld w the wifJora cf tlieleriflative bo-4 aretelnro IfiactiandLcccsliUttlhewojfc. ; pus Ml ' . dy fcr a renedy to aay ddcGi, wLidi ' their atu per ton. Tar and pitch have likewife rifen in proportion., Our government , has purchafed fome thouland tons of j hempdoringthelaflweek. SomeFrench agents have likewife bought up afcvery large quantity ofit but we have reafori , to believe,that when entries for exporta 1 tioa ate offered 10 be trade at the Cuf tom hodfc, governmem will flop them, . anibuyvup the hemp thcmfelvcs. Ycftcrday morning early, feveral piec:s ot cannon were brought from. WoolwlcH to the Duke of Richmond's yard, in privr Gardens, and feveral' others rdered to be brought on this guiOied your majefty's reign, and which mormng from that place, thhty fix of has been peculiarly eminent in prefer- which will be placed in the Park, ving thefe kingdoms from a participati- Yeflerday a Board was held at the on in thofe wars and calamities, in which War-Office, when inveflieatir.ff wai tak- other countries of Europe have bcenof I en feveral military officers, who hava late unfortunately involved. I fliewn their principal intentions for a Via expreffing our firm attachment I revolution in this country. Dec. '. Two French frigafei have paffed up the Sheldt,and crnvoy." ed the ftores to Antwerp. , The Dutch proteft againft thdr, p-' tut did not atempt to eppofe them by fcrce-. There are three Englifli frigates alfo ift the bheldtfo that the queflion for pace or war may be foon brought to iflue. . , The Miniflry of France order Ccncr' al Damourier to pmfue the entmy'i ar ma .1... J. . . 1 i"7 hh niKKtii iuuiuit civet inem aud to flellroylhembefore they breed, cr in a flits to renew attack on Fiance. , to yout MaieftVs RovalPcrfon.ourua (haken adherence to the confutation of thefe tealmi. wm frteaV tVi linxniru 1 ifhed,and excUimed, It thjjervant a gratitude and cf truth, founded on a 41 thai Mjhau 4 tin great tbwg " jhorough conviclioncf the - numerous But a ptince, educated lor a throne, WefGngiwehave experienced under your would have been no wey afloniflied at majefty's gcvernment, and a decided o- fuch a prophecy. 1 l,c facred hi.lory . p;nif n, ,he 13,; connituuon is in is written without ruttery , and if the fpirjt and principles.admitably calcu hiftory 0! the beft ndnms upon earth lated to promote die hanpinefs and pro- wire fa.vlifully penned, there would fperity cf thefe kingdoms. Convinced usiMiegrouna toooaii a lupcnouty. 0fUs flalilitv.wsttufttotemDeranceatid i. 1