INTERE aj IKOA RTICL E.: By faft - Evening's MAILS. ", . . . . i ' it. ... We are bam tn 9eing 'olu r'J to preftnt to our patrons ; tbt ' . REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION sQX FRANCE," ;; -mTtTTD-met fii- r. tm- KING, BY THE NATIONAL CONVENTION. PREAMBLE... HP HE obieclcf all union of men in Jo- X ww the maintaining of natu rat, civil, and political rigbtt theje rtghti ou?ht to be the bajit of the fecial. ctmpuJ. , The acknowledgment i ani declaration of tbsm ought to precede the conJlitutionwhkb J ajjures the guarantee teem, ;, .. - BILL OF RIGHTS. ".jr Art t. Natural, civil, and political rights,are liberty, equality fetunty, and oppreffion ,'" " i Liberty coniilts in the power ot do ing every thing which is net contrary to theright of another- Thus the exercifc of this natural right has no other limit than liofe which fecuie to the member of the dims fociety the enjoyment of the fame right 3 Every citieen ought to fabmit. to the law which is the cxpreffion of the, general will. Whatever u not forbid den by the law, cannot be prohibited j .and none can. bcconfUained to do what it does not enjoin 4 Every man has the Liberty of ma nifefiing his thoughts, and his opinion?. c The Liberty of the prefs, and every other means yf making known his fen timent, cannot be forbidden, fufpended cr limited. 6 Every citizen is free in the exercife of bis religion. . 7 Eqality confifis in the enjoyment of the fame rights by every citizen. , ( 8 The law i equal to all, whether it 9 All citizens are equally admiffible toallappointmcnts, sEr; c people know nojctbctrjioiiTeM preierenceinaa- pre eminence of talents and virtue V ' 10 Security confifis in the protection granted to all the citizens, for the pre fervatkm of thefe perfonsof. thcif for. tunes, and of their rights. 1 1' None can be accufed, flopped, or detained, but in cafe fpecified bv ibi hw, and according to the forms it has prefer ibed. it citizens againit wnom arbi. tration ails may be exercifed, bate the fight torefitlthem by force i put every aecufed or arretted in virtue of the Taw oiigTuto obeyTl inlUrulv7He renders himfclf guilty by.refittance.f N. B. a soutane in ineoraer.j , . 1 3 Thofe who fulicir, expedite, cxe cute, or caufe to be executed arbitiarj rraenrare guutyana ought to be pa n.ifhed. . , .., v 14 Everyman oughttoheprefumed innocent till he has been declared guil ty I if it isfoundnictuarjFjoarrcfthlii every rigor not , reqoifite to fecure his perfon ought to be cverely interdicted y the law. ' . , 1 5 Norte can be puoKhed but in virtue of a law eftablifhed and promulgated anterior to me crime, ana legally ap " tt reBiba rfehriafiv in'lhe oeoolel Each 'c&zeti Is equally eAtMed to exeir- cife Sovereigaty. x J. ; 2l No individual, or any union, ot ci tizen can arrogate tothcmfelves the ex- ercuis of Sovereignty. to The focial compact cannot exilt, where the limits of powers are cot ex- aUy fixed, and where agenU are cot made refponGble for their conduA. to- All citizens are obliged to be at- ding to the law. . i Mcn-united-m fociety ought to- havc a legal means of refilling oppreffi on, - ' 1 1 There is oppreffion when the law violates natural right , there is oppreifi. on when the law is violated by the pub licfunclionarics. There is. opprefiion when arbitrary a&s violate natural, ci vil, and political rights of citizens. The manner of refilling oppreffion ought to be prefcribed by the contutution.- 3 ihe .people hae tM.ngnt ot changeing thecoatlitution.' One gene ration has no right to fubje A o theTBS" Uitution tuture generatims. '-i. After the recognition ot tliwe rghts, on which the ded,u French nation i declaitd -to form one indivifiturgiblic. jc Thedivifion intor department, is retained each-department is-ivided a into- communes or diRntts, e,ich commune into . muiiitipal feQions and primary aflemblies ' fiiitotesVarC to be chofcQ at tie finis " 1PRIMARY AaSMSLIES. : tti the primary a(Temblie9, every man aged j i yearahasarigh: to vote,provi. deJ thathis name isinferibedon the civic tablejaad that he Hall have rcfided one year in France.( ' The pntriai y aflemblies (hall befo tnf tribuied in each department, that none liiall confilt of Icfs than 4000 or more than Ooo members 1 in each of thefe a felefl committee is to bechofen by ballot, conhfting of a. many members as there are fifties of citizens in the a (Terribly. : In thiicommittee.he who has the ma- jrity of votes (hall be prefident of the aflembly i ihethree next on the hftGiall be fecrefarie. The duty cf the felcfl committetii too keep the records,1 and to arrangeand submit the bufinefto th; aflcrhbly. ... r All ctefl'ons are to be carried on m thofe affemWies. Tire intermed'n'e. or e'ecloml aCTembliev liare ro place in, this code. The eleclbnsaretobe made bywhatis called adoublefcrutiny t each-' gives in a ligned lilt tt candidates eqtial to the number of places to be filled. 1 hele bulletins, or hits ef prefjntatiori al they are termrd, are fert to" thead miniftration of eachdepa'nmcnt They felecl a triple number of thofe caai'idates who have moll votes, and from thofe 4cntJa$!$jo ht primary aftl'moli ? a J . C. !. iTii'! -T 1 rr: :- 1 .wsttiiis jiccuon li TnariO. cacn crizen giving inJasbefore71!ft oftriecan'JiJates to whom he ives his preference. Inthedcliberauocsofthefeaflembiips. the) fame mode is to be fallowed as in theeicloni. Th qgeftionis to be diaped fo ai to be ar.fwctH by a fur.ri e negative r affirmative On the d.nv appointed for the deeifion, each citizen givesaiai!rw,oi flip cf paper, infenbed w:th his name, and the word yet. or no. Thefe are to be tranfmitted the diftricl to the department, where the general refult is to be afcertained. 1 . A0MIK1STR TlVE BODtK. i ! There (hall be in eachdepartrpef,fin. cdavinlftrative council, of i nrrSer. 16 Every law which Dunifliei crimes I fubordinate agencies:' , The form- anterior to its promulgation is an atbi-1 r re f. eontrnul the rcvenne, and to trary aft. Every tetroTpea tSktk of I corr.fpnd wi.h the exc-r ive nwrrr law is a crime. , . . t , . I ment. Ine inferior adrr.iuilrators ire 17 Thelaw o'uiht oolr.tomflia ne-1 Wfifn organized; ' ; celltrv Dumihment oronnrtintil tn tfc I ne admimitrators are to be . . ' r--r-. - I .1 . . ... -', Z " crimes and nltful to fociety. V I W"1 primary aiiemblies, and th half .18 The right of property ir.that ere- e&eed every two yean. ry man may difpofe of his fubaance. I EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. V:. ..1 j I n I ri -..... . uta Miuni mna ui i loauuiy. i . t. i ne execuuvc council m tne re 19K0 kind ofhbouror iodnftry Is I public (hall be compofd of feven gene prehibited to citizens, who tttav hnv. I neralaeents orminifteri. and afecrta ; ten, vi nAuipurt 11 ireeiy. ; f laxy.. ; , a eiuzea. -However, carmot fcll I II. There ftallU, himfelf, his perfon not being alienabla property. ... , n None can be deprived of his ritnt vi ("vvuj, wiicd puuic neceoity, "UJ iaenny emaaJs it, and on condition of a juft and previous indemnity, - n No contribudon can be levied but lor tne public good i all citizens have a right to alent to its elUbliftmenr. f a j Public indruclions Is necefTary to Em. ' , . 4 a debt doe from fociety. . . ij 1 nc iccurity pi men ightl is an tit of fovereignty, , 16 Sovereign! 1 is one, iadivifible, ao'd UnprefcriptibU. i. 'Aminiffer oflegiflatioo. rA m'tiftr of a - , J. A minitler for foreign affairl. , 4. Aminirterof publiccontributions f j. AmiAirtercf the marine. r), A minifler of agriculture, com raerce and manufactures. 1 A miniaer ef works, aids, public kflabHQjrnents, and arts. - 'I 111. Each of the Tninirters fha'J alter, fcatlvety prtfide fn the executive council, and the pTtfident (hall be changed emy fifteen dayi.i Tothis council it belongs to execute all the lawimd all the de erees pafl:d by the legiflative bodr. , ' The minifters are to be thofeo in the primary affemblies, aad In the rainnef before prefcribed. Dghl uppkant ot time. , The members cno Tcn for two years.; The half (hall-be renewed every year j but lhey may be re-elected.' - . ": The executive coancil are accounta ble to, and cannot be members of the legiflative body. They have no con troul over the ntional treafury, which is to be directed, by three commifliouers appointed for that purpofe, and elect ed in the fame manned Two hundred, members are to bechofen in the legifla tive body of whom a jury of ievenjito audit eac account. -. r , v - LEGISLATIVE BODV. . The legiflative body is to confift of -one chamber, and to be renewed annu al y, by elecUons, in the manner before mentioned. - - . The number of deputies to be fent from each department is to be newly .fixed every ten gears' according to Uie ijMa4VCff " UecTeafe of the population. . rr The members of the legiflative body (hall not any time be prolecuted, im peached, or tried for any thing which they may have, (aid or written in the exeicif of their functions. ... No propofuion (hall pafs into a law, unltf it be firft propofed in the aflem bly, then -referred to a committee of thirteen, and after ths interval of a fort night, if the time thould permit, re-debated in the aflembly. CENSORSHIP OF-pioPLK. Under this head it is propofed, that any citizen (hall have the right of con voking the primary affembly where he refidefc 'to confider of the enactment of a new; or the repealjof an exhifling law. If they agree to the proportion, they are to addrefs the people of other aflemblies-, .and the.wifli of the 'department thus c-llected, is to be tranfmitted to and de cided upon by the members of the legif lative' body, " . - --. -. The citizens (hall likewife have ' tVe rihttb demand an inquiry into the con duct of public functionaries, in cafe of abufe of power and violation of the law, A CONVENTION. - A convention is to btfummohed when eveyiny chageis madein the legifiative bodyi In the jothyearafter the pafllng rt the con tuunonal code, a convention (hall be called to revife and improve. The convention cannot hold its. fit tings within co leagues of the legiflative body. Ic (hall be formed of two mem bets from each department. . . administration of jus '7 ' . "tice. ' ' In the civil as well as the criminal code, the trial by Jury U to be eftabliflv el. Thejurors as well as judges are to be elected. The former to be taken -Qflcfrom every thundred citizens, i The pry m cpnfltt of rtAxittarTZitpQmr; a na ional commiflioncr, and a number of jurymen to be fpecified. The punilhment of death is abolished for all private offsnces. ' There are to be two juries, whofe TuaSions cortefpond with thofe of the grand an 1 petty juries ia the conflitu tion of England.. . Judkialcenfors are to be lppointed to travel at . fixed periods, and to try all queftinnsof appeal.... A National Jury, confitling of three jnrors from each department, is tQtry' all queftinns of High treafon. The arrcl and detenfion of an indivi dual are qualified by a number of mil nute r;puirions, highly favourable td peifonall'.berty. T , " ' 1 he tibertv of the prefs Is declared td be wdpfinittve.? - ' - Nrn can be judged either civilly or ciiminall, on account of writings print e or puhlifljed.exceptitOiallhavebeea recognized and declared by. a jury, UK wheiher there is any criminality m be w, iting denounced j idly, whether the perfon, profecuttd is guilty of U. , PUBLIC FORCE. , The fotes of thertpnblie. art placed under the controul of the eiecutiv e .uncil. The public force Is declared to be efleaiially obedient, as r.o armed body can deliberate. 1 The commanders in chief are to have annual and revocable commifllon frotr; the executive council - M The commanders of the natJontl guards Hull be elected annually by the citizens he rrhdiflt i3. . ' " ftmiC CONTRIBUTIONS. 1 1 The poMietonuibntloni oughtnever toereeed the eiigencfei of the fla'ci f Therecanrht beeflabliflied any coal tribotioft, whirh by in nature or b lu mode of ex aflion, rrtiffht be fnjariou'i w Ihe free difpofal ol propty, to the pro.' gtefs ofinduflry, and tf cammucei, to IhecTiculation of capitals cr might a.. .A . 1..-, . - nt?. coffuizel and declared bv the conflira- liprK .. " 4 The amount (hall be fixed each vear by the legiflative body," and cannot ex ceed that term. . They are to be publifli- ea annuauy. rt t'. Relation to foreign powers. " ' The French will only take up arms .'" for the fake of their liberty. They re- nouuce 'all acceflion of territory; unlcft by tlie wifli, freely expreffed, of its in- habitaots.- . ' '. t i The declaration of war, (hall be made by the legiflative body j treaties of peace, commerce and alliance (hall -t be made by the executive council, and ratified by legiflative body &c. Prcfented by the members forming the committee of conftitutiori. ' Thomas Paine, Barrere, , Brissot, Condorcet, Danton Geniqnne. Pe- t '- 'TIQN . SlEYES, VeRGNI- 7 t ,aud:' v - n, , . LONDON, February 19. Ai LL the (hips of war belonging to XX this kinedom. at orefent. are. tt ail of the line, three 50 gun flaps, and '4.3 frigates and (loops. ' len row toat pavateers have beenSt ted out from Calais, five of which are now cruizing in the channel, reaching, towards the Engliftt coatt . By yeUerday's mails fronT Flanders we learn, that the Inhabitants of the city of Ghent have received M. Alexander Courtois,the agentof France with tranf pottsof joy. - Letters from the firft Jauthoriiies in Geimany mention, that it is decided there (hall be no Ruffian troops fent to the borders of the Rhine this fummer. The plan now finally adopted is .this s . The Emneror is to. march all ntcfnra ces towards France, except 25,000 men. The emprefs of Ruffia is to prof eft the impeiiel territories ' with 4 her troops, which are to be ftatloned on the borders of Germany w render hir affiftance, " Ihould any unexpected event take place i State of the German ; troops, A uf tria will have in March, 70,000 men r Pruffia o,ooo-4br the Rhine, i to,ooo. Befides thefe, 10,000 Anflriansr Pui fians andHeflians near Cologne. Toi taV on the Rhine, 150,000 men. At .uicuiuuurg, 3500 men. ' CAPTURES. .... TJie Juno frigate, captain H00.L ar- ''.TierdajnioonitPortfmouth, from, a cruize, recaptured ; the , Glory brig o( Chepflow, John Benfon, matter, of 10 1 tons burthen, aprivateer's prize, which flie has carried fafe with her into pors- The Glorv briar wai tat k ' yateer at haif paft fi oclock the fame morning. She,was laden with tiirber for ihe dock yard, under the convoy of the Iphigenia . frigate. A pifiol was twice fnappedatMr.-BenTon's breafL bnt happily both, times mifled firej with barbarity and piratical cowardice, anexampled In modern war, they rifled Mr. Benfon'i pockets of 33 guineas ia gold and filver,but of his kneebncldea and aripped him of every thing talua. ble 1 they thenlafhed him bj Die neck hands and feet, to a chea in his cabin, and put the peoplei hand and feet in irons on the deck cut of the head of a dog on board, and fwort every Englift. man tn their poffefCon fhould be ferved in the fame manner as that, animal be foye. the expiration of 14 hours. As Toon as the JunohoveinGghtther rtafed Mr. Benfon and his men, and threw the chains overboard t the form er, the moment he had regained his li betty, ftited the prize- miVi fword, wiOj which he cut him to pieces, mad his way through the crew, feverelf three, and drove two orerthe , fidi o the fea V one of whom was after wards taken op alive by the cutter.. " ; The privateer bad ao mea on boar mort or whom fpoke Englilh, though ?o the honor of this countiy, tone of tngiua dominions. , , ANTWERP, February 4, " General Domourler arrived here on lZ f'rl tiirugh Randers. and was fainted by the gunsofthe place, and thofe ofthe ftips in the river, , . . 'V 7' Advice are faid to be re etiftj, It Ruremode It taken by the PmOIar.a from the French, and that tha Fr ench loft a frreat number of mea We cannon however, afTert this as fa. the French at that plac are far fupe or, to etery point to the Pmfllaai.

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