Public Vendue At WILMINGTON. A greeable to an ordi- nanf.e of the Btard of the TrufietSf Qt ihc Univctjlty cA North Carolina^, WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE, Oh tie third dny of the en fuing Term of j|Or Court,ybr Wilmington DifriSt—^ WiLMlNGTON— ^be following Tracts and parcels of AND. ftuate hi the Countf of Ni>;v7-Hanover—viz. . 6^0 Acres, fitu?te on the i'uic oi t':-: ;;:rlreaj; ^r.-rwr/^of Cape- } “rr P-1'er, back of h athaniel yohn Sf r,: iKV.'l Mr. IVutkerfymt^ } ]:rdr:'b;' patent, Nov. 15,175'3, to Al;. i.'der cibgleton,and by cleeaof arid fu'o conveyed by him oa '.'^c , ch Mry, 17!^^ ta- 11 U/v..-PT, dccciilcd, who left rc law- tld 6AO Acres, fituate on the fit’ cA Blitck river, {granted by pateni 4, 1767, to the faid -'I d October -Ile'AvU. -U. 500 Acres, fuuate on iIk drains A Long Creek, and the vviuov.* Moore’s Creek, incliidinsj the (Lprfs Savr.nvah and the fork of th road. On the hrad of the Bcaver^dain Brarch, bcgln- atAnhnr Siurkcy’s comer; grant ed t]\e faid Ilevjctt by patcat, dated July 21 » * . / -r* 7-;5 Acres, (ituate on the r.v'ffdc G-'A".*, g»'ar:tcd the laid J ‘t-'LVL'if by paicnt dated July 'i i fl> 177'r* 100 Acres, fituare on the rred- fJecS Long CrrskfWt^ZT j2JD€S Porti- vint’s 'and ; granted by paterrt dated h’o-'ctnbcr 2“, 1771, to Anthony du Bt-ife, and on the zdtii day cf March, t 7 co:.’ cycd by Jacob du Bolfe, by c .'gH’.nai'.d file, to the faid B.e^ojett. '100 A c xR E s on the wefi fide Cr. 'Cgrn.rited by patent, April to jo'bph PoTtivnt, and enn'eved by him to Anthony du Boife '■'ho c"50••eyed he .Am'; toTlioniasCor- d the httoM round that place, has quitted them* in order to advance againft Cqnde and Valcuciernes, which will probably j vg »« win^^u ac cxcuea the be the two pi inci,p%|^ points of attack.} people to malTacre ;'and «u!ijned them ■Whilft this rr-ovement was effeiliDg.the | to drive certain membersYrom the cou. t and conftant employ rRent—Let- ^oips commanded by Lieut; Gen. de la > vention, Some letters of Marat were addrefled to the Ithtor will be im- q’onr, alter having given a falfe alitrm * alfo read, id'which it draB faid, aficr WAJJTED —immediatehy Man to cendvilthe PRINT ING BUSINESS— • A PRINTER, who will take chatjge of the Bufinefs of this 0^ See, will meet with good encourage ment ters mediately anfwered. TO BE LET,-W Poffefton given, at a fe*w days notice', T he HOUSES AND LOT, on the North fide of the Court^HouJe f^mre, now occupied by Mr. Peacock. This isanexcellentfiwationfor aTarern, and the accommodations a^e well calcu lated for ihe purpofe. A ppl v to JAMES HOGG. Fayetteville, July 2. tf. General Claxrf^t, which treatened Lifl6 and has taken levcral advantageous po^ produAions, containing the denunciaii and apjjeared to be fomedf Marat’s on of Co^oYa^iift Roland, an addr^eis t6 the jadobbos of Paris, and a variety of oth&f jppers in which he excited the ‘’TT'HE Subferiber—jiwr gives X NOTICE, to thofe of the inhabi- lDt«,of who have not—paid their TOWN TAX for thc^ycar 1792— , . r/-. .i j'sz 1 that unlefs the fame is difeharged be- I envnonvof Conde and VaAnci r .1 _ .1 • a .u 1 *11 u. ‘ wLirh rh** French were tonnd fore the 20th inltanf. the law will he to the entrenched camp of Maubefg, ; enforced. . . . . -r - Dm^CAN M’RAE,, 2, 1793.. .. V iC Frefb Europeriri Inteiligence BOSTON, JUNE I7. The flUivirg ediices tvere runved hy the ff^ p Saf» ly.caTtcio Vy-itsoN, w/-* arrived here in 31 daytfrem Bb istol . C^RMANT, VIENNA,T T18 Majcllyhas APR IL I C'Xx fent orders to the Prince advanced againil that place to blo’cL’a’de^^^' it, and to ciit off entirely its communi cation with ValcKcitnneji.. Thefe mea- fores were attended with the dsfired cf-' feft. . On the 43d ult. a very fmart engage ment took place between the advanced pofts in the neighborhood of Idanberg. The French 1 aving advanced in- great numbers, forced at fir ft feme pofts of chail'eurs, but foon after bur people, be ing reinforced, obliged the enemy to fall back in diforder. On the nth i2ih and 13, fcvcral blopdy aRions have taken place in the iennes, in which the French were found to give wap, which was not, howevc;r done but with the moil obftbate refiftance. Y, THANCE. NATlOirAL CONVENflON—APRIL 16. The following letters were read, ftnt t« the €on- ve^tion by tlir CemmifTarias in the army. Letter fr«m the citixens Lequioio, Ceehon and Belieyjnie, tu the Prince de Cokourg- ** MoNtI EUR. “ Dumeurisr hasbetrayed the French nation to which he owed his elevation : you cannor efteem a Traitor ; Good faith prohibits you from giving him an of Sase-Ceburg, to fend hither under a afiyhmi, and you ought not to have re- pfoper efcort, iheFiench General Bour nonville, his Adj'utant, and the mem bers of thc’French National Con vention now Stale Prifoners. His Majefty has farther given orders to his. Serene high- nefs, lo enjoin on the officers who com mand this cfcort, to halt at the laft port, before Vienna, to tranihnit official notice to the Aulic Council of war, of the arrival of the Prifoners,—We are aiTured th.nt they will be imprifoned in the Tortrefs of Spielberg in Moravia. .13 convene V. ■! '. f iio? !"? Cc-’n, (kiteI October 2d-. 'i762, t' ’he i n i Iico.iotf, nr.d to one Nicholas ‘f '';;‘d, whofe moiety t-:eteof v.'as after- v.'Tr.'s fobi aoou t:.ccr.tion, and pur- cna'' h oy i!ie faid Hevjett,^o whom the ilieriiT conveyed them. '*y')o Acres on the well fide of Lj :y Crvch, between IndianBl:f,2.vA the above deferihed 300 acres granted by patent,SepteiTitsr 27, 1756, to An thony du Boife, and by hi in and ins wife, rifrcrward.s coa-'e^rd to the fail Ilcomf-t and to the laid T'ourlel, ^sTbofe moiety uiereof v/as fcld and cenveyed by the flieriiT or New-Har.over, to Solo- inon Hforefaid. (>:7’ The aforefaia LANDS bvzing hccoiTieefchcat, were grantedby, the Lepiifatnre cf this (late, lo thcTruf- tecs cf the Univerfity. Pur chafers may have poffcffKsn on the e'x. eontcon cf deeds, (at their own expence) r^hlch rvillbe dotie on tkeirexecutinghondit>, Kvith two good fecuritics fsr the payment of the pnrehafe money, in three years, hy yearly infiallments, together rifith a mort- ga^e of the efaie fo pur chafed, as a further fecurity for the payment of the debt. By t ireiftion of a majority of the Truften !a VVilnaington DiftriA. W. H. KILL, Atter'»i'y for the Baird •£ Tratlf-iSt jy-dmtngtOH, yune 20, 170J» THE SUBSCRIBERS EG leave to inform the merchants of Fayetteville, that they have put iheir WHEAT MILLS and FLAX SEED Ware houfes in the nioft com plete order, for the reception of thefe articles, and will receive wheat -and de liver ficur on the following terms, viz. For every 315 wt. merchantable wheat, one barrel containing ipfiwt. fine flour, fit for exportation ; delivera- ble^t the mill door, barrel included. Or—For every 36©\vt. of "Wheat, 196 wt. fine Flour, 32 1-2 lb. Middlings 2 i-i6thljuffiel of Bran, liable to a dedaftion of 3 1-3 per cent, on all wheat above yfitvt. per buftiel, and 5 per cent on all under. and BROADFOOT. MACAUSLAN and HOWAT. June 25. ^ FRANKFORT, APRIL 17. Thc Gcn, Kalkreuth, who dire^s the inveft- ment of Mertz, has lately fummoned the city to furrender ; but General Poiic, who commands there while General Meiinier has the commanded of Caffel, replied that he would defend it to the laft. The bombardment uf this unhap py town was therefore begunyefterday, the befiegershaving in vain attempted to diflodge-lhc French from the village of V/eiiTenah, W'hich was ncceffary, for them to cairy on the operation of the fiegc, they a: length fet fire to it. All the environs are likely to be fubjefted in the fulleft exrent, to all the horrors and devaftaiions of war. OSTKMD,APRIL 21. The lateftBruf- r^ls news-paper while it deeply laments the obftinacy of the French, bears tef- limofiy to ther intrepid condudl in the field. One adlion there,is faid to have lafted twelve hours, and it t» compared at fome periods of its duration to the battle of Jemappe itfelf. The Combin ed Armies have, however, poffelled themfelves of many pofts in the French territory. St. Amand has been lately occupied by them ; and the PruffiMs are polled at Lannoy, Roubray, and Turcoins, which are within five or fix miles of Lifle iifclf. The greateft dif- trefs prevails in thofe diftrids ;fa ,iin- moderate is the price of articles of the firft neceffity, that even to exift, it were ncceffary to be wealthy. Whether thefe difpofitions portend the fiege of Lifle, I know not, it feems, however prob^Me, that when the heavy artiUer|f '^ar^i4^, which is expeAed. ahjwit Uie as^d^e of next month an attempt will be .^^e^ which if it (konld not fuceed, will'not be inglorious. It is generally believed in this country, however, that Lifle will be taken ; the reafon of which belief, as has been ftated to me vrith much can dour and fimpiicity, feems to be, rbaY they cannot conceive bow the Conaj^* ed armies will be able to get on if iiby' do not take Lifle. Certain it is, t^t if they do take Lifle, they will make a^ mod important acquifition ; for the Northern Departments of France, con fifting of an imroenfe plain, as far as Paris, would be open to the ravages of cavalry, and a real famine might be af ded to the long catalogue of calamiti^ which has been fo liberally afligned to that Republic. ceived the members of the convention whom he delivered up to you. The French would have abhorred any one of yoUt nation, who had committed fach abafenefs ; and W'oulJ have reftored to you thofe hoUages, which the law ot nation!, precluded them from receiving in fuch cafes. ** We now tranfimit yon a few copies of decrees paffed by the Cooventioa on this occafioa; and we alfo inctofe tne Proclamations which we haveaddreffed to the army. brave general who loves honor, ought to follow the conduA which juf- lice didates ; and we now frankly af- fare you, that the whole Frenclrnation will either periffi or remain free. “ Lequinie, . ^ (Signed) “ Coehon, A ^ jBcitegarde.**.' Letterfrom 'Prince Cobourg, commander in chief of the hnperutl armies, « Head qua ters, B.^ofluy April 9. GE»«TLEMX^, •* I did not look i pon General Du- moarier as a traitor 1 He talked of no thing whm he was with us, but of the happinefs of his country ; he refted his tmUercaking upon this refpectable bafis; it ip upon this ground 1 entered into c!^v«rfatioQ with him, and upon this ground you ought to judge him. You differ in opinion with him, this is his on- IflMme, ^ His principles recalled him to that * Conftitution which was once your idol; , b«/aw in it the happinefs of France, and thk picace of Europe ; for thefe princi- pl|s he does not deferve to be delivered «p to ignominy, and to the death of a traitor. - He had never any private in telligence with us, and we fought in fuck a manner as to prove that we were no iriends. In your proclamation you accufe him of having intended to deliver aphis country ; he never deviated from his firli folemn declaration, and that of the other Generals, at ottr approach to wards France, that they (hould never fuffar any foreign power to inteifere with the interior organization of your g^^ment, or that any part of France (TOmd be.aUenated. _ , “ As to .the four coromi^ners^^om the Convention, their. fate is in your l^nds. Lappeal for all thofe objeA»Y Md for the violent, tyrannical and Jfui' rious refolutions of fomy of the ineni- jbers of your affembly, to thofe members who really have the love of their coun try at heart—may they find means to ii^ke the convulfions ceafe which tare France to pieces, and (hake to its fdtiiid- *bc reft of Europe j this is my as well as yours. ^ (Si^ed) : 'dCeiourg** netffERL ANDS: BRUSSELS, APRIL i6. That part # the combined armies, confifting of^dt*' triasswnd Pi^aas, command fey mentipfiitSgthe Girohdins, that the Mar- feiiiefe vwere fn full march to Paris to make the Royaliftis lofe the laft of bread, (^At thirfe words, loud ^kpplaufes pro* ceei' from the gallefies.) ' The greater part of tfie Convention, however exclaimed agianft the galiciies* and oa a motion by'Douclet, it was dc- ‘efesd, that mention (hould be made iu the noinilUs applaufes given by the gaUsries, to the propolal for mur- dering the members of the Convention. A lettex from the commiffionm at Valenciqnes was read. It ftated that Conde was ftilj blockaded j that the enemy hgdiomnioned the to wn of Mau- bfcge, the garrifoin of which was refolvcd to defend it; a^ that an a^ion had taken before, ia which theenumj^'Wgulfed. The com-' miifidpers'^dedrtmit they eipc^ed an impciitant addon theday following. ThecwnmiffioneisatNanti inform ed the' ccnveaiion by k letter, dated the 15th, that the |>atriots were continuing to reprefs the infurgents, and that their efforts were attended with great fiicceis. A Utter from General Damplerrt to the Mir.ifer at War. ValtBciennes, April ic. •‘■eiTXZIN MINIITtR, ** I inform. you that the advanced guard of the French army has this day- behaved with the fame bravery as yef- terday. They attacked even with more briflenefi than .yefterday,'and the AuAri- ans have beeQ’beat. I cannot beftow too high praifes on the brave Lemreche who conEUnaaded a part of the van guard. The firing continued from four in the morning until eight in the evening, and at fome moments with as much vit^DCQ as at the battle of Ner- wind.^ The intrepidity of their troops has been very great, and carried even far ther than rthe propofed end required. The fuceefs of this day is owing in part to the Ingenious manner in which Gen eral LarocheXhxtw up his intrenchments, and to a fixteen pounder placed in fuch a fituation as-.tqdo the greateft-poflible injury to ^e ^my. , w far as St. Amcfid. (Signed) ** DampierreP April 20. Bread announced, that aii extraordi nary courier from Cuftine’s army had brought intelligence yefterday of the entrance of the French troops into the Duchy of Di^-Poiatk and Hambourg, for preferving coznmanlcation between the armies. The comniiiflxoners fent to la Vendee announced a hew defeat of the rebels, who loft abpve a thouiand men killed, among whom were a la Roche/oucault andhisfon,' ENGLAND. Thurjday,—April 18. '■ Deputies from La Gitonde appear-^ ydd at the bar, and ftated tlieGommittee itf'frfctyof Bourdaux had arrefted a ;^urier with large packets of papers ad- JJopular Societies, apd ;^idntaimng exhortation to them to pro- ’teed iq'Paris and maffacre the greater jwirt of the convention. t f i/ONDOM, MAV 4. Sanierre, the com mandant general of Paris, has quarrel* ed with the convention and commons of Paris, whofc orders, he fays, it is im- poffible for him any longer to obey. The gcoeFal, it feems, contrary to the injunAions of thefe two authori^res, has lately taken on him to degrade feveral officers to the rank of privates j and a decree of accufation may poni(h him as he deferves for the aflive part he took in the murder ol Louis XVIth. Several of the feilions t f Paris have petitioned the eitecutiveadminiftraiion, tp brh^T'j^l^I^jioody Saetterryegflaft com-. msthdant,,.ta*ri^,fbr of the cpirftituiional authorities. 5th 7th. On the re-capture, (rom the French, by the (kip' Phaeton, of the valuable Spani(h prize Regifter-fhip, part of the effeAsofwhichjtothcamounlof 500,000! fttrl. had been put on board the French privateer, it has, with many, become a queftion,-whether the Englifh captors are not entitled to the whole of the lat ter, as a complete prize from an enemy; though only to falvage for lb much as remained on beard oHhe Spanifli (hip. There cap |>e no doubt but that, how ever the queftionof rcftoraiion C‘''Kcern- ing the valuable Spanifli capture may be^ decreed, the Minifter will not lofe fo fair an ©pporiunity of compclKug the Spanifli Coq^,to come to a final fettle- ment upon tne tidious, and we think ^ Thef- ninprc J u- r * * bufijiefs of No^ika Sound. ^ ^ Foufrcdcj I Wc have at preient fomething in hand

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