VII 1 HALLs fVIL MING T9 N Errs. tN5, 12.1 T rlU RSDAY, MARCH 23, 1797. VoLI. i V., r g rttr fe d 1 HAGUE, Dec. i. The difcudiom on the plan of a new con ftttution for this republic, have Jailed in the Bauian national afTembly, until the 28th November. Never perhaps were opinions (b decidedly, we may even fly fo equally divided. Nobody It is true, maintain that it is above erititiftn, or that it doesnot re q.jire fome material alterations in ftveraVe fpefts, -fuch efpecially, as an .afferitbly of even peribns which under the name of Council of ftate would not only enjoy execut. ive but with refpect to the promulgation and execution of thelaws would be veiled with prohibitory powers of lo.muchjrhe greater magnitude, as although the authority of (he council of State would not exceed that of ""Tithe executive directory of France, yet the l'flaricr hndv is not to have a permanent feffion, and would berepfefented during its. vacations by a Tmall deputation irom the houfe of ancient. W ith refpeft tothe second point in debJte,,Viz. that refpeaiogthe unity and indivifibiluy . of t'ie republic-the modifications of the plan fcy the eltabliuV .jmcnt of department adtniniftrations, met with as many oppolers as advocates, by rea fon of the douhle difficulty mf making the , debts of fome of the ftates common to all and of ascertaining the true ratio of the relative means of each province (each having different refources and means of fubftfting . theirinhabitants) to best their equal pFOpor " tionof the taxes and impofW XoVaoJh was finally fixed upon to decide: under the prefiJence of citizen Ybrand Van Hatnell veld. This difficult and important tjueftion, on which a number of citizens of different towns had petitioned in favof cdaWolute unity this ftep has procured they the gra tification of au houoraU namxt approving the tenor of their rcweifci.-----Some members propoled to maxelhe plan toe bfis of the? deliberations', and 4 to. ap point a commiffion which within four Weeks, fhoti'd bring 61 a report on ihe means of effecting the aWolute unity with rejpett to the general finances and taxes. But this conciliatory proportion not being adopttd after lome dilorder either m the aflembly itfeltor in the galleries the nominal appeal decided by a majority of 66 to 52 votes, that the propoled plan of coftllituuonfhottlri form the balis ot tne national anembiys deliberations." A letter from Vienna of Nov. 16 menti on? that a nobleman had arrived from Italy, with the news of the murderous battles, of which we have had the details : On ac count of the retreat of Alveniy,the Emperor had determined to fend hiic a reinforcement of 12,000 men. By letters from Prefburg of Nov. 22,it ap pears that the diet at Prefburg, have granted to the Emperor the following fupphea for the prolecution of the war : 50,000 Hun garians, exclufive of thofe requitiie 10 com plete the regiments already in the field la,ooo 0en 10,000 .Horfes 2,4001000, Bulhelsot gain 3,760,000. do. oats. And in cafe the numbers at prelent granted, are not fufficient to obtain an honorable peace, a general railing en made," will be de termined on. The Auflrian official account of the bat tles in Italy nearly agree v.'h the French, feat the former reprefeat the lofs on each fide at nearly equaL Among the prifoners taken by Davidovich at Rivolo, were two French Generals, Florella and Valette. A new convention between the French republic and Genoa excludes the Englifh from the Genoefe porta, during the w ar, And the v-ffels of the latter are prohibited to carry provifions to the britifh. Genoa is to protect ber own forts and harbors, but in cafe of neceffity, (he is to be aided by French troops. It Genoa (ball be involved in a war with England, France will under take to protect her trade and navigation, and will alfifi her with (hips ot war arid in tercede for her in negciations for feace. Genoa pays to France 2 millions of li vres in. advances, and 1 millions to be refunded 1 after peace. SALEM, February if. WAR IN INDIA. Between Tippoo Saib and the JSngUfh. By captain Derby., in the brier Cadet, 67 days from the Capeof Good Hope j we are in. med,that a few days previous- te44Mouch t at the Cape, two Britifh. packets bad ar rryed there, one from Calcutta, ana1 the other irOm Bombay. That notwithflaodg8 pr foiind fecrecy Was obferved refpediug the intSligence they brought, it had t anipired tatTippoo was making forhiidablc prepa latioVstor war ; thac the Mahraitas 'were tar houfe belonging to Meflrs. Tyler Cafwell, boilipi over, which inttantly caught fome hemp, contiguous the flame bf which fpread fo rapidly, that notwith ftanding the exertionsof the Citfeens toftop its pronrefs, the ropewalks of Tyler and Cal well, John Winthrop, Efq. Jefl'ery and Rufl'cl, and four dwellirig houfes, were confumed, together with nimmtnfe ftocfe of bemp and cordage, the whole lofe com puted to amount to 60,000 dollars By the ufual exertions of toe cit it ens of this and of our brethren in Roxbury. Charleflon, Cam bridge and other neighboring towns, this devouring element was about hours. - - dtfafBted, and were about tb join him. ' It was confetjuently reported that 4 or 500 French officers had been lent over by the way of ihe iediterranean, tq ferve in 1 ippo's army. Ity was not certain that hoUilities had acnially commenced, but that the JBritifh eve ry clay expe died an attack. Immediately af ter the arrival of the packets, fjoer Bi itifli regiments were ft ntpn in the outward bound India fleet, confifling of 1 f fail under convoy of one fhip ofwar and a -frigate., j 7 Tippoo can with eafe briiijr aw,lrmy of 20o,oco well difcipliped iifii into the field. His foUliers (Seapoys)-are eqoaHo aiiy Eu-r-opeans in that conntryi who ire fbon after ttteir arrival eniervated by the JwWuatc. Heis dreaded by the Engifli and is tleit mortal anil declared enemy. lie tsa pi inae ot known courage and addrefs, and very powerful. His avowed' plan is to drive thele j,hi prrs (as lie jnftly calls the jEnglifli) fjomgti'e lnjjan territory altojrether-and.he h&a ft-ei, oure 4ear efErCtngStjirrijtfUiiu JLi&te. Ha fujply of French officeVs is a valuable ecjui fiiion, and what he molt ncrtded they were undoubtedly fept by- tlie Eicecutive Direftory of r ranee. Indeed this buhnels was always u favourite contemplation ol that government ; but which the revolution for a time hi9 pre vented. Gen. Duadas has arrived at the Cape, to fupercede gen. Craig ill the command of the garri fon at that place. Lord Macartney was expected daily. Gen.Cntig had received an appointment in India, L was to go on there imniediatelv afier LordMacauney's arrival. This circumiluuce isjoyous to the inhabitants of the Cape, ami aufpicinus to the Americans who may arrive there. Gen Crai( treated them with ineffable contempt, whenever they folichedjhcleaft indulgence. When they en tered his apartment, he afl'umed the air and dignity of a Nabob, il rutted like u conceited player as foon as their prayers were made known, damned the American flag, and invo ked the vengeance of heaven on their cutfed beMdl This redoubtable general was an offi cer in America during the war, and was compelled to be prefent at York-t6wn, when Comwallis refigned his fword to the if 1 nit . rious Wafhin'non. Scotchmen have good me mories, and the old general's will end only with his life. The inhabitants anticipated v ith pleafure the arrival of Lord Macartney, who is a complete gentleman (the very re verfe of Craig) and under whole government they had no doubt of renewing their former traue and intercom l"e with the Americans. The late admiral Lucas, whofe heroifm cannot now be fallied, was treated with evert indignity by the inhabitants nt, Tor his dattardly conduct in delivering npthe fleet under his command to the a time when he might have immortahrtd his fame, and revived the ancient glory of the Hatavian flag. It is aflerted, that like the Dutch governor of the Cape, he was charmed by Eoclifli gold finches, and like another Ar nold, bafcly betrayed his country, BOSTON, February 27. Saturday morning about half pad eight o'clock, this town was alarmed at the cry of FIRE, occafioned by the copper of the PHILADELPHIA March 8. ' At a dinner given on Saturday, by the merchants of this city, to General Wafh ington, the foiluwintr toafls were drank,. in addition to thofe in our paper of Monday, volunteer Ioasts; By George Wafhington. Profperity to ihe commerce of jpennfyl vania, and ;o that of the United States ge. nerally. IVIa a fpitit of juftice amOnc. nations. fcOn difpel the clouds wiih which it is at prefent overcaft' and conducted upon the f.)id prnciples of honefty, and liberality . May itsbleflingsbedifFufed thro the wcrltj- By tbe ViceiPrefident. T ' ' JEternaJ union of fentimentj betvt'een the commerce gnd agricultuie of our country. The following were given by the public mirtilfers and others . May tins country of equality treat all ber ftietlds equally Succela to the purfuitt of the farmer of Vount Vcrnou. . jj'v. May Amend t.ike pride in herfelf. May "every nation feel herlctf as inde pendent of her f riends as of her enemies. Public grauiude: May America ever have realou to odebrate jt, as the fir A of virtue and firft of duwes. May love of country rife fupcricf to par ty politics and tne idterettsof America be the order of the day. The Man whofe integrity merits the con. 6d?nce of us all. The virtues of a public life crowned by the happinefsof his country. Good crops, oleafaut eales. and nn ' a ra w times to the Farmer of Mount Vernon. The t. itnds of America in every country. A new edition of the old bOnk. The claims of America : May they be Vindicated with firmnefs, whilit founded in jnltice. Equality: May thofe whodefrand it, be compelled to render it. In acquitting our debts to our friends, let us not forget what we owe to fturlelves. The nun, Her s under the late Preldent May their virtues and abilities be peipetu ated. May the Union, Liberty, and Profperity of America, be rendered perpetual by an adherence to the principles and policy of Wafliingtoru At a Benefit given it the Button Thea. t re, for the prifoners from Algiers, the fum of eight hundred and eightyifeven dollars was rsded. Excellcnfrxample. During the entertainment at Albany, in honor of the Prefidcnt's birth dy, the fob lowing note addfefled tothe Governor, was read from the chair, and thereupon three chiefs were admitted to the honor of the c mpany. To the Great Sachem of the ftate of New. York. Brother Attend ! By the goodnels of the Great Spirit we are allowed to lee the birth day of the Fa t her of the United States; which you cm- J I I I H .J I 11 1 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 i