Fr 4 K. " - brace as a. .day cf rejokingwe ailb have attended the ceremony. Now We are re joicing with you behind the hbufe; but our bands are empty yet if ybu would put fomethinr on oilr hands, that we may at it were partake with your rejoicing, it (ball be heard throughout our tribes Charleston, March 8. "We have received by the Federalift, capi. Pratt, London papert as laic as the 3d of January they Contain a vaft quantity of very important intelligence ; we this day give as copious extracts as the late hour of her arrival would adni't. The profpects of peace in Europe are tally dettroy 'o, negociation is at an cno. Letters from London, quote rice at ail quickjale ' lnlurance on American vcueisai juunuon was 5 per cent but had been fomctinie be fore as high as io. Mantua had not yet furrendered, but its tall was thortiy expected; Kehl has been moft violently betieged, but is Aid in the poueflion ot the French j 5000 ot the Auft rians were killed in one aflault, a major and a whole company had been hung tor reluf ing to attack, it. , A general idea prevailed in London, that the bmperor of Germany would be con- trained to enter Into a treaty of peace with the French, as from the good underftand ingr which exifted between 'the King of Pmflia and the Emperor of Germany, a treaty of alliance, ooenfive and defenfive was expected to be concluded between thulc two powers. VIENNA, December 10. 4jis-cnniirraed that the French lately en. deavored to tarry Mantua by aflaolt, - but were repuUed with great lot's Wormier has (lill room to act, and is not entirely ihut in. MANHE1M, December 10. Yefterday the enemy entirely evacuated Spires, after ordering -the magiftrates to ihut the gates. Gen. Hotae, it is faid, is to have a coherence this day with the ene my's general at the advanced polls at Mau dacht It is believed, howefer, that no rnnltice will be concluded until Kehl falls into the hands of the Impcrialifts. Th.s important pott is iocefiantly bombarded. Auitrian camp, near Kehl, Dec. 7 Yefterday we made a iuccelsful attack on the Heches of the enemy. A divilion ot the Archduke Anthony, waded through water up to their necks, and attacked the enemy iu flank. In this attack the French loft a great number of men, many ot whom were drowned in the Rhine. 7a pieces of can non are now playing os Kehl. Letters ffons Vienna, dated the 7th, af. ford the moil fatisfactory aflurances with refpect to the fate ot Mantua. 1 hey have received there a report from Field Msrfhal Wurmfer, dated the jd, in which he gat. ed that he had lately made a frefb fortie, which bad terminated foccefsfully, and in conleq'ience of which he bad procured fuch a quantity of. provisions, as would be futfi ctent for the confuuiptio3 of his army tor fome time. He was by no meant (hut up in the fortrela, part of his troops were eo. camped before it, and the pods extended for Ibme leagues in different points of the adjacent cooutry. PARIS, December 15. In antwer to a Utter ot the Editor of L Eclair refpc cling tome obfcrvationa which he had ttrfcrtcd on Mr. Pinckney, the A merican AmbafUdor, the Editor ftates, " That the Directory had juft come to a refolotioo, in which they declared that all connection between the French government and that of the United States, of America, mould be fufpended, tiU rcdref, fhould be obtained for thufe injuries of which they have realon to cofti plain ; tonfequently Mr. Pmckney would not be received by the republic." L'Eclair. December a6. For a long time paft no officii, accounts have been publifhed refpectmg the armies, although they axe neither inactive near Kehl nor iu Ita'y. One of our public prims ftates the report without affirming it, that the Auftrianshave abandoned their entrenchments before Kehl ; and another paper ftates on the strength of . a letter from Milan ot the rth infiant, that our army in Italyhas experienced a check near Padua, and that the blockade ot Man. tua is raited. Accounts of this complexion, which are now fpreadfor the fenth time, are extreme Iv fufpicious. But if it fhould be true, that Buonaparte, as we Underftand, is at this time at Milan, arid has publifhed a procla mation, senjoining to all the clergy and no bility of Lombatdy to repair to Milan, this circumftance would thow that he is net without apprehenfions for the fate of Italy. LONDON, January 1. The following notice is ituck up at Lloyd's : . " A letter from Paris mentions, that the republic will not receive or acknowledge any minifter from the United States of America, until fuch time as the grievances which they complain of ihall be rfediefled by that govern mem. London papers of the i ft of January con tain Engliihdetailsof Lord Malmefbury's Embafly we fubjoin thofe parts which relate to his departure from France, re serving the reft to a lefs hurried mo ment. T The French were expected to cede to the Emperor, Belgium, Maeftricht, Vcnloo, and the Italian States. Holland alio was to be rcftored to the Stadtbolder for which facrifices they were to receive as a ', cqmpenfation the Wettlndia Ifianda. Eng land in her plenitude ot juftice, was only to retain Ceylon anAhc Cape ot Good Hope! That a negociation for peace, founded on fuch propolals fhould fad can not be a matter of furprife. C The Qnderfigned minifter of foreign affaire is charged by the executive directory, to an fwerto Lord Malmcfbury's two notes of the 37th and 19th Kri in aire ( 1 7th and 19 th De cember, U, 9.J that the executive directory will ncrrany tott&er IHtcn to propofals, con trary to the laws and to the treaties which bind the Republic. And as Lord Malmefbury announces at every communication, that he is in want of advice of his court, from which it refults that he acts a part merely psduve in the ne gociation, which renders his pretence at Paris ufelefs ; the underfigned is further charged to give him notice to depart from Fa rts in forty eight hours, with all the perfons who have accompanied and followed him, ' and to quit as expeditioufly as poflible the territory of the Republic. The underfigned declares, moreover, in the name of the exe cutive directory, that if the B' itifh cabinet is deftrouiof peace, Hie executive directory is ready to renew the negociations, acrd ing to the bafts laid down in the pre lent note by the reciprocal channel of couriers. (Signed) CH. DELACROIX. Paris, aoth Ftimaife, (19th Dec.) 5th year of the French Republic, ue and Nidivifrble. DJ Lord Malmefbury haffens to acknowledge the receipt of the note of the minifter for foreign affairs, dated yefterday. He is pre paring to quit Paris to morrow, and demands in confeqoence the neceflary paflports, for himfelf and his fn'ue. He reqarftt the minifter for foreign affairs to accept the aflurances of his high conudera tbn. Paria, iOtb Dec. 1706. LONDON, Dae. 50. Yefterday afternoon, at four o'clock, Lord Malmefburv, accompanied by Mr. Ellis, ar rived at the Secretary of State's Office in . Downing Street, and nmdiateiy had an audience ef Lord GrsmvHc, who waa wait ing to receive him. In the evening they bad a conference with Mr. Pitt. 1 In Lord (hip landed oiiy yefterday morning about eight o'clock, at Dover, having been detainea at Calais nnee Saturday afternoon, by tempef taons weather. On his way from Paris, the people every where tettiKed the mm off. regret at hit Lordfhip's departure impre cating thofie whofe ambition and infotence has (o abruptly broken off the negociation for Peace. Extract of a letter from Riga, Kov. 30. ' The Emperor went a few daya ago to Jkoiciuuto, alone, and faid he waa a friend ot the F.mpcror i he believed be bad inter- ttt enough to procure mm his liberty, if be wonld promiie never to intertere again in the affairs of the ci devant Poland. " That I can readily do," replied Kofciufko, as 1 do not believe that if 1 had an rpportb nity that it would be ot any life." " Give me your hand then1 faid the Emperor, and know that 1 am the Emperor; from ttiis moment you are free, and that houfe (pointing to a very good one not far off) as alio a penfiou of 12.000 roubles a year. I dcfire your acceptarce of nd you are at the lame tune at liberty tbrcude here or riot, Juft afi you re ay chute." March 17. An extract of a letter dated Paris, Dee. aoth, received by the Federalft from London, contains information of the utmoft impor- .-. tance to the United States. 1 T tranfpired but yefterday, and it reached us at fo late an hour, as to preclude the pollibility of obtaining a written copy 1 what follows, is therefore given as correctly, as in our power from a verbal relation. It ftates, that Gen. Piuckaey on his ar rival at Paris prefented his credentials at our minuter Plenipotentiary to the executive directory -, that having waited fume daya without receiving an anfwer to them, he ap plied for one 1 for an anfwer to his applita. tion he was directed to apply to Charles Delacroix, by the minifter of foreign affairs he was likewife neglected ; Gen. Pinckrtey then wrote to the DireCiory rtquefting paff. ports for leaving jFrance, and was again re ferred to Delacroix j the Jame requeft was then made to citizen Delacroix, whofe an fwer referred Gen. Pinckney to the Munici. pality for paflports. This reference was objected to by Gen. Pinckney, who in reply (aid, that he came diplomatically veiled as the American mini tier, and that he fliould remain in Paris. until he received his pa Upon from the exe cutive directory. The letter likewife mentions, that when Gen. Pinckney had been direcled by Mens. Delacroix to apply to the Municipality for pari jwrts, he again wrote to the directory, enquiringif it were not a miftake of Mom. Delacroix. They anfwered, that any mif. takes made by him fliould be rectified, but it was impoflibie for Mons. Delacioix to uiif take. hi mmmk 1 WILMINGTON, March 23. The Poft from Fayetteville had not arrived when this Gazette was put to prtfs, which indeed is norhing rew. By thispoit the. i: habitants cf Wdmmgton, ai d Duplin in n irf.ruljr hair nf IjI hr.'it mod fhame" fully treated -in the laft three n.onths the mail for this town, has not arrived three tunes at the fixed hour; the Mwfpapfjs dcliverablfc on thrroad have mifc3rriai; or rather been made way with by the carrier and the Poft.Maftrr at Duplin, credibly informs, that the mail for that place but not come to band more than thiee times iu three months and an halt, altho by the poft office regulations, it fhould arrive onct a week 1 ioconfequence of which, the pi o. pie are precluded the benefits which ought to refult to them from fuch an cftahltfhment. Letters as Well at new (papers for feveral inhabitants ot faid place have uever reached them, nor been heard of. Where the fault of this impofition on the public lies, we fhall not pretend to (ay ; certain it is, there are juft grounds of complaint, and if the evil is not remedied, we might almo(l as well be without a poft. By the fchooner Polly, Stephen Con nick, which arrived laft week, from New-Providence, the printer hat received the Bahama Gazette to the 7th inftanr, from wnica the following is copied 1 NASSAU, March t Yefterday mornirga Dan if Schooner ar river here, in 1 days, from Jamaica. Prior to her departure, the January packet arrived at Kintfton, and brought iateilgence to the following r ffevt . The F.mprrft of ftiiffia was dead. Her Sue ceflor waa warm to the Inteielt of the powers coalesced aoinft France Sixty thoufand IluiUaui lumbarehed lotaGallicta, t replace