TO BE SOLD, THAT pari of Lot No. 5, in the town of Wilmington, whicb was faid by David flowers to the (ubkriber, bounded . on the tail by Front ftreet, on the iouthr by ground formerly Win. Ewais, now belonging tt John Martin, or. the welt by ground which the faid David Flowers fold to James Flening, and now belongs to Wm. Campbell, aid on the norib by gioucd be longing to Per Mallet. If this Lot is not fold by private fale before the 16th day of May next, it will on that day be fold at public auci or, On fix months credit. For furthr particulars apply to Mr. Richard Bradey, or to the fnbfcriber, who has alio for faefereral LotsirfFayeiteville, particularly i The Houfes and Lot poflefled by Col. Dekeyler. I I i The Houfes and Lot pflVfTed by Samuel Wilfon, on the north fide of court-houfe fqnare. g The Houfes and Lot poflefled by Jofeph Hays, oppolite to Nir. Adams's ftore. Several .inimprpved Lots in differ ent parts of the faid town. 100 acres and pward adjoining the town, between Grove ftreet and Lewis Barge's brick houle. 70 acres and upwards, at the back ot James M'Crackau's. and on both Tides ot ttamlay ftreet. 150 acres or thereabouts, above Havmoum, withina mile from town. 640 acres joining and above Malcolm Malay's, . tli. ,lin Ski r.,lc Crm-lr 'ikilir A 111 1 1C from town. 640 do on do. adjoining the Salt mentioned 640 acres. 640 do. on the northeaft fide of C ane.Fear, about 5 miles above Moot t's ferry, having a frcut of halt a mile on the river, immfdmely below Thomas Jone's land. ibb db. back of do. 200 do on Flat fwamp, joining Nathaniel Hohon's linds. i0 do or thereabouts, between lards of J cue Potts & William Lord. 500 acres pr 1 hereabouts, on Cedar creek, com- nrehertHina lua mill Mfltl I which maV be i a ' fold together, or divided into two tracts ; formerly the property of Sylvanus W ilfon, abo'Jt 8 1 ivies below Blockei's ferry. ao acres formerly Charles Macnaughton's, on Brown Maffh, Bladen county. 100 ditto in the Great M nh, formerly Goodwin's, in Robelon county 100 do in do. do. c'o. county 100 do on Bear' creek, Moore county. 250 d' on Waggon branch, wa. ters of Deep river, in faid county. 1333 1-3 acres on Stone's ri- -!, Ill MIC IU1L Ul llllllliui 11,881 do. of R. Henderfon and Company's Grant from tbe Aflembly of North Carolina! in Powei's valley and on Claret river. 2822 do. of R. Henderfon & Company's Grant from the AUenibly of Virginia, in Kentucky Apply at Hillfbjrough, to James Hogg. March 13. TO BE SOLD. A high poll fluted Mahogany Bedftead with cornilhes ; a complete let of new Bed Curtains of falhionable yellow f;rnnu Cnintz, with the fringes, lace, 1 net, ring, leads, taflels and pins thereto appertaining ; one piece of 32 yards tame Cbiiort, wilt irtnge, &c. for the window Curtains, aid the cornifhe. for tbe fame. Toe abov to be had new as from the Upholllcrer'i, and for the coll, fay 185 dollars Inquire ot Francis Fontaine. March 2. Taken uo bv the fubferiber's people, a (hp's Boat. The owner of which may have her by paying the e a pence of this ftdvertifement, giving a fmall gratuity to thr Negroes for securing hernd applying to Benjamin Smith. Belvedere, February at. FOR SALE, A tract of Land in Chatham county, 011 Haw.river, confuting of 450 acres, finely timbered and watered, with a good houfe, and out houle, liable, and a good flat at a valuable ferry, Commonly called Clark's Ferry, on the main road from Fayetteville to Hi'lfborougb. It has a na tural fine mill teat, the race about half done, the dam and floodgate finifhed, tim ber lor the law mill is hewed and at the Ipot, fome of the grift mill timber is got, and thirty ihoutand bricks at the' place ; the neighbourhood is a plentiful wheat country, where a good mill is abfolutely wanting, as the Creek mill in a dry feafon cannot grind, neither do they grind firrt quality flour, and no oppolitio'n on the river within fixteen mi les-i t is alio a good fit u ation for a diftillery. Much more could he faid with regard to its favourable fituation for a mill. A credit will be given. For particulars apply to Henry Lewis Lutterloh, Chatham county, or to Edward Jones, Elq. Attorney at Law, Wilming- & NOT ICE. The fubferiber intends leaving this place Ihortly, and there being an abfo lute neceffity of clofing all his bonneft here, all perfons having any demands againft him, are therefore delired to bring in their ac counts tor let t lenient ; and he earoeftjy re qoefts all thofe indebted to htm, to make fpeedy payment. JONATHAN AVERT. March 9. " 4 h The fubtcriber intends leav- ing Wilmington about the middle of April next, requelts thofe indeb:ed to him, to make fjaeedy payment, and thofe to whom he is indebted, to call for fettlement. William Smecton. March 16 3 ton. February 9. 6 2m N O T I C E. Samuel I. Thurfton formerly acYing partner in the Company of Wheat on, Tifdale & Co. tf this place, having lately left faid bulinels, it will in future be carried on under the firm of Wheaton, Tildale & Co. as aforefaid, and conducted by RO. BfcRT BALL, prelent acting partner, who has for fale, 35 cafks Old Sherry Wine ; 6 calks Port do. 6 talks Lifbon do. 6 pipes Madeira ; 40 box s beft long cork Claret -t 5 pipes Brandy ; 2 pipes Gin ; 10 crates Crockery Ware, allotted;- 3 hogiheads Glals Ware, afloned; 60 boxes Wirfbcw GLls 1 6cheflsBohea Tea; 3000 bulhels Si. Ubes and Liverpool Salt ; ith a gene ral a (Tort merit of European and other Goods, wholefale and retail. Wilmington, March 2. S 0 r c e. All perfons having accounts unfettled with Wheaton, Tifdale and Co. while Samuel I. Thurllon was ailing part ner, are requelled to come forward 10 loon as pofliide, and fettle the fame; and thofe who are indebted to faid (tore while under the direction aforefaid, will pleafe make immediate payment to Robert Ball, prefent aamg partner in lata home, to wnom men as have any demands againft the Co. afore faid, will apply for payment. Daniel Wheaton. March 16. tf.' NOTICE. ' The Copartnerfliip of Spauld- ing and Dean being this day, by mutoal con font, diflblved, all perfons having accounts unfettled with them, are requeftedto call on Jofeph Dean, at Mr. Samuel Lowder's (tore, for fettlement, and thofe indebted to them, to make payment to him, who is authorifoc to receive all debts due to the Company, znm will pay all debts due from the concern. ' Philip Spaulding, Jofeph Dean. March 6. it tf IjT NOTICE. " The copartnerfhip of Harris and Springs is by mutual content, this day 3ifloNed, tnofe whom they may have run ing accounts with, are reqaefted to render them for fettlement ? and thofe who are in. dfbted to fisid firm, will pleafe to make im medtate payment, is there is an abfolute nc cclfity far fettling the concern. PETER HARRIS, Mareh 9. tf SUDGWICK SPRINGS. WANTED ' A good houie Wench, and a Negro Boy about 1 2 or 1 a years of aee. to attend in a family. Knaire at Mr. Verrier'i. Marcli4i6. . Three Dollars Keward. , Ran away from the fubferib er's plantation at the found, a mulatto Girl named NANCY, about fixteenjyears of age, well known in and about Wilmington. The above reward will be paid to any perfon who will lodge her in the goal of Wilmington and inform the fubferiber thereof. As he isfuppofed to be harboured by fome evil difpofed. perfon, ajl makers of veflels and others are hereby forbid harbouring or -concealing her at their peril of profecution to the ui molt rigour of the law. PETER MAXWELL. March a; 2 Ten Dollars Reward. Ran away from my plantati on, on Wednefday evening lad, a negro lad about iS years old, (lender made, and rather knock-kneed he ferved his time to mr. Peter Harris, blackfmith, in Wilmington, where he is well known ; and he fays he has a wife, a negro girl belonging to mj. Vance, named Lucinda, whom it is probable may fecret him. Whoever apprehend the faid negro and bring him to me at the Hermit age, or confine him in any goal, fbaU'rew ceive the above reward. Mafters of veflels are forwarned not to carry him off or em ploy him on board any veflel, ice. John Burgwin. Hermitage, 17th March. : nrovocatinn. is a likely able-bodied neirro. about fiv m 9 , w feet 9 or 10 inches highhe Ipeaks plain, and is extremely plant ib)c and deceptioui I am told he has been frequently harboured at the big Bridge, and ft is fuppoled is now gone up towards Long creek or Black river. The laid fellow is outlawed, and whoever harbours him will be prole cuted with the utmoft rigour. JOHN BURGWIN. Hermitage, 4th February. ' 6 Fifty Dollars Reward. STOLEN from the fubferiber, in Wil mington, North -Carolina, on Sundav the fiiit iuftant, a grey Horfe, with a dark main and tail, his main cut, about 13 and an half hands high likewife a faddle, bridle, and a brown camblet great coat, lined with green baize, and has claret coloured bafket uttons. The perfon who carried away the faid horfe, &c. palTes by the name of DAVIS ALE, otherwife DAVIS ALLEN 1 he is a bout 26 years of age, $ teet 1 1 inches high, well made, pafles for a fchool and Gnging maller. He has pafjed by Tarboroaan for Edenton. Whoever will take op faia thief and horfe, fo as the fellow may be brooghc tojaftice, and the owner get his property, fhall reoeive the above reward, or twenty five Dollars for either. J. R. Robinfbn. January to. H tf N. B. It isreauefled that the printers of Newfpapers within the United States, will infert the above advertifement, as it may be the means of detecting fuch vil lain v. Blank BILLS of EXCHANGE May be bad at this office.