IV I L M I N G T 0 N G A Z E T T E. No. 23. II U R S D A Y, JUNE 8,; 1297. Vol, I. J PHILADELPHIA, May 16. O N G R E S S.I Thisdav preeifelyat 12 .fVIock, the Pre fi dent of the United-St -tee met bochHoiifes of Congrefs in the lr.il! of the Rep.efen- tatives, wheie he addt elied them in the following Speech : Ceuiiemen of the Striate, and Gentlemen ke lloufe of Keprcfenia. ves, THE perfonal. ircoiiveinence to ne members of the Senate and of the Houfe t' tire Directory , two days afterwards, the minilter of foreign relations, informed ihc recalled American minilter, That the Exe cmive Dhetftory had determined not to re ceive another miniller pleiiipoteniiary from the United States until after the redrefs of grievances demanded of the American go vernment, and which the French Republic had a right to exoeet from it. The Ameii- can minuter- immediately endeavored roaf cei tain whether by refuting in receive him, it was intended thar-he fhould retire from the territories of the FrenCh Republic ; and ndifpenfa.ble duty to recommend to your tcbfideration effectual meafures of defence 1 iie commerce of the United States, has become an intere'ting object of attention, whether we conlider it in relation to the wealth and finances, or the ftrength and re fourcesof the nation. r-JWith a feacoalt of near 2000 miles in exteur, opening a wide object; any. fieiious and permanent injury to cofrrBet ce would not fan to prduce the molt nban affing diforders: To: prevent it 1 i.-, .! 1 'L : - ' I f 1 ' ory. ror nr. orarnai ; ng uunermiuen ana oenroyeu, iris year, are fo obvious, chat 1 the nv.- u thic-ation he driirrd 1 'vuttci'. ar.'-.vei ,' ' that it leceive an adequate protec- v-. , . - -------- . . - 1 JK.epre tentative, n ...leaving rHei, fain,! J verbal aid wers were given that fuel, was the and private affairs, at thjs feakm t I'h-cmion of the Directory. . rate,whether the means of general defence ought not to be increafed by an addition to the regularartillery and cavalry, and by ar rangements for forming a provincial army. With the fame view, and asamealure, which even in a tia.e of univerfal peace, aught not to be neglected, IrecQmmend to yourcomiderauon a reviiionof the laws :or nlhcries, navigation and commerce, r - . .-r y r B- n 'Or orean zing, arming and dilcin hmnjr plythnr indurtry and epterprize to ihefel nwm "nacr nat nature and late ueicuccui me vuuiiii) , tuicatiuui. Although it is very true that Ve ought tiot to, involve ourfelves in the political lyftem of Europe, but to keeji curfelves Iways dittinct and feperate from it, if we pen fable. It would have afforded me tlw hipheft fa- tistaclion, to have been able to conPiatiilate M : r . -r . j"") ;vo icuumiroirur peace to toe nations ot but oe, whole anirnohties have enda; proceeded to AniftcrdAjn wfiere he propof en 10 wait lor uutruction H orn this govern ment. During his refiden.ee at Paris, cards j..cu uui Manijouuy, duc we nave iWll threatened with being fnbjected to the jurif abundant caiife ofegratitude to the fuoreme Hidiou pf the minifter of police-but with dilpenfer of national hlcffmgs, for genrralbecoin!Hg.firnfefshe infilled on the proTec health and pronnhng feaions ; for domcll icltinn nfr this law nf n'intits rliif f t Inm oc i and locial happinels for the tapid progreihe knhwn miuilter of a foreign power. n"T ar.';uuoi:oi lnuuitry, throiiPti You will derive further information from jantKuy; when receiving notice in writing t-h naval eliablifhmcnt mmt occur to tv iuu i ne -icri nones or oic rvepuuuc, nev'j hiviii, v nu ciuiii.icis.iiic iOfi ics. jjojp- rtntted on our commerce the miuas ofteied to oiir oiiizeus, and the description yf the veflels by which thele abufes have been extenfive territories ; for civil, polit icl ai'd religions liberty. W hile ot'ner ftatesare de folated with foreign war, or coiiyuliejl with inieltinedivifions, the United States prefent the pleafing profpec't of a nation governed d mua ana equal laws oenerallv fatistted with the pofTeffion of their rights iieitheT envying the advaninges nor fearing the power of other nations folicitous only foi the maintenance of order and judice, and the prdervation of liberty ; increaiing daily in their attachment to a fyftem of govern nient in proportion to their experience of its utility , yielding a ready' and general obedience to laws flowing from the reafon, and refilling on the only fijlid foundation, the affeclions of the people. It is with extreme regret that I (hall be obliged to turn your thoughts to otiier cir enmftances, which admoiiifh us thai Ionic of thefe, felicities may not be lafling. But if the tide of our profoeritv is f ull and a re. his difpatches : "which will belaid before you. . As it is of ten neceflary that nations fllouhl treat, for the mutual advanvage of thcii al tans and elpeeiallv to accommnda;e and pradtifed : as t.he fuffi ings of our mercan tile and fcrfarina; citizens, cannot bi: af ci ibed to the pmiHionof duties demandaLle, cOnfidering the lieutFal fitnation of our country, they are to be attributed to the hope of impun'uy arifing from a fuppofed inability on our part to afford protection to refill the coniecjuenccs of fucli inipreiii- eafrt-yetto eS'ee th-4 pun6tii-i and continual information ot tbe current chain of;events and of he-otittar " projecfk contemplation is no lefs leceiTa. ry than if we were directly concerned irt them. It is nectfiary in order to the di? covery of the eflorts made to draw us into the vortex, in leaion tp nmke preperationa againft them. However we may confider eunelvesi, the maritime and commercial powers of the world will conlider the United States of America as forming a weight in that balance of power in Europe mi fin tli ififtila rf Mrirtii nAiiftna oiwl to mm ai-aivdl the degradation of the fie- wh,ch never cnn be forgotten or neglected. , it .. . - vv . , i. . I r uifMil.l . , ,,.., , , . J i . . . . . t I very, v inch they mult hnallv itnmn on the ' " vu u "Ul uc ii'ouu our inteieii 'erminaie differences, and-as they cnn rreatjAtririeaii character, is an .important duiyjbut it would be doing wrong to one half only by niinillei s, the rioht of emfallv is of govern.ment. of Europe at lcaft it we mould voluntarily A naval power next to the nnhtia is thethrow ourlclvea into either fcale. It it uaturaTdcfenre of the United btates. Thea natural oolicv for a nation rhntftnditrt experience of the lait war would be fufficiik, Ijeuu a, to 0f wfth mhfcr em to fcew, that a moderate navy force,Ln ,j in i ih;, i Fifth as would be eafily within the prefent b T , . , r"" , U1 ibiluies of the unjon, would have beeulAl F t,me ihat meafures might b ftifficienr to have hafiled, manv fo. tnkh.ble Purluea Wirn t,lls v?ew our twaties with tranfpbrtatiou? of ttoops, from one Hate to,1 rul!ia and awrclen, one of which is expi anwther, woudi were then practifc-l ; our'red and the other near expiring, might be feacoatts from their great extent ate uuirc. renewed. Weil known; and tfjablifhed by theJiw an ofage iff nations ; the rei'tdal on the part of rtance to receive and hear our nifnHfer i: then the denial of aright; but the 1 efnlbl to receive him, until we have acceded to their demands without difcuflion, and with out invettigation, is to treat ns neither a? allies, nor as friends, nor as a 16ercii. (fate. With this conduct of the French govern tnent, it will be proper to take into view, the public audience given to the tniniller of the United States on his taking leave of the Kxecutive Directory. The lpt ch of th Prefnlent difclofes fentimcnta more ahst til ing than the rcfufal of a minister, becaufc famt time fhidioidU gnities towards the yo- vernment of the United States. It evince a difpofition to fcparate the people of ihe U mted States from the government : to ner- jluadc them that they have different atiecti i alily annoyed, and more eafily defended by naal force than any other-, with all Gentlemen of the Hcufe of Reprejentatives, It isp-irriiuiarlv vour province to conn. t... "' 1 . . I l 111 i i ue mau'i mm our country atx-unos j in ikiii r fu ftafM - lht, ltnKi:,. fitnre olwi ur naval architects and navivaiors are emi d . , . ,r , i i ( 1 n adopt Inch mrafurcs re pecting them as to ary- and commanders bihI fcamen wiU , . , . v 6 " , not 1 evantinr. exijjcr.ces fhall be found to require. The 1 - thm -itaWiJhiMfTit of a pc prctemiion a put-n- credit, the regular wSenV lyftem of naval defence, appeal s.extinguillunent ot the public debt, and to rqpifite ; I aui fenfible it cannot bea provifion of funds, to defray any extra for;:ed lb fpeedily cV extenfively as the pi e: ordinary expentfs, will of courfe call for lent crifis demands. Hitherto, 1 have!your fcrious attention.' Although the im thvnu.it proper to prevent the failing of porltion cif new burihens cannot br, in it arnvd vrllels. except on vovapes to the ! w .... -i j . .. r c lfir. arret ,in . it incir: s no irrnnnn , , c , - - 0 - felves have ehofen to manage their common concerns, ami thus to produce divifjons ta lal ti our peace. Such attemois onnht to Lr repelled, with a dccifioh w hith fhall con - vjjice France and the world that we are no! a degraded people humiliated under a colo nial Ipii it of fear ami fenfe of inferiority, fined to be the miferable inflrnments uf(& reign infiueix e, and regardlcfs of national lonor, character and mtereft. I fhould have been happy to have thrown a ved oer thefe tratifadiuili, if it had been ohibie to conceal them ; but they hat paflt-H on the g-eat theatre of the world in the face of all Kiuope and America, and with fuch circumstances of duplicity and fo lemnity, that they cannot be difguifed, and will not foon be forgotten i they ha n flitfeda wound in the Amcricau.brfcalt It is my fu ice re define, however, that i a a "a ' may nc ln alel: It n my ftncfrc dehre. and in this I pi chime I col nr wnh you, and wim our connitucnts, t. mt-lervr pence and permiffion proper; yet the reUricticn has Pttr " om OU ,UC 1 mlurcj " W originated finely frnnrjl wiHi io prevent Pre,c'" 'ur:ty, anu iuture mterttu OV colnifimiis w'uli the powers at war, contra- m.ind. vciuiMMhc ad of Coiii'tefs of Tune, one .Jfj. J thouiand feven hundred and ninety-four,! r M i Uri r r D . r . .. . i . r ii -il l GentL-vstn of the Hou e of heprefentativts. and not from anv doubt entertained bv me J l " ' y f the policy ftiid propriety of iiermininc! The prelem lituation of our country, io- oiir vtllcls to employ means of defi-nre,'pofes an obligation, on all the deparmenfs w.n.e engaged m a lawlnl foieign 'com-'of government, to adopt an exphcit and - rye. it remains for Congrefs to pre-jdecided t'ondutf In my lituation an ax icribe Rich re(Hfltious.as will enable our! r..-. r.L i' l , , , " . . ., puuiion oi uie pnncpies, ny wincn n v iealain.g cit:y.-tis to dtlend them elves 1 n in j J . I ,i inn i 11 f i , n IS. 1 I I 1 Mniifirirl ... mrt violations of the law of nations,) , u.w.mu, ufi,l4 IKll and at the lame time tcfli ain ihein, from committing acts of hbAlUty Bguiuli the flux commencing, a vigilant circumfpet't ': " - "-y ' ion; and at the I who fortitude and extricate ourfelves ii.'Sifjinarked with indigni their conleqnrnces with all the flill we pif fefs and all ihe efforts in our power. In giving to Congrefs, information of he Rate of the Union, ami recommending .o ineir conftderation Inch meafures as appear Ions, principles andintcrctl, f.om thole of F.a,r.Inlies where general nfio-e and the ' SSrV . " , i "Hi iu me to ne necetiy or expedient, acco-hheir fi-llow-citizens, whom they them-danger from pi. a.es appeared to render. the Pr J.. ,. . .. .. I 1 J i 7.. J i .... ' - J-l (. n ,! liV-l. ni.ilnr., , I, . nig tu uij jmiuuii'Jii-ii otity, the caLlc ami the ohjectVof the prefent extraodinry fellionwill be explained, After the Prc-fident of the United States received information, that the french eq vernment had exprefled feripus difcon tents jar (brhe proceedings of tlie government oi meie itatrs. laid to afft-ft the intercllsof trance, he thought it expedient o fend to that countrv a new minifter. f ullv inftrnA. jl to enter on fuch amicable difcnflioi.s, and ra give inch candid explanations, as might happily remove the dilcontents and fulpici n of the French government, -and vindi cate the conduct of the United States, for ihis pnrpofc he felecled from among his fel low-cuixens, a character wboft integrity, talents, experience and fervices, had placed him in the rank of the mod efteemed and K oeifted in the'nation ! The direcl objret ot his miffiort, was exprefled in his letter of cicdeni- to tfie frrnrh H.'pid,li(v belli', "to Maintain that good undeilfinding, which from the Cnmmriw rmnit nf iln .ilium r li i I fnhfiMr l be: with the two nations' and to efts e unfavorable Impremoni i banifh ful " urns and reUore that c ordialiiv, whirl, w is at once the evident mwl id.,l,i. i fiien diy union "Ami his iuftructions were to the f imr eftet'f, faithfullv to renrefen! the difpofitum nfttre government and people-of the United Slates, their difpofition i iur one, to emove iealoufics and obviate complaints, by flawing that they were proundlcl, to reftdrc that mutual confi dence, which had been fo unfortunately, and injnrionfly impaired , and to explain the relitive iiiterrlt ,vi both countries and the ir.d fentniients of his own." A miniller thin fpecially conimiflioncd, it l. expected, w.mhl havi inovrd Am In. flnimeht ef refloring mutuarconfidence be- v crii the two reiitihliri i h. K, M it-,, ..r f, "c rrenm government cor.clponded with WW expectation. A few dy before bis mnivai at mtj ihc nrmli miniller of fo. pe't'u relations informed thr A urr'n m ml I-'ilter then refident at Paris, ,,i be fotm.di ties to be obferved by hJmfjrlf in laUinc lueinlfhiii With all nations, and h e inn that neither the honor, nor the. IntereA ol powm at war. In audi ton o this volun- aiy provifion for defence by individual ii'izcns, it appears to me, neccllarv to L'l"1!' he fiikiai and. paovide oUici flwh f interiOi ffcr, to tahe under convov i id weichni i cflcif as fliallicmain unaimed. For greattr part of the ensife is, win depirdation have been moft fanjtiriotli have been built, and fume of ihcm part all equipped in the united bates. Aiuiou-h m cffedual remedy mav be attended with difficulty, yel I have thought it my duty io to be omitted. It m impofl.hle to conceal from ourfelres or ihe w orld, whai has been before obfer ved, that endeavors have been employed to fi ller and elUbhih a divifion bei(a inc go ui iiuicnr anu pccpie ot tne Ul:K ed States. Trt Inveftipjte the (inn. Q vh ch have encouraged this attempt is not ncc.fl..ry. liut to repel by decided and" untied councils, inlinuationi fo derogatory to the honor, and aggrclfions fo dangerous to the eotffltfuuoh, union, and even inde- pen leme ot the -nation, is an indrfpenfij. ihe United States abfojutelf forbid the rc- i y a . priiuonol uv:ukc lr hcui io' lliel de- ln able objcits with France, I fliall iuilitme a fiefli attempt at negociattoti, and fliall not fail to promote and accelerate an accommo dation, on terms, compatible with the rights, duties, intercity and honor of ihe nation : if we have committed errors, and thefe can be demonftrated, we fliall be wiilinc to cor tei'tiifin. it we n.nrdone iniuues. wr fliall be willing on convidi,n to rcdrcfi abroad have fitted out priv.ueeis, awl,re,B- ant' tlomeHic faclions, in oppofifon i ' lent the fubiecl pctitiallv to oi.r coii-lble dutv t o m 0 - 0 ftdeiation. If mode can he devififd, tKJ' "ufl not be permitted to be doubted the Hifdom of Congrefs, to prevent thcUhethcr the people of the U. States will refourcesof the United Siate from being lpport ,,1C p0vcrnment, elLbffi.fd bv converted into the means of .innovmg our f , . . . , ,y Made, a great evil w,d b. SSSSL VS pli With ,,c fame view I ihink it proper t o i ' ."" ffCf Cl,'1Ce ' 0r "het!"r T mention ihai fi.me of our citizens relidennucr" 5 c"""v turecn-m ot to- ihem , am! equal mrafurcs of julticc we have a right io expert from France and every -- - - 1 TL. Jfl . A other nation - I he diplomatic iuterronrfe ted fpoliations on the commerce of the maintained nciween tne united Mates and r ranee being united States. Mich unnatural and illiquid fur ,,iyfelf. bavipo never been it difleren-' at prefent lufpended, the government his tous prac'tices can ie itfliaiued only by-,n u', f(lllf(.r, J?i ,it- ,J.n t no meana of obtaining oflicial information feverenunimmeata. - 7 l "hdt ,Ka "Vn,frcn. of mf mr th.r rM.n.rv. 7, n.ur. .i. u... ir.i ,.r - couniry i ucvoiedtnc r-eit part of my hie ' "W I lIVIO I i it i isi 1 ' .r. and bv hit fllrerihir IM n IMM i I' re rem inn Th.i. r..,i.. ... .i t 'f . IUI MIHIIIKI IIICJ vir ICi Itafon to believe, that the li4tecuiive Direr - loiy pafled a decree on the ad of March lall, contravening in part the treaty of amity It ' oMimerce of I77B, injurious to our lawful commerce and endangering the lives of our rii izena A copy of this deciee will be laid belore you. While we are endeavoring to admit all others have voluntarily laken the command 10 --1C'1 oW 11 government, they will foreki: orenteied on hoard of them, an. I cominit-'the honorable Nation they have hiiheuo on the leai.lthu.k ,t highly Rtcafitw w'10 fJ W fapport ill independence, prated it at home, wheic it . tvlleCttd m Jml CH,,,tanl,y wnncflcd the patiotifm, our melt import ..nt ports. The di(lance "i,rl,,y prefeverance pf my fellow ol ihe United :tatc fmin t urope, and tiie titiiens, on the motl trvit g OCCafiaMi t well known promptitude, ardour and cour avc ot the people, in defence of their conn ny, happijf uinbiuh the probability nf MvaMHi , neverthelels to fuard againft fod- Teo i and on tUe Ota of Drrember ore. lour iliftrrrtirrt Willi mwi hm nmi, J,l. ht.. i ..r.,i,i.,r, i.irnti; ,i. ; mea olticially to the miniller of foreignlgociation, the progrefsol the war in LuropeJof fome of our principal feapnits, demand . -worn? a copy oi Im letters ofithe deedatiom on om commerce, the your conuderRtion. And as our countiv - 1 v"- r ' 1 "- om viicmiiri(i 1119111 uinciabte in oioer imeretTt, nrmrestnoTe rr-Wc vrere laid tcfo, c ihe Exccu-i;ci,eta. cot j U on vd atfairs, render it my of its ewnerec, ycu v-Ul feriouiy dthtc is nut for me to hefnate, or aberdoti a caufe, in which aiy heart ba lieen fo lon engaged. vonvinced that the conduct of the go vernment hat been juft and impartial to fo reign tutiom ; that thofe internal regulsti uus, which have been cflablimed by law tor the prcfervation of peace, are, ia (hi if i "TT- 'I