Vl. V. H J 1 f. - :: j.. Uf ' - 4! 1 1 I I i : ?fi!nrr; of our atcrii JO relol d that It tfrodd cut. I r on hi lir t m co It tut o "Wuh thtrkQl de i; u b. ic ulrc-ouceu I yci jgo tu.t-e pe pie won ,be ftnaie.i.. convu'fi "n ? T! er? is as yet rime tr- f mv vri'h .neuom ano di tunnm ; it w,n ve mioourlyltem vittuut v..eiice, f .tiotu d Ituib'iigat. one of i s p n sj an wt bt come to wicWf faritofiedfr at to tioywd, ai ta-hcli.ate for one hour to re (tore urfeWcs to the 'hea'th -.which ii would bt lure to give? vv hen we itenerant po.er that h confers upon others, wr bughi not to "vnhh 'Id it from Great-Britain How long is it lincc we were told' in this houle thai France was a btank .iu X-ie mip ot u rope, and that (he lay ah e -ty prey to any power that tnightbe difpofed to divide and plunder her? Vet we fee by the .inert f orce and fpirit of the principle, France- has brought all Europe toner ffeer, Withou; dilgmiing the views of France, without overlooking the horrors that have b 'en c minuted, and that have tarinmed the plorV cf the revolution, it c annotate denied tiiat they have exemplified the doctrine, that if you 'with lor power you mult look to liberty. If ever there was a moment when this muxiai ought to be near to uv it 'S st prel'eut. We have tried all oth-jf mean , we have had'recoui fe to every hVatagem that artifice, that luttuence, ttut cunning tavi.nr ot a lnonianctoa act. Vv rat". II oe when itjstxiored From yen writn mu , -nation and vioktive.? God iro d inn th s lhould he theife, but now if the m nwv to prevent it; and now it is w ildoin inV -yfVbr to i f cou)inend it te- b heti oi 17 i . .... .-i . l may enter uuoau the conlujrtitm io,wnn n it leads, ra'thtr t h a1i poltpone it to a tinn when you will have noti i. tr to tor hder but th-.- number and the force ol thole who demand iti 1 belicre.th.it we are come to the laft rao merit of poliible remedy. oektvc ti at at ihfe.mment Ute'enemje cf both re lew ; but 1 firmly believe that what f as keen leen in-Ireland wti'l be experiena d a'fo I ?re, and ih itit we ate to vo on in the lame ca retr with convention bills and adds ot exaf perat;on of ail kinds, thatv thefrwwUf be come the many, and that we lhali havr to nav a. kvcre rt trdnuion f r . our Diclent pride. VV'hata noble lord (aid lome time ago i l r ranee, may be applicable to this very fubject : " Wlut," la with t rance ? with men ?le negtTcia e hands are recking wt h the blood of tlitir foveriini ? cou d fugsrett; weiuve addreflcd ourlelves r Wliat ! Shdl we degrade our fe ryes by going to pride, to avarice, fo tear, we nave a wakeued all the .interefted emotions; we l.ave employed every thing tliat flattery, every th.n, that tear, every thing Urn nble, d -; d unde't iivi i'eoe could ffecl .js.. ba-ve... tried" to . &. . : ... ' I 11 I i . tes nty them into exeruon, aau an nas oeen unequal to our emergency. Let us try ihen by the only means-hich expnience dem onftrates to be iuviodibl ; let b ad dtefs out fclves to their love, let us identi fy ih m with ourl Ives, let us make it their o.vn caufe as well as out's, to induce tium t icome forward in fupport of th; it;tc ; let us tiuke. tnema part of t lit flaif ; and t! is they become the very inftant yt u g ve tlitm a lionle of commons that is tlie ta t '.ful rnan if ih ir will ; then, iir, uhen you haVL- made them believe aud f-el th t th'-re can be bat one interilt in th count y, vou vill never ca'l upon them in vain tor exertion. Can this be the c.de as ih' houfe of cinmons is now cO' fti utetl? r,.rhv t inL fu it :hev review the admin- i n to r.nsi. and there alkine m plom.itit la-guage, to be on a g aanatne ut't) mem ? udititinun leineinner thele loitv word , anu yet we hod come to this humiliation ; we haa mgo- wou.a wf n '-ai flat w)S h tt i nrif.l . us. i hi I a tit. h iftM&ntetfU ih) t e, Mr. PUt.lhJjlJm siJioi a ItUl? yJ?flr'j!ri ry, i&tjL "a luhjrci Jh l'' tj 'Cthtnt;bs u lsa iot:fittruii',n, liana wre a tLUutt r-preft tJation oj ti e D'i 'ld ' c.J cf ti e vtoplt. iti Gxat Lr ta.n Jlr uld not have teen none td orrtcommtn.i d ,y.th fcpe themefecj vjbjivefe o vevy hiaii riily mtti Jl d u it ; andtLt in all tie duttJes gttf4U tor'4he difmiflul of mhijtirs, no mi'ntwh hm fieri made- on WuBfjmf i tntcition ; M trijhd, then i rlrei itiviuld u, it a) t be alhviid, there -was a lit org pteianp t'mn that there did not exit t in the public ininc a drire'Jor rfj amg that meafure. LL The "rcat calamities ivhick had ( f lute ful Ln vn the cowitry, haa arijtn from the -jjuI mm France. f Thy were, the coti((juence of extraordinary ctt At s that required extra O'dnary expenditure, which ttr.tiimtn u. the .other fide of the houfe call? d inroads ot, tht (.onjliiutiw ; but which thof, in the ether fidp caJtd buhoctks of it, at d '.: 'ub he ivus i U-cir in of) rttng had pttvnted the (foUntry from inkt g under theemten. Witlout duel ting... m,M.Qpic which had bten Jo frequently recurred tffjve would at once point to lie con vittmn of every pian, 1 whether pliiJtyntent, mjupportirg government throughout the war, bud'vot cfi' fi mtly clid in unhn with the Tbe to iiv ifu extiat'i- ii oe) L e i ilr rH ..isio tin- 14a. inli. (i i;e tlav ta.tr th n t tl.WfLM Wfiij o'ber cltaiii.rl) n)c rtcrwed Ky I e hi 11 fli Iciteij ot N'arqiif , fliip f'otiux, 1 c'r.. G rchada t7 lord tint n a dina nii ICS, IV .IT exh' ciaretl with Franc", and 1 liybn lurprized to lee the .noble f Ha.vkclb'Jrv J BOine Xo rafis, not at head of his regiment, but coniai Iho'n to thole regie Upon a g'oJ underltan 1 haii wc men oe m nu tnt .e the events ot thi worl view ?. Fride, obltinacvmd itilu't mtitei d iu concefljjoti's, and th 4e conct'liions mud be humble in preo irticvh to cU'- onbecitnjng pride. Nav is the luonifni to prtV;ni ah thele degradation ; jh? monarchy, the; ri lfocracy, the pc(piethijm'ei't's may ni w be Lvcd : it is on i nccellaty ai t:;i) m - mi nr 'o conquer our p dTi n . L' t tn hi miters, whole rvii genius has broUkh' us to our prelrni Condition, ret r from the Prefnict nl a fciu ral Peace! I.OMjON, Jiu 13. ' "I S e rccei.cu il t nig 1 J c't.i r tall the Va. is papers omhe.6ih and vh ii If. Tht y 01,1:1.11 i u intrreltii inicUinc e, and are t'itrty fiiUil wiiK-su count? r.f-ilie litfnrs t ndeved 10 Batrtllclejiui, the new I)ireOtor, nib on his delvar nie from Swjt7rlafld. ikI oil his ill iiv i.'t t in ., vliult lie itacb il on tl f7itli 11 H . in ( r lock in the nuim? I ngv . ( i. lea ing tttc, i t. j ; iic-d . mult ral a 11 ivipnal ai eh, 1 1 1 citu hy it e Mmi l on M iis, -,t the fronting of witsteiland, with ihe iiifcriptioii " To the FiiLitaaioi 01 Kn- I e.1' He -cvrmcc. at ta-tis iiuognito, to tlcape the intended 1 oiKrms Ot l is jectpr ioi, Oijr readers will find in this papf r an account of the ceremonial of liis inltal hition. It is with 1 lie tumoll ' iiisf.tiidrf w fi jiluf in the fpe( clu-s t'f livti e,d pri ibis cccsli o by the Prelident cf the Dirt ciory, us Sc arf by the new Dii etftor, the ."nioll une quivocal pi oit lhons or an earutlt dtluc t coi clmle ;i GENERAL PFACT. We peak from good atith.ority when we oblerve, that lei the negociation now about to take place between this coniny tpd France. tei ininatc as-it may, it will cnin nicnce under 'f he in oft fa ourafcieL atiiTpityrs vedt maj n ily af tbt people ; Hewr,uld af.; and there, is the Itrongfll giound to believe, fifty: thqt in no part of the great tH proiperi- tv tnjoxfd by the nation; in no particular iimejjt public welfare even after the Ann- t'icaH War, when every fyfi-m of national happm fs war ninniftfl, wnen every jmrce Of creait, commerce at,d marufaclu: e .was called into aftion in the mod p-ro&udhve and from various concurring en cmii'tanc es, tUat both parti. -:s are in light earrefi to Whig the war to a contlnlion. On the pan l ihis country 'the hucere djlpofitici: ct his Ma- jehy's miniliers can hardly , be doubt ed ; atidj the reafons are lo ohviuus, uvat it is unne- i:elh.ry to Hate them. 1 he arguments in aor of tlie executive covei niumt of . u-'j ... . ,L r. 1. I " Nupmni manner , in nt. one j wo e venous, . . r., C. Whowtver coneenud it micht have been to te'., 11. r icm . . - . . .iiv tironp anu odvious. rrorn ine cuane 01m nf")),nf rf N-f nwAu i( iiMi i hm.ntaiiLUA ?. P ..... . . . ; . -...(.; 1 ' 'K hi iu . , , 1 1 r. .'iwiil I - , 1 . 1 : 1..,. 11.'.. . . I. f pnin ii wnicu nafr manu.ciieu iricai un onvMif i.trition y the rig'.K h loarable gentl. 10 in. pott to vnich thy ; r- un qua!, and with every P rr o Which H U.t con ince tllini I ,n earivfit delireot r-cov. r 11 ; the t'oun rv, that toe r . pr.Ununon a mockery anJ a j purfue tt is nndcrate fc lie me of tin, unaer ihe dUlpfces ot in n who .ir hkii. b fore fe duvi, all jw J to conciliate iim; opinion ot tf)eieople. 1 nv- o makg a li gle oblervnioo vith ret- do not Ipe .k tjfti', lir, Ir rn per.'Oiial ambui. jad ,w : A. id now, fn 1 - . 1 1 p t to 'U en iraur anu iu u 1 .1 n moic 1 cn ; It is U.'ao m me ; who ' -avc, i i c ouiuuet oTTVvi h m V f, f R 1 wiih, ot 111.. tt be th r u itv tcMipp dcth DivreU nave no defi. of ire peopu at iarpe,y chrj.di'titlv m.ii::tint that in no one of .them whatever, were the feelings of the people of il :gland more conpentat to lee meaurespur (Utljhby gobffjyNcm than during the courje cf te.phrknt war, ana at the p eft nt moment. At thtrcfe t moment, he repealed, amid ail the d-fjiult!iS and anbi.rrafments unavvd-e 1 ly Caulei by a vigorous pteecution of ' h jlil- c, f)itei futedb pariu.metiiin uppO't 1101 of .hisddaitroU' w .r. IhearttiW, "Vou Jo not hi ig bu mi chief wheny u a e here. and vt we ihou.d h 1 r.y 10 ec vo 1 awj." I do no- know how we lb dl b able to fatis'y the gentHrttieri wbo t towards us 1.1 tins wav ; it ve c n n tn r do our iaty iihpj t mi .h n ,-a: 1 . j 1 .11.1 .. . 1 . 1 .... ; ... lit :11m. hvn. finMr .nr nr mill i ma a rt ol any lutn anmu "' - 'X . r f ........ .. ' a . tm ntlwf 111 'hthy Ir,.,, -,.,''. inuriiin; iny h It ch;ct deiire is to u e J" ' '"k 'V to-sreat e. dalC m.-l Ihed : Ihivnode paritsmww pyrjn we coaenct oj w Ii e n, lie t t- n. or.n? .1 tit Dor P " wce " V'V' ". ... rlb ih 11. h m) wiili is n.r r- P ll lV tlV1'( ": 'J ihdi al a,s b- re ulv to .vc ' f ' tr" tiotu t. It 1 orjttu , 1 t -r. t 1 .... L..it.l r e p'jnoitct.' c " if man ::a out the countiA in tlie hue electii'nl, a id moll particutarlv in iie choice il M. 15ar- theleni to a ieat in rf.c directory ; -Irnm the nioment Loid Main tdboi 's 1 1 gocyati- 011 tailed, we have always loik.d forward t the period at winch w e v r e, kr th.e rene'vai of other overtures, bic.mle it wasl at this period that the public opiliibii'lM 1 a j mSilf rite mfn :it'it nt tifrvrp M cl tng g vantnfwus mfyflemoj the ppie: ,;k , be j m lhe K,a tx,rtfflve i.n t flat parliament neirr tn a more amp t i jpw pojj ffkd the confidence of thenati.nuanX . fxrclive d rf cWv h,, at-end- nOW. I ... .Ki . .1! (,..- ':'r-B He would appeal to proceedings tngreatX , j.M1ie ,Ht.(ure be . fee r a i.e.! Ii om the and populous ctrih, as w ll as in the city 'f Iti'it u d very coi rt'on aidi r given by . D.lacio x to Loid Greovjfle S letter,! em ly tht1 h It flgof iruce, uvluch wasl n t remeut, . ! 1 . 1 . I 1 - i tit i ' rn. ! -p a.wi nr 11 in r ,i-t t.i ..nv .1. :n..i r ......... . . . . ... . . 1 .a....- ... .1 ' tad d in the tun a;in 0 bis aHi-rii r . Kill M ai ill.lli I l IIVI l. IIMIIC 1'IUUIIJ lju, , J - f raerd .oSbti. and 'o rcetlabluh hi llrenuili , '.hatp ininmcntaJ not efy te puoi,c confi 0 O I ' " . I ....... t jj r" 1 "I w;y by wluc'i wteail give ihtm C0.1tc.1t, .iierefnre, lir, I dull certainly give my and that is by putting an nJ toiu- cx'r-1 lor tin propolition o! my Uonoraolcfri tence. vmc.i reipcct tnni ic i, :nui m and I dence. rp!iea to on the (Ly after it wa- received m . I . a . I a. Far s. Indeed the put he liay ludjie ot ( sprdftron u'-id by bmn parties in their I Mm uo caii'tn- w'uh each oiler, w hen wel 4ie hat within the li.oit ix;r!od of eight! i,,) t ,e w n l . buli;.; Is as it no v OandfJ ius b en an o 1 ... i he coi 1 clpoi.drncel us bi ;i Carried on imt by any mclungerl c ig lent bnk.. ard or iorwaru o ram, Mr. P.tt's Reinatkson the motioti for Re I. rui. MA Pitt role ffl flat' to the hint- the ri a- fm wiry it -was iup'Jdle for hin to concur with tic mr.tion. The cr'uf fr7 ion ti be I'ttfidtreil was, v)t), t.u r t .e dt pin. of a wan licve I cm lneak br o her , 1 do nt feci it to ne coiililtent wi h my duty io.ly 10 fetede fim t.us houf . I have no 1 t imeutinnj but lir, 1 have no hebti ion Iu (aviritrl t'nit aricr ftc ma the con luct ot www w this houle, ;.fter Icring them give w nnui-H-r their coifiJence and lupoort, al , convicted faiiu e, impofttion, .m l iodpaci- lar UfrpVffd W44 likely ', be obtained from . . m(f.' .-'tn ihi'iii tta-if .mi to I the al n. e r.tmtnetaiid. n d w-'-l'-er t ' the consequent s of 1 carter th t pt netra tt cunce of obtaining it wttjinh at mm dm t be bears ol all other men witi alaiin, tifeli. It had i.eer fuppo'ed that the ud p & ih .t n'ithrrrealoii.expeti-ncejiiordut) j lion of the neafwe recomnerdtd iu Jd caufe ai. I. Ific t n lv onweriul ton 11 ornce the in to I a 'eparution amone a num-nm ilaft of po r.nim:e uie c irecr 1 novti t men:, Iv.t-pltt the timpeiute and violint reor n r ; taiulv do t ink that I oiav J.voie inure of I tut uas there any probability that fh a my 1 m Id .ny private purluiU, ar.d to the I change would be frodmid? Wr,uld ny on r t;r-iiu,.t which Hove, tui.l hive htber I tr, tad to fay. that the views oftloje pr to lone t I certainly tint k that 1 netd ntu l,nt who hud tken the KhHs ot Mwt for devote totnttch of it tolru.tlefs extitnn teir fyndatim ; who in tne vain- It bitoty and to idle talk in thi houle : whenever 1 94 canted their principles to a pmh 0 ex ; d.a'l an ear thai mv ettor i may coinn ;r;a .ncc never imun m anv f rma pr e i lanv dei r c tn r U 'te us m the li ua-I who, tn the midfl 0 vll the bhdy boil ifoni wlntii lhe conriiieiue of the b ub riei that haJbrenprutfifed in hance in drlnf raic f.lttm. it a 1 u.t-tuble a.iiiu. I tag all :be leveli ng 1 oneourm es ot the ic. mrtration, hat lov ry Imhlenly reduced ut.lvJutiori, and when juc dreadful trffontwrrr i hallb- lound read? tod Ic'rrge inv duu. I read, h,kd on, not only without h rror, m Sir 1 have done have uiveu my advice. liinlidtrcdireHihd', the cauln aid ffecli 1 prop (p t' e remedy, and fatal will b I s , many trikmp' 1 af hitriy. wM it fj. BatTtndt ifpr-de ainl peludice ll.al. re M that tm prln, ipUl Ofjuk prrow r . 1 . . . . Mm. im vo.e i Tbefxphi fFr&vh Bety had bee- ifiJJent Datkwird or lofw arfl 10 rarw, -ml. 1 p,et d us nev io dtj, itfdj over a.t rouU t e tO iiuiliidint a CYais, t. I,;- world, and fp lading in every region hap- h le care Loid OrtnuIcA irtttrs o tin U n Is and impairment. It -Is. m his oph !,r ,uvc be" t P" u W L r,i Grcn miKb loiiwer con. 1 ue to oiPoie it. 1 hp V P r.nfwtij ladh id a , orrrjpmdenceTum reti edy wjfth il propofrd is limp'e, ealy. I tne m,my t ibe tune th.r pttnctflt orrf and pradiwaWr; it dirt- not touch ibv tal n..tej were ti be tar d t r m 1 id the tonftnlm; and 1 lincereh behevf I veat I ,.d ten tdr,.(u bs him, ( . ' t, that it Will rcltorc ll to llreng'baod liar I nd hu Jrtc d at an eah pen J. Imn mony. Do you ihiok that vou mull HO! I hofr p,rhns be dp. red unfold me in i enme lo orltatnem. ry reform bu. anc I ia'ir,t reiot m inun any ol a tn'.,., a jjrr il it n,. better Income to it now vhen y-u J rd from him. He bad thought that hit yi.-nof b .vp the power ot dfhhrraiio i, im wnei I rrjorm wid at trat nmtiav imgoraua 1 hap a may be cxtortctl froi. cu b J ndJafpoitUlbttnhtlutim Then flan t, p n fs i-nd nttpt ovement. it wS . tn ris op ttior,a I jL"n fonnd-d onni illcfhali,w ,.nd ' prJumpluM' pnil.J phy ; it w.'f wetted ot. apliii wilder thin the wiideii af thrjti"s I ana m r incoafiSeni will llje'i t a! anig muim ft uit i ciaue, tban any of the ka'wnodtsoj ttai:ny. It was pror'.d to d flf'-v a e.'hr tK fl nal'iral t (Prrfent.ition bv the Imrl w rV 01 form'i a re 'tm which otfiltd in numei. ial rtp'elcM.trn, ar.d a i; )m. ticai di.'tfnn. wd1 out am fix.d cr clear, jualfic alhrh Virv I oaf hud. r, in led, paiif taxes -was to be ettiitt d to viit f r rtprefeatatix et r:: pa' H.tme'it, and : hut a fyi'rm wat pr:pf.feu which .ppiQi, I .J farlv to that f f;tn:ral fij'ragc,- A fudd'n and tntal alteration of the wh.lt frame an I ton It' ucl ton of repet (fHjtatio wai, hi iugH Inward, and yet thai lure, ft ange and momentous at it was was to be Jiunded on p-a -Jh al principl S. Hefincettly w'tfhed that il e Importers of a plan fo novel, an I fi extrao' dinar y. W ittld at i ull luke Ihe trouble of flattrtg f e grounds ;t lieie pratfice. 7 he cnjtitution of thi cni.mrywat not. in bit mind, a fet'.l'd the rj, f.xtd and afee tamed by nice and pnf ttvei'mits, but confifled of different part- it rorgly relating to each other , and a'tfing out ol lar'fitus tints flat itmbmed 10 give u r rf, CI bad' to the wl a-. Mr. Pitt, after avarn mg miuy other reafont again fl th plan, and ck-na whether forkfhrewas lefs ittrndedti ihan Cnrrrs II, r,r the r phts and dvant cnof ( rimingham an l M h'fl r, tefi twji'ercd, becaufe Uf rcP'efcntcd than otl-er places, concluded by giving his decided negative li tlx tnJt.n. 1 lib i.ft di p tch is funpi. lid to relate t hff 1 small g t a pi. ce wtiere tl ? negotiaj .on is to be Carried onj ihough 11 is iu; vd'ed 1h.1t F. ; .3 will be fhelpct. Wc have rcalon to beta e li.ai no noblel nan is j et named 10 thUjimpni tail! nnllion .ord M jIhh fturyvfai lt h-sc -'.read) Hat d, ii3 had a vtiy Uiiouk aUIck, and i ot in health " gfj Lprfl Auckland, Iro r il" .J 1 f . i g L... iiavll g cxpreiico 111s leiu aicnii 10 n 1 . n . r- it. 1 -i . I ...1 i. oil (DC r renvn revniuuur, aru wnicn s ilsx'.uttr wvn teit iul) v.r coi,rrm.ible u he nubllt ooin'ton in uii country , may pci Il4pl le thought not a lit peiton for thi iii.baiiy. 1 be appjinihici.t inn rcuum jpen. Time la Laft r.iiiht at eleven o'i'otk, an exprell arrived at lhe li-cieiaiv ot Male' rflicc withdifpatche trom Kiinte, brouglu by ;! ia ot truce, which irrived at Dover a nrce oMuik lb t itay atjerttU 01. Nopal ers were received by this convey i;c We are ijrairi happy lo announce tha tle attain ot 11 eland are goinj on as we at could be wilhcd. Many more ringh at en of the couipiiacv are appre iendedaii the loer clalT-sof people, whohave v-e educed fro n their allecMnce, are Hockin in Irorn a'.l quarters to avail thfrnfelveid his uuieilv's molt ira(iou pardon I: il very nuch believed that Mr. Tho mas Grernville WlU be ihe gentlemau aj I linted to Bio t Paws. A more relp -a hie perfou cou'd not be fent, and from hi lalxis of life and connections, he nas ae hitufelf free from givjn olfente to arl piny. In our opinion it it a matter ol tl v