Mheft consideration tO the fuccefs of tlwfj negotiation that tne pcrJou lent to fans government of Frtr.ce, on account ot the opr-ions whictf he may hive expiefjed in the courfe of the revolution. Theteprtina morning paper of yefter day of a pdTpoi t having been reeeiv dfrou: France on Moiii)4X '-for" our ambaffadur, is equally incorreft wrth-he itnry told ia the lime paper of Saturday of Lord St. He leas having received his credentials. It is evident that the writer is vu y ignorant of the fubject to ytMch he jsretetids to have a knowledge. Breaking uplfyihe Mutiny at tie Nure. Yeiird.iv aftt rnoon the lecretary of ad. m':ral fcrd Keith, arrived expreis at ih- admiralty He "grinds the welcome ritclli oeiue thit iEe force of the rebellion i nearly broken, ma tnt re is every re ion to txpt'd the next account will ahV nounce the entire fubmlhonici evry m.p at the iMorev-'"-ln aoyiTion 1(1 the above, t'e admiralty receive d infennation by the Telegraph, at naif pi tit three o'clock, that tr.e toUownig imps had returned to tftrr duty, v:z. Agamemnon 64, Standard 64, NafLu 64, Ir s 32. , , ' a V ..1 r. 1 l ' .L- .il l. rx. jccouo ugnai ny 111- icicriapn dt qunnted the board that they had got u 1 d r weigh', and had ' Itood up the r.vsr Thames. An order has been lent to every c iptan to g"ve iq a lift of lu.ih men as, in t ;e r op n on, are not worthy to be intro duced 111 the general pirdon. We arc iony to hear that a litu.ehmt of oneol the lh;ps lias taken he rebeloath. A lieu tviitiit ot marines ls fedtd hav ben k lied by a p ltd (hot from one of the wo men in the Irs !r ate. The line of bat tle (hips that leriiain in, a Hate of rebellion are t ie Sandwich 98, Monmouth 64, Montagu: 74, Lion 64. It s nowv ftrly arc r md, that the Delrg.nt-a at the Nore ulfredto return to their duty, on the fole condition of peneral pa; dn. Government .continue to refule its alfeni 10 any terms lhort of Unconditional Tubiniflion. It was ytfteray undernoodi that tire Delegates had o.ict more opened a ireg ciatio.i with Admiral Buckiier, in winch they ex;n elf d, by letier, the fi.iceny f their iiltentioni in r (loving dilcip'ine and order on boird the fleet,, but at tne latnr time requeued they might be furmihed with a lilt of the names cf thole perlons couterned in tne 1110110, whom it was tne determiRatipn of govetmnea t to puivifh. They had, it i reported yeiteday mdrn ing (truck the red H ig previous to their (or warding tnc, winch, we un dcritanJ, has met with the lame auiver as their former iulo'ent demands. The dread of exemplary punifjiment which they hive jullly merited, 1'seirs now to be ths fole co ilidcration by vvftich the D Jerates are influenced. Paiker, ihr nreuden;, having ,'t is confidentially ltattd, attempted to mak? his cfcap?, It is geiterally believed, that if the re bel (hips do not return to t:ieir duty by Tnurlday or Friday neiit, they Will be at ta:kcd by a very formidable naval force, now neaily ready in the Kivr, cojilifliiiL; ot five or lix ih ps of the lin?, fevt ti tri gates, and b'twcfii 20 or 30 gunboa's. Tnc Neptu.e yrtterd.y ti ok in her guns near Long Reach, amJwili droplow ' rr down me rivtr. Tse other iftips nc, we bi! eve, reidy. Sir Krlin i Co. 1 1 his not found it tuc fTary to call on the of ftcert in me tait-li.du Company's lervice tor afliltance. I night we received theol'pwing letters lr m our correlpondcuts : bHEERNIiS, June 13. I have ihepha!ure : inform votl, tin the !t-.ndard, Aj;imemnon, NalfaU, tnd Iris, have juit got away from tne mutinous fleet at the N re, and are now (ihng up the rver Thames. It domnot appear 1 ia anyoppofi 10 1 ha been rmdeio th amove m.-nt iy Hie other liiip, osviug perhaps to their inabluy to prevent furinrr defftiion; nd from the diltance thfy ar already n the river, it is impofli 1 iu fuppofe luch a (tep could be taken with inv t ici ve llsan that of tutt$nderfg themrelvet. 4 Twoorinrte U-gol truce paflird yel terday between the nrittnoui fl et and the lhot. They were chi (ly ih pur pole of ;rt!in theomcen av irom the fMpt j an object moch to he dciired in cafe it IhoUld be ntceflarv to have recourfe to tlx ilreadtul al rrnativ ol attacking them. 1 hr firlt Hig 61 truce wmcn went out irtKfro w ieh, i' ft a J cf me wh'ch the de!?gare on board tha. llnp expect. d to hate receiv. ed by cap'am Knight ; i perfbn. Theyap" peared exireinely i iuppointed and irrifif ed at ih s m-dVge The perlon whobro'; it vas iuminohed before the -com mi; tee, W ,he Itate fo0m, at the head of which l .t The notorious Parker, from ahum crcum ifance it is clear that a'l the reports cou cerning ttim have been void of foundation. He delired the m'eflengef tc and tellthv admiraf, that he (barker) would make him humb)e hi in fell, it he did-not fubm.t to ithc conditions he had already prop9(ed j tha he Had a b rd which whi:per-d in hr ear, that 'hejSphhead fleet wojid loon comc to jr.n himi and laftly he threatened the man with detraction to bim and hi boaijj if he did not bring better news, the next tn.t be came. Toe manners a'vd behaviour ot this follow are reprefented as the mod vuU 'gar and ferocious iniagtnable. He exej cilts the moU favige tyranny on board the Sand wich, and X" dls himfelt the admiral: no- fucceeded. When taken into cuHody, thfyj VIL?NGT0X, Sept. 1 4. boldly -voiwed it, and f j d t uy might a- J xtraci 0f a letter from Dr. Ruin, of eeed'm 2 1 j thing but terror and inu 11. 1 lu p cipn prf vtHt the. crew from llnk ngott nis .okt .. fl 1 have received a panrcuiai defcripti on of tne ttate of ihis fhip tio n a perlon who hi tived on board oftier lor five weekb patt, and vyho on y left her yelttrd.iy.. Al the people on board are in a inott deplora ble ltate 01 milery and confuliou. i hes ire in want of tne common neceflaries bi life i they have no food but a little b.lcj i and fait meat, nor any thing to drink, bin pu rid water, which is fo'fearce that two ceminels are conltantly guarding it. CVn (fnels are aifo polled m every qnr-ter ut the fhip to keep the crew in order, whole murmurs are incefTuit, and the perpetua.1 c'ies of tije wutn-'ii and children, vh ) nave, not been permitted to go on Ihore, ate ra men table above dejcripiion. FoyLrwoinen .vere yclterdjy morninji lulfered to depart rom the Sandwich. Wnen they landed at 5heernclV, t iey were taken up and mi nit ly eximiued, and after being kept in eultody all night, were f.-nt away. Twb .nen belonging to ti e Sandwich were drowned on Fiidiy morning by tueue: ttn r ot a boat, in which thef had been pro. t bejz of the Mjninouth nn to on the RepulFe. " Eviry linn which is here now w II b re.idy by to- norrow to CO 'perste W. Ii fii iiog-r. Carta's fled, if it thouid airive b) thai ti ne. The , gun' boat, arc ail 1..1 y iod tie lmitiu m tUe dockvards, inftd oi working an tne anchors, have been a 1 ;t Iterday and u-diy employed in rftakini; gfape and bar (hot. I'ut we h pe tturc awII be nooccafnn tor luch a terri le e trehiity far there, are o ily three or four hips whole defperate leaders will he deli -ills. of holding out; and it is m.v knjwn that the majorities of the crews & tnele areadverfe to fucha raeafure. At one time yeiterdjy, nearly all the red flgs were taken down j ihis morning they were a! in )rf all flying, l'h changing of theh fl js is not now attended to as a circumltaiice denoting any material change in trie flripN CHA III M, June 13. " The men ol war I) i ig near Ur ivcfenl, are getting ready with a'l polfible difpatch, they arc to bcminnm by taunt HI perloilff and detachtnenti of foch troops as can be depended on for their loya'ty, will be put on board to act as marines. " Tne RetlUlfeis now repairing with a'l expedition. Sherecriv.d Upwards 0(50 lut in her hull ; ote palf d entirely thr uh ner, and another, run hog in an obliq ie direction, got through the hawler hole, and carried away the Ipnt fail yard. Ojr correlpondent herelnonce the di tbolical attempt to blow up his ihi;i, the nrticnlir&of which are Mated i 1 the letter tro n Gravefend under the head of li,p news. M We have J;ot a great number of failors here now as prifoncrs, who were tak'-u ip in different plates. We hat one 01 t le'Delegites at the Note n- een drowned, and that another, ot the -nme of Hughes, has nnde his el'cape. Parker certainly attempted to clcape, uu? tailed-" GRAVESKMD, June 12. elf do that, as be" taken 00 ihore and ban cd. i h y or? , jutt ' now in ih; guard. h )n!e, but are to be del. red over to the etvilpover fer rhl. T- NEW-Xokk Aupuji 25. C iott. Eafton, commander of toe Maitt" rtoro-uh; went upto London wtthdifpU teoiii tlie (hips bmutiny, to Earl Spencer uid while wattiurg for an anCwer, at rlie ad7 iniralty hoHfe.from fome -unknown causey (tabbed hiinfjjr'an l ini nedi iiely expired. AIVHIVALaK LORD MALMESHURY AT LISLE. His Lord (hip has bcehi received ar Lific wi:h greaj pom pi and three commifliohers appoimel by the directory of" France, to treat -toy a b P A R AXCJLtiuuE (which'. the. Bntifh gove? tonrnt had ai'leutcd to) be tweenthat Republic and -Great-Uritbin. , Richard Parker, the delegate, was exe eute ' Friday.. I une. ao, on board 'the Sairlwich man of war, at Black Stakes, uear Sheerii-efs ; on which ocCafiori he behaved y.ith.inatily fortitude. : 1 lie inutinv on board the fleet at the Nore. F . m . . ... -T is entirely quelled. ' t - PlllLADhXFHlA, Auguft 26. Extract of a letter, from a gehtlcinan in New 2 Yoi;k, to the Editor,, i)ateu veitci day. SIR. - -v , . uHy t he Severn, capt, r'airley, from Hull. webave London' papers to the 5th Jul), arid Hod papers to jXhy S. The fubliajjee of tb.e important intelli iienee is, tliefigftiHg.oi the definitive treaty between rVancc and the Empe- or. The ar- rival ot'f.oro Malmefboiy antl the French cominjoiierHw Lilie, to enter on rooci.; nionior peace. 7be mutiny on hoard two frills of Lord Bs idporrs fleer." The execu tion of l arker. The recogtiitian o( the Batav'nn republic by the Kilg p Pfufria, who appVoaclves his exit. Admiral Duncan' is anchored off rlie T-xel, but as 7200 French troops appear to be embarking, tie demands a reiuforCement. Paltorct in the ( f)inicilof coo has declared, that, the a'l rei of the directory lel'pectilig thr United States, cf the date of March 2 !, is eqiiiva I 'j'.. . .- I 1-, T i it iu 10 a occiara: io'i ol war. ' rs between the lec liatufeai 'r t 1 n i 1 e nmeren d 1 xecti: ive ot raiitN nuve been to a moll betfrhrr alai iniiu' An attempt wai made in the courfe of ... . 1 i e SIMMM niut and mis morning, uy ione incendiaries on board the Kepulfe, to blow her up, although they kuew in cale of their plan beini attended with fuccefs that they mill ine'iublv lole thrir hvcs. i rains ert !iid, rod comibultiblsfs ptaetn M i 4 fercnt pins of the fh p, part cilarly t 1 0 ) room and poader mi;i. ne ; but tor the providential jeaUulof one ol ihc lov il JVamen of the irh'fneilnjs ' t miwhom he hid knovn asth- v ad .h Uiorni-.g earned a weflage to the Sam.-' peratc o, 1 .e .nu i.ieti -, ;lu; pi W 3 P. A;i-ttable to a no ice nf Ins Excellencj the (Governor, the CotTHCil ol State convt'u theitj ol Raleigh eui.Tuefduy flu 9 k ot A 11 quit ; wkH wais nominaftd i;j. iM'rd liit- Hon. Major-Gentia! ia7 BroWn, rrelident, and K0U-1. - iliaius, jun. Secretin v. ' u-11 11 mac me council procrcded 1111 tr.ittly on the melfie o his Excellency, i th.ii part thereof el.n ive to certain com im micaiions from the Secretar) of the U. Statesr, requiring the Executive to make trfc .t ever) ineafme 10 appr'eht d certain per fons within the limits if this Hair; who were arming and eqtiVpmg themfelvc-s con. trory to the 600 I order and peace of (bcietv. and the taws oflithe United Siates. Ent Council tliooght proper to recommend in his I xccllcncv ;o itthe a proclamation, to n iiianduig ail uerfoni immediaprfy to drfilt from luch unlawful procee.dbrps, un lei-the lecie petiall its pretcritH d iv kiw ; I kew ilr ejinjnandinj all i.: -.-is b .tn civil ami mili laty, i.iappiehrttd and binigio jidtice fuctl oifcndcis without delay. The othe put ot the mc(Tir;c from his Excellency, Waa plan ot appo. ti mment 10 each county within tliis Hate, of the quota pvqutredlri tiie det irihmenr, atirrea. blj toanaa ( f CtMigrcf u?ed for that pur pole the :4th of June lalt. U'e have the" pic dure to lay before oni readers the apponioinnent as alorefai l, vhich we undeiit ind i acirate ; to wit irom the county ot fere limans, 91 effci't ive men, olficcis inelUiSd i fnuilar refintfi. nun Irom 1 be following conntrta in lkr manner, to wit, Camden, 7;. Gaten, 81 ; Bertie, t? ; Chow an, 66 ; I'afqnniank, 00: Cuniiuck, 105 ; Ihitford, 4 ; Tjrrel. 64;, Jones, 7S k Waj ne, 1 1 2 ; Pitt, n , Hyde, l ; Craven. 1 79 ; Jnhnfton, fo8 5 Glpl ow, 56; Lenoir, 6,; Beaufort, 99: ( ir erei, 74: Uiuolwick, 39 ; Hladcn, 86 : tJnllow, B6s New-Hanover, 87: Duplin, t;": Mooie, 88: "Uobinfofi, 117: Samp Ion, 119: Cumberland, 9 -. Richmond) 1 1 6 : Aufoii, o8 l Halifax, 171: -North ampton, 1:9: Warrrn, T I f : Nnfli, t: Martirl, 10a ; KfainXTin, lit: Elpcnuthe, l8c: Orange, 354: Granville, t : Char--hnm, tSj: Wake, 185: Rindnlph, 16?: Calked, tot: Pctfon, 8i: Roan, -.:-. Mtcklenburi;, I to : Guilford, 168 : Suiry, 159: Stokes, 19;: Iredell, 1 1 6 : Rocking hail, 12 J: Montgomery, 101 : Cabarrus 971 Burke, t$U Lincoln, :ic: WHkcs, tbft Rutherford, Tttj; nnd limicomb. fp, This deiachment is to be raifed in a li n 'ar marncr to that of t 794, cither from v 'Innteers or draft, and to be t fficered u of thole at prrfent commanding the I'l ii , in a manner to be directed by the UU.'tlUOf. Philad lphia, dated Aticufl ti " Ti e oh enemy of the cities i t A:ae rica, and tie cfLpr ng of iheir igm ra ce has again ajpeared among u inoie j er ons afehov illwhhir,Hi..n were on the 22 of Auut, 1793. Its mortality is much iel 5 than in that memorable year, fwing. .1 l'. ! . 1 t ..r .c a to trie inort iineraruic 01 urpieimg. 1 cuic. d;e$. Ic i evidently contaiousl Mr wf 1 1 ,.u 1 , n, ,wi ;.. 11. Meafe, a ti ue account oi its putrid anddo-. mettic ( ngin. . - rKeep your ftreets, wharves, clocks, yards and celLr CLFAN, and you will 'iave No YELLeW FtVER. I .m fati fied ( it has been feldom imported Irom th VVr lLInrhic. TTiilnrtlinatplv lh rrVrr'f! j f his opinLn is un;vtrlal in Philadelphia." . I3y way ot roltlcnpt the LJuctor adds " Ptam has a fenfible iufiuence m check, inc our fever. Uccdfidnal fliowerS may, and I hope will, fave cur city." jj Extract of a letter from a cattleman of veracit', in Wathington, (Virginia x iicivc cue icdioi c cu vinrii.M)ii cu j u, .- that a per fou of note from the Illinois, pal led tins plate to.dav, who fays he has dif .--...1 L .TT. ,T!i:-- I rL- pa-icncs iic)iH-iAr ii,uicttr anu vjen. uay olo, Tor Philadelphia, announcing that ail matter , are agreed on in a friendly manner. . i r it . i . tne vomijiiiconers nave let aoouc extend ing the boundary line. He mentions alio that the .Spaniards have now ten thoufand regular trcops in Lower and Upper Lou iliana. ''Matters being thus amicably fettled with, our neighbours to the loinh weltern watt-rs except the few who have their minds poiloncd with Mr. blounl's bad pLns." ' ' ' . vemtrnt trthe..iedlian Jor flVmbers of the '-u v v v v " rr v" 't. bcr.ate, Sam. Simploft ; communs, . llolljnci Johnllon and William Grimts. Jtdgcmbbe. Sen ite, Nnrhan Moyo ; com- iuom, rieacrick l'niiips and Cj.Wert, marjin. bt nate, Wil'uam M'Kinzie j commons, Jeremiah Shade k John Hyman, r raiiklitu Senate, Henry Hill i commons, Bjiitaii Harris and Jdm h oller. CtlHWan. Snnrf I mivl f Vp.fv mm. ino,ns, Richarcj Btnbury and BcTiJ C olheld. Town t l.denion, Tho-.ui.s ,1 (.ni.lbm. O. ...... it... V. . -1 . i ... lrtir.uit, f i i ft. A I . I . : .. I . , JLlifll. IUI I.IM- n 11 , ..villi- !.i:ns, John Skinner ami tofeph White. Bertie. Senate, Fraiirisyngb-: commons, . Jeiirie Outlaw and J unes l. Jordan. Halfluetank. Senate, Themas Banks; commons-, Win. Farange & Baily Jackfoh Chinden. Sfnate, Mr. Toiklcy; coin-' myns, KnotpS Daley and Z. bnrc,c-is. (hirritucK. Senate. Philipt, Sviikes. Senate, Ma'ibew Books ; com mons, vt bi. Ilimhlet and L haties Manner. Meickltiibm j. Sci.ate, hohcit liwin; ommons. Nathaniel Alexander and James Comer. Town of HilltOoroughi Abfalom Tatom, Grativilfe,, Senate, Win. Little ; com- tinn?. i noma i;iiorar,d l no. rerlon. Warren. Senate, Solomon Gree;. com- , I:ime5 Lallier and Win. rerlon. -G.nes. Senate, Jd'epb Kiildick ; com- nons, James Gatlti i and Hutching. Hertford, Senate. Tho. Wyniis, Ctm iniihS Rdert Mon'omerv and jas. mes. Ar For NEW-YORK, r.'1 ., The Schooner ; . ,, M A It GARKT, Kfcr JM,;s D,vl, M",ltri a f or frt ' mi r . i : . - r i jg jn i4ii in a icw uav i. ght of i co barrel, cr pAflage, app y on board, or to Who has tor tale St. Croix Hum and Sugar of an excllem quality, in tuylht ad, Alfo, New. England HUM in hothead and bar. rel. For Sale or Chapter, The SCHOONER POLLY, Lying at Jos. Dca!l V hart. fur leimh apply to ( I FLT.AN cr r.OTD. bib I, A l .LlC 5L155 i A .Lhj. h O K SAL K, A few :l ts of Dorfror Perkin'i clebred MbfALl.lC SCBSTAKCl ol in lemovlnn pains and in Hamatiotn incident to the loiman body. Their ittnrs as fo jtenerall) kton that an ciiuinera im is unnecelTai v. ArpK to WL'FATON 11SDALL & CO. Sfptcmbr 7.