ft -- ll 1 v r s (1 TrO N DO N, June 7 1 Ti.l.vfc STECLo rWlKE'. 1 h trial of his dreadful mutineer caim cn v tterday on boa d the ptu ie, !y;n ori Orcetifmhe. 1fte c h rn aguinit th priloner Were for c lufinz or ende. v u - inir o caofe tnttinon. arfrra-d es on board Rismiicfty'slhip Stv.dw ch, and 0 hers oi fie i2in oi ixy Jalt : fr uuoory 114 i5 - lawful ordersof hi, i'uper ior officers, and fcr treating his oSicei s with dilre'peet. 5 The court w.ts comofed ot the toilpving offic rs : - Pre idpnt. Vice Adm ral Siv l aoma Paftev. birr. Commodore 3ir Jbralmus tjrower, Nep tune : Capr. Stanhope, ditto; Cant VVil liamfon, Amcourt : Capt. Mnkli mi, Cen : taur ;'"Capt.""WefU,'L'ni'cafter Ctipt. S.r T. WilHamrs,' Endymion; Capr. Kiui. - Princefs Augulta Yaeht ; dp y King, S -riqs ; Capt. Lane, Acalto ; C mu Pieirc . point, Naiad : Capt. Kainage, Piince Fre derick. L ' . '.v7 Captain Mpf3....of the Sandwich, ap peared as prolecmor. Vice Admiral Buckner was the firft evi- of living the m-mbcrs to deliberate j men, titl aH got over; when v.ith then nnrtft ihe tr. tU.Ce. In w o iiouis and a half The court-w s re-opened, and the prilMKie being calVd mi, he lenience ot tnecuuri wi read ny the judpe advocate, which was, Thar alter delibcratingup; n the eviden ces on both fides, the tojrt were unani- mo.illv ntopnpn, that the fa id Kienjn nantU atone hev removed in? je r n ra nt t red ihe Toffin, which Vas laid bar ; t ie va Vn ihe grtttrd. favi-.g raiftv it. tnev contrived to pet t: over trie pat and then fat upon the loflin, to conceal i Ironi the ten tine I r ot the barrier pate. The dra brult!C brine now lowered down Parker U guilty otall t'le thirges brought I a tiih. cart came out ot the garnfon n iiU .taaiidt muii that in conlikra'Un ot thele I way to Koc titer, when the prevailed upon crimes, as unprecedented in their nature, she driver to cdnyey the body to ttia a? they were" "Wicked . in-their- tendency, IntaTeToi a guinea, which he trndecigj-k. and wtiich were no lels deltruciive ot t.,e 1 Arr v n at JAoehetter, lhe Agreed wit. h7 as were molt of the witnefles : and he ap pared to doit w'nh more ability than could be expelled in his lituation. The point ot Ms heading the mutiny , as might be, fuppo interclls of the navy than they were inju rioiif to the profperity of the country, the court were un nimoufly ot opinion that th laid Richard Parker thould lurter death. i hey acc Tdingly a ljuded him to be hang ed on board what ihip, aim at what time the Hoop and HorJeSboei O ecn-itreet, Lit tie i ewer Hill, where, ic hems, lhe had hired a roomfr the DUioofe. and bro't ti e kev in her becket. T he body had noi m . s . r .... lords commiilioners lhe admiralty I been here long, before a mob was foiled mav be oleaied to aimoint. fro lee it. and Mr . Parker was lummoneo Pker the pnfoner, with a derree of I before a magiitrate to wjve an account why fortitude and tindifmayedcompolure 'which I lhe removed mm. Sl.c replied, to have excited the aftonimment and admiratioti of Ihim buried like achriitian. The mng ftraie every one, Spoke ai fnllrtwy? - I then alked whether it was true that lhe hatl " I bow to your kn euce with all due 1 Uttered him to be Ihewn for money.' r.e Fcr Sale rr Charter, The.SCJLUJDNtR.l. P O L L Y, Ifii'j itrins apply to VACI ELLAN 6 I ORD. i U 13 Jjv Kfe.N'1 JbiJ, A Brick Ware-Houfe with he brivUeve of a Wharf. Allo a conve- HventTJemg-Hcaile- . Fur terms apply o the, lublcnber, or uH fenry Joung, at the driver of a caravan to tajje it tol JOS. A ffflTflx gumeas nioref, and deliver it at tl e I . -; J F 0 HR S A L f HEAP FOR CASil, A Fayetteville Boat, tliat car ries about fifty .five hoRihead. lrqirre bi F. FONTAINE Ik Co. Auguft 3i. fubmiffion,. beihg convinced 1 have acted Irum (he ciictates of a good conscience. -God, who knows, the hearts of all men, will, hope, receive me. I hope that uiy death alone will atone tothe country ; and that thofe brave men w ho have a&ed w ith NUT C HE Sbbfinber intends to carry on the following bufniefs in its various ii 1 fed, was clearly eltablilhed, as was alio that of his being one of the moft active in get ting the (hips to lire on the Kepulle, when aground' in endeavouring o elcape from the mutinous fleet Triomas Bun y, a lea- men of the Monmouth, depo'ed that Pac Rer came bn buard that iliipTTinTd-CTdered one Vance to alTilt in directing the Moil month againlt the Repulfe. '1 he pnfoner laid, udamn you flip your bower, and go alongfi le the Rpu fe, and leri i her to hell, where (he belongs to.and lhewher iioqmners in the leaic." Parker crols examine this witnels He laid, " You have been telling a gteatdeal abour hell ; I wifli to know if yon have been promiled any th ng for advancing this hellilh ac count." The witnefs anfwered in the negative. The evidence took up : Wo d.tys : at the cltd'e, the prelident then informed the prifoner, that the evidence f r the profectitioi) Was clofed, and defn ed to know when he would be prepared to proceed in hss defence. The prilbner faul lie mult beg lome tints to prepare in his defence ir wouhl be nccelfary for him to have ex tracts Irom thy evidence. He had no fritmdt with hi n, and th;refore he could not beTtfady t.) go with hi defence to-morrow. The court told h in they were will, iug to allow him every propr indu'gnce ; but. at ttie fame time it mult be recollected that there were fever ij olfioers kept from pu lic ferrice, and therefore all umucelTary dehy mult be avoided. The court tlicn gave h:m till Monday. Parker has written a very fubmifEve let ler to Sir Thomas Pafley, exprelliug his fatisfctioii at fo refpe&able achararter being chofe to prefide over hii trial. The wife of Parker ha prelenied a piper to the admiralty, Daring to the board that her hoibind is at times in aftatc of inlani y and hs indo'ed in her addrels to them a cefificite of his difcharge from the Roy il .William in'y4, on account ot lymptnnis of mentil derangement ; which ot courlc wUl be laid before the court. Monday, June 27. This day P.rker entered on hi defence He read it tumlelt and Urou ht a number ot evidence. The whole was conducted better than uvglu be expected from a perfon of hi talents, and m mi iituation. The prcfi.lent advifed h'm, as ihere wete very heavy charges brought againft bim, to confider whetntr there wnnot ny other perfon whofe evidci c- might weigh in his favor. The priloner afked whethe, if any ihng occurred in the cour'c Of the day, he cutild derive anv advjnttge fram it Ti eprefi lent told hm mat vPasifnpolli ble if he let flip the prHent opprrtumiy he would not have another. The priloner expreilipd hi confidence in the court, that they would lean to ihr lide of mercy, and that (trkt iult.ee would be done him ; he thought he had already made tt appear that it was owin to Irs exertions that the aanjwich had heendeli vered tipro the comm.ind of hrr offieeis and that inflead of being a lead, r of the burft into a 'flood of tears and replied, I branches, viz.. Making and mending men ' I In f mwjr ikp,imnn terio nnnatlira : I alio women's rarirftfefi; rhair and rrtath har- lt was proved atterwaids tiiat there was r-els, horfemen's cap':, pi'ltol holfters, Iword ijot the fmallelt fot.udation ic r fo unnatm al fcabbards and belts, portmanteausand port- a revrt. The hotly was at length depolit- manteau trunks,, fire buckets, matrafle;, edin ihe vault of St. Mary, Whitechapel. band-boxes, ladies.' artificial hips, craws. me will receive a general pardon ; 1 am the burial lervice being performed by the I and body belts. fattened they will return to their duty withliiev. Mr. -Wright, the rector. alacrity,' " ' .. Wilrnincton, Auguft 9, '97. 3tf DAVID DUDLEY. Prelident. It is in the breaft of ihe court to order you for execution immediately, but we ;h rtk it better to give you time to repent your crime. . Priloner. I return you my thanks fcr the muuluenc ALEXAMDKIA, Auguft 18 t ui- c r u I THHt Snbfcribers havitiff. obtained an in lobltrve in vour naner of the 1 Ath in- 1 I , . - .. NOTIC E. A itvnclion from, the Court of Equitv. to Statement of Mrs. Ann Parker's unre initHng endeavours to obtain an imetvtew with her hufbind, on board the Sandwich, previous to his execution ; with the extra ordinary mmner in which lhe recovered the body from the place ot interment at Siieernef, and other events l'ubfequet to its arrival iii London, as related by heffclf. After delivering her peuiion in favnur of her hnlbuid to Earl Mi.rton, who-y.ro mifed ro prcfent it to the queen, Mrs. Park tr waited at Si. Jones's oil 50 clock in th. afternoon, on Thurtday the 2i'h of June: when loling all hopes of a fvorable anlwer. Ihe proceeded into the city, and got into a coach letting oft' for Kochelter, whwre lhe arrived about eleven o'clock that even ing. Sh? immediately agreed with a boat man, wlio was coliiii tc bheernelj wuh garden (tuff, 10 take her on board at four the next morning, which was fixed for her hulband's execution. She em balked ac cordingly, as foon as the tide would fcrvr, and got down alonghde the Sandwich ib mt leven. I he fentine's ordered the boat off, Ihe delired permiflion to tpeak with Kichard Parker the anfwer wa$, that if the boat did not put off, they inuft hre 111 o it. in ln.tr ot her rcmonltraucev. the boatman now proceeled to Sheernefs, aluring her, that as the yellow fligwas tot up, no execution would t..kr place that day. She inliantly procured another boit rum tiie nock It.urs, and as (he was rowed up to Jll ickfcakcs, (he obferveJ the faral hghoiited on board the Snid4vich: hi application was renewed with ten fold entreaties to get 011 board, but to no efF-ct. and aga n Ihi was taken back to Sheemt I. the watermin having Itipulatcd only to nut h:r on board the Sandwich, and being oblige! to go back tor psrlous he w engaged to carry She hired a third vcllcl with move luccels; for, 1 ill as (he ap proached the lh'p Ihe frv the fatal pro- celiion ot her hmband from the qturur deck to the forecaltle, when fhriekmg out ' Oh my dear hnfbatrl !" Ihe fainted a way. On retovering (he fw him mount the pi rtlorm on the cat head, and the clergyman in his robes go f in him, and from that moment (he f.iyt, flic " (w no lung but lilt tea, whicn appeared covered with blood 1" thus fenfelefs flic was rowed a hrl time Oil flure She embarked in the fourth bo4t, qd law hitn from ad II ance at ihe yardarm, jult before he was down bf the tirM Ihe reached tHemip, ihe body had been received into a ih -ll, and carried away for intermenfs She requelted of Admiral Lutwidge to have the body, hot beingrefufed, fits went the fame evening to the burying ground, and leeing three wom:n near the ground, Ihe imparted 10 them who fhe was, with mutiny, he had done every drug iu hisl her ddign of recovering of her hufband. n.. ..... .. v.-.. ..-r r. :j u lI 4SKH J o; vv s, ia 111 i nave oeeo reftrain the prcha(ers of goods, &e. bought brought by me from Rotterdam, jetl.auclw has not been reported to yen in itstrur uny as the property of Thoinas Anderfon, light. "So far is true I had the plealure late decealed, (lor wliich Uomls, and other of ilioing at the-Arjorican conlul's, in com fecurities were. given ) from .pa inp the a ptny with general Pinckney. I confulted J mount, or any p.wt thereof to the Taid Thoi- him on the hdt ty of my returning to Amc- mas Murphy, uj attorney, agents, &c. and rica under American papers, with my Ibiirfwa iaia 1 nomas iMi.rpuy ano, oy tne iaiu nd cargo. As the Ihip andrri . r pal part of the cargo was my own pi t pet ty, 1 had no orciers 10 comply wiin, troin my.eni plovers, therefore, thought it necell ry to conf'jlt h:m. He candidly gave me his 1 k opu ion, as a private man, that hedui not 1 1 . ... order, is eojoincti uuin receiving any pare df the fame. Such purc-haTers therefore, and all others indebted to the.faid eftate me notified, that any pnymeits made by them 10 tbr faid Thomas Murphy, on the above account, will be no difcharge ol their re(peirtive debts ihink there was any dangir, provided my J until a further order of court, in that bef)alf mad:; ami mine iiibbii unit, iic mumi- berg are th-? only perlims legally auhorized to receive filch na nients. GEO. HOOPER. J. LIVINGSTON. A. JOCKLUY. Wilmin'gtcm, Auguit y, '97 32. A CAUTION7 7 HKRKAS my wile Kliznheth Simp- VY leu hath eloj-ed from my bed and papers were clear, and 1 had a role d'equ p- ge, and that he was in hope-' ihcditfertri.ee between America and trance wouiu oe amicably fettled !o n, as cv ry Unrig bori 1 molt favourable alpect a: preU n:. Many of the vslhL ihat had bten.c.iptined and taken into France had been chared, With colts andd .imges to be paid by ihe captors, and it was the general opmion of mer chants in Holland, ihtf the Frtnth na ioo 111 ....ll. . . 1 11 :.L A ..,-.1 m I . 1 1 . 1 1 . ' I . i 1 ' ' 'l v ..... V. ' . 1. " V in I'll as a proof oi-it 1 haj part of niv cag no- wiatcve-r 'phefe arr to caution all perfoni lerwrote for live pei cent, from Rottert.a ntfr0,n crediting. her on my account, as I fliall to Alexandria. liut lor me to fay nn general Pn ckncy had informed tne, that the executive d rectorv had invited him t reiurn to Paris and elume his functions,! and that he was only waiting for Ir lbin MrucM ms from h's government to comply wishthcirihf tatlOf that part of thepu.i .. . . ' I-- icatioii is eironeotn ; general mivuney, I believe, wou d inferm no perion oi hs lecret bufiiu'ls in public affairs 1 am, dear gentlemen, V or mit obedient Humble feiVsut, J()H' 1 OVv t.RS, M iler of the lli.p i)ri'og:i MelTrs. Yundt and Brown. power to check and keep it tindtr. lhe pnfoner wa ordered to withdraw, and the court was cleared for ti-c urpofc (ceuded the gate ay, and helped the wo and requefted their aWiitance, fo which hey readily aUented. bhe dirrclly al- NOR I'H CAROLINA. Treafury.OfJ$r, Sept. !, 1 797. ON the fixthday of Oil .' r next, com mences he b ipcru r Co irt for the hlfricl of tiiKfimrounh : On that tiny it ... - - vill become the inditpcufi le duty of the public Treaforer to proceed againlt al: perluns who !h ill he found then m arrear M the (fate. To do away futh uoplcalant neceflity, and to hve from c IL, forfeit ores and fine, thole who m,y other wir be concerned, the revenue officers through iot pay for her conn acs. CHARLES SIMPSON. Sept. t. lislN AWAY. A MUSTEK fellow n-me.l JOVf. the pro prrty of Craik' ettaie, well kttown in town a a rit.'l- r, and n uch m irked with the fmU pox- Also, A Wnch; named HANN.fH, the iroperty of Clayton's eOate, who has two ildr'en with her, nod was hired this tear by Kichard Ounce, Lfq. : ElVBsDOLliAKS REWARD ;ll be piid for the lodging tiiher of thein in the town "goal, or on the fubfcnbsr'g plantation. JAMES CAKSON. Oarcodon, 8th Auguft, 1797. 33 3 ' 9 RAN away from thr fufctibcr about eight da) palt, a Nero tVIlr,w by the n imr "f j () H N who calls Himfcir JOHN ;ardf.nkr he is a fhort nclive well fe t C'l fellow, and why ira.it a Hlacklmith. 1 ihink hat a fear on his fce. bm eaaflly out the Itate are herrby remin.lcl, tnat I were j fion0t rcme-nhcr He would I their public tax and other accounts mull be I known in KavcteiHe by Mr. Grove's he fettled and clofed arrordinp; to law JOHN HAYWOOD, PnbWcTrtrfvrtr. UNITED STATES. Recruiting Service. HEALTHY, ablcbodiid young men who arelond of living ea'y ind ho tiohJe, will meet with great encourage ment by applving to FHILIP WILLIAMS, Scrgt. Jrlttlet ih 6 Enemeer. Fort Johfton, 14th Auguft, 1797 groe, In Wilmington by Mr. D. Mooi, in ttmbam by Mr. Maileti. I think he is r.i.paoorins 10 RCt on Inwrd fome vcitrl Id iM. round to the northwtHi and fhould he Pail m Wilmlneion. he nill o to Newbtm. I will ,:nf Ythy Doflnrs td nj petfon who ) i aoorch, iu ani icrtirp uir rhi iciiww (.. ' ' I ia Ltata .nn'ii ainl 1 V nil ff l('i!i. ....-. t T aide rhrrMr, c. W. rn. N. U. A tellow ny trie nine 01 ivodi i. belonem to Mr. Gnrrn Gv Mo?, went off with him. Mr. Goo Moe, I doubt not, will give n equil reward for KtsV W. N. Cafwell county, July 17.