HAL Us W I L M I NG T 0 N GAZE T T E. No. 39. THURSDA Y, SEP TF MB E R 28, 1797. Vol. I. J m )' tt n the opportunity to run fh treafon as hey h'Vc done that f Venice, which Late Foreign News. VIENNA, June 8. The gaTrif n of this cry has juft receiv- a oraersromarcn tor me ariiit o' and for that if the Rhine. : The levy en mafie by the Hungarian nobility iscitim ted at io6,coo mtn. J The French C en. Gentili, who. h ir- 1 7 . iir j am u. I. 14 .. .1 riveo at Venetian itiano 01 v.triu. naa uuru prccLuiaiion in wbicK oe encuurages the innannants to acicmpi a rw-vyiuxi"", n toeftablifti a republic. H urges them o xeniembcrtheexceiientrtpttblkiolOTeece, 3 Whim (o many he roes a r.d great men h-vifj treateffect, and it' is tfuVf that the wh than a year f r,nc wilave 10 Tu,ki(h governmen wirt ffnlc; and the iWh "gf "V . ot revolution will pervade the More, Ivla- "M rhc EWha! taen a S ccdonia, and the whole Archipelago. Pt "ruduflng t? e dilaiter el the repob fc . . ' .... v . - it VmitP. It is Terrain fhai hp uill tiiki July . Men Mack has reiuroed from . 7, . , ' r the 'arm?. The court has fince been deeo. ",BUl? fuc efl'on ol lh:K rePul,can I -.Ilk tuK H f ,,1 a , i.T. Kntnit. Kaa.!, 1 ring? thtm trcafures, without the exnenf I family and companions are at length liber at blcod. . All the riches which thev have found, in money, plate, pictures, and other ai tide Wlongii g to the pejfidious Veniti an phgrachy it w ould be difficult toettimaie, and have been judged prise. I only v.ifh, for the intereft of the French republic, th.it half 1 f tne boo 7 h;d been employed in aid ot the iiavioival ti tafui", but that will rt ye in time. The kindoi nches w hich indivi dual avidity has not beta a hie to rob hti' r ; dy in thatport public ot is a I iital I marine, "ith mater 1 and proviftoijs oj ever' rr tuipp i We learu through a fure and authentic channel (hat the illufti iotis La Fayette, his ateo. 1 his news is conhtmed by letter? from Gen. Clarke, the directory's agent in ltIy. slid by the Marquis de Gallo, the fcmptror's plenipotentiary. We not long lince announced the de P rtwrt- ot a Iquadron from Toujon.. h is now believed that its dellination is Corln in if Adriitro-nand that it will there be joi. ei f y j Ihip and as many frigates, that ly engaged by his cpmmunicatiuns' m he Marquis de Gallo, who was lately with Duoiiitparte at uoine, na-ornrant -communications with the m miter of ltate. Jiaron huguet, by his lecretary wno is patiing at ail nonrs. aliy, wh ch is deliroytd for having bee 1 wuhrg to lerve hm. '1 he occupying 'he Vcnit'un territrriei in Ittria, Dalmstia and Albania, is the lub ieft ot muchconiediure. Some would have it, that it has been done without the agree From Trieft ccoo Auftrian troops have mnt ot Buonapar te, and nrght be the cute bv water rno Vcnerian Da rna;ia. I w gone ty water imp ior fupplies, with which that country a bounds, 6000 French troops alfo went Irom Venice. '1 he w hole force of the Moufe ot Aultria, iiuts owji ltates, excluhve ot tne tltingariaft cavalry, wojith is not in their pjy, is reckoned at 438,000 men. which I am perluaded) that the whota is a matter ot convention, and that they are ferioufly progrellive towards a definitive peace, which is of.the firit necelfity to all the parties. 1 he Court of Vienna will have a fine indemn ticaticn by htr acquit'itioni in Ittria and Delnutia, where the will find good lailtrs, with wotd, iron excellent ports and every thug which ;s necefl-ry to inak? Mfna a maritime pow-r. It Is difficult 0 calculate all the changes in ihc political balance, which thefe changes in dominion will produce- Sweden has an intention in a lliort time to make voyage to the frontiers of Kufiia July 1. The B.nk of Venice, which was formerly one of the richeft in Europe, has now flopped navment. bv which s w 0 great number of foreign merchants and capiialitts, whe had placed their proptrtv f6. The ne'fcociatipnj for peace nd are far advanced : the balis )o ; n ieen i-wd that 21 '.4 frincoi: at the moment can be argued from this. Till an ant wer (hall have been re ceived from Paris to Lord Malmefbury's fir It propofitioris, no judgment can be form ed of the probable refult of the negociation. An anfwer to the latt difpatches, antici pating the objections likely to be ttarted by the diredory, has been fent otr, which may enable ttie Englifh commiflioner to meet them with better addrefs, fo as that the proceedings (hall futfer as little delay as poUible. The conferrences are conducled on the mott liberal principles, Lord Malmelbury I havmg no fecrecy attending as the Frirnch 1 1) 1 ; . 'tar r . nciupotemiaries nave, inay nave ofrered him a copy of the minutes taken bv Mons. vownin,, yiich 1 --'fhiu lhicl may be 7 ' ' which nVand appeared at daify. .VfeM.iBclined to belitvo, wLiws ttrtl to refiale ; but there is every reafoti I ver wayle the final ifluc of thele prelimi- O hope that the d mculiy will re as eaty j nary overtures, .nroru lymptoms ot it wiU uot over as that wnicn occurred rnpecnnu 1 - the difpefition ot Mantua, the dettination of wh cb is now fixed, ai d thus an end put to the difficulties which our treaty with the Emperor experienced.. 1 he (pniineieial intereltsot r ranee and of the colonies, have long required a cef. fation of botttlities at bt. Dommgo the directory huve commilhoned thm negoci atoisat Lifle, to attend to the fubjc"V, and it is thought :hat the conditions oi an ar- mittice will foon be agreed on. 7v 17. We have mentioned, without being able to confirm -them, that hopes ere entertained Vtt an approaching peace What we predicted three years lince ha come to pafs : thfe ultimate object of France appear? to be precisely the fame in the 18th that it was in the 17th century, Umverfal hinpire! the only difference is, that Mo narchical has given place to Republican cant before the gaudy fhrine infci ibed the nights ot Man, the rights of Princes, ihe moft friendly to France .of thofe who were the firft to make peaee and acknow- etlvc the r rench Republic, are as little re- (peeled as thofe of the Princes who made war with the utmoit inveteracy to the latt moment, and figned the treaty with reluct ance. The Duke of Tufcany and the Pope are alike fufferers; and every thing rapidly with England. Nothing official has. yet 1 tends to the enliltment of one grand Re- been wublithed on tins lu y ct. We are ig I public .in Italy. HAMBURGH, June 17. The emperor of Rutfia has forbid all the prifttbof ihe Catl ciic religion to take any lftps o convert his new tubjttts who are attached 61 th; Cin rk Church. At Kirae, in the Printing office of the Propagnn an Society, a rich variety of let teT! and charadlers h ive bet 11 found, cfpe rially of Grefk and Oriental chara&eri. Thefe are all demanded tor the ul'e of fhe French republic, and will rentier its co llection of types Jgf mod innn rou' , jnd beautiful, as well at moll rich in its variety, ol any in all Europe. LISfcON, June 18. The heat ot t'i climate has been fatal to raanv of the Enghlh troops. And (he Poftuguele are dilpofed, at every opper t onuy, to infttlt the Englilh officers. For 1 hree week fthe city was in great contfer x. at on. Tne diipute began between the papu'ace and tbe French emigrants. On tlhelecond day, 300 verc colJedled to at. t tck the emicrunts. The7 anoe; rance of a nnrd force has at length maoe the danger I vo goods (hould the peac be parual, t MbbUdei but todeiach.nents of cavahv or Ucnerai noiu us an in lu-pence . t 1 - t turd the cry every n gh; juiy o. norant whether the Britlfii cb net be 2s much difoole ', as wc arc allured it is. to a re II ore every thing, not only to u, but alto to Spam and Holland. LONDON, July 5. The court of directors of the Eafl India comuinv have annomied the rioht hrm. . - T--. ,1 1 rr - VftNtVC. June 2C. (Richard. Ear I of Mornmofon lu lucceid nr 1 u -1. u f - ' l! m . .t o . . wc mar uoui oiocKnoun,. cue King a 1 irf Hebart in the government ot Madr;s, and eventually that of Bengal J"iy 15. Letters from Rome, of the 1 2th of Jimp, (fate, that the King of Naples has attain rtiigned hitnftlf to the councils of the Queen, and his minider Acton. It is laid, the French niiuittcr C ami nix not ye ueeii abie to obtain an audience of his ina tneie on life annuities, will be deprived of J: biU1,l IIUIII I ' UK II.I1MI, III. II llll Kiimei or of K uliu has fnrhnlilrn a '.I the Ca MANbULtLb, June 2C. I thohc pniells in nis Polifh terriiories to 'ake Ther isanuniverfal ftagnation ot bufinels I any meafures for epn verting his new (uhjects here. AU which to wait nil the event ot who are attached to the Greek church, and the negociation is known. The uncertainty ,,a bejides enjoined ihcm 10 icfpect fuch ot al fhi. in.,r thev umII mnlnv. and nt ihe his fuhiects as flmll, fiom'convicliun, em- "'"1 int 1 . 1 1 1 1. . 1 . x icii nuii. t ilia niu i has occafioued nuuh difcontent among ttie Catholic (IcrtiY. Piopoflds have been made to the mer chants of Spain, to open a fuhfeription fot a loan to the Kiucr. in coiiltdei ation ol WESEL, MADRID, June 20. I The French army of the Jambre and I here have been tome dnturb.incca be. IWjuie is itnl in great force, and its lines 1 wnui tnry are to receive licenles to mip teen the Enghlh failor and the people are ,rom Dutleldorf on the right bink of I goods to America, whenever cominrrce (hall o-Ltfbon. The people wr re much abrm- rhe Rhine, as f. ra.s Nidda. It is in four I R'" be oeued. The merchants afCaalia, no-huiff div.titmi, and includes co.coo infantry, I e unaeriiaiw, nave aireauy luuicrroeo ve. ' l.j i. .1 . .i 11 Iry lainelv to (his loan. no 10,000 cavjiry, exciuin c oi tne artuic '' .Viuiotis reports are in circulation relprct inu the onenini of the nenociation between 9. . . .. 1 " - - . " mz. rr JutJ y I Lord Malinrtbiiry and tle r tench conunilh The people e. If and fever al were killed : but further is heard of the matter. KONINGSBERG, June a3. By the treaty ot Cotnuierce between F ngland and Kuili 1, it is agreed, that if the tvu powers Ihould declare war, there Hull h! no detmtion of ptrfons, velTels or pro- I Km;, of PrutTa, who i (aid to have heen pitrty ; bur at leall a year (hall be granted I attacked by the dropl'y ot th bread, wh.ch odiiofe of all eftcefs or remove them. I leaves no hope of care PARIS, The lateft advices from Berlin btirseve.lanfts at Lifle. The contents of the dip ry -larminff accounts of The health ot the I r"iJu-k brought yetterday morning by Mr Tuly 2t. Paris pnpers were yefterday received to the date of the 1 7th inttant incloiW we find nothing in them which warrants the 'uppoution that lias gone forth, that the terms of the French Dircc'tory are fo high I to preclude all hones ot a favorable iflue 10 the negociation now pending at Lifle ; oh the contrary, much confidence is ex- pi (tied that it will end in a peace fatisfac tory 10 all parties. A mail from Liioon, which arrived yeC tenia v. fpeaks of ihe continuance of ihe blockade oi Cadiz harbour. lu Portugal, much of the alarm of an invalion by (he Spaniards had fubfided ; in ked from that people nothing is appre hended, (liotild they not be afiitted by an armed force from France. f tie follow ing is an extract of a letter dat ed Lifle, July 14, on the fuhjec't of the negociation, leccitcd by a gentleman in tbe ciiy. " 1 airived here only yefterday momina: and I believe I can already allot e you that, whatever reports may be circulated in your city, in order 10 ntticl the price of (locks. we flial 1 foon have a well cemented peace. This is tlve opinion of every man of under. Handing. Indeed, what power on earth can now pi event the couclcfion of this grand work, fince both naiioni figh lor pence. Some people take pains to perfuade the public, that the directory will throw oWtt..cles in the way of the negociation. If the directory could have Itopt it in the be ginning, they certainly would have done it, and of 1 hi we have a proof, fince they difapproved the conduct of Buonaparte, in agreeing, in the preliminaries with the Kuiieror, to admit to a conprefs to be held by an .Engltfh envoy; now it is too late. and you may reckon with certainty upon a ipeedy peace on tolerable terms. Illlv 9t Kail. hav not heen officially made public, I , nr . nPninrtr,.. i, 1. ftoa;n ufr Tftr hut the following are laid to be the.r lead- hay tnJ proceeded lo iu former ftation oft '"lu,' I I Ur-(r 1 i maimefbury s projrt nas seen lam 1 his treaty is f jt three years, and was ' m. lu. led on the 2 1 it Feb and ra iftcd cn tlie 71b May following. MILAN. Ju e 24. .The name of Venice is going to be real We have received from different ports of the republic, a great number of letter? announcing to us the extreme embarrafl- hetore the commiffioners, but U appears they have not come invellcd with fufhciei.t powers to proceed upon certain points ex ment which prevailed relative to whatever I ubited in that ltate paper, it wa therefore neceuary to lend to Pans tor tun her in mictions, ftom whence ttie courier had not returned on Tuclday night. Meanwhile the conferences wete cotm noed, and it is generally underftnod, that concerns our intercourfe andrelat-ons with the United Sta;esot North America. Wr HOUSE OF COMMONS, July 20. At half pall o'clock hit Majefty arrived in the ufunl ftate it the Houfe of Peers. Being enrobed and feated on the throne, "u 1I.1 t was fent to the Commons, com founding their immediate attendance in the Houfe of Peers. The Speaker, accompani- lvettjctd from the I Hot theltatei of Eu- I are'in a manner ignorant, whether wean mm . 1 '. I ".X .t J. A . . l.U - rope. It it tn t certaio mat tne new re- 1 at peace or war wim tneie nates : ncnn-1 nnlihcs will admit her into toil deration. I do we as yet know, what has hitherto been all the revolu'ion. to which ihe French j the conduct ol the French government to- a-etolunon hat given birth, that ot Venice I wnds themj what will be the ettect ct J believe in he in ilt compl.'te. I he pro- I 'tie alwoll nultile ipecches ol Mr. Adam vi Kes of Tflfa Fuioa, exercifinz their I in Lowgrels, and whether new uegootti-1 and the mips broneht away by the gnauli I the cnntfe of which he alluded to the prm . . a ' W 1 .1 - Mr t- . . . . I . I . t I I J.l Mom muion, but that iney wen not to 1 cinai topics inai nan occopien me iieni 1011 mfilt on tbe reftoration of fome of tUe pot I of Par'iament during the Irfnon, and ad lelhofis rakrn from thnr allies. This point to he left toanother dilc uflioii at a gtntr the bafu on which the French plcnipotenti j ed by about jo members of the lower houfe, ries weie to act. wat, the reltitutioii un I appealed au 01 dinely at the bar, and as is a Mtmtk rnmtm m a aa a tt' r I i -ft. t it tt a ' tbe part of ureat Hritsm ot an tne joneiii 1 mitfuary on tint ocean nn, andreued nit not taken from the French during the war, I Maefty in a fhnrt and elegant fprech, In fuvereiff'itv under the ordert ot (heir Ud- l nt are entered on; or whether on tne nerali Chief, hive divided rhetnlelve. I other hand, a rup ure it to break out ? iotil departmenrt upon the plan whkh ha I From hence bat rifeu a great if agnation in hee n nrrfcrihed to them. Lit true, thai I the commercial intrrcourfes between the all 1 hat has the nanc of being prjifory, I two countnei. But whit U (till more4U- 1 Ul , hr cjtnplction of the democratic con- I jltrout, it the uncertainty under wfucii tne ftitu tion, which will prohibit be dieelted I Legllaiure has for fomctime laboured, re by a miliary committee, and accepted tree- lUtive to the captures made by our priva- al court rf. To a. negotiation intfituted on loch a look batu at this, we fee no reaton at pre- fent to entertain anv very fanguine hopes of a favorable terminal inn. The difpofltl- verred particularly to the large fupplirt that had heen granted, and eoaelnded by e pre fling a firm rtliance, that hit maiedy'f wifdom and benevolence would prompt hiet to apply iiMik-ioudy what the commons had t am ifhed liberally. The royal nffent was then gieu to the lv h.it wtlKJiif imfmlmr n. I 'eer,. nearly the whole of attich captures I n difplaved bv the French aoenn. t hrinI Kait India Imticwture Bill, and the other The French General! would like to hive datoi tbe righti of A.ncncan neutrality, lit to a happy nlue, is natural enough, but I Bills that had psfled both Houfet of Psrlia. if.