M 1 s j j I I fcFrerwIiich, Visefry wmrieaf d to deliver the tollowing melt gracious tpceclv: 'L,.., " My'r3$ nd GamlemeHj lf1 eaunot put aii end "to tiSisfeflion o F triiaineiu wit-Hout returning jou my moll linccieaiul cord ral .thanks 'tor the aliiiluity an i irat 'nk which 'you have applied your fdvc to the important objects which have i cquired your attention, and for the wifdom r:ni fcruinels which you have mani'letted hi the new ami difficult emergencies for which vou Irave had to provide. f I mult particularly expreft the infl fenft I entertain of the faloAary and effetHual p- o- vihons which yon -have made tor Itrengih valine vhe means of national defence, and the features adopted for obviating the in conveniences which were to be appieheml ed to credit from a temporary iurpeidion ol toavments in cafh bv the Bank ; as well as of the Promptitude, vigoor, and effetft, wit! which you afforded me your aililtance ami fupporc in fupprelung the daring and trea ibnable mutiny which broke out in a partot my fleet, and in counteracting fo dangerous and pei'Vicious an example. I have the fatislatftion to ScTrafmt you, tlJii (I.r.c tVtv cvJUu of the nja&nt Em rJor of Rufia, t::c coimnei'WaWengagc- ; Jen ts between the two countries have been renewed in fnch a manner, as will 1 cloubi nor, materially conduce to their mutual in terefts." 44 Gentlemen of the Houfe of Commons, u 1 mult return you my particular thanks ! far the liberal andextennve provifion which you have made for the various exigencies his inirrrtiins to the eut ofVrrni. f!ef Ttftotdhave atwcred every pu pife, by nJucttg joffpb to adopt a defcrjrvc jyl m, lit ihe art nl of the fCteffian arm; , mnd by ava ting, at trie Jame time, tboe danger s wh'u h Paul via fearful of incurring bj an open cmrw-lot hit dtfigns beforelhgctrtmon of h'tf cot onationj:a4 iukertlace. The peebmieiary ar tides have t length trutifpircd. f;y the fe it appears that ti e in tevrrty of the yerman empire n exprej.vety iiipuTalid:lhat in return for the ceff.Cn a the Aulh mi Netherlands, and ofLi mbard) , the Emperor, is to receive the continental to feffions of the Venetian, litpublic, and to ff tain Maitua. Venice it. to be ind mnified for the los of her territory, h the acquifnion of thojc towns and du. nets, whiebwtre ink en f pom the rope, tacb patty guarantees to the other tbepc(tJf,on of ail the xtontrtes thus ceded by the Urtaty; and Contifs iv as to be holdcnal Berne, in Switzedrd Mi v tar the tut voe of acceh ratme the con mum of agtneidWeace. No ff ps houtcyt been taken by either party, vJiUUMJalt jKter juch a I reaty as btghly difgrvctftri to ' We Ijave rrbt hem fo fortunate as to gc parxi by tins vtflll ; bit M wutild fetm, that her accounts a.-ol no t reat irvpon-' mre. The negociat ions (or peace wtre oing flv- lv on, but nnrhti g tranfpired. !ope, nnek eyed hpet 'h t (heet anchor d ihe luul, wsttdl eutcrtainfd, that the r: i m! t oi the rrgociat ions would be- peace u bur, the French commiffioners, in turn, Itrt c uriers at every propofnion ! v A London paperf however, puhlifhAf, as leaking out, that Malrntlbury had a reed to give up all hjs cor'quefls irvm r ranee, including he Toulon Ihij s. That the French comiir fiioners demanded a'l the Spanifl) co i queits (houll alio be given up, but tliis was waved, and to become a iu ' ture tubjetftof negOciation that the King of Fruffia having feized upon Nuremberg, an imperial .city, the fcmperors of Ruflia and Germany had declared t war agaiuil Of all tough ftories circ llated yeflerday ui, oouodets, oe unr on (and which icr; follv and mejftically down her ways, amidft tin filent aiiiaTrment 1 1 thcufanriot iptcla. tors, to herd .ftmeu elemenr, in o which (he , lunged with tuch eafe and fafety, as to make the hills relotind w'nh reiterated burfla tf joytui acclamations. " Her plunge into the water was attend ed 'with fo little velocity,' that (he cameto anchor within ico yards of the (bore, and we can pronoonce, fiom the au hori y of able and axpenenced judges, that no vef fel was ever taken fromjtiie flocks in a more lafe- and judicious manner than the Cotf 5T illation"; and that no man on a fi miar occalion, acquitted himfrlf with more honor and ability, than did major ISlnja- M IN SXODDKR." mg arc wortny noting j tat new wafsnad broken out between th Emperor, inafmurh s it renders him a Aullria and France that Paul I. t nperor party to a lytitni of plunder and pollution of all the Ruffias, h.td marched 3o ooo unexampled in the annals of the vtot id. The cbnelucl of. the French in Italy Jutce the conclusion of Ptace, has, iffojfible, exceed ed in attrocitv all their former prcieatnvs. Buonaparte, titling in the capiat)1 ofuntver of rhe public fervice; and, while I lament jtfr. cxtrcifmg powers fubverjivc of the necelTity which ihcreafed them to fo large an amount, it is a conlblatiou to nic to obferve the attention you employed in dutnbiinng the heavy burdens which they occafioued, in fuch a manner as jo render their prelfurc as little fevere as potfible to my people. My ,oru$ ana Lentjcmen, the whole ConHit'-tional Q.de of Fiance, mii wg Peace or War ovet turning govet n men is that have fubfified for centur ies, and fabri cating conftiiutions at thefuec (lions ofinte reft, or the tnf ligations of capr 'u e feems difpnjed to tjtatlith .n the turns of ill exijtmg ttytitu iroops toine amtianceoi uitria mat inc negociation for pence had bioken oH that the Spniih Court had offered Lt ftj St. Vincent, alias Admiral J ryjs, 20 milions of dollars to be off, Sec. &cc. After which iti came a horl'e to be fhaved. PHI LADELPhlA, Sepr. 12. Ext rat? of a letter from New Totk, to the Editors , dated Sept. 1 1 . " I have London advices to July to'h in the eveninti on that dav, the cabinet . 11.. - . . , 1 1 1 .. . - Hons a fupreme ana (lejpoiic power jor mm- 1 council hau deierm-neU not to recede to ' The iflue of the important negotiation Wlt- ?hc government uf Venice, the ally, ihe French terms f peate ( n account of m which 1 am engaged is yet uncertain : 'W triena of rrar.ee, una we mm patyn tne,r unreaionabie de.nand but wiiatever mav be the event, nothinw I republic in Europe, has been Annihilated un- ' New and violent debates in the French will have been wanting, on my part, to I (j,r f'al'e b-ettnees. bv this Prim e of .17arM- Council of Five Hundred, ou rromir. of ... - ' . - . I w ' . ' -r 1 - J - - bruig it to a luccclstul termination, on Inch rrr jtfn fprrads d atn and d olatrjn around the popular lotteri es which" threaten tu conouions as may oe comment witn uic ic- 1 f,,m wherever In pvs. 7 hi phihfothic n. lliUlt." 1 caruv, nooor. ana cnentui mtcrciis 01 my 1 A..( . . 1 a.. .-, ..z-;. 1 a tl. i?-n. .. e . wf.t'tti 'j 1 rurnc, mjont vy r.f "Kfftj,-, r. x uc racior is coming up trom In the mean time nothing can fo much " e """'"J, " " r , j on prooau.y t r auyicei-one tend to forward the attainment of peace as , . , . 1f"JTi"jl UJ '"J1 idt Looaon trom 20tu to 25th July, nut . - 1 . ; . a, .... . ..1 f .,.... 1 1. I -i 1- m .It II t k . I I I the continuance of that zeal, exertion and I i,;""c,a" "wVtl 4C w are no1 certain as to wmrn uay ntr public ipirit, of which my lubjeAfi liavrl M r""i inai wm revet were pimoipwc luaUaf not. Kno.vn. m . . . . 1 .if I j it t it 1 1 - a n . . a . given loch conspicuous and honorable proof, I refUWCi are tiiaoujnetit jounaea on rraons, 1 Jbxtradt of another Utter, Sept. 7 and of which the j)erlrverance and Erumeft I ifjuugfrom the cannon's m-,uth, they tmnz i he Faclor, Kemp, arrived at the ot Parliament has aftorded them lt Unking I diutely imbibe thefp nt of jp hut ion and con j Hook hilt evening. Her PalLue Uid to be r . , .. . . ' . ' n II il i t . I m i .11 - . . in iMii.p.-. I Quttt. JT h Vie imps or fiintum, r nwrur da vs.' w... vilmhw., wj m.. 4 aei'rnvt' .otctv: rt:J vottttcul di olution. are 1 j . , . , . nAhing in their eyes, utJ fs thej are extend- BALTlMOHt, Sept. 4. ed to their neighbours ; their communicative Qn Wtdnelday lail was airdred jelly's cnmni uui, f.ud, " My LorvU and Gentlemen, If is hjs Majellv'sVoyal will and plca- fnre, I list this l'arhainent be prorogued to Tiiuifday, the 5 c 11 day ol October iick, to nd ALEXAKDHIA, Sept. 14. At a late hour ltdl evening, we received a communication from a gentleman who lefi the Natchez in the middle of July ; at ; which time there was no profpect of a fpce- dj' fettlement of the differences witn the hune occotints rom tliat quarter. This commmiHation wm. uouoi rib. uc icui uiiii- f. .. . . . 1 .7 , - . 1 Spaniards, imngs remaining 111 me f. lcme buly letter Jtctetl.edateofour la(l authentic is lengthy and intercfting--it will be given in our next. PETER SBU KG, Sept. 19 By the laft accounts from Phi ladelphia, the Yellow-Fever pre vailing there, as ipreadiog ; from Friday-the 8th to Saturday the 9th inft. 32 perfons had di ed of it ; which was coniidera- bly more-than died at the fame time of the memorable year '93 We alio learn, that the lame dileafe is prevailing in Norfolk to an alarming degree, and that many pcrlon have fallen vie-' urns to it. 22. The account? from generojity difpl.ys itelf in fraiernizations brought before George Bathinm, elq. for a la Cuttouche, a-ul in civic infiruclior,s cofoinc of Cou mrfeit dollars, a perton who J ... . mm -t r ... bethenbe-e holden. and this rail. anient tn the Unicoi net be it am i.urra. if itwr ips hunlelt Uichard tljrper. and laid he is necordingly proroguol to ThuilJay, the I miffi'jnai ir s meet with refijlance, fuvmijjitn j ;Va from Philadelphia. On his exatnmiii 5th day ol Uctober next. Ifo ibeir wilt is enloned by thur executor is. on lc coufellcd u rertam Ui rley ol t iii Thev domtev.n admit of a choice in the tity At concerned with him. lie was Sketch of Politics. mode of regeneration opinions, interejft, initantly cinxi'ted lo pnlon. A w arrant It it a curious e'ireumflan,e: which cav- w", ana nature ttjtir, are compeuea 10 v, as illu.d agai dt Uofley, au l yelterday Hit havetfeaped the obfetvation of th-fe whoind, without exsmim,ti,nt delayer remon i,e was alio lakeii and counuuied. JUi- tmnrmA th, Frrmo KL-j'Auticn with anXii'-ance, before, the fabtes of humamty, rn-l -0, ntember 7. attentive eve, that manv of thofe mmentoustus 'gnora.ice are reprefentedat faji9ns This tntming, precilely at 9 oMock, . m a m r 1 1 j if 1 1 nr,rtr. vjWu-hhave. m a v re at deptfe. de-or F.vowicage 1 lai tie nav-yard 01 major Judder, tne - ' O I - .. , . . . ., . n .. .1. . "... . cidid the fisterf Eirop.; iavc keen influen. I i he delates of the councils at farts ! bulder, wis launched, the United btate cedbv a combination aMoi unate occurren-lto afume an imet emng ajpeci : ana m rr 1 r rigne Cost! kllatioM. I he n ivcliy ces 1 and that the fuccefs of many f the pnt.. lean oe tune aoupt put wai u:e c. mewing 0 cie-lceu (me neing te Dm frigate cib.tl oberattoni -jthich have contr tbuttd tt the I parties wm toon come is a rair inat 'ever OuiU at 1 1 port) yrcw loith an Ifn- . M . . ... I , .1 mtm t . T . 1 i . .... I . t . eftdblifhment of the trmch h'epubltc, haifirergift ire five rea'.n:opei eve irm ie pnenle concourie ol utticns, or both (exes, utith r reCultei from within in combination. I new members mean to make a Jtar.e on the nj ot all age ind notwithilandme the depth r.f judgment, n,r extent of political popular qurjfhn of a general pnc'tficaUoii, eaflineft of the hour appointed lor the fvepwht. The elenvnt atone gave the mh, tiny ateulmtji unanim ity arxkvs launch, 1 he number, we are warranted in trench pyfcjj.on r.f noi anu, ami fciureay' cmne. try vc entauy vrv" wa never ccjuu.cj un any occau- tleih naiv f'f omdtrtrionoHthuiA cflt'rPri,t the Council of Five hundred, Ut, , t, ciiy. 'I'm luiUceii the Fatjpico lrel md white the hand of Ueath, wi-o mtgit l"' eu critn 9 I'uncyruioine ojper oj 1 re-1 was covered i:n luuumcrame Ooat.-,, and juflly be termed the tutelar Deity of the Kt-fuU " opposition at it were to hit pt fonal tn adjacent hdis eaft of Harnr creek 4'thiic. bv Fnatchinr the Imperial Cj:kjrinefemv ( nrnot, who w it chofen PtetiHrnt 1I fw.irmed with ipectators; and lo adm-ra. the th' one of Kunn, when on tmAftOim I "' rec7wry. therefore, the h r h'i 'V.c um were the fitutums around, 'hat a, lively ct opet ating vvth the allies, etab ed I turectorypauiapersiji ttitnieipisinpt mjiais ever z-vne n.m me pieaiure ol grat 4f mg his tf).mr obtain the ad untaxes th.it m)irkcd WW conclusion of peace, we haw not uti'mhi curiulity, witudut nlking ihtf halt mcci the 1,1 dtla'h out cambMtin. But in no onelut lf 119 will he overawed by the frgi. dent. inffjner has their pood ft.nune Tcrvcd tiemlft"1 odv. and that Europe will mt Off " A number of volunteers, in unif.nnf jo effenlially and deciJMyas in tlx ftofona-1 "eer expyrd to the Honors c war ; nt 1 ct adm lieu on board, while others were kle conclufttn of a Peace w th the t.mperor.X toe tnte,jt or the pimure if a a jpetaieun 10 gyaru the yard and permit no one 10 Fourteen hours afier tht preliminary a tt Sf 'tfin. cl-s had been Jigned at Id n, a courier at rived at Vienti with llpitchet from the Emperor of Rullia, win ial jojt been a own ed at M dcov. con:am:n - important com" munii alhn, thot an rmy of 103,000 nulh am hadrecriv d orders to march to tht ajfit aH' f of the Imp'rial armrt m Inly and on The name of the notorious Highway man. DUB L 1 N, July 16 Tile report of Lotd Coruwaltis coming to tins kingdom af commander in chit!, t-L . Z P ! 1 i.J 1 vitn extern . e rxiwcrk, nas ecn rcviveu . - I - U . . . Z . m A . a r th Rh ne ! Thefe troops to, were to bep..id au hor'sol the rumour go 10 tar as by the Hufjla i monarch, A remfrvment " he will uHe on himlell the ') ffrjR muff have given an Uttmeditte chiel comm .nd hv.hr u,l mil. , r.,f n the whole face of affairs. The ex- Nr.vV-lOUK, epi . 1 1 . p usi of the French fr.m ftiiy wv!d hau Yeflerdy the Bricilh packet Hjrlequin bet rtjw, and it it hghly probably that, Cipf Orsf, arrived at ib't pori from Fal art the conclmfmrSlM camp iign, they wmld m vH and Hdifax. iih the July mail. I ' be n reduced to the necejjtty of rettt'tngX The Harlequin flttfd fr m h in mh on (n their ant if nt UmiH 'oiv muchthrn I the ijth July, andbrmg London account mm I: 'tope dp'.ore tht up abundant f I . ihe one dy lurr than tholt tl iittprwi I M caution of tht E np-rv Paul, in J Bortijo nd Newport, thu day jyven verbal neglcfling togtve'fimc jprivalt intimation of ly. enter, unlen enaed in tbebjilinels of the day. I he ycrkiuen, imotintftltf in 200 "eing thu kept unubtlru!led, carred un heir work ith Inch regularity and dil paich, as reflected ihe gfenell cred t both 01 (hem(elves;.n I their able condu.lor. Kfery order was comtnun caled by 4 ruflU from the di u n, and the opcritio n of the men in wedgn; up the veilel, cc. wrre a.p r-ntiy pciiormed with as much riact u ' and pretiiit'O, ait i manual eiicrd'e , a r. gimetii ol veufan " I heanamus moment now afflved: and now deltripuoft it beggared. fc.ery thu g m ihe m ft complete aieparatifi all the blocks taken away every m. , from under the effelt and the hull tbn line on almoll nothing but thefliprrry tallow, orders were given tor kn fcing aaav the (all ftatln. chioit : Thia beicg afunc, flic moved grace Philadelphia are ftill melancho ly ; the Yellow-Fever has made its appearance on board the U- - mted States frigate, and one ma rine and the failing matter have died of it ; others are lick; The fame difeafe has alfo made its appearance at FelPs-Point, Bal timore, where the deaths have been confidcrable. At Norfolk, we hear, the difeafe has conli derr.bly abated. The (hip Factor, enpt. Kempv arrived at New-York from Fal mouth, has brought London papers to ihe 2d of Auguft. No epilation of hoftilitics had at that time been proclaimed 1 he ne gocir rion at Lifle was ftill goin on, but nothing tranfpired oit what is palfing that can be de pended on ; lome papers ftate that the negociations will termi nate favorably, others that thrv 1 will not ; the (ecrccy will) which , the important bufinefs is con ducted, render ltdifhcirt to al certain any tiling correctly re Ipcctmg the negociation. 1 he bombardment of Cadiz is con firmed ; two bombardments had taken place, one on the night of the 3d of July, and the other on that of tfie 5th ; the Briti.'h threw near 2000 bombs into the city, which did confidcrable da mage, and had taken 11 vcral Spanifli fhips of war, had laid Cadi, under contribution, ami had demanded the fumof twelve hundred thoufand pounds as a ranfon for fparing the town !r is reported that the Spanifli court has offered Lord St. Vin cent twenty millions of dollars. to (pare Cdrz, &c. It is all reported that the King ot Prof fia having leized on Nurcmbtirg

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