HAL Us mi L MING TO N GAZETTE No. 40. THU R SDA Y, OtTOBER 5, i797. Vol. I.J I .'" - ' " ! susasesjHomipawowsaaoaasaBms- Cy 4 (mW prrfrnted lm the Jfcs.Ifcnch Jo txcetlency the Prince 1 Pfce Mv Lord. The Ihteeotivc DireeWy hns-beard, with lilii jiiii .nt, the uncapped rejafcstf the I h aval engagement, between the feet d hul Catholic Majeily and the Brinth. I nave received an extraordinary packer, whteh his jirfk come to my bands, ordering the J do, at (his n.nmenr, make-knoeBi t Ma majelly rhe true cattle conmuated to IS malicious loft, which ha evieWntt foiled tb honour of ihe Spanim flag. 1 ant well pei loaded, my lord, that a deteftable policy will ft riv to cover fo (hameful an action wish dmknefs ; ami, in order fo obtain it . t . . Ml I .!J .La s enrts wirn lmoonuy. win tw but Otould Jus roajelty Htlen to the falfe e eut whjeh m loeh cam tne gnwy wW u ... , ri ". i-- , 1 foe (MttMM poo, 1 wnt cotnptj . ,a: ,i-..ar- a: ' SMlffft pieefed to oMrrve, that the lawercd a retoorkaWe dvtgraee to WS hesV and that tly as the allies of hi CiWh a fr..ashl . 'ick 1 atf tv. . l .at 1 ra.rjerry, cat. not nn lnumcrence ffoerep fbch turpitude. Are thele jputtjjfcli the members ot the fame aJfetnhly who cm- barked on board your ficet on the three rlcmeo the rommiffomers who aflumcd the rank and (ration of naal field marfhak on! that uccafion ? Who before the commence ment of the action with ti e Brithh ftee, lent a fi ipatc with an infclent menage to each (hip of the line, vie. That the m mifliouers ga - ponii ve order to the fr pi rate captains that they were to link to thr 'wttoui evers fcngnm man Of tr,uuiy ex LONDON, Jttly teer; By the Dublin Mail which arrived tlm morning, we have received a molt eloquent and energetic add reft of Mr . G rattan to his fellow-citizens of Dublin. It begins thus: Fellow -Citizen j uf Dublin, I thank you for part favors. 1 have found in ypn a kind and gracious mailer yon "ve found in me an unprofitable Servant 11. a..., .k- .kl. ,.n fffrll...! 1 . tf . ,t- ivi iimiRHHim w w .twin wu h wHwcr mat imprtmon, 1 oeg to allure you, May, and the fir of jMf? Are thefc yet J-hw fo long as the prcfent Hate of repre- cntation m the common hottfe continues, h4ong mtflll fefpf elf ully decline the bm,r of iolitUing at youre, hands a feat in that af- lemoiy. fctMtJ r 'be ilovaTCharkwtf, rhicb w, rc.. ju&Aiori, feme ray an immediate diflbtuiioii. On this printiple it was I wnhdrew from Parliament, together with thofe wkh whom I net and I now rxercile my privilege, atixl dilcltrueit)y durn in commvndratihp- with I uy conttitucta ftAthe eve, of a general ttrt ,nfldencc o- watioipius .'&ceil 1 Uf me, and win make lt.trs, t preiencer o liis majelly, of all who pretend to contra dUfc rhe veracity o what ( advance. .The. directory ha ordered m to give yon this iktfarination, that you Uy lay it Uiore his majetty. " The Spaniard have formerly given proofs of .fuperiqr valour, talents, and uiili Ctry fltilj. But in late iultances fome have degenerated, and by reafon of a different fltetn in the order of things in all Europe, have loll that which they had in potTeftum for f many ages. It is iixtlirpenfable, in nrdir to prcferve the body, politic, to de ftroy and cucoiTby the root ibis pernicious evil. . , r , ; . ;. . ' The nay, my lord, has juft given us a full proof of this ihtlubitableruth, beitigtn f&rcY fitrficierit to brintr down the hothti neft of the Uritifli , which was jolt beguaii to'diminifh :i m r fall Ihort of the High opinion Conceived of their navy. But the event has f elevated their, arrogance, that there it no example to equal it. For this powerful reafon, the commerce, which ntpports the Spanifh monarchy, is about to be ruined by irreparable lolles. The whole nation detefts the tartly opera tinoj of the navy, and laments with fear the misfortune which iff about to bef.d them. The fat i t,he fleet would npi , or didji 5 A ff vofH aeiaWi v Vet 9 ewew ehvawwefetv-f the fleet has fold the honor of the nation. It has been fo reprefented to the di rectory, by documents which cannot berhf poted : and as they always are led by fenti ments which promote the honor of their allies, they cannot look with indrfferrnte at P vile an action, which will produce ajar nicioir. and terrible confeqnences. I therefore requeft, in their name, that you will prevnil on his maietty to be inirai, ble in punifliing with rigour tltofe who have been guilty of crime. I wait jam lordfhip's anfwpr for the infonnatieii of tbe Directory. PEWGNON. STATE PAPER, jif'vtr if the Spanifh min'iAer to a memorial or remonffrance, prefented by citizen Pet ignon, French vnbffadtr in Madrid. upm the Afcat of tU Spar.ib firet, off up; or. rtneeni, y ne arum fleet, " Citixen Anibaflador, " I have with great reluctance, laid be fore the kine, the heds and purport of th memorial prefented by your excellency, in the name of the Directory of the French Republic ; 1 fay the heads of the memorial, becanfc the language it contain! it couched in terms (b offciiftvr, fo debafiug, and fa in folent, to the ears of a free people, that 1 deemed It ouite incontinent with the dig nity of my it at ion, ta prefent it in the frm in which it Hood , to an independent fove reign. " The king, fir, laments with great, fin eerity, the tmeffpet'led and fever lofs which has befallen his tnajrlty't irms in the late engagement with the H itifh Meet 1 and is naturally led in fupport of his own ho nmir, as well as the honor of the StttniAS uation, to make a becoming enquiry into the cattle or that misfortune? but he will not fuller for a moment, the Dirrtory of the French Republic, nor any foreign pow . tr whatever, to ailiime a privilege of inter Icringln the iinallelt degree with the con cerns of bis kingdom. " It is true, as flared in the memorial of your otallen, that the naval irmsofSpiin aave hitherto been eminently diltinguiJV-d smong nations, andon that account any hn lifoii at ira ii fU with the ereater forye nd moTtiDcaiioit bv his m iirdv But J sannot hot feem very extraordinary indeed tle king and to hit majefly's fubject in Iffneral, tbsl rhe lofs of one artion Ihonld be wtwol as a matter of furprife bv the Frenc't Mtioui furely, fir, the Directory f ihri 1 tne Kntifitcoiniiiandc; s S.Jgt osu Hf itfiH mercy, that iivip they were, to nos,tfOt t hey were, to bring Iter fate fiito the hait, h ur of Brclt, in order to .gt ace the triumph of 1 he glorious new repiddic bur who in .'.he eud, were g'ad to jtvake their efcape from the cowardly Englim, with thciols of nine capital, mips : and ar,e thefe the gen tlemen who are prefci thing to die kino of , : . . . . ... - p:tin, ,wnat pummmcnt ne.is to tnnict upon when I n to render back a trutt. Wliich uir. til-parliatraent lhaH be refortned, i do rtot afpire to re afliime. "The account of the triolt material ports of my caruhict, together wnn tne reaton of fny rejolutjou, Will be thefubjecVof thralerier Mr. Gmttah conclude this appeal rb hi fellowcouun -y men in the following Words : May the Singly power that forms one eftate in our coiuftitution. rontinup for. he commanders of the Spanifh fleet, for the ever ! But let it be as it profci.'.a to be. snd lofs of one battle, while the Lnglifh have in their pofielfion at this moment one half of their navy f Ve did not hear, fir, of any panihSment propofed by rhe Directory for the defeat of your. impregnable fleet on the fit of June. On the conrrary it was af I'erted in the folemn aflembly that for the arms "of France ever to meet the Enjjifh in an action at lea, it was of itfelf fuftcient, and equal m a victory. I am .(fating here to your excellency, the hiltory of three days only of the naval exploits of your repiblic, but al molt every day fince it a cominence tnent mitiht have accnltomed the ears and the eyes of your Directory to the turpitude of naval defeats,; therefore, previouflgto your excellency's approaching the piclblre of his ma jelly, where yon threaten to fpeak your opinion of the guilt of the offers who commanded his flrec, 1 would advife j'ou,as a tnend nudally, to balance thr dd ji race of two nat i.uns ; ifx tul'.e ip one bsml the uatU as by tle principles ahd laws of rhefe conn tries, it fliould be, one ertate pnlynd not a power conltituting one c!tare, creating another, and infliieuctng a third. ' May the purlia'hienrary conftitution prof iler J. Bnt let it be-operative, independent, and ah inrrcgnl part of the conftitht jbh, ad vifing, confining, and feme time 'directing the kiiigly power. May the Houle of Commons BourHft bm let tlie peowlehe the lole aiuhor of its ex dlence, as they fliould be the great objeel of its care. "J ' May the connection with Great Britain continue ! But let the rtftdt of that con nection be the perfect freedom, in ihe fair clt and fullefl ieiiie, of all defcriptions of men, withont diMiinflion in religion. To HMl purpofe he fpoke-w-and fpeakinii this to no purpofe, withdrew It remains to add toils OijijpritaTTon : However it mav plaafoeffe Aiinfvhtv m fCTnaC f dereat of the aemscn Spain, ofT the Caje ofjand ol P.nMaments May the Liberties of St. Vincent's, while in the other yon carry the People be immortal. &1! fo the various defeats and difraces that have befallen the navy of the Freuch Republic ver fiuce the com n.encemr at of in career, and fee which weighs the heaviett. Your Directory will then be convinced, rhat for either of our (wo nations to attempt to bring reproach upon the other, for their inferiority to the other in naval (kill and courage, it nothing elfe than to arraign the Almighty Power, who has thought it good and proper to grant the decided fuperiorit) upon the wide and extended ocean, to that brave people. M The king, my mailer, hat, in the mean lime, commanded me to figuify to the members of the French republic, that whe ther it be true or nor, that it is the infirmity of gofermnents i they (late, to be feized with certain cancers, which contaminate and corrupt the (late, it is aot his majelly's intention ro follow the example of re generated France, by applying candies and rhe knife ro remedy thai dreadful evil ; for which reafon he has no occafinn to fufpend, even for a moment, the dictates of his pa ternal affection towards the fuhjucts of bin own dates, which he is more titan ever dc termincd to cherifh and cultivate . Heine tii-nilv per lii ad cd. by his own obfervatton, and which is conlmied by thehilloriod ex. perWuee of all nations, that no evil can he lb great as in fubmil to the tyranny and oppreffion of a foreign government, ntor. tured and fupported by the very dregs of the lower order of fociety." BOURDEAUX, July if. Paris News Hod i lilies are renewed. The Emperor wifhing ro get pofTeflton of the Tyrol and lltria, cauled our troop to he attacked 1 but the enemy were renulfed. As loon at Buonaparte knew this, He ex pedited a courier to the Emperor, inviting him to fign the 'peace, projected wnh slie Marquis de Callo, in 34 hours, or hoSVonld enter the Auftrinn territory. Ve are adored that Buonaparte hat wrote to the Directory, that he has always neen lutpiriaui of the Km per or s arm mrnrs; lhathehad atwjyi kpt hit anwy tlpoa a rewritable footing, and that at the moment he figned the peace, he was certain ol victory, becaule hit rear and h irnlltars cheit were fafr. But ar thr mommt not know of The two part age of the Rhtoe, nu that Laofon and tbe Venetians inoo wiodad biff rear. Uocfie and Morena have reteiTtr J on o) pooouite fntoGermatiy. July 17. The extraordinary preparations for war on rhe" part of the Kins of PrnhT.t, of which we have received inteltfgenee by the Buf fels papers, now appears to h; been under taken with a view to buddine? with rhe court of Vienna The important Hate pa per, may be coii fid ered as the prelude to the commencement of a war between fruttia aud Aultria. The King of Pt udia's having oppofed the decree of ihe Aulic Conned -agwinft his ufur, patign in Franconia, it, confirmed by the mail, which contains his proclamation on the fhbjsct. Every thing feem to tiircateu t npii.i e between the tvo courts of Berlin and Vicuna. The equipage of the Archduke Cha. les is arrived a; Schwas zinuen, Prague is putting in a compleif flate of defence. The tronhle at Turin go on increafing, and" 10,000 French tt oops have marched for that capital. Attrong fleet has failed from Venice with a large body of French and Venetian failors on board, for the Venetian iUands in the Levant, July 13- The Pwl Journal to the 1 8th and 19h inft. date, that the Executive Directory have made ihe following changes in the miniflry, vif. Cochon, minuter of police 1 Truvuet, of the marines ; Beneiech, of he Interior ; retiet, of war ; and Charles Lacroix, of foreign affairt, were diftnided and replaced, ihe fir it by Laroch, the fr- roi d by Plevi'le, the third he Franctiit de Neochateau, the fourth ly General Roche, and ihe fif:h by Talleyrand Ferigord. r. a Jk m tfO h vieriin, minilter ol juifice, and riamel of ihe fimncet, remain in office. Rlrthclemy and Carnot are laid to have oppoled this arrangement. Charleff Lscroii Is ro be tent to Lifle to replace Pleville Pefei. Lenour and Tal rand Pernord were (worn in their new san the morning of the 1 8th. cutive D'reflory have writena etteno Buonaparte, dated 3th Mcdidor to tne following pttrpori : jriuiiTt u rectory rrtinxt. en gerstral, that ir It due jio ;he im am fetvtcet whuh you have rendered. eft ro you their fa tiifadhm. It con pprovcsoi tbe cor Juet both po I t eal and military, wbch you have a dopted, efpecially with iegard to Venice ana uenoa. a.; ;ja , 1 . . . u . mm 1 1 , v. J . m II 1 1 If I I 1 o I ' A Hamburg nuil arrived on Friday, - .- 11 win r jcujirf iidic iHat tne king of Pi ujia appears determined to eiu ' force his claims tipon certain pofleffions in -F ranconia by dint of arms, and CTO,frqurnu ly to let at defiance the authority of the Aulic Council. On the 6th raft. Qrovt body of hii troops tock poffcifion f tUZ ii n, and immediately (hlnrjned the loldier wnom tney rouno in the bapracu, I i 1 I f new government of Genoa is now perfectly fftaWQied, and citizen. nrfo:. poge weajra- a. iHue and white learf, u r-IiUv BJL . wtnc had art Ol Pirn .ml havmfrcaprnred five fail of the line. Ve -tio not know howthis report originated, and i ii. k ui s ai 1 1 jrrri nurur. miimi u. t fie credit.to it. The lar? ft difnatche received bv n'iniftM from the Mediterranean, affnrrl t. . - , s. IIIUIIV .llt.lfc. . r - t' .1 a mmm . O luoonie mar a nar-ii s.h n w . , - i r -w.ivjii fiM, tietore this time, taken nlc 1m WU, er. According to reports which are abroad 11. Wei (flflwmail l.c; - . 1 . . inc Spaniards are (ereTmitved. with the hclpof their alhes tbe reneh, to rifle a bartlp. Ir i fo.d rt... combined force, are in great 11 rength ; and T 7:-w'gemenr, an tneauthemiciry f which we do not. hnwivr 9 r-i . . ' f i;c our. fejvts, has been handed lo us. If g We it uear tne truth, and the Spaniards re fved to trV fheir (li rn.oli J.. . 5is mea - full fcop- for their gallantry. By hiiftaremtnt, it appears; that iherj were it tJadie, when the difnatrliM - f. eaWotlto ?3 fn asof tlieline. oi of whirl. .... n the ourer road, and rhe 2 others ft tine WtthOB nollible difnat rli in t U. U l i nai uour. Oft the ( range-grove in the Algefiras bav tnjri were 8 Spanifh line of battle (hi,. 8yi 7j ret.cn hi ps of 8o guns. Four frqiclt fttpsofthe line were cruixjng off Cm fie. with every expedition by the French, to join the fleets in the Mediterranean. Under thefe cireuinllances we nwy look hourly for imubrtaut advices from Earl St. Vin cent. .! July a. The PrulTian cahinet VI W V. It J miniders at toreien cnurti ro nU G O " v ..- m9m W clarations relpcctiny, the unhaiaiy Poland. I t ...1 fL . a.iu one, op wnicn conina tbe lolIoWing in I ui IIIS1UWII If from motives of hatred, on ace of this treaty of p-riition and iu refulis.nne oi tne uirec rugii contraamg parties Ihnuld be attacked by any foreign power, tbe two otheri nrnmile to ioin and defend h m a'u i 9 a v its " ui all their m:ght and power agaiulltuch at. MHti The form of orratnraticm for h V. . v. i - netlan Terra Firma, whifh Buonaparte has pubhfhed, is of the following tenor .a ti n .' . iu. m nc sreician is to exienu as Jar as the Mintin. d. 1 he Vcronafe it to begin at the Miurio, and to include the country of Bologna. ad. The Vincentin and UaiTann. v i,h i t territory, is to form a department by 4th. The Padnan, tbe pole fine of Re vgn and Adri, as far as the Po, not re eluding w hat belongs (o the Fer rarofo, U to form one (ingle department. 5th. The countries of Fehrn, Ctdore and Bellano are alio to form a tingle de pinmrnt. ah. 1 he emmtrv of Trevifn rvrnnn. , - - - - , -wwmm O the diftrict of Moflre, is to form a finr le department nrhthatcf Colla. yth. The Frioul, including Montfalcore. it to lorrn the lalf department. fhh. Each depsrtment it to be governed by a central adminiftratiot, conipofed of 2 memheri. Each commune is to have a municipality, more or left numerous, ac cording to Its number of inhabitants. oth. The central government is to be compofed ol per font cbofen by the general of divlfion, who ommaodt in tbe depart ment. 10th. Each central sdminiflrafion is to fegiv ue the manner in which juttaee if to be ad-nifulterrd. Bonquet, the F.-ench Commiflonef1, ht fcqieftcfed the prvpeny of the pnblio I M. '