T m 5 f T -V r I 0rti of that rf -r Vtceza, ir;t ny Jtou. ti. Y ai . an.l c has been concern; f to lev h ye irs tnp' Ho. m.-n imro'.s. -vi ,n, .he com .ind-ot d the pla.e, wi ivas acc.ffry a thai arbitrary ct, is oV rr ded, and rerdc red incapable of evi jerviog ag.m in a military capacity. J T e n (ion e --an ed to his Polilh ma is per annum. 1 he vjww v fconlicajlutf of knu Stanitt s Auguftus o! laud, is d ltd Grodno, Nov. I5, 1793 a d limned by that monarch and tne U icreiarv ot Uate, pri'ice K 2 Ik Pwyan. Yeiterday morning diipaivhib were re "c'ivrd at the admiralty Srom c; nvnqdoi. ;),fir I.ihn Borlace Warren, containing th. nlealW intelligence of ihv fquadron ui.de hia command havine nt mpud a French touiyoy, and c.p ured ltven lm, ladcr? with prov fions, on th' ir palT-ge froir Nantzto Brelr, for the nurpole of fupply- t ing ihe fket at that port with tbe r cargou WlMe gallant andUudefatigubJe commodore; 'te by fome etc1 fi .Mctl ftatt, to be f cti 1 I iff ret it is not in my pmoer to particular l Brwifh louadron has been driven. Should ,ri ed V h f-Vour. I hi even jjftjf have J iittm. Im.Ralf kg ts be permitted olit in work ng to it, ILtion, ir in rente. xtrefxm tisn.it a ton ol Don iHtgueiiyr a quence or aovice, ?an in in tne enrmv, commander of the gunhouts ,in hit we predtt the moll imjtortant khry mm ; in l & mY b'-ut $ f3$de, a"d Britain ever knew hecatne c cocr ve, i tj'ijtceyt sfwhas to h n.:r A'lraVf ofpeer. the exjftence of Irtla. d at iifut. W e Jo i of the aO rjirn being k lied awl himfelf noi tear an ar. ark- cq J$. na n t he c n"my ihi uil the r fl looumud. Not having u, 'mght piu; dcr a tew nauik s, wljen the ctt'rt& lii of the kdlrd and vjr.undea, I cat .' i-ai.ant hir t of a peoj. e, loval, bton e 'nly iiatiytbat 1 b.licve 6 are Killed and thfy ai e confparitively h.pp, would ve 220 wound d. j . R-1 ve are tf? 1 I. . A K-i.r. nu uun anni-u.ixu 1 iwn robnds to think that not Liegr, but aiu- ..er more imporiatit bitiiopntk, will fiV his fore. " The provTional government of Vnict as ifloed a formal proteif againft theaiur- ... r 1 f Mi ' L CJk ml m, itiotiS ol tne tmprror, ripauu 115 Venetian dom:n ons in lilna and Dalmatia, cruDirc bv Aullrian iroops. r . ...... .i r We are inhrmed hv a Kttcr irem tne Jd.ne. of the oth ultimo, that the negoci I I - i : nrl 1 V 1 4 .turns nrrwte me cniumr French Republic are to be continued at Paflenano, a tew teigUM UiU.mt item Jdine- 1 ht IVLrcuis de UA 6, as well as -Baron Hamburg, are already arrived .at Pafftriano, and" centrals Buonapar:.e and. Clarke were hoiTly eapecled. ; ..; A I t ec from the Italian frontiers of the ith uHhno, adviles, that ge 1 e( at Buona ifte has threatened tix Uuke ot 1 ur- haODv to add, has alfo dtiven a I taif with marching a corps of republiciti SfoEo rtn the Penm ilk rocks, and Itr-ops iao his domihions, m cats' thll la defteovll'.ftprveuc of it tisfadion (honld ncit be given by the Th- larafe veflei, laden -with timber, wich AfAl gofernm,ent w tne iniu.is iaieiy vi: c uld not brinofT. U w,bujt pmiim.n juf I hfed to levr ral Frenchmen, both at tice to his merits to 1 jy, mi mere uui uui u i rffirr in rke Brit fh na vv to wbotc aciV4t the country owes mure than to fir Joto) Borlale Wan en. July. 2Q Therned that the pre fent llrnniile "between tne maturity ot thj Iriflativebodv anjd tne d rectury wouhl not affect t! e public tranquility, are lathtf dn- Admiralty '-Office v. June 1 The fofonving dij patches have I ten r.ceiyed at this Office by &. ISepean, t(q. Ville cle Paris, off Cadiz, July 5 SIR. I debt e you will acquaint the Lord Cton mifhoners otiie Admiralty, that the Terpi -4-, """J .. - 1" a i cr-l .1 ... 1 . ...L I.--' J.. aop.tdby thelaft Pari- paper, 7Msh lore. wutyine i mnutr ovno, wnviF ZT ... .nnn. a mnro Prions refult off tichnurtt of artilfoy onboard, ana the Ur ,nat ciAidt than we were inclined exAchin gun boat JrmGibr altar nincd on the id T Vtnit and tt.c night following, Rear admiral Angtift J Meton having made his difpojittons, the bomb, 4 1 covered bv tne pun bout launches, ana i nr 1 rerun, !. iuh .......-- 0 t oar li tie r&ti fliment s at Sr. -Marccu barges of the fleet, was placed near the tow . 1 have iiov ninhe e l toimidanie arrangt incM S for di! tT Hi ig us of t'hofe ifl mds ; tjijhj rfiitei two corvcttef, and betwetn. and 40 gnn-hoais, m ny of tbm carry in 1 uortar-s with 1500 nun, are in readi n- fai Havre tor tiiis f rv ce ; moormgs hwe b e 1 laid down it ltigny river, wW re tnis fq t idr 't it to form, and watch the able te ot our frigve , viz. (the Sag, Pent. F.Ta, and Cynthia floop) when n eft ftive oppolition could be made to hei 1 L n 1 ie even 1 ot fucceedinz at the1 e UUMa k Innadr iii is to Droceed 10 x Maloes, to j- hi an exped'ti.n about tp be undertaken agar.ft Jerf y and Gocrniey. Aujutt 4 The firft and t nrd of ihe four Hamburg mailt due arrived in the afternoon, and t 11 o'clock hit night we received out letters bv the fourth mail. The fecund ii alfo laid to beluiJ-dat Yarmouth- The news by ihe above mailt hat beet? in a great mealure anticipated hy hi- regu lar nceipt of ihe Paris gazettes; hut 'a private letter fr mi H m iurg, dated th 28 h ult. cjn ads very intireltmg new rrliecti'ig th: neg'tcimoii at Liflc It eon fi in. tie r pirts given in this pjper, and ff.-nera.ly believed here, that negociation Js incum ered with mi ny ditficiii'ieS ; and we 'uVe reafon tu b lieve that thev princ p ly regard our ce(Con of the Dtitcii poU f. iliom in the Kalt Indirs, wh eh it wa always forefeen w ull be a bone of con tention. The Frencrt are under bod to have guaranteed the reltitution of Diett fettlem -nts ro the B uavian Republic, be cau e ihev would in fact be ttirowuig iu p.i cal importance into the hinds v rnnce. The letteri from Holland men. tion.C'ie Cape of Good'Hope to be tu nnnciDil orjunds of con e i in tin w are p'rf.iaded ihiC the itland ot Ceylon" is er qf St. Sebujlian &r fired fame f hells into the tow when an attempt wasn.ade bv tb gun boats and launches ot the enemy to ca ry her the rear adnirul who is always prffent in the milt ardit'jus enter p izes, with the aljtlt'-' ance of fame other burets, ' boarded and carried two of the enemi'f "un-boatf, and large i.unch of one of th ir fhips of wur with the commandant of thrmttlia. In this 1 - J M Jhort conftid lior 20 Spanijrds were killed the commandant and ceal wounded; he and 25 men madt prioner s-r-the rejt warn 'afhfre. This Iptnted aclion - war performed wtth wiitlm the affa lants Buj. Iceiai d.! n kd md famiflimg, vho fees, or thr ks thr lets, ne crueiieil ot ail opprellors 111 l ei kthdied aid abfent ih ldrcn, may be expect d to 'eize the iemblance of r lief. Between eight and nine yclleroay mor ninp thefiift. lieutenant of ihe Cue ar- rived at the admiral y v ith a tofinnation ut the proceeding accounts; inm which" tune, to puiiing ih.ispap.tr to prels, do lur- ther intelligence had been received We veileiday received the Biufltls pa- peii to the t it of Augull : they contain in. 1 have the homr to be, J .Sir, rout mojl ( bcdLnt.j riant, in t (Sign-d) H R ilJj KBL$9N. Sir John Jcrvis, K. B. . ,-'r.'. " ' . ' Copy of amthtr leVer f t orn the Earl if St. v incem, 10 iLvan ttpe n, ziq. , Ville ae I3 at is y off Cuuiz, JJy 10. Sir , i defke you vjill acquaint the lords ccm- m'fiioriers-ofthe admiralty, that rear udmi nil Mrlfon crhr da' fecot d bombardment f 'tH'gncetom Vienna, of the 27th, bring Cadiz, ott the rtrght of the 5A, und r the dt "me days later date than that brought by nfioi cupt. BrMfn, of the Tcrpfichore, the Hamburg mail of Friday, Count Mi- cap?. Millet , of the! hefeus, and caph H'al- trojki; general ot artillery, has been ap- lerflftb'e Emtrald ;'and appointed Mr. Jack pointed to the govtmment ot Dal'matia, a-. 1 L ZH m-. L At 1 Hi J A .1 .'9 f t-A Mt iHMk4S m ' a ! .lo.ti T9. - Qn9 fnqfr vr int v mt at r arts jo piacc ine iu" w'wl1'1 w " -eora Thunderer, Terror, and Stromloh, and w ?rtemieben naa lucceeoed to tne that the bombatdment produced con lider able Icovernmeni rot irantilvania ; and general fftdlin the town and among the 'hipping. Alvin7y has been appointed to the govern- 9e$ Jail of the tine, among tbtm the hips I'nept 01 nunuary. - currying tie fug of admirals Mazzr.redo I A at P rt or tne Htingarian mats had una uravina, having varped out the range lquipeti tne envir ns ;r Koriuud and ad- of ibell with much precipitation the f Mowtrp I anced low at ds Udme. '1 hele troops are to form a corps ol relervc cn ihe right wing of the Jinperialafmif1 ' toreat numoers or recruits continue tp arrive at Vienna ; the garrdon, b. rrackV Sic, were cmuded, and lever J were quartfrtd in the Fauxbourgs. treneral Moreau, u appears by letters rHorninv'irmi tt was with great fatijfthon 1 inform pu, that this important fervice was effected wt'.h every little lofs on our fide 3 kilttd. 11 wounded. The rem:, admiral meditated another operation on the night of V at raaythe under his own diredl'ton; but the nind blew lofironp down the bav he could uot get his hombvejfdi up to the point I from bir.fburg tf the 3d ult. was on the of attach in time. 'oj returning w.th his ormy to the in. Mr.Hirnfey mefis mute of the Sea Jteriof part of Frapce. A r.nte towartli horfe, lilfhieu'tfhed I him fell in a verv rcmar- litaly was prefcribed to oeneralDtfaix. kablc nunmr. I A aepu'ation I torn the Vantcnf ot Zi,. rich Lucern, Gl..ris and Schwriz, have ..flVmbled at bt. Gal', for the urjole of adiufting the differences exitting between the Prmce Abbee ind his lubj cr . Letters from Frankfort of the 16 h ulr. ftate ihe head quarters of the Aictiduke Charles to have been rc eltablithtd at ichwezingen. The Aullrian artnv be. tween'the Upper Mayne and the D.n ibe had lately received coi.fiderable reinlor, , mepis. A great number ot Poles, but al- Augull 5. B our letter from Yarmouth, th:s miming, we learn thit the Circe frigate arrived there y t fterday forenoon, with the .itelhgence of the Dutch fleet being at tea. We hai no doubt wnatever, but that ad ia r.d Duncan will give a very good ac count ot 1 lain. Angnll 6- incon fide able Ids on our oat-t as Per enck ....aw- X . m & 1 I CI I T I M m . ed -fi killed. 20 woundcdUTbc lamch' mrec o ciock veueroay morning an molt deltitme ot arms or amn.un"in hrf e f the Ville de Paris was funk by a rkini cT m ine t-irce rngate arrived at the a(lribled on the fn ntiers 01 MoUiavia, fhot from the enemy's gun-boats; but by amnir'aby office, iili an aconnt that theTne4:h battalion 1 cpleng, and iiivuiou or t.ie dragoons t;t b.voy, had march' g aai It theni. The n'lvtrnoi ! Cht:, m I , a' 1 t y -r 1 1 was tnaoe mi le nice ol trie unke 01 irk, from whence dilpuches werefent a eight the afiive intelligent mi.A f rabf. T,r,u ' lutctl n C had la led Tom tne I exel on iridoe aotutv erd: vmirnino. ani rn',rA SuifdaV 'alt. An in-m diate emmun cation ed on A ird the Cull , den. R-ar admiral NeKon's aclions fpeak for 11 y- ... . themf elves ; any praife of mine -mould full "Clock to general M..lgr.ve, command ng fhort of hit merit, 1 (he neighbourho d ot rewc .ttc to 1 general dtort, 0 m nmdn g a- uevericy, was making irrangetl ents to drive thtm Iron the 1 uikilh Ironnsr am. ir, Tur mjl obe.iient, i.HHnr fir vurii , cont'uiered of far greater importance. Bu i ( therefore judgt d it proper to order Jer to we do not think that any correct npi 10 10 tha r n't can be formed from any hi jr that has yet paffed on the lubjed. Aife In t already ohferved, it i the fyftenf 0 ever negociation t r both parties, to v&f the bell appearance of their own itrength and importance, our miniltry are willing 10 five up all the conqoeQs made from ranee, in order to procure peace ; avid it is laid that France bats, in the firft in ft a nee, demand! the reltuutiun of every thmg taken from herfclf, m well at hei f rrleut allies We think ihe will relax ir. her demmh. But alier ail fuch ia the importance of even s Oow pafitnj on the theatre of Kepublican Fr-nc, ihe iflui! of which no human forctight jn dfennine ihat miict t-olt depend on tbe chtpter of accidents; th High it it unfortunate there .r was (uch a chapter in the hit tor y of the w.r. The r-pcrt eoniinei toprevafl ih Cer. man , tUt the pnoce of Onme it to be H.iJaramhcd tor ihelofsof the ladibotdr Evan yepedrtf Ffq. 7. JEM' IS. f Thtjeut, July 4, 1797. Sir, In 'obedience to your orders, tie Thunder bmk at placed, oy the good management oJ priled to find that there were nt any litMt. Cour'y, her prefent tomma-der, off.jlrd M air. jackf m, mtjter of the Vtllede Paris, f i s a . 1 vho votuHteirea tits 'able fervtres, within tjJOO yards of the w ills of Cadiz, and the AitU were thrrwnfrom h.f w th murh pre if ion, undr the direclhn of tieut. Btynei royal artillery ; hut unfortunatelv it vas foon found that the large mortar wo materially injured from its firmer fetxnrtJ fXx44 5 it isotdy known that the fleet on return under the protectitn of the CouA. Terpfichore and Fox, who were k pt under fail for that purpofe, and for whofe ocImo! ervicet J feel much obliged. The Spaniards hrvig fent out a greai number of mortar gun. bats ana armed faun ches, J directed a vtgourous attack to bt made on them, which was done with Inch gallantry, t,al they wtre drtve and purfued chfe to the walls of Qada and mult have fujfe'ed confidrra'de los ; and I have the Pi a fare to Inform you, th.,t twi mortar boat 1 and an armid Lunch remained in our WeTm J feel m fit particularly indebted for the iceufui itrmtnmt on or ton contcfl to the f lant'y f captains f reemantle and Miller the former -of whom accompanied me in my barge, and to my crfwain, John Syhes, vho in dtf ending my peron, is mol frVtreli nt'amdfd, as wai capt. FreemanUe, flhhtln. m the attic k ; and my praties are eeneralU K 1 A W r or.i I and the commander, ot other placet. The Uverar clerks of tne a 'miralty were in at tendance foon after ihree o'c'oek, and early in the day the toilowmg letter was polled at Lloyds t Ctrce, I ir mouth, 4'A Augvft. ! On Tuefd iy we found ourlelves c'ofr in wirn tne icx 1. ai.o wre much lur ihips of force h"re. We Ipoke a Hthing bor, and were informed that the enemy's Iquadron with a cnnliderable number ot triuipi on board, had fiiird on Sunday. Admiral Duncan on the proceeding dat, had weighed anchor and put to fea. .flit ii til we could learn1' The ilrengthof the Du'chis not afcer i.- ti every officer man, fome of who lilts of five fhips of 76 and 74 guns, ehr of 66 and 64, anJ fix of 54 and 44, betide fr gates, 'ihe lall account irom the Mtgue latcs, that ia addition to the numer u iroops embarked on board four hundred tranlportt, tnat each 74 contained loo fid eft, and fmaHef hip in proportion j .mm perhaps to believe half what we hear ould be to believe three too much. The fleet under admiral Duncan confift, if we milake not, of 19 fail of the line, of which three are three deckers, and two are of 8? guns. A much lefs force, we are fatufied, would, in the event of ap aclion, (upport the glory the nati m has acquired, but it needi not an i' rrrafe of glory j rnd we ate fond of bloodl fs v ct riei. The caefe of the departure ot 0 ir sVft, itbo.ic which the Dutch could no; have left the Tetel,ts yet so be explained; nougQ if not a tda iMVuvre . it dnuhtlels was unaro dablf . Phe Circe having taken under ber eon vov feveral victuallers, with 49 otn to uvep, Itc. ror admiral I)u ican, could not IJsw'bihm in the mil ruble mayer, am (fg iu tht north war J, where probably too PARIS, Julya. Eimnnpair, oil the 14th of" July, invited hi- tiuops tu tnakr n rapid match n. n Knnce. lie was much liirptifett that thry otikihenexi day to UIaie upon tti ex edition. 1 fe writes, that he waft'tipj atle o jur na them ; yet W it n man wl o in . eieial knows how to tnaVchinifeW obeyed, ik I n is inipoHiMe litai ihey more regarded lis intentions than his orders. Tlve different divtfions wl the army then ilk a W iCImeiatcd, and nanunp anirellrt came rum 1 lie (e ot An pet can, Madeira , and Jon- hert, each of them finned b from eight to cn Hionsend men. It is often difficult to mnintnin order in he delibcraiiont of moderate aflemblies, we may judge of what fort were the de liberations of 50,4500 men, with (abres at their fides, fixed bayonet, and more con vrrfant with inilitar) exercift than with poli4ca or the coultiiof ion. July 37. Symptoms of a revolution are every day ippaxent at Rome. 1 hey openly fing the Carmagnole, and other pairiotU aim, and 1 hi 'lit the prelates, and other perfons at irhed to the government, as they pafs in 1 heir C caches. A courier ettraordinary from Italy, which pitied through Lyons on the aoth mf June, reports, that a new infnrrei'tion had taken place at Tin in that the king and his court are prisoners, and that five or fix perfons of rank are maflacred. METALLIC SUBSTANCES, FOR SALE, A lew ffts of Do&or Perkins's celebreted METALLIC SUBSTANCfcS extremely ufetwl in removtnf pains and m flamationa inci tent to the human htOfi Their virtues as (b fenetxllyknown tbatais : tk m. AiJM ciiiiinrrnitnTi n iinrrrtiary , ,' WHEATON liSDALE 4c CO , Srptembtf ;. V