UAL Us W I L M I NG T 0 N GAZE TT E . e .- W ; --.H , . j No. 4 j .1 THURSD AY, rOC TQB E R 12, 1797. Vol. Lj M 'MM"M"t """"wwmmWvWMMvWvvM.WMvMv VIENNA, Julv 13. The Sccret.ry of the Neapolitan em bafVy has returned to general Buonaparte nothing has tranf; r-d re1p-cbng the con tent of the ditpauhes. he brought except thai the city of Wnne ft rm at prelent a pnnc pal object in the negoci tion. Some hopes re entertaihtd tliat it will attach itlelt to the houleof Auftria. 'l ie negotiations, lo far as they have procefded are highly fatislaftory to on court, iiutiiuutn as ifiev prom ne an ampte indemnity lr the fftenfices that his lift-, perial nvjefty has made cq procure the peace ofknopt AIX-LA-CHAPELLE, July 24. The baron Storkham, biftu p of Caatope .''CJl.P' ... &c, Uas arrived lor the bejitfVr of the water. A diltm guilhed pcrionoge in the diplomacy, who is here for 'he tame purpofe, allures ns, that during the courfe of rhe laft month, the Emperor, ;nconl'eq lerce of the rtqueft made by the Diet ot Kat'dbon, required of the Directory to order the Frtrtch troms aj to withdraw from all the German Empire, as far as the country of Liege. The Di rectory replied, that by the treaty of peace concluded with the Emperor, the integrity of the German Empire had been atknow ledeed, bur ihe country of Liege, having been united with France, could not be cor fidered as a part of the Emp re, and that the Directory in agreeing 10 its integrity, had no intention-of reftonng any country that had been umted with the republic, and formed into a department, utile fs the treaty of peace with England Ihould lead to other d Ipolitions. But the Emperor contends, that the French Could not unite thele countries to their lerritories until they were formally ceded ; that in agreeing to the integrity of the German Empire, the country of Liege was comprehended, thm he would recommence the war (doner than fuiFr any other cO;iftruiion to be put upon it. BrtrtWemy, one f the Director, d f- pliyed much prudence in endeavouring 10 ptrluade t is colleague that it was impofli ble to underftand this article in any other way thm that in which the Emperor under ft.iod it. The difcullion on ibis article was fo warm, that on the 27th of June the treaty had near'y been broken oft at luft the D.rect.ry divided, and two were of Barthelcmy's oprni n, fo Liege and btavelot wdl enjoy their ancient conftitu tipns The Prince of Liege i fet off for Vi enna, to thank the Emperor for hit pro. tedioii. . PARIS, July 24. A camp of 40,000 Auftrians is fornuW in Franco.iia, and another of 30 000 in Bavaria 70.000 Prulfians are encamped in Sdefia an 1 L ifatia. The t..otives wnich actuate thefe powers to put on lo waililce an appearance, is an enigma which the termination of the r.c..t tu-gociauons lor peace can alone explain. Tne news which we have this moment received is of fuch importance, that wt haflen to give it imwediaie publication, in order that thofe whofe concern ir fhouUl be to contradict if, may halt n to fausfy the nation on the fubject of alarms, which, t thev are f-lTc, are yet not giou.idlcl (L'Eda.r of the 25th.) BRUSSELS, July 22. The greater part of the div.fion cim minded by general Kuhepenfe, it crolTmg N-imur for the purpde of nterin ihe in terior of the republic. It it certain that a great number of troops from all the armies 1 m a asm . .'.as received orders to repair to fans and .1 . r. ...... ne environs ot that Capital. Malicious ports have alreadv been foread a,noni m J m thefe troops who are m ule to believe that 1 royalilt counter-revolution is on the point of taking place immed a e'y, and that go vernment h-M recourfe to tham, in order to prevent it. Whatever be the object of thT Hie laa Is ceitatn, and it it Chiefly with the lighter troops that it is attempted." The royalill of the ccilncd of Five HunJred will be in ich allon fhed to h id htCirno: h mfell aave the order! tor th. W ft. A .a M.m it m. m rcn ut the troup. Moche tncenled l manoBuvrei which arc carrying 0.1 gairft the three members of the Directory, willfoon cut this gordiati knot, and dildole the truth. We are aflurtd, that an accommodation has taken place between thofe members of the Directory who were more at variaive. and it is hoped that two minitfeis wlu m the public has lo much realon to regicii, will be kept in office. Francis Neufvhaiea cccepts the. office of mir iller of the interior, and there r no Hrubt will fiil it wiih propriety. He is. however, Tubji'ft to the gout, whieh laft. 'en month in ever,' year. Tlie .1 f th -1 herundor, gon-ral HpcJic received at Gueldears, an order trom th intnilter of marine for a fecret expedition, i dtn 1s. illicit t be riecfrfJctfy in tJheaeiah oorhaod of Breil. It is faid from 8 to lp,coo men are to be employed. As then was only in ' Bnanny (ufticient infantry to guard the coaif, and no cavalry or artd lery, Hochehas drawn 6oco infantry Irotn the army of theSambreard Meule, betide 2000 cavalry and artillery. , 'J he above is the explana'ion giVe'ii 6V the march of ihe troops, which has caufed lo much iihiaGiiefs at Pris. Kotwithftatid ng the cloud in the politi cal atmolphereof Pans, that city is y et un (iillurbed: It we may believe pul l'c report, ihe, -negotiations at Li fie,' with England, pro ceed much more rapidly than thole at Mon tebello with Aultna. . Genenl Scherer is appointed ni'iiifterat var. '1 his general was the predecefl'or vf Buoriap.r;e in ihe command of the army of Italy A letter from Madrid, of the iorh inlf. ifttr noticing the bombardment at Cadiz, lays 0 In our prtfent. criiical c:r um fhnces, we are aft mifbed to fay nothing mere, at obferving that our governmem nttemprs nothing aga Portugal, which howtv.-T feeble, is a very dangerous neigh Wourt and without iie help ' which the Eftglifh could never have kept their fk o: ii?g fo long in thefe l nitudes where tliey ir .ve us with fo much immunity. We may thank Portugal that they maw men ice us at one of ti e rnoft important points of our coatU-We learn, that th' y have alio made their appt . rmce before Vigo in Gallicia, where ihey have lummoned the povernor to furrendtr. We hive no doubt nut that tl tir troops for debarkation have been fupplied by the Portuguefe. In this ftate of things, the inactivity of the court is not to be explained. It is to be afcribed to the dole r lationflnp which connects it with the court of Lilbon. or to a more afflicting caufe the property of cur treafurv V LL'Eclair. July 26. The menage o the Directory to the Couiic'l of Five Hundred, relative to t)ic financei, gives a very mrlli.cho'y lla e ment ol our dillrefs. The Direftory de clare that the enfis ia at )enrth arrived hich they hal fcr a time p. ft an -ncunced, and call upo.i the council to pro vide in their wildom the moll efficacious means to prevent the incalculable mifchiefl ifui may ctherwife be produced. J'tty 27. Since ;h; clubofSalm has been (hut "p the pubic dilcontent has very much decrealed, a id d the Directory would at length confent to difmif. Merlin, an J Ramel, every thing would go on tacts, facl'inly. 1 he ililTolution of the dubs of all paniei has n jt been the only (acr hce made for the rr if oration of public tramlmlity. A rccon cilmion took place after ihe fitting m the 24'h m the library of the legtfliuve body, above 100 members known to belong fo CI chi, and thole ot the moderate party The former took pofTcHio.i at a very eaily hour of the library, and the latter were not a lit ile furpriled on entering to find the place occupied by perfont whom they were not in the of meeting there. How ever, the converfation became general, the j eaiell cctdiahty prevaileil, and men ac u(l-cJ to treat others with (uipuion, cciul- they were not on a fociable foot "g pfTed the time agreeably together, a nd Jirrd in a very friendly manner. Gmt Ca.nuci has informed the adrrrini- ft rat ion of the department of Lyons, that ho uuld not ptt that city in a ftate of lieg& enlefs prefDng circumftances fhould require it, 01 unlets admin'ftration ihould declare, that conftitutional mea lures are nfuf5tient to check the com in 1 (Hon of crimes which the Diredh ry complain of. We le;,rn from Breft the difagteeable intelligewce, that a convoy of r vtfl'els laden with provifions and timber for fh-n building, the property of the republic, was mmii- uy U:Ur dugmn mtps 01 war. it aa u-ider the protection ol two flcopa cf yf. and a br g, which kept Up a hoc fire tu;ainft the enemy, but were at length un--ble to relift a fhip of the line cut down, two frigates and a cmter. I he Englilh irtv ci)tii: ed hall the ront v biimr m - . ' " , 77 viiv rm mip, and A rced the llOOps of war ro tmi jujui c, woicn tney trjectta in the iiay ot Audit; The remainder of the. convoy alto tor k refuge there. We do not yet know what 1. umber of men we have hud k lied and wounded. The allemhly i f the deputies krown by the club of Cliclr, becaule they held their meeting at the pWe of that name, have gi ijen a 1 rompt and exemplary inltance of their luhnvfiion to the laws, by dillblviny heir tociety ydferdav. j he other clubs ill, it ii hoped, nil' 'ue a similar line of Conduct. Should thev retirfr. th ijted authorities are bound to comrel them to it, or expjj'e thrmlelves to the refnohfi Oility which muft follow fuch negligence. 1 ne report that in corrfeauence of a long confennce held between K'tvillieve, iir- '.elemy, and C arnot, the maioritv of tlie Drtclpry would adopt a very different line 01 concoct tram what they have hi herto done, lias not been iollowed with any alteration in the meafures of the ex ecutive government, as the public affair are co iducted in the u'ual wav. Letters from the a; mies ftate. that means have been tried to prevail on thtm to take part it: our internal dilputes. 1 tils it ac- compfifhed, w uld prove the true mode of it conciimg an parties, by preparing us tor the yoke of a military government. 1 nc owns Lanions have DCliuvelv re- fufed 10 grant a paflage to the 25,00 men of Buonaparte' army for whom he had demanded if. Thefe troons mull therefore take another route, and will pro. oaoiy march back to t ranee by the way t f rieumont. FALMOUTH, J,j!y 28. A mu'iny had bake out at L fbon on board his mnjefty's fli op ot war King Filher,cap't. NJaiiland, who was then on more, immediate Iv on beantia of th:. ihr i- captain wa .t on board and ordered tht crew to be c-Iied all on deck, and alio d them what they wanted They laid No th ng r ' out h.fled and behaved inltilting'v. Captain MaitLnd immediately told ttiem he conleciueiice. and bctnred of rhem rr. roiurn to ihcir dutv Findinu all he I'M ( 1 S O (wlfibly fay ineffectual, the captain drew bit dirk, and told them if thev would not hi (-ir idjois tuey muft by furcc. .One jnap a a afj . enaeavour:nj;to lay hold ot mm, was run throug.h the b dv, and ano:her was woun ltd wno died tne next d y. bev r l others m re flightly wounded in the fcuffle. The ring'eidtri arc all fecuredandput in irons. one laueu iroro L.1I0011, and, accordin to report, wai bound to join lord Si. fan cenr. The exchange at L;flon was at 74. DUBLIN, July ifi. The rapidity with Which the recent mu liny at Bamlou was fydomatized, the num rer of the ronlpirators, whith we lament to learn greaily exceedi the utmoft extent o public belief, and the unheard of atrocitie that were to have marked the progreft of revolt, pttaaleconjf dure as to iti yet nnli vmed origin, while the mind it hn'rrored at lie ttttM of depravity A general con flagrntinn of the folate, kc. which wouhl neceffanly have orrupied the attention ol ihe onleert, and of the other troopt, wai to have lccti the fijrMal lor ihr m lflCr of tht Mttre ,oth regiment, and the light compa nies of the Sljgn, Fermanagh, and London lerty Milhia, who it appear could not'l tpnled Tle confpirators, aided by part ol lie inhabitants ol Bandon, were to have 'lien plundered the town and th Imnl ni Lord Baudon, mto which ihe y were to have been adinitted hv forvint - mnA it.- ,- 1 J " w " . hv... nii.i VIIV murder of all perfum deemed hot! iU to their caufe, to have marched with the park of HP tillery,&c, to Uanrry whofe fort they be lieved would receive them, or which they were otherwife to have forced, and under ihe ftandard of revolt to have waitedTthe inncf ion of the dilaffeifi:ed,and the expected aid of France. Extrafi 0 a letter from St. Mark, June i6 " L lhall give you in the detail the oul lines' 01 the proceedings of the brigands, from tlieir firft approach till their defeat on the Icth inff. .. " For Tome weeks prior tothe lft inftant, the brigands were fern from Gros Morne collecting invaftnumbers from all quarters, on the banks of the Atribonite rtvef, with feyeialfaldjfoesjB iheir front, wiih wkichr ttiey gtnOYiaJly, approached thSW pott, tUT on t fitivMU to attack it ; they ewcamped theni- eives upon a hill, mchnitg towards the Salina here they mounted one heavy gun and a mortar, at the fame time they lent a large body of troops lo encamp at th,e watering places, which cut off lupplres of vvaterand provifiohs from the town toOroi M nrilp oni P mm T nnrvi. U a. Inrmi port was fo warmly attacked by the cannon and fhells from the moftar, that it complete ly panic ftiuck the French rfficers and their blacks, that they thought of nothing but the means of laving ihemfelves, fo pre cipitately fled to he woods ; the brave but unfortunate Briiifh of the 17th light dra got ns (50 m number) without an officer,' had now toluftain the whole fire of the e 1 (my, and abfoluuly kept them at bay fofl lorne time ; they were at length over, powered by numbers, and only 25 of them vj4unift in cutiinir ihpir , tbrofitrh, and arrived at Fort Churchill, 4 Fi t: Langic, commanded by a French officer was evacuated without firing a Ihot In confluence of this rafcally bofinels ojr judicious commandant (Col. Cocherell ) ordered all the out pofts on the 3d to be virhdrawn, and the gunf fo be fpikcd ; tlu fe were CampGuillon, Le Rey, Marie, Frang, and Mortrouie, (Gros Morne and Langie being already taken) our hopes ot lafcty became now very doubtful, hav ing fnly the town, Fort Churchill, and F ort Br fbane to depend on. On the 4th, a battery was commenced on Guilion fide, whiih on the 6th opened on the town, and plied us very warmly with balls and fhells at the l;.me time a brafs 2$ pounder was opened againft Fo't Chui chill, and con tinued without interruption all day. Only conceive the ftate of the inhabitants, par ticularly ot the helplels women with their infants, and all their valuable effrrts in their arms, no vcflel totake them off. no profpeflofany. I neter faw woe more completely depided than at tliis time, from lour to Ive hundred women arranging themlelves along the beach, feetningly more incl ned to throw thenifelves head! nnu lnfeA the deep than be in the power ol the fa. v gr roriny. . ( 44 No (hells were thown afrer f-v u the morning of the 7th of J'jnt-, but the 24 pound brafs piece at light on the day, op.nrd on Fort Churchill in a moft tre menJous manner, and continued till tt o'clock, when the moft deflate ftorming commenced that has ever been koown on the part of the brigand, from two to mree timuianu 01 them advanced in three columrs to the tort, prepared with fcaU ing ladders, hand-lhells, full of corabulli- I . a ..a Die materials, and other warlike implc-m-nts, they fought defperately under the wall lor ac mmiitei, feveral mounted, crying Fht la Refublitjue, but fortunately tor our laivation, the tew Britifh that allift. ed in defending the fort behaved fo gallant ly mat iney were nnally repulfedj tbfy loot feveral of our own black who were going to abandon their pofts, and thereby rollfed the rait to do thnr duy. An of ficer of the 17th light dragoons was twite flruck by flones by a brigand who had moon . ted the wall, upon recovering himieif, he lifted a 6 pound Ihot and let fly at trie fel - low, and fettlvd him, By J s I knoy you boncy, you have had your breakfall." 41 Never were the brigand known to hve fought fo defperately as on this day They left 550 men dead on the 6eTd, 1 ro. loneU, a id 15 officer th: account is & crrtamed fiy tllcir papers, which were ta