A L Ls W 1 IMJ mp T ON GAZETTE No. 65.I ARCH msjoji it r. I TO AMERICANS. and iriry ne arms, bat Last-ocly by a iefcie When gyral A(ts entomb Caribbean tewrs 1 nam to the Written When Nature trembles tbr6' tbejakepKOn-1 cornpact petwon the pie. exprtffed i rights, butpwlejuwuct. AibjH.. " Wi rhrrlnre. naosusnr mi i majefty to difmiis from vow eoum pretence, your prelent mirottert, as the i Cft ft III n all 1 roft.M-ifl,. H,kc nrnl. perity, and happlnels to tl, cttitrffleu country, and thereby firmly fecuxintf jbrl imcrcns or tnc crown a no pcopie, w affefled taxes. fTfollowW over the I are both at prefent in the moil aJi . tL-i ft B: .1- lw wnoic Kiniraom. nam. unuoi, numx-suiK ten, Sec. have nailed refotations jainU I vour the meafure. I twite The Earl of Ormond. and otners, have I in obtaining a reform ot part inftituted a committee at Kilkenny m Ire I bracint. every religious pei fus land, to receive inlormatiooagaiitflUuit-Jfure and only means of r'faddj ed Irifhmcn, Sec- and have advertUed r- kingdom profpercus and happy. gbt Undergo Part laud as the tramp of HeavVthr nets roars. 'hen ovral an(h entomb Caribbean tt-w'ra ' . . . . i. . - j : Ana ucean foams from crajzuy cHfts re- pnlfk, . Jh Umnifcient calls! attend the Warning ry, IVE UNmD,ORDlvnDSDOI8.y Late Foreign News. t rMrv"ft.T T- The example of Laaidon. In regard tc tune wards and concealment to informers. itt the procetfio!) to St. Paul's, the two H' uif s of Parliament feemed to have brought ou' tlu tjhubb'iejl equipage. By their appearance they Teemed to be qu te tiriable 10 pa the mjfejfed taxes, though t tier voles we might have Umpofed the , Cour jry . According to letters received yefterday fawaw Falmnswh, wm learn thai the Plwenix rrtugue!e frigate, having the Marquis de Pembeiro on hoard, it on Ihore near that place. The advices received from the Court of Portugal have occafiooed a very fudden and unexpected change; his excellency Count de Pombeiro with hit lady and futte left town on Monday morning early for that coemtry ; the Count had taken a houfe in lahir-ftreet- Por fmin lquare, for a a . " t Kcned) An. jmawi, unatrtnan. ED. POTTINGlec'ry. By and on the behalf, andarflie deii fire of four thoufand eight hun dred and three freeholdera of county of Down who their name to the above petit Hous or Thurtday,. Dec. it. to hear the bib" was 4 f. . 1. . . t Jta whether it not. The lalutary it, were riot only lervke at the prefe Ire, bur to benefit thofe who fhould atsOsv The chancellor of tbe 8sch formed the committee, that ded, if any perloos mould kn .Urn ,A't. frnm I .if land hoV what Wat ttdlhl the ben rendered hk bftant deaartare need I luch money sfiooid upon due exa 1 t .. l 1 .iicri 1..- fayy. . a 1 il tnsj emmase was unjawy aprrraateo .- t m 1. 1 a. j . I 1 v i m 11 1 1 1 1 11 11 mt lawiojiowtno mtwob was yeneroay 1 mncw roilNfaV mmni A f U JT bt rteht hoaorabk Feat, and graci- I the m re fpeedy payanenevot the mono I . . 11 I J .1 VJ ..A. 1 -1 . . w iwcerVfO ito oncnuawoa, wrc ii, inuit m me bntttwe. MnniBaYma ter us- In its principle & in it modifies it was founded on itice & equwv. petfbn who could reafooabiy cUim wna exempted 1 and tboTe who ed by an emanate rro eiafs and fituation in life : nejeflary that this bill mould er fteriod to operate than iome The houle baine reltlved Itfelf intoigentUrflien had wifhed fort we (bould by a committee, Mr. Hobart in the chair, Wftrt aneam aogsnept the finking fund, and the bill lor railmtz a loppty by tbe neL let Bad been Wy ftednv -bis ritfbi hon. fed taxes was again taken into conuder. Iwlead (Mr. Dundas) gradual payet accumulated debt ttaoathJi read, Ipetif en M :1a red ol raiolur he tore the t wety J not, He thought ib mirtifteHud better have h-d reour(e to the tour mil Itfesft that yftu advance. iWM perttnnot tftat Vr m" i.rrucewaavy be atUM vttri mm to be rauenhv ir inceeatftMUfole Carew dej Du cenienc use uarmc nai tons; and be raife Pole Car of tbe 1 bill now cotietry. Ir ifliwt . Re. Muy itpUiftymr Mfht I b;U, appointing fnch payment to be every I Hons of the We, ur Murtty'a Most OWWltwo mooins, or oy uxwnauments 10 tnvi "ow and loyal fobirAa, take tbie onpajrtnnity f evpreftog r loyal y and atuthesewt to our Majctty's parnm and f.mry, and i rvaooki which traced tbem 0 a the bbki . aw I . ' w rone of thete realms at the fame time, of decUring, that, in fuch a period as the potent, we sbonld three it Utile inert 01 trcafon 10 be ft ent on the flate ot tbia rer naasnvyv Unniwf ef ireann. it 10c aaerd; of a long. dtUArotM, . jaefl and MaeceffVy War, which hat deaVwyed pahftc credit, co-nmerce, and aiMsedadUswa. we cewjplain ; voor Ms- jedw, inynur wtfdoA, muft have per eewwd the ev4 coafiiaawnrti of that war year. finkirtolhjnh UV nvv r A furivw ettnf toflk reWutidn. Mr. Fllifcm aarf MeWiilhrfnrc ft words. aUtr Which the and mv r the Frtfflai Aatea. Vft care to cultivate ny which I find between the two upon tlu I pray God to keep, yo, orat anddear.friends, in his holy 1 our goon 7 fie no, E0ERICKWILU4M. Berlin, 17 th Nov. 1707. 1 he blackimhh employed in tbe naval arfenals have Jufl given a newt proof etV t heir a t tac hment to republican tafii tot ions. and have at the fain time fhewn how an , xious they ire to contribute teweiA the ipeedy execution of the defcerit on England, hy declaring that thrf aviH aim tpemrfivcs no repot e on the Uccadu. eff The cletks employ taVMJni. .wuMiuifeo ne 1 rter or lattice nave ensVUsW Jetter tm MkntU ttdl anelhaWaWi aeirmawtatii, itJ. on jLMhind. and a fender ot thir tymarcbapuBftiottajl descent lervtces lam a chanccllarof IT invec lives againll the Ingllh government, they ftate aa follows The Secretary, Clerks, LardOsw awen feeoe part of yoordo W wa the aactjn.holy warm f i ol which we eoaaplain 1 now be remedied. of the great afl food and wife in the abwinte ne canity of a Parliamentary reform, a well lor rise sec arity o( the a, aaev aasaaajsjri The n as that ranee, and bad g:H - . iissssssssssssssssssssssna n. am jt as .aavarw sn 1 Mr. JolJT objecmd In this claufe, and thought it neatly impossible for many per few to be prepared in io wort a period ni l tune. ioe exosvqner rwir, ana expreuea nis at. and otners employed j the general Seere- Mr. Bragge defended the neceffity of toninwnent at whet had been alTerted by tarymip (Secret hi) of the Executive it, end begged leave to obferve, at be an hor. gentleman ; much as he refpec- Dircotory, the per font employed in the was then upon his legs, that grots mitre tsd firm, bis lyftem was ruinons and fa. internal ad (tun iU ration of tam Drredortal preCenution bad taken jsiace refpeclingar. tal m the extreme, and, if adopted, would Palarr, detained at their pofts, reoret asTeruou which had been ssmde w a.looM,ljj'uAfe tali swJsew Into ineviuble rnhs. I that they caawot thkre in the labour 1 of of which had been read an evening! The true canfes of the eaeWarraflment oft their brave brethren in arms 1 but wifh- 4wo ago by an honourable member, I tbe finances of France were dtame ricalty 1 me te concur, at lead, in tbe means eel- who he obferved not fob in bis place. 1 1 he reverie of thofe ftated by tbe hon. IcuTated to enfure their luccefa and the tri- That letter had Hated, that the inhaba-l gemleman. During the laft war they lumph of tbe Repnbtic, they have jet tints of the city bereprefented (Brhtol)! boafted of their canying it on without I doled tae fubfctKMwn tbey ooeoed Wo iho were tntirely favourable to the bill, bwt I taxes but that lose of conducl proved I firft of this month (Dee. 30) which1 have he could assure the houfe that fuch was I their rum their debts were accuoaula'-1 oroduced the funs of km iHrm. Tt not the cafe; though they did not dif- iog, untM at length they were totally in. I place in your hands citraeos direclors this approve of the general principle of it, tbey I capable of liquidating them, or disember I patriotic oftertng, to be employed in tbe lannamty wunao tx very coouacrata s raaawig toetr ntssmcea. ipreparati be for got scot and the After a flsert converfatioa between the Upon that claufe being read m wbkhl chancellor of the exebenurr, Sir W. the time was fpetified far the exifmne ITeitaoy Mr. J. H. Brown, and the of the bill, Mr. Pole Care w fald, that I matter ofke Rolls, and the bill having he had hiihcuo umlormly fupport lawon gone through, meal u res of admmittVat'ion, endl Mr. D.P. Coke expreflcd his regret . k. ... l 1 f- r m . I A a . 1 1 - w . tms mil in a prnerri 10 rar, yet nc iiwi a as sstsss oawss ansent VIS ewe of we itions making for the of tbe tyrants of the fees. A metTige from the executive direc tory to the councils ftate, that dm ca binet of bt. James's haa detetaaioed to withdraw from tbe toth of lanuarv. tbe ufu.l fubfiftencefromatjoo French iw. n aWinladav who are. l tm which has si nisnjimif hk deviation I upposc its being in force for a longer pe-1 denies was mfccAd, on which he had I contrary to tha rights of net mm. detain. - . . & a m r m m . - 1 m . -Jt m j asraa a b from that phsnMe baa iesaenfliited the Irlod man a year, as was a mi woaas ipropmeo 10 nave m wsweSst of that meafure. The dot if u. loyal fmiirhmi efyour people have not to. The mnt conatitmiosal m mt iaekin redrda hvt ;.wg!i?.M ssvehnea loeep right ant the esjsslamasami hmh our mrcfatbera mod shew Mood, an! lor the pretedben ef wlshm yewr Male Ay's ancestors were celmf swsheta away by the spreient has been fcucefiively : I ed in dunaeonv it orooofes 10 rif be was afraid wdhld orcafion much dif-1 That ctau'e refpecaed ths money that we I contribpuoo for their fupport; the amount content, and the lun to he -ailed with I railed by tbie bill bring paid into the ex-1 of which w fated at one ae.iUOU a month, great duncultye cn4lwa ed j but one year I snwqwtr-He would, therefore, as the I It concludes io the following manner; Would fcrve as an experiment howito-ltsBl was gone through, mow, that the I Citncn reprefenutivra, every daa of Cased, and how it would be received I Tellers of the exchequer, two of wham I foewty, every en ten anticipates the plan, would oppose ha betog coo lie end any I ave lord Camden and the marquis of I wnnb you hae m new. to aVtrW rk toager. 1 Buckingham, mould have no fees a riling I tinnal loan, which m (to afitl the crmoner- Mf. netretatr immn ceminmentea trtma tstat money, ne wee certain the kwniierehli aentiensm on the GnceJitiflssim fc exalted a Attaedwn rity of hi mdHves lor ddetrmg with mi outers on thm poust, hot be rim right ell him etched by ifl(e vmw of she nacnre by the con. I of the h.8. The war of France with us rial by jury, by fwm-1 ejaght he JsjaVy caUc.l a SMsdee the most tcttwsv I finance ; the operation of the hd I hem,- lat: tbe liberty of the prefs, I esuwnded eamw than One year, was with - m . . a t . . df synch, by Use (hame-la deugn that scsKthing might m coiirie ntofsmaaodrnfersntritlof rim he taken od irom ke uano id has been uaf-1 debt. ToHamttaitt operation, therefore. war agamlt our che right ihaheee efneeiaJlytl kg, t . llnlM mill . . 1 I r... nssw aw immm hhu nearly opposite isund lampat). was he an that ImpM fstedjty accede sn fuch (A km Imgk.J The Ckwoosilor of the exhwuner oh Weed, that the fees ol the 1 ellers of tain that 1 art of Arcolc, Nrnwied, Khel, Flruroe m those I and Lody, to carry back into the walls of the (a- I Sr. la am'a all the evita with which tbe e so bins I Hrnifh cat4oet hm defoUred the w houfe, lTwa eagrrnefs with which the me motion, line loan un.verfally eaecmd, end aoiicipated, by previous lubfcr.ption, for rise directory a eertasn pledge of xeal and punclealirv with which the con. tt jswii ohsaesr. hwi been sealed I rrwnlbdjt fur the mlfcatti wtt bei by Pariiamenr, wnh refped to the fees I The epecgnsneot of rewtsVsmht arumg irow me fuyment ol the (urns rail. 1 imbued that pistol ipsrtt Jm"

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