HAL Us I L M I N G T 0 N GAZE T T E. Xb. 74.I T H U K S D A Y, M A Y $it 1798. 'f Vol. II. IV M K S O F T A G H 'Ptejidcni o the United Stales,. TO Both Houres ot Cbngrefs. May 4tn. 1708. par tial to a aids us enemies. I i hat government, allnnifiied at a re proach lo umtUnded in Kct, iocomra- Gentlemen of the Senate, and Qtntkmtn of the Hiu'e of Ripr cjentatives, I NOW trani mil to Congrefs copies of at! the communication,, from our En voys Extraordinary, received fince 'their' arrival in Paris, excepting thole before prefented by me tis both Routes. J O H N A D A M S United States, May 4th, 1798. (No. 6.) P.ris, February 7 th, 1798 Dear Sv, WE tranlnm to you in this inclofure our Lit letter to the mini iter ot foreign relations j ineogh dated the 17th ult. it was not, on account of the nine taken to tranllate lb long a letter del tered till the . 3111. lirour coinmumcriti. 119 tier. , at? though we have, agreeable to your ih itructions, wrtieu to our own language, we at the fame time have "tak.-n the pn caurion, left our meaning Ihouid he m'n- reprefented or mifimderltaod, to a coin pany them with an accurate iraiiilaribn" We have not yetreieived any auivvc-i to this communication, and ihould 110U0 tice be taken of it in a few days, we (hill apply in a more explicit manner fur but pall ports. The councils have pafied the decree ineniinntii m No. 5, a having been re commended 0) the Directory to capture and condemn ah neutral vefl'els laden in part or in a hole with the inaiiutactur.'S r prodigious ot Lrfglarid or us pofl'tf lion- V e Indole you the othcul copv ot the re)ort on that (object, and (ball reprciei.t to this government the inii.i'' ce and injjry whuiu It -mult inevitably ottaiion u,,. We 'have the honor to be, with great reipect, yjur mott obedient numb . lei -vants, CiIAKLkS C. PINCKNEY, J. M'vHallALL, t. OhiltiY. Col. Pickering, Secrtiaty ot the U liteJ State. T O T H E Mioiiter ot Foreign Affairs OF T II F. FRENCH REPUBLIC. Citizen Mir iftcr, Tilt under ligned Envoys Extraoidi naiy and Mmitlcrs litnixteiniary Irom the Liu. ttl States of America to t-ie French republic, riave Ikcii hitherto re ilrai.ied by the cxpeciairon of entering on the object ot their muliou in the forms ufud anions nation, from addrcl ling to the Executive Directory, thru' ou, thole explanations and reclamation, with which tney are charged by the go. vernrnent ihry reprefenr. It tin. ex peclatioii is to b: rel.nq nilied, yet the UnleigncJ w.ih ot the UiuteJ Su es to rvltoie that harinouv between the to Kc,m''ic, which thtM have o u.ireunt j vaurotily violated. i ii'i, lojgnt 10 prcierw, renders it me daiy of t:ie in 1 1 1 ) ! to lay lie fore the government or France, however 111 formal the CO urn tnication may b; deem. edf lome conil Jeratiom, in inidnion to tncfe already lubuii.iCil, relative to uic luthn dbffrcAcei be; ween the two aatio tu t)p?.il aid repea'ed'.f have France en 1 A n -rica i:?terc taisgcd unetpi vocal tlt m httiU ot rec.pr,cal regard. Tnefe tc.ti n liali were g'ven by th United S ate, with all Vie ardor a. id ttrlccrity if you h. It it HtU believed ai on tne ptrt ut Kf4,ice Uiey were fftswite thr )iftri 1 J real rfteeui. l'ltf were conilereJoi ih'ouerhJ? o! . Atfan r, Mjl if ia.e as'lie Ivcp j'jii sill mile ve.' V V.ar1,)if- fhiiteorn tttinj d ; id A uifca o ks uroQnd in vain ItfTUM -' 1 ir ih: friend. Trii cotTtralt !u: t of n :jtuia ani uf canJ jel wlitc;i the ,rr- vot lo avowed y tXlibi.j a p irno 1 n CH-pjty, ha U.i r icneJ a tf .wJ J '.y France, to a dilpcfitidn alledged to Mccn?iulated wealth of ages and a 4uW x.it u. the govei-nmei t of the United J population, enable the nauims oi Europe Vtates, enlritudly to this Hrpubhc, .-ancrr jlo tupportthtfe wars in which they nit nductd to eritffltfe hv motives wh.ct tl ey deem acequate, and tiy mterctts incluiiydy their own. In all 1 elpj fFeiin!t is the iituation- of the 0-nred States ; p flciled of an extenfive unlet led territory, on which bountiiul naiOrt fa heftavCed w.th if lav ilh hand all "the d !,ctfid by its deiiarauons.aiid its conduit, could icarcely collider this charge .is le i ious, and has ever cherdhed tiie hope, that a candid review of its lot duel foun ded on the documents, and aided bv the j capacities for future legitimate treaineb Vrguments with which tbt Executive Di j heyindHlge 1.0 thiilt for coixjutlt, no rectory has been fnrnilhed, would havt J ainnuon tor the cxtctViion ot their limits relcuid it from the injurous lalp cion. I Enrircled by rio dangerous powers the lhisiupe leems hot to have been reah- " neither tear, nor are jealous of iheir zed. ri he ttnderlig' ed, therefore, dctuT 1 neighbours, and are not on that atcooiu t proper to precede their application for that jultice which they claifn 1 rout France, by an tfloi t to remdve the caufe, which is alledged to have prt dutrd mjui tesof wh'ch they complain. With tins view, they pray the aiteni.on ot ihe Executive Diiectory ioa ferious and candid re-con Uderation of the leading mtalurcs a!op ted by the government .of the United States, nod pefldac theml tlVes, ; thai hiwever various 2nd imrUivlt d -the chan nels may be thro which m tinfonnauon, concerning the dilpeii'ions of that ijin vernmenr, may hae iieen received, ye 1 his recoufnieration 'mult remove unfouu ned prcjudicej. and entirely exttiiSLe the American liauon trcm an acculation k knovs to be untounded, and believes to ne fupported by no iingle fatt. When that w ar winch has been watfCci with Inch unparral'eled tury, v iiiclvui it vail vile iffitudesof fortune, ha, alternately ihroateneU the very exiltence o' ihe eon dieting parties, hut which, in its progiels has funounded France with fuch Ij-Jen-dnr, and added ilill mere to her l'Ioiy than tier tur tory, When 1 nat war fir 11 involved thole nations ' wirh whom t hi United States were in habits ot fru ndl, in erconifc, it became incumbent offl tHi b governuient 10 examine their litUitiuji, ihyr connexions and their duties. Aou rici found herlelt at peace with all of the belligeunt powers. She was con nected with iomc o! theiu by treaties oi amity a d commerce, and with Franc by a treaty of alliance alto. 'J hefe le veral treaties were coniidtred with thi molt f. rious attentit n and with a fii ctrt wiih to determine by fair conitruclioi the oblation which they really inipo ted. 1 he lefult of this enquiry, was a Mill cotr idtinn, that her engagements by uomeans bound her to take part in the war, bui Utt her io far the nnttiefs oi her ow'i,conducas 10 be at perfect hberty to obliTve a f)ltem of real neutrality, li is deemed utn -ciliary to ar.alai thole treaties in Older to iupport the propriety ol t is decdior, became it is not recol iccted ever to have been ciueltioned and is btlieved no: to adnnt ot dumb. Being bound by no duty to enter into the war, the government of ihe United Mate conceived ulelt bound by duties ihe moit lacrd 10 abflalu from m. Contcm plating man, even in a different (ucieiy. as the fr.end ot mm, a ltate of peace, though unlttptilared try treaty, waa con- lidercd aa i npodng obllatious not to be Fhele oblManont created by the law a. t t 1 . I 1 1 1 of n oure, were in tome itiilante llreugth. cued by lulenin cxiitiug engage nenis, 01 vintli gooJ laith required a religious obler'ance. Toa teufe of moral ilgbi, o li.r con tiderations ol the greatelt mamtudt ycre added, wh'cn forbade the goVern ueot of ihe U. States 10 plunge th ni un uereirarily into the inilenesof tneblojd, cotilut then caninitucin. Fhe j;ieai thiioiiiut Ei-rape eithtr unveiled by am h tio,, or b. exiitiiiii or upo ltd p- tnicd inicreftt, pec d ar 10 ihein.clves, lave co ii 1 it. .1 ,n r.'t ia.1 a t r.rd ol Uu oufrnt ceni iiv in win. Whnev'er .aalei mav luv prod icid fj offl .Img an . vil, turf c n it he iiippolt J 10 IllXr ro cn-T-ty rxtin-piilhed, and hunni :y can f url 1 uul e t'i h ip 1 ihat 1 1 tcnip.T . r c mi 'it. jo oi mill lo altereU i ta r?t;i it : le 11 i ccoinry (rnn tn It ! tie pit. 5.rnia f i ti a 1 , pjaciu; i.n.'uf: arm.c, ilisjiiuu; a principle which tcmaini no a to bhged to arm for their cwu iatety. Separated from Europe by a vait and riendiy ocean, they are but letn'ottly, it it all, iiffecled by thofe, intc reits, wjiich tgitaie and influence this ponion ot the globe. 'I huscircmnltanced, they have no motive for a xoluniary war. On the contrary, the moil powerfucoifiideraiions urge them to avoid it. An txtenftve and undefended ccmn erte, peculiarly need iary to a nation w,.hich do-es not nianutao ore tor iiielf,- which is and tor a lonj; time to temt j will be ahnoit cxcluiively agricultural, would have been its ttnmt dftte and certain, vicl, in. The Inrplus produce of thrtr labour trraft have j)ci ri Hied on their hands, and that increale ol pi'pulation lo efltntial to a young coun- try,- mull, with their piolpcrny, havi U-bttauied-a lerioiis chrck- Their exer (ions too would not have been coniidt t utile, uiilels the war hsd ban trausUr rtdu) thtir own bofoms. fJrrat as are the means, and refburces of 'die United Siatef, tor If-otfence, t s only in lelfufittencti tiun'ihok- ti>i&i its tan be tomplruly d.'p'aed. Nei ct vr the gei ius ot ihe naii.m, nor the :1 'eoiiis laiai ces, Bdmjtsol cahuig its kins from ii.t pinnohi I ut i dt:- i 1 lie r ow n liberty and their gwn tire linds How criminal mult l;ave been that government which could have phut gid its cortftitoegts in a war, t o which i hey were neither impelled by duty or lohcittd by inteteitj in which they coin ttWrrd it) much to hazard ; in which tncy nmft lufK r.in order to acl i!cicn:!y, and tottld t'nly (tlfpiay their energy too m repelhi'g invdliun ! But niotives liill tntire poyi 1 1 fol ihn ti e talamitu s ot tiie moment, have ititluciicid the government oi the Uiuieu S ates. It was perhaps unpofTible lo hire en gaged vohm tartly inaihe exilting ton liict, without launching into the almoii boundlefl ocean of European polities, w iihout contractu g frabiti of national condud, aiidtorming ilofe political con nedions which tnuit have comprotnitied the future peace of the nation, and h.i. involved it in all the future quarrels of Furop. A long train of armies, debts & taxes, checking t tie growth, diminilhui V) the happinels, and p rhjps endaiiget in the liberty of the United States, mult nave folio A-cd die adoption ol Inch a till em. And for what purpoie ihould h have been adopted For what purp 1. mould Am-fica ihus hunhen htrreh with the conil els ot Europe? Not to comply with any 'engagements flic has tormed, not to proinoae her own views, hrrowu objrtHs, her own happmefs, 01 "er own falety, but to move as a Satel lite a round ToTuc greiter Planet, uhol laws the mult of necellity obey. In ad dition to 1 hefe weighty lonliderations, v was believed that France, would .derive more benefit Irom the neutrality of Ame rica, thin from ker tetotinng a pany in the war. The determinat e! ihen o? the pn vernnuMt of the Uu red Sme to pre leivcthit neutral Itatmn ii which the war f oti id theiu, far from m inifellirg -paruauty for the rn?mi;sof France, wai ily a oiealure ot jutlice to itfclf and othrrs, and ri.d u.n even derogate from mat predehclion fir this repuhl c, which r hat fo rrpeat.-dlj exp-1 fled and dlplny ed. Having avjACd this dctri nutation, ciicrrafed moiivrs ot honor &nd of duty l oii inoded its faithfof ohfervance. I t la fettled; tl at a f rauthdej'vr "neun ality U no iieturality at al! ; ai-d H at lJie naiibii m hit h .' oniii 1 ioiui llt-iMn itrra n Jtit 4. mult alio ptifei in, ihe dot ts it enjon ' rhd 1 he goenirnS6t'"oi the Utiii e d in . u s, declaiinj illelt nt ut?. I, iirttul iditti ai iui uv i ari iiouiii iav ui o 1. j 1 a 1 1 1 1 hy treaty, to one ot il e hcdipeicni j;ow -trs, vfiich it -rt feted to asu.tl.cr, it could nc i.ohgef have tlaimed the mm amities i- - II. .. . . . e ' r ' 1. -.A- ! p4 j , . 01 a inoau.. or c w nan . ine oiogaiiuns Acre forgi tien, it vvi old have become u pany in thew.ir, 'as cenn'tily 'tis it u.tr Ihid been open'y and foimafis declared, ..nd it would have added 10 the intdnets nl w anionly engaging in lucn a hazard ims eonllictj the difhonor ot n tincue tmd fraudiiient cciidudt : it 'would have ai. aitiid " circnitouily mi hit cl width it could f.ot plainly 'avow, Or dirc61y pur luc, ai d w diild have tt iiked tiie jit'ople of the United JSiaies into a ; r, which it tould not em tire optn y to oetbre. - it was. maiter ol ttnl dehght to tl e government and people of ' America, to ne miorined that Fr'Snce tfrd rrnt wdj; to interrupt the ptace they enjoyed '1 he undei ligi;td lraveUtn induce d t ell upon tins' hi it 11 ceil', ry al 0 iknfive ttep taken by tl cir gi,vmintn', a :ho' us prbprietj n ay not be tonit t vt ru d, Irom ii ( onvictirn, that if the right ol thes United States, ,0 oi ftrve a l.or andhoi nt It Dcuirality be eifablill'tU, ihe 'tnt ral charge: 0; an tutfi tnt'l, d'Jjx iition, made agmit fit in by i r a lice mult be rein qmiliiti, bvcuft ti.e 1 'tis, hj which 'hole charges are iuppojtto, wtll l)tr found to have ot own luev.Ubiy out of lui Iituation. . r fj is meahire it ar. accompanied by an. other, which in r?.J filing lo afloi rlhmg a charge as parlialily lor the ctijt;i(te of Frajiy, detervr s to be nt tired. Sui.n alter the government of the U. StaKs hd rMnhd to ns .;u.cns the u ic o liih its neorralirv eiiiointd. Mr. Gen - - j ei, ihe ti.lt tninjiter Inm thn Rejiul! :c, arutii at Philadelphia : aliho' lus tt n duCt had hetll Intli as tjjive c.ilj!e fttf ferious alarm, alt ho' betore he was evtu acknowledged as a ini.:;iter, or had u.i hed the author hj winch could infpt llil credentiala, he liad ailunied ihe Junc tions ot trie gCvTinncn,i to which lu- was dtpuud. ei the uovcrnAjeri'i refofced to lee in h'un only the i ejueit ntntiv c oi a Keoublic. to which it wa, (incf vetv at . , , r, , - - . i 1 .... 1 . 1- dial reception wiiich he had experienced trom its cittzfr.-, witii.out a fingle eXtep nou, ftom Charleiton to Fauladrlphia. 1 lie then fnuatlon of Ffanec dclervt 10 be retiumhtrtd. Wliile the retolleftion adds, ci'ieti uiin.ttrf, lo tie glory wnh U h th ur na tion iseucrc!ed, it tftjbl.Htcs tin I inter ny of the Unireo S-aii s. 1 he molt lorn idolle (Onibiiiation the world had ever Iter, ti rta'encd the rx eiiinn moil of this lupoid c, Aidtrit' Utrmai y, Frullia, Liuaui, Spain, l!o. and and Saidmia, were in pftlll Igainft f ranee, anil Koil-a wasJeagued nine to. I t 01. Not wai ttiiRal1. 1 be Rcpub- ht diliracted by internal div.fiont, n. taiucd uumcrtUt cnnnies v thin its own ootom, and a confide table portion ot its proper force was arrayed . : ;t nfelf. In inch ftaie ot iluflgs, ti e moll (an. u ne might feart and toe molt ardent uG.atc- Coufiiint in their Itrengtb o.d rrlying on lutccla, the (rulefcrd powers (ought 10 aim in their cautc the relidue oi (ne world, and deemed it cri minal to acknowledge ihe ftwiitign iy ol lire Mepubl c. The nations ol Eu rope, even thofe who had not en-end into the routed, v. ei c citlicr of ihcmh I ee unwilling jo acknowledge this lofrrtign. ty, or w-tre deterred by fear from donij; O. Had the partiahlic i f An . t .beau agair.fl France, this enamp1e would have been followed According 10 the rules of or hoary calculation, the mrfure ould have been fate, and confro- cm ly I gnvc rnment lehng ihe attachmn.t UOW io nnpillly attribuud to that ot tl U. Stales, would have n du ated thoie at- tL t... i.. - -- Ca i I ii in tlMi ur ,k .myi tun mw puifuing Iusba (yftera, the W. attaei