HA L Us IV I L MI N G T ON G AZE T T E 97; THURSD AY, NOVfc M 6 E R 15, 1798, Vol. II. The Wilmington Gazette IT, ILL be enlarged and pi in Ion a V .new and elegant Type, t See a week, after the first day of January, Price of Subfcription FIVE DOL LAKS per Annum, (exclufive of poftage one halt paid on the receipt of f fp it number, and the other at the emt of-tfn year. Advert i sements of no greater length than brt adth will be inlerted 1 ne fir It time for Six ShiWngi, and for every continu ance Four Shilling longer ones in ro purtion. All Communication! deferving a flat iu the GaieOE, and which may not be product ft of any ill to fociety, will be thankfully received, and inierted gratis. ROBERT ADAM & Co. Have received by the Ship Hazard from Liverpool, & re now opening for fale at their Store in Wilmington, an aflorttfient of GOODS Suitable to the fealon, viz. LPERFINE Broad Cloths, Second do. do. 1 af . is.erieys, Duffles, Qoathigs THE WILMINGTON GAZETTEon its new and enlarged plan, will contain an ample detail of Foreign and Domett ic Intelligence, the Debates in Congrefs, the Laws of the United States and of this State, Elfays, and nil other matter thai will be ufeful or entertaining, to its read. rs. ". The Printer with gratitude ac kn-.wl4-ges the great obligation he lies mi -der to a generous Public, fur his fuccd id en deavours in his prefent undertaking,- and to merit their further encotfaysriufcUt, Is willing to make greater exc udijs to ren der tiie Gazette worthy the p o'rige 01 his t'el.ow Citizens. F.-oin number of A '. vertilements it contains, its pWlcui fize tutd weekly public at inn Will admit of ah uie Occurrences of this very m.ppr (aui Epoch, when the tlronelt pa'dions of the liwnan mind are in anion, and the late- or nations depending. In or dee mere fore to accompli in itsobjejit, by n-; c nig, ) it a Vehicle oi General aud eed iSTor snatinn, it will he enlarged :Hid piiL.i !t- d asaioniai l, and the, jjrcatelt punctuality ami CttietisierVed Hi JbfwTdlfre u to (u'j fciibeiS iie pii-iO...-. ! ui tiVrellary to int HUf-unrr psa iie in regard to his future conduct, i&aU an observance of Decency and Llbei dity. it he nas leen fo fortunate .-'.. plea If in this his pall con duct, (of vudcu there can be 1.0 greater evidence than lf eaieolive circulation his Gazette has gained in let loan two he Hitters tumfelf that in his future he Will be equally tniccUfnl. Priiiteiabcitigol like ptTions w ith other men, are in danger of becoming the in flruiueins of parties r;nh r tuau tue faith ful pubii!hers of ttuih .pti feci ion is the lot of no man. If the Printer uf the W il mingtoii Gazette has any political princi ples, he has Itudioully endeavoured not to be led altray from tin. t doty bv them. If he is in danger from any deluding paf ftpn, it is the LOVE Or' HIS COUN TRY Here he is attached to the Object ot hi wilhes, and ready to facrifice hit all (or her Peace and Happiuefs. lt The Wilmingtou Gazette will he continued to its pre lent fubferiben, until they (ignily the contrary, and p y up 1 leir arrearages. It is require that i'm.!e who fubicribed after the tifili diy of January, 1 79 It when the Gazette was commenced, (bould fettle up to the nut day of Janua ry, 1799- WilmingTon, N. C. 7 October 2ih, i7yS. 3 Plains, white and blue, Negro cottons, Os&nabrigs, Rote blankets, Striped do. Flannels, Caffimeres, Swanfilown, Marleiles quilting, Linens, 3-4T.I1S, 7-Sths, and 4-41 lis wide," Chintzes, Calicoes, Du rants, Caliinancoes', Bombazetts, Moreens. Camblcts, Corduroys, V elvtretts, SAVAmAtf, October 16. JExir-ael b a b ti ai t ared nth September 1?q8, fror.i the lecieiary ot war, to his txcileny ih Governor of Georgia. Tlie adoption ot a coullitotion. -v bieb lis, no doubt, well calculated to promote tne intereiTs aim nappinets or the citizeiis 0 ttie it; tc oiueorgia, is a ii.t jrct ot mmi C ngratulation, atui I r.m eoi.fident, that m th refpeci to the weltern lands which have heretofore been the fubjeCt of fo ; touch altercation and dilquitt, the federal government, whenever it is lurellary, will take, up the bolinefson tait, jult and nonorable terms, and with difpofitiona hot lets amicable and conciliatory than thofe 1 with' nleafore fee exurtHed in vnnr !t l "The vigorous ineatures purl ued by the rrtates of Geornia and South. Carolina ., present the ref ugees from Port-au Prince, from intruding themfelves inro thei Uates, are proofs of a vigilant and adivc executive. V V The United Stites in ocneral fhoulri be careful, to prevent the introduction of perfons of the d-ifpohtiens ot thele people atuong them but it fhould be more par. ticuiarly the policy of the fouth'ern tlates, cir.cumflanced, as they are, to counteract, ny every practicable means, tbe dtffufion of principles fo dangerous to the faieiy of your citizens, and hottue to iccieiy in ge nrral. F For the purpofet of local defence on m hidden emergency, tbe importance ol aw- edi-Cfive and well organized iniliti,!, will undoubtedly occur to yiti In the rtean time no meafures wili be negtecled '. t tie general governtnenti Which the -ecuttvc are authorized to take", that my rontribute to 'befaf'ety of the expof. e p vis of tl.e Tea-board oi Girorgia men. liires have abeady betn ron eried with tbe (eeretary n, the n-vy for iheonOt ur. t oi oi ) mUies lor jour protect ion tnefe v .i ix iv.:' i -u ai we piopct" ...CCS fnon a ton. ieri.d." T NOTICE. H Copartnerfhip of John C al. Horda and Co. wasdtllolved on the I tth of September last by mutual ennfent. All prrfont having demands againft faid Firm, or ohn C4LHorda, are re queued to apply to the fublcriher for payment, and thofe indebted thereto, are dclirvd to make pjytuent without delay. The Goods on hand belonging to the Company, will be fold very cheap for cafh, in order to clofe the bufinelt. No credit will be given to any perfon what ever. jOrfN CALHOMDA Wilmington, NctV. 8. Tlic fubferibjprs fince the fire, htve removed their Goads to the back part of the Hore occupied by Mr. Nutt, faeing Mr. G" r'i, whrre they have A General Afliirtment, Suable for the fejfon. No?, t. Willkings & Scott. Plain and flnped nankeens, Men 6c women's cotton itock ings, Do. do. worfted do. Shawls, $ - Printed handkerchiefs, Check'd do. Komalls, Silk handkerchiefs, Muflins, Lavn, Cambric, Hatf, Nun's thread, it Coloured do. Writing pap r, Blank b ioks, Knives and forks, Cuttcaux, Pen knives, fcifTirs, cc. Green & blue cd-j'd crockery, White do. Lead and mot, Naila, 41, 6d, 8d, iod, 2od, and 33d, Hoes, Axes, Adzes, Drawing knives, Saws, Smiths' tools, Pots, Ovens, Bar iron, &c. &c. &c. j4nd of other Importations, Sugr, Coffee, fine smd 'coarfe Salt, Jamaica, W. India and N. C. Rum ; all which they wiM difpofe of on mode rate terms for Cafh or coun try Prod: ice. . Nove nucr 6, 179?. us - K nurby, Stftt jth 'oS. ' ,MAJO:l Kl (i8BUKY, Cbinmandant ol lVufl'ac, S l a, For the pnrpofe of exploring the com try to th Jbuthward of this, my irietrds with Use are defirous to ddcen- uiug ut nrcr vino, oy your g.irrihn not being acquainted with tue rules o! the place, has induced me to write you, tot information how to ad, wd whether .ve are to del c cud the r ver or not. l he information received fouie, week' pad, which ill be (hewed you per Mi. lor G.tt, the bearer of thii, appe irs to me not mor extraordinary, than that it your order th s day, taalcendthe r.vr ieyond the diltance of a fix pounder however, 1 have thought proper to obey four orders, as it u now arid ever w as m rral d lire, to conlortn to the rulei and regulations of any conlhtuted author'!) derived frqm our government. I he migration to Smithhnd has fst lurp ifled the calculation of manyprovi lion being Icarte, necellity has iniicr.'!' enforced us to draw loine Mtfttfict tron the wotids The laws ot the U. State? have prelcnbed the boundary bttweei uiand the Indiana, aer which we can not pals without olfence lhou;.K tin Indians have been permitted to take the ame from m witoout ofTence 1 we w ill, tube permitted ro pais to fome plate "nerewean legally by indudry juflly up,jori int wants of many rtfpeclable fa lilies, who may other wile be r ducrd n want. , Your humble fervanr, ZACH. COX. Fort Maflac, July 17, i7o8. Sir, 1 received your ht-r of this date by Mr. Gift, and mult inform you, that no armed party is permitted to pafs t hi place, and fhoufd you prefume to ar tempt foran? by the galley or garrifon you rauft eped to pafi under heavy firt from every piece of ordnance, which can be brought to hear on you Irotn the lort and vu y. Your humble fervant. JACOB KINGSBURY, la U. S. Regiment commanding Fort MRk and its dependencies. Mr. Z. Cox. K m ti tky, 3 miles above Fori Mafiac. tly 18, 179, Col. Mofes Shelby, ,t, Dear Sir, On my rout dow n the river Ohio, in purliiit ot the journey contemplated, and tidly commuiiiiaied to you w hen at Sn nh. and: there appears tome difncultv wuh he officers ot tbe garrifoir or A.al!ac, ift ei n.ni hip our defcendii g the nver, as Villi will (re bv ilir inrbitcd tim tin. i u m ' . . - . . j nuic iiiuuiiv it mjr uui iu COIIilliU) t cate to you, the circundtai.ces. foliciuW 7-ui ll irnuijf HUT1LC BUU IU BS COUimi'i;.. 1 .r tl t . A r . 1 ! . vai n ink.AAa I - - - ur-vi 1111 .iiini. , vil (t JlM.'JCCl IFUly li m fir 11 111 it in at inr riti7rn .t .1... . i. - j -vii ci i wnrht if the tireanrl inil"nii.l.. ... T f."Vfll vigation of thefe weftern. rivers aie to be but invaded, there is no longer ufe t.r civil authority, but all muft bend to a military prerogative. . I have ever lupported the civil autho. nty oi my country, and itui hone to have it in my power to do fo.--Yeu or the only tmcer on whom I can caJl or look up o tor juftice ; therefore hone ycu will do my friends and felf the ho- nor oi your rreience, that a proper in. veil Ration of the fubjfa may Uke place. Vour fiiendacd molt obttiitut hum ble lei vant. (Signed) ZACH. CCX. One Mile above Maflac, July at, 1708 V V H. . . . 1 I a .... ' Sr. ' .M ... Sime my deparrurefrom vcuro.rr;f j " fc. IVI1. on m-ture coulidtitiiou as a at'nmn ,A Kentucky, tor.teivino the fnuatia. .fnib feliov. citizen', who have bten crtitrly and good nun, and now or owmed ,n my regiment, and by tin r own i. m : it cauCes my teelmgs to b!eed.Hi,t asan ofLcer et.quirino tntotheir vtt vanx being denied a light or copy of yc.ifr or . ders. in a cafe to I I 1 1 I i 1 1 i I 1 , I (.. r i' I.I . .. , , , t,t- c v iowi ir' nd n.yieh, a. the umr.ttr. rupttd n.vgation ot he nver Oho. rovtded tor and iecured to i.& bv ireai withal! nattoitajouchnu ti , ( ',..'rA me io lliinkmjtelf injuied ; 1 lt,w fccg von. ii coi i.iu ni witii vein i . ,, ... I J ' HVHI HIIU ol der, to admit the barge of Col. Cov and one fl it bottom host, u ii u a I. .. r mi, ..ic. :.i. i:u" iu pjis, wnnrjve men on board of each, or I luppolefive It Is might do by getting hirthngi to woik up.. ihave thooghl from the date of vonr order, lontlpoiidiny with th A t - ri ... h.k i the letter that Major Gift gave you a cepy a lew tl.iVS Ji'O. ibrv mnfl Um, . . I ...... iiavt ill ill li II. ed with am: cine troll) Col. Hantrrifr.- tmuk ; il not, gixe me a true copy, in oroer io cuaoie ine, to intorni my tel. iow.ciiiius, that tor the future, they may not ticpend upup treaties or otil autbority, but refignall to a military pre. uyative, and to attempt any thing to thecontrarv, is not only riflting their rights and prcpeny, but livesafier ac. knowledgmg the great laiiil.it.irn I had in your company, and other efter, beg leave to iuufcribe oiyielf with due elleeoi, your lincere friend and humble ftrvant. Sr, MOStS SHf.LBY. Fort Mall. i, July St, 'tyoj. If you art defirous of defending the Ohio, with fix or feven boats, and thirty or thirty five snen to work them and i o more, i nave not the leaft objection, provided you have no ordnance -or military itores on board, and not mare than one third of your men ;.i n.ed. ( ) y ,,r approach you will halt with your psrty' one mile from the -garrifon, where your hoats and crewe will be clamimd by the officer of the day, who will report, and Oiould you conform iir.ct iy t this order, you will be permitted to pals on moleiled. 1 am, Yourt, Itc. JACOB KINGSBURY, Majors Mr. . Cox. Kentucky, July ai, i;y. Sir, It is our defire to fubferibe ta the rules of the garrifon per your rrqurtt, you will pleafe to fend an officer on board to take a manifetf of our cargo, that wf rosy pafs in peace, agreeable to

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