I h ? / I.) {NliMS. t6.) Wilmi AND GENERAL, ADVERTISER. WEDNE SDA Y, June i8, 17S8. MISCELLANY. Ctnu'ne e:py of a/eile- fom Caot. Johi SuUiTcn, to Ih Fxtd- len:y Visual J'litdliey, Fjj. ^ivcriijr tf lee Jfati ef 'iout^- Carelixa, State of Georgia, Flint River ^ Frcntier of the Sfanijh Vomioi^tis, DiCtmUr *7, 17S7. May it pleaje yovtr ExttUeHcy, I DO myfelf the honour of atldrfffinj your exsellrncy, In pur ■ fuance to a communiL^tion which ha> hten made to iie thjs day by ;• di(Hn(tuilhedo{ticer from the Wettern W aters, in as much as chat Cungiefs have hren pleafcd to clifpatch dicifive orders to the commander in clilef of the continental troops on the Ohio, (or the exprefs purpofe of anelling my perfon , and being afTurt'd, ihatfimilar initruf^lons were tranfmitted by that honourable body to the eX'^cutivc of South Card na. My igno rance of any cuufe from which a mandate of this nature cnuld aiife, or on what legal grobnds foch an extraordinary |rroccdurc can poffibly Ire adopted, induc(;s me to follcit from your b-xcel- hncy cfticial inferma’ion o: the authenticity of this intelligence. 1 have too exalted a fenfe ofthewlfd m and patriotic principles of moff of the federal deputies, to harbi ur.m idea that pry late conhdential letter to tire Mincer of Spiin (liould have operated in this inflance } from a folid conviAion that there exills no faittteJ or imflieti eo,r,ne power in any of the State Executives, much lets in Congr.fs, legally authorif.ng them to conimul that noble prerogative a citizen ot America fKircfTes—the preroga tive of unlohling his private political opinions to the wo.Id at large, tofovereigns even, and to Oates, but with far lefs ceremo- tiy '3 the meie reprel'entativcs ofany tranfatlan Ic monarch. Your Excellency muO beperfcflly informed, that the conOi* tutionof this Und tcnl'ers on every treeman the glorious privi lege of addreflrr.g kings ; and when it is c: nluK red that tliefrce, men of all ccmmonwealihs areaflual kings themfelves.. I ant led to believe that the private fentiaicms k hieh were imp>aricd in a contidenli.il letter to the miniOcr of Spain, cannot, in confo- nance to ar y eOahlilhcd rule of law, be broup,lit under the charge pi najtfty tffnJidi ' Event* of deep Importance to this country and Spain, which are now buried in the vnmb of time, .me inlenfibly piogreflirig A'om the crudeof probability of fpecuiation, to the growth .and maturity of fafl ; and the perlixl cannot be very remote, when thti*fri/U Tartar cf the Weft, the inerpugnaile Kentuckian and Frank, will dare to proclaim, that the Natches lhall be reftoicd, aither by negociation, or arms, and that their right to the free ravigationof the MilTilippI ftiall be no longer withheld by an indolent, jealous, .and in.politic nation. Had his Excellency theminiftcrof Spain' (or a moment reflcfVid, that niy unim portant fentiments icfpefiini; our invaded rights of navigation, were but chefimple echo cf the voice of nineteen twentieth* of the people of Ameriaa, and which had long before been pub- liftied by many of the late army, now reCding on tlie Weftem Waters, his good fi-nfe would have pointed out the improprleiy cf importuning Congrefi on the trivial fuhjcdl of a letter fo perCcfHy apnlogeric and conftdentisi —a leltir written to himftlf, and by Ins having (probably) firll committed it fo Ihe prefs, of c.hiliiting his intended vengeance in fo feeble a form before a baniering and fn.ering univsrd’. Nb perfonal confidcration 111 .11 ever induce me t withdraw front any invcftig ition which may aiifc on thisfuhjeff; on the con trary, 1 will with uIiecrfuliicTi wait tire ilUte 01 all impeach- ments of fuch a nature, confeious that I have not exceedeci thofe limits which the l.nv prcfcribcs, and tha' freedom of cpinioii is the unalienahle birthright ol every citizen or denizen of lliefe ftates. If a Ample Hccla''ation of fintimcntson a political queftion —fentiinenis unattended with any ove-t aft—fentiments which American citlzensd lily prefume to txprtfs to their local fu- verelgns, can be condrued into triniinalny hy any In.ly of m.'ti, end by ri'/f in particular who pnlTcfs no legijliti-.i rightt, nor any right in time of peace, itflVfUng the perfon 01 a fiecman— (\ich an affumption at power muil ftrlhe at the very .xillence of liberty. 1 have therefore, the ftrongelt ennviftion that my letter to the minider of Spain confifts in rcafoning on contingent evenis, and that in ftr.flnefs of law, the fmallert reftraint in matters of a fpcculative nature, mull be a grofs ufurpation of rights rftablifned hy the late revolution. Your Excellency well recollefls, that not many years have elipfed fince the Spanilh ambaflador at the court of St. James's complained of a newf- paper infult which was offered to the intellefluals of his roy^ fovereign. The publication was confoimable to general beliel, and he was informed for his fatisfaflion by the Britifh court, that th--laws of England—laws ftill prevailing with us, intlifl nopunilhment onafulijcfl forufing liisn-itivc privilege of pro- iiiulgating opinions. The king of England, as little united to IIS by treaty as the Spanifti monaich, has lince the peace been prrfonally reviled in cur prints, .and his nation repeatedly me naced with hofllliiies, in confequcncc of the unjiill retention of the weftern polls, and yet he was filent. Hr is legally abufed ill (lis own land. Kings, c)ueen», nations, and courts aiC there Ariflurcd with i.i punity What has deprived a citizen of Ame rica of the fame privilege ? No law vet extant has done it. I am not aware, however, of any deticiency of refpcfl, cither by words oraflions, wh ch could have originated on my part in derogation of tlis rninlfter ol Spain, having always entertained the h gheft veneration Inr liis perfon and couimilTion. 1 refpefl him not only as an ambaffadnr, hut I admire him as (man. I alfo reverence myfelf as a free.nan ol tliis enlighten ed country, and hold in too high eftlmation the right to canvafs freely, and difeufs all nieafuresin which the people, of whom I aiH a part, are vitally interefted, tamely to fuller it to be infringed by any pr.tver, whether loreign or do.aieftic. Let a law He once tftalililhed by which a citizen of .America dare nut with impuni ty difclofe his political opinions, even in the confidence of a private letter, and no peribn will nbferve a line of greater cauti on or referve in all my luture ad.drsfTes to dignif d fuif itutti, t'aflivc obedience iliall be my invariable creed. I will then bow before the image of power, and yield (Uch exterior acquicfcence as the Prophet of cld racom.TiendeJ to his Syrian convert. 1 will not even confider that ctingleirioiial mandate extraordinary which fltuuld ordain an annual pilgrim age to an im/'cr/rif i.'if^rsrraiivcyarf.aj|j, in order fo m.anifaft m pel fun my implicit devotion to tita tongenial atttUuitt of the roy al donor. I On this important occalionj I am lia^y having the honor to addrefs a foldicr of fcience and sJjftinSion, who is periedlly cn .bled to determine how far any fftxo *fy nfamal or internal power Ihuuld be acquiefeed with on llie one hand, when the liberty of the citizeif evidently prepondefaces on tha other. I have the honour to remain. With profound refptdl. Your Excellency's inoft obcident. And Vviy humble urvant, JOHN SULLIVAN. P. S. Enalofc my addrefs to the governor of Georgia. Hints for young MARRIED WOMEN. I T h as often I ren ihrught, that the firft year after miniage Js the happifft of a woman's life. We mull firft luppofe that ftic m irries from motives of affefllon, or what the world calls love 5 and even in this cafe the rule admits of many exception., and Ihe encounters many diffiaulsias. She has tier bulb.md s lemper to ft'udy, his family to picafe, houlboW cares to attend, and what is werfe than all, the mull ccafe to conim.ind, and learn to ob:7. She inuft le.am to fubmit whheut repining, where Ihe has bei n ufed to have even her looks flud.td. Would the ten.ler lover treat hi. adored miftref* like a rational being latlier than a goddefs, a wo iian's talk woold be much eafier, and lier life much mort happy. Would tlte flatteier p.y bis devoirs to her undcrilanding, lathcr chan her perfon, he would loon find his account in it. Would lie toiiluk het on his own affairs, converle with her freely tipon all ftibjedls, and make her his companion and friand, inllead of flattering her beauty, admiring her drefs, and exalting her beyond wliat hn- man nature merits, for what can at bed be only called fafhion- able accumplifhnients, he wcdld find himfoll Kf. difappcAnied, and Ihe would rattle the marfiage chains with much lefs lifipt-r- tance and difficulty. How can a fenfible man txpeil that the poor, vain Cliff .r, to whom he pays fo much court, liould make an intelligent, agieeahle companion, an afTiduoOi and carclul wife, a (ond.i|id anxirus niutlier I When a man pays court only to a woman’* vanity, he can exp A hotlling hut a lalltlonable wife, wlio may Ihine as .s fir* I idy, but never in the the fofter ihteicourle of domeiiic en- di armencs. How often is it owing to tlicfe Iptd* of cicatton, that the woman Isec-om s in reality »h.at tlieir r.dicul >us p.iniali- ty made them fuppi.fe tliemfelvcs ? A pretty method truly this is ot improving the temper, inf irmiiig tl.c mind, engaging t.ic rd- fefllons, anu exciting our ellocm for tinfe objcfl. that tve en- trull with our future liappinefs. 1 will now give my fair friends a few* hints ss'ith regard to tlicir eondudl in the moll rcfpeflablc of .ill ehara«ers, a wife, a mo ther, and a 'rierid. But firll let me alfert, and 1 do it with con fidence, th. t nothing can be more lalfe than the idea, that a re formed rake nakee the left Lujtand. 1 his is a comincn opinion, but it is not mine 1 tlieic are too many chances ag.iinll it. A libertine, by the time he tan think of matrimony, h.is lit. lie left t* boaft but a fhattered conllituiion, empty pockets, iradermen's bills, bad habits, talle for drefs, public place, and vice of every denomination. The poor wife’s fortune will fop- ply the rake with thefe fafhionablc lollies a_ little longer. V. hen money, the lal; rcfource, fails, he becomes psevilh, fitOr, and difeonttnted. Angry ftiecan indulge bim no longer, ungratclul and regaidlefs #f pall favours. Diteale with all her mifcrable attendants next Ilep in ! ills, pains, fitkn. fs, poverty, and wretchednifi. The poor wife has fpent all in fiippoiiing his extravagancies. She may now pine tor want, with a lielplefs infant crying for bread j Ihuimed and definfcd by her Ir.ends, and neglefled by all her acquaintance. '1 his, my beloverl fair, is too often the cafe with many of our fex. The 'afk of rtiorming a rake is much above our capacity. 1 wilh our inclinations In thiiinllance were as limited as our abilities. But, alas ! we vainly imagine we lhall be rewarded for our refolutiun in making fuCh a trial, by the luccefs that will attend on our undertaking. If a young woman marries an amiable and virtuous young man, Ihe has nothing to tear j Ihe may even glory in giving up her own willies to his ! Never marry a man wliofc undcrilanding will not excite your clleem, and whofe viitues will not engage your aft'cdlions. If a woman once thinks lierfelf foperiar to her liulband, all authority ceafes, andlhe cannot be brought to obey, where Ihe is fo well enabled to command. Swe-.tnefs and gentlenefs are dll a wonun's eloquence; and fometimes they are too powerfol to be refined, efp^ally when accompanied with youth and beauty. They are then iqticenienta to viitue, preventives from vice, and afieAion's fecuiity. Never Itt your brow beclouded with refencment ! Never tri umph in revenge I tVhois it that you afilidl ? the man upoii canh that Ihohid be dearell to you ! upon whom all your future hopes of happlnefs mull dejiend. Poor the conquefl', when your s'earell friend mull fuffer; and ungenerous mull be the h^ait that can rejoice in fuch a viflory. Le: your tean peifuade—thefe fpeak the moll irfefillable lzn« gUZge witli which yi'u can affa 1 the heart of man : But eveg tliefe fwcef fountains of fenfibility mull not flow too often, left they degenerate into weeknrft, and we Kfeour hulbands eftceni andaffeAion by the very methotis which were given us to rnfure them. Study eveiy little attention in ycur perfon, ma: n-rt, •nd ditfs that you find pleafe. Never bejsqgligent in yeer ap- peaiaiiro, hecaufe yon expeifl nobody but your hulbaiid. He is '.he firft perfon whom you Ihotlid endeavoor to oblige. Al ways make your home .agreeable to him; receive him with eafe, good humoui and checrfulnefs—but bt cautious how you en quire too minuiely irto his engagements ibroad. Betray neither lulplcion nor jealoufys Appear always gay and happy in his p tfri ce. Be particularly attentive to his taveurite friends, even if they intrude upon you. ^A welcome rtcrption. will at all tim s counterbalance Indifferent f.irc. 'Ireat his relations with rcfpeflaiid attention ) alk tlie.r advice in your houlhold aff.)irs, and a ways follbw it when you can confillently with propriety. 1 rest your hufband with the moll unreferved confidence irt every thing that regards yourfelf, but never betray your friend's letters or fecrcts to him 'J his he cannot, and indeed, ought not to expcfl. If you do nut ufe him to it, he will never de- fire it. Be cartful never to intrude upon his ftudies or Ills plea- lu'C J he always glad to fee him, but do not be laughtd at as :i tend and ioolilh v ile. Confine your enr.cariTunt to your own fiielidc. Do not let the young envy you, nvr the old abufe yoq foraweiknefs which upon refleflicn you niuil yourfelf con demn. Thefe hints will, I hope, beoffome frrvice to my faircoun- Irywomca; they will prihap. have mere weight when they know that the author nl them has been married about a ye.i, and has oftan (tith fuceaft praAiM tliofv ral«s bufclf Whicll Ihe now recommends to othir*. FOR SALE, A VALUABLE Plantation^ iiii [fill P LEASANTLY fituated, on Topa fail found, about a mile and n half to the Northward of George Mer rick's, Efq; confirtingof five iiundred and forty acres, fifty of which are clear ed, in arable order, and in point of fertility, inferior to noneon the found; has on it a commodious, w ell built, framed houfe, 40 by 20, with fuitablci ouihoufes. Any perfon defirous of purchafing plantation on the Sound, c tlicr with a view to pleafure or profit, may be accommodated on cafy terms, hy the proprietor of the above, who will take Negroes, Country Produce, of (if more agreeable to the purchafer) a Note, with approved fccurity, payable in 8, or 9 months, bearing interefl: from the date. For further particulars en-' quire of JOHN BURGWIN. Wilmington^ May'ft 1788. 10-^

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